A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 182 175. Good luck? You can do whatever you want?

Chapter 182 175. Good luck? You can do whatever you want?

It seems like something strange has been mixed in... What the hell are these? Who would read this kind of book! No. 13 was confused. He had no idea what this college was doing. People studying here actually treated ‘Dragon’ as a research project? Do you even want to eat him? For some reason, he felt an inexplicable chill down his spine.

Is this really a college? Are you sure it's not a lunatic asylum?

No. 13 shivered.

He put the books back and started looking for what he needed.

"What a blessing!" No. 13 cheered.

Just when he put down several open books on the table, he discovered that there was a piece of paper underneath the books.

He took a closer look and found that wasn't this exactly what he was looking for? A map of this academy!

All of this seemed to be guided by fate, and the goddess of luck was leading the way for him.

This map clearly marked the destination he was going to, the 'Ice Cellar', and one of the entrances was this library!

Just enter the underground passage through the library and go in the direction indicated on the map.

Although the warning was clearly marked in red on the map: "High risk! No entry for non-permit holders." But No. 13 didn't care.

No. 13 is a bounty hunter who accepts tasks on a secret website. Danger is a common occurrence for him. This time, the mission was classified as a '3A' high-risk mission. Since he dared to take it, he would definitely not be afraid of its dangers. What's more, the bounty for this mission is incredibly high. It can be said that as long as you do this, you won't have to worry about it for the rest of your life.

Money often makes people forget everything else, including the dangers hidden behind it. There were countless people who wanted to take on this task, but only he passed the employer's review. Isn't this fate? Lady Luck is indeed his best friend, always guiding him.

He has already seen the map at this moment, and he doesn't think this task is difficult at all. The so-called 'ice cellar' is nothing more than that. There are even three passages leading to it. Choose one of the three and they are all ways to survive! Compared with those mausoleums that will be destroyed if you make one wrong step, it is simply too conscientious.

The only problem that can stump him now is probably that his sense of direction is not very good. Even if he has a map in his hand, he still needs to study it carefully.

The map shows that the underground passage seems to have to go through the 'central control room' before reaching the 'ice cellar', and there is a personal name 'Norma' next to it.

So which way to go now? While looking at the map, No. 13 came to a fork in the road and started to get into trouble.

"The front is on the left, the back is on the right~"

No. 13 took out a coin from his pocket and threw it into the air.

"It looks like it's this way!" No. 13 walked to the left happily.

Sure enough, we went to the right place. There is a Coke machine here, and this coin comes in handy. He silently gave Lady Luck a thumbs up, put the coin into the Coke machine, took a cup of Coke, and continued walking forward on this road. It was perfect.

The phone vibrated with new instructions from the employer.

"This is your second instruction. After arriving at the library, use the black card prepared for you, enter the underground level, and go to the 'Ice Cellar' through the central control room. More detailed instructions will be given when you arrive." Employer After he finished speaking, he immediately hung up the phone without giving him any time to ask questions. No. 13 smacked his lips.

"central control room". This was the sign on the entrance in front of him. He looked at the dense infrared alarms in front of him through infrared glasses and felt his scalp tingle, but it didn't bother him.

He did not cut off the power of the nearby surveillance cameras because doing so was stupid and equivalent to telling others that there was an intruder here. However, these cameras could not trouble him at all. He was a professional and knew the shooting range and blind spots of each camera very well. , maybe after you finish this job and retire, you can consider changing your career to become an international thief. This job is much safer than a bounty hunter.

Arriving at the door of the central control room, he looked at the heavy metal door and knocked. Well, there was no one inside.

Looking at the card machine next to him, it seemed that he had to swipe his card to enter. He took out the prepared black card from his trouser pocket, which was sent to him by his employer together with the deposit and other equipment before the mission started. This is a pitch-black card, the material cannot be seen, there are no patterns on it, and I don’t know which side is the front.

