A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 183 176. Only the dead Dragon King makes people feel at ease

Chapter 183 176. Only the dead Dragon King makes people feel at ease

"You really can hear what I say, right?" No. 13 is probably sure now that this shit is a recording!

"Okay, the joke is over," the boss said, "The map has been sent to your mobile phone. Now please refer to the map and dial based on your current location. Press the ' # ' key to end."

A complete underground map of Kassel College was displayed on the screen. The entire map was intricate and densely veined, like an unfolding spider web, and there was more than one web.

This is an underground cross-section. It shows that the underground building of Kassel College is composed of three large areas. There are countless small 'silk threads' connecting each area, like the bedrooms of three giant spiders. The spiders should be biting each other when they stay together, but they are peacefully together at the moment, and they even spit out countless silk threads to connect their respective territories together. The name of this layer, ‘Three Goddesses’, is marked on the corner of the map.

The three goddesses of destiny. On the 13th, when he had nothing to do, he once read books about mythology, including Nordic mythology. Don't ask him why he read these, just ask because of work needs. He often goes to some supernatural places. For the so-called ' Mystery' of course must be treated with respect.

In Nordic mythology, there are three sisters known as the three goddesses of fate. Together they are collectively called Norn. Among them, the eldest sister Ulder is in charge of the "past", the second sister Beludandi is in charge of the "present", and the youngest sister Shiko is in charge of the "past". Di is in charge of 'the future'. Legend has it that the three sisters work together to weave the web of destiny. The eldest sister spins the lifeline, the second sister pulls the lifeline, and the third sister cuts the lifeline. They control the fate of all things.

In Norse mythology, the fate of all things in the world is woven into this web, which cannot be broken away or changed.

In this way, No. 13 feels that the densely packed underground passages are indeed like walking on the legendary spider web of fate. Each thread represents a different fate. If you make a wrong step, you will be doomed. This feeling is really scary.

"..." No. 13 stood in silence and looked at the map? Based on current location? Where the hell am I now? Why do you think a road idiot can know where he is currently?

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to have guessed his current embarrassing situation, "Warm reminder, there should be passage markings on the corridor next to him."

Sure enough, No. 13 followed the instructions on the phone and found the code number '13' at the fork in the passage where he was. It happened to be exactly the same as his code name, as if this road was prepared for him!

Perhaps the designer left it behind because he was afraid that people who walked in would get lost. After all, the people who would pass by here were generally people with privileges and would not be enemies. There was no need to knock one of his own people unconscious underground.

But then I thought about it, and on the 13th, I felt that this matter seemed to be getting more and more wrong. Why did the boss on the phone know so much about this place? Has he been here?

He carefully followed the prompts and entered '13 # '.

"Congratulations, you have arrived at the designated place as planned."

As the words fell, the map on the screen suddenly began to change. The redundant routes began to collapse, leaving only the useful parts. A red dot appeared on the map marked '13', which is where he is now. The names of all the buildings have been replaced, and the three main building groups have been marked with the names of the three goddesses of destiny, Uld, Beludandi, and Sikoti.

A white route appeared on the map to guide him, starting from ‘Wulder’, passing through ‘Beludandi’, going to ‘Shikodi’, and then there was no more…

There will be no way out for 'Future' Shikodi. Just like the job of 'Shikodi', she is responsible for cutting the lifeline.

On the 13th, I suddenly felt that something was not good.

This map is full of fatalistic meaning. The flow of life is one-way, from the past to the present to the future, the future that all life will usher in... What else besides death? Just like the goddess Sikoti who represents the ‘future’, her job is to cut the lifeline.

"Wait a minute, this ahead... won't be a dead end, right?"

No. 13 looked at the road pointed out on the map, which was the road leading to the 'future'.

"Unlock the path, leading to 'Shikodi', and also the path to the ultimate secret. The commission for this mission has been increased to 5 million US dollars." The boss's voice on the other end of the phone came to mind again, like a devil's whisper, encouraging him Keep moving forward.

