Chapter 184 177. Double Yolk Egg

"I will do it myself this time," Angers whispered. "The mistake made a hundred years ago cannot be repeated. It has no chance..."

"Principal, something unusual has been discovered!" someone exclaimed, "There is a gap in the copper can! What's going on? Is there a flaw during transportation?"

Researchers found that part of the bronze jar was cracked, with black gaps extending along the edge toward the inside.

"Don't panic, there can be no mistakes. I personally escorted this thing," Ange said solemnly, "Let's do an MRI scan on it first to check its condition."

The researchers immediately started the scanning device, and after a while, the results were displayed on the huge screen next to it.

In an instant, everyone's expressions changed.

Huge fear spread in everyone's hearts, and they realized that something was wrong.

"There are two cavities in here." Someone whispered.

"One of them is empty!" someone else said.

The internal structure of the bronze jar was clearly displayed on the screen. The entire jar was split in half from the middle. One side had a huge fetus curled up, but the other side was empty! The disturbing gap is just on the other side of the cavity.

"What the hell! Is this a double-yolk egg? Are the Dragon Kings twins?" Someone asked, "There are two embryos pregnant in one egg!"

"But one is missing!" Angers whispered, "It escaped, damn it! That gap is an old wound, a crack after the dragon egg hatched! He should have come out before we found it, the Dragon