No. 13 pondered for a while, then swiped the card slot on the access control. After a "beep" sound, he heard the sound of mechanical movement coming from the metal door. The heavy metal door slowly opened.

He looked at the door and saw that it was about 20 centimeters thick. It was estimated that even cannonballs couldn't penetrate it and it was simply indestructible. I looked at the black card in my hand in surprise, but I didn't expect it to actually work.

What was before him now was a metal passage with no end in sight. This passage was entirely made of metal on all sides, with red lights all the way, like a road leading to hell.

The infrared rays here are denser than outside the door. The distance between the two beams is only two fingers wide. It is estimated that even a mouse cannot get through. And there is a camera looking down from the top every two meters. It can be said that there is no blind spot.

But when he swiped his card to open the door, the infrared lights and cameras were turned off for him. The infrared light in front of him went out along with the red light, and then turned on the green light representing traffic. After a few seconds, the entire passage was completely open to him, and the green light stayed on all the way to the end.

No. 13 walked in the aisle in surprise, raising his middle finger towards the camera as he walked, saying what a 3A level difficult task? A black card gives the green light all the way, is that all?

This is the metal channel that Professor Schneider mentioned. Originally, there was Norma's absolute defense system here. As long as there is an intruder, the entire channel will be connected with hundreds of thousands of volts of high-voltage electricity, which can instantly transform the intruder into a Turned into charcoal, the defense that could not even fly past a mosquito was now broken by this guy's card. Schneider probably never dreamed that such a high-level permission card that he didn't even have would be in the hands of the enemy.

No. 13 walked along this passage all the way to the end and entered a huge blue space. This is where the central host is stored. Black boxes are from the ground to the roof. Countless processes are spliced ​​together. The indicator light tells Flashing, processing all kinds of information, this huge computer is calculating massive amounts of data.

"High technology! This thing shouldn't be stuck when playing games, right?" No. 13 admired. He thought that he must install a good computer after retirement, so that he would not lose so miserably when playing games with Mingming.


A strange sound came from behind, and No. 13 took out his shotgun and quickly turned around to face the rear.


He found that his gun was too high and the target was half a meter below him.

This is a half-human-tall metal puppet. The puppet is made up of a bunch of shiny metal short sticks. It looks like a stick figure. It has a funny expression on its face and is looking at him with laughter at the moment.

"Good evening, sir, would you like a drink?" The little man held a tray in his hand, and there was a bottle of beer on the tray.

"Don't... don't come over here. I'm warning you. If you come forward again, I'll shoot!" Facing the unidentified target, No. 13 felt a little nervous. Only a ghost dared to drink the wine here. What if he got drugged? manage?

"Hello sir, do you need anything? We provide wine and girls here." The little thing asked again, with the funny expression on his face still.

"Girl?" No. 13 was stunned. This sounds like an underground brothel. Is this definitely a college? Isn't he in the wrong place?

"Sister EVA! The guests don't seem to need fine wine, they prefer girls!" the puppet shouted towards No. 13.

"!" No. 13 turned around, but he didn't feel anyone coming behind him! It felt like my heart skipped a beat. Being able to come behind me silently would make it easy if the other party wanted to kill me.

But when he reacted, he found that there was no one behind him.

A light blue beam of light went from top to bottom and gradually condensed into an illusory figure. It was a long-haired girl, wearing a silk pajamas. She was too cute to be true. The girl looked at him quietly. This was the real figure. The characters who came out of the second dimension made No. 13 very excited.

"Hey, hello, beauty." No. 13 blurted out involuntarily.

"Hello," the girl greeted him politely, "Who are you? Why did you break into my room?"

"Um..." No. 13 was a little embarrassed, "Is this your room? Sorry, I'm a little lost."

"It's not a good idea to get lost in a girl's room." The girl said calmly.

No. 13 knew that the girl in front of him was probably just a holographic projection, but the fact that she was able to talk to him so realistically, as if she were a living person, made him sigh with emotion at the high technology.