No. 13 thought, come on, you might as well just say 5 million to buy my life.

But it is indeed very attractive. Five million US dollars is indeed a huge sum of money, even for a bounty hunter like him who licks blood on the tip of a knife. It is a huge sum of money. After this job, he will really It's time to retire.

Of course he knows that higher returns mean higher risks, but sometimes the word 'money' can really make people forget the danger. After all, his purpose in doing this is to make money. He has no lofty ambitions, he is just afraid of poverty. Dream Just make enough money and then settle down. Now it seems like the opportunity is right in front of you!

"Go ahead, No. 13, look for the target, observe and record. Remember, you must see the target with your own eyes and look directly at the target! There is no need to bring the target back after confirmation. Your observation report is worth 5 million US dollars. See You will receive the final instructions when the target is reached, so, good luck to you..."

good luck? No. 13 smiled. His luck has always been very good. It seems that this boss is quite conscientious. There is no need to take the target out, is there such a good thing? Doesn't this make the task easier for him?

He became excited, as if the 5 million US dollars had already arrived in his pocket. Next, let’s see who is tougher, Lady Luck or Lady Fate.

No. 13 continued to move forward following the route on the map, but not long after walking he wanted to curse.

I don’t know who designed this route. How could there be so much water?

The road ahead was getting tighter and wetter, and the condensed water droplets above the passage fell on him like rain. He felt as if he had walked into a water pipe, and the water was already up to his knees.

Only then did he realize that he was an intruder. Of course, this route was not the right path, but a shortcut designed by his employer to achieve his goal.

The passage began to slope downward, and the water became deeper and deeper. He felt that he would have to prepare to swim soon. No wonder the equipment sent to him included goggles. It seemed that his employer had calculated everything!

Suddenly, No. 13 felt that his feet were empty, he had lost his support, and his whole body was completely suspended in the water. The water here was cold and salty, like sea water. There is no road ahead. This is indeed a pipe, and this is the corner, leading downwards. If he wants to continue moving forward, he must dive into the water.

No. 13 put on his goggles, took a deep breath, and dove into the water, but he regretted it as soon as he got in. The ammunition he had on him was definitely useless when it got soaked, which meant he lost his weapon, and worst of all, he forgot to put his phone in the waterproof bag! Since this item was included in the equipment sent to him during the mission, this phone must not be waterproof... It's really unprofessional.

He suddenly emerged from the water, took out his mobile phone and tried it. Sure enough, GG couldn't receive the last command, and now he had to fumble around on his own. Anyway, just write an observation report. He is good at this, isn't he just deceiving people?

He plunged into the water again and swam slowly downward.

The entire pipeline was pointing downwards, and he saw what seemed to be a gate in front of him, with an indicator light flashing red.

When he came to the gate, he had no time to think carefully. Now he had to go forward or retreat, because he was underwater. No matter how good his lung capacity was, wasting time was equivalent to wasting life.

But when No. 13 just held the handle of the gate, a bad feeling suddenly arose in his heart, as if as long as the door was opened, something bad would appear.

Five million US dollars was placed in front of him, but now he inexplicably wanted to back down.

"elder brother……"

An inexplicable voice came to mind in his mind, reminding him of what he had dreamed about before. But he has been an orphan since he was a child, so where does he have a younger brother?

In a daze, he pressed down the handle of the gate by accident.

Before he could scream, the valve opened, and a suction force sucked him in completely. He couldn't control his body and didn't know where he would be rushed.

Until there was a 'bang', and he hit the wall.

When he came to his senses, he realized that this was not a wall, but a piece of glass. He was currently soaking in light blue water, and he could see the garden outside through the glass.

At this moment, he is like a fish locked in an underground aquarium, but unfortunately no tourists come to enjoy it.

What made him feel lucky was that this huge fish tank was not sealed. There was a gap high in the far glass wall where the water surface could not reach, as if to maintain air circulation in the pool.