"Sir, you violated the rules and invaded the central control room. Your files are not recorded in the college. I should have excluded you before you entered." The girl said, "But your black card prevented the exclusion process."

"My construction was in 2001, and you used a preset privilege card before construction, which is an illegal operation. I should have called the police now, but your permission does not allow me to perform the alarm operation. I know that you are the enemy. But your authority requires that I treat you as one of my own."

The girl's words sounded a little tangled, as if she was rubbing back and forth between obeying and not obeying, so are you resisting or not? No. 13 was confused, but he seemed to understand, which meant... he seemed to be able to do whatever he wanted!

"I'm giving you a final warning now. Leave here immediately. This is the best result for you, otherwise you will be in a very bad situation if you are discovered." The girl's words sounded like she was doing it for his own good.

"Get out of here? Stop joking..." No. 13 was a little embarrassed, "I rode a motorcycle all the way here, you know? My butt shook in half."

The girl looked at him silently and stopped talking.

"Just because I have a privilege card means you can't stop me?" asked No. 13.

The girl nodded helplessly, as if she couldn't refuse No. 13's question.

"Then I'm sorry, girl, could you please tell me where to go to the ice cellar?" No. 13 also saw the current situation.

The girl pointed out the direction with her hand.

"Thank you, I won't bother you anymore. See you later." No. 13 walked in the direction pointed by the girl.

The girl looked at the leaving figure of No. 13 with an expression on her face, and her body gradually disappeared into this space.

No. 13 walked cautiously in a dark passage.

Since leaving the central control room just now, he has never seen any light again, and can only rely on the mobile phone flashlight in his hand to move forward cautiously.

The further underground he went, the more panicked he felt. The entire depths of the underground seemed like a maze, more complicated than the route above. He began to believe in the difficulty of this task. I even started to regret taking this task.

Although he considered himself a good player in his field, he was not so arrogant as to be foolish.

He has accepted various tasks in the past, such as ancient tombs in the desert and shipwrecks in the ice sea. Every place is more supernatural than this Kassel Academy, but with his luck, he can always save the day. The goddess of luck is like No matter how hard you stay on his bed, you can't let go, but the things here don't look like supernatural beings, more like technology. I don't know if luck will work?

But if it weren't for his good luck, he felt that he wouldn't be able to get here. The goddess of luck was supposed to be pinned to the bed by him, but now he felt a little panicked as he moved forward. He had an inexplicable intuition, feeling that there seemed to be some unknown danger waiting for him ahead, and a voice in his mind told him not to move forward. This was a situation he had never encountered before.

He recalled the last way the illusory girl looked at him, as coldly as if she were looking at a dead person.

"Ding dong..."

The cell phone ringtone suddenly rang in this dark space, making No. 13 shiver in fright. what's the situation? How could there be calls coming in from dozens of meters underground?

Although the employer said he would give him instructions later, he never had any expectations. Which mobile phone service provider could send signals to such a deep underground place? He thought it was just a joke...

Finally, a call actually came in!

He looked at his cell phone and felt that this thing seemed to be getting more and more weird. There was indeed a call coming in, but he clearly saw that the cell phone signal bar showed no signal!

No. 13 took a deep breath and pressed the answer button.

"Don't be afraid, baby, this is not a phone call, it's just a recording. Your phone is the equipment I prepared for you. Have you forgotten?"

The employer's voice came from the other end of the phone.

After listening to these words, No. 13 felt that the tension in his heart had disappeared a lot. So it turned out to be just a recording? No...it clearly has caller ID...he started to confused.

"Of course, if you are already dead, please press the shutdown button. The following instructions will be meaningless to you." The employer said with a smile.

"How can I turn off my phone when I'm dead?" No. 13 complained.

"I'm just kidding. The environment you are in now must be very stressful. If you don't relax, the next task will not go smoothly." The employer continued.

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