He swam toward that side with all his strength, and the rope gun came into play again. He pulled the rope and rolled out.

"Kassel College, Aquatic Ecological Pool No. 7..." After flipping it out, he saw the label on the glass wall. It was indeed used to raise fish.

Through the glass, what was inside instantly sent shivers down his spine.

A huge great white shark stared at him through the glass.

No. 13 once again praised the goddess of luck. The great white shark should have been not far from him just now. He escaped again because of his luck.

He adjusted himself and continued walking along the path in the garden. He didn't know how long he walked, and finally saw the sign 'Ice Cellar' at the end of the garden!

He silently praised the considerate architect of Kassel College. The signposts were so well done that even a roadie like him could find the way.

This journey was not too smooth at all. Except for the stupid mistake of getting my cell phone and ammunition wet, everything else went very smoothly.

Finally, he sneaked into a huge comprehensive laboratory. Unexpectedly, there were people underground and there was even a bathhouse.

A group of men were washing themselves in the bathroom, as if disinfecting themselves, and excitedly discussing something new that had been delivered to them.

No. 13's keen intuition told him that this thing might be the target he was looking for. No matter whether it was or not, he had to go and take a look, because his phone was broken now and he had to fumble on his own after losing the instructions.

He thought for a while, took off his soaked clothes, and planned to take a shower first and then find a way to blend in.

White mist filled the bathroom, and everyone squinted slightly and stood under the shower head to take a shower, which saved No. 13 a lot of trouble.

Dozens of naked men were taking a shower here, and few people noticed his presence.

He walked to a corner nonchalantly and said hello to the man taking a shower there.

The person he greeted looked at him confused, as if wondering who this was? After taking off his clothes, he was a little unrecognizable for a while.

He was the only one who could recognize him. No. 13 knocked him unconscious and then hid him in a locker in the locker room. There were sterile lab coats in a sealed plastic bag in the locker.

No. 13 put on his own equipment and then put on a lab coat, covering himself from head to toe. He probably wouldn't even recognize his mother when he came. Then he locked the cabinet and followed the group of experimenters into the laboratory as if nothing had happened.

In the laboratory.

"Let us witness this great moment together." Someone clapped their hands.

On the experimental table, there was a brass jar lying quietly, sleeping like a developing fetus. It was engraved with ancient patterns and looked simple and solemn.

"This is so perfect." The researcher in a white lab coat admired as he looked at the ancient brass jar in front of him. He had never seen such a well-preserved embryo.

"I am happy to announce that the King of Bronze and Fire has been captured successfully!" Principal Angers smiled, "This operation went surprisingly smoothly. Apart from the regret of not being able to get rid of the Dragon Warrior in the Yangtze River, we have gained a lot. , now it’s time to reap our fruits.”

Ange's eyes flashed with an inexplicable light. He originally thought that after returning to the United States, Xuan Hao would ask the academy for Dragon King embryos, but so far there seemed to be no response. This was beyond his expectation, but it was okay. Give him enough time.

This experiment was arranged by the school board. Before Xuan Hao forcibly asked for the embryos, the embryos were still in the hands of Kassel College.

They have to hurry up and get what they need. As long as they get enough research information, it doesn't matter if they hand over the embryos.

But this is not Ange's purpose. The research data means nothing to him. These things are what the school board wants, and his purpose is just to slay the dragon. This embryo is alive! Then he wants it dead, simple as that.

"Then let's get started." Angers pointed to the embryo lying on the experimental table, "This is a historic moment, we will dissect the Dragon King!"

"Is this bone bottle alive?" Someone asked cautiously, "Is it dangerous?"

Angers was deeply pleased to hear this question. These researchers are all elites in the academy. They are not much more professional than the quack doctors a hundred years ago. They should be careful and vigilant when it comes to dissecting the Dragon King.

But this is not enough. Only the dead Dragon King can reassure him.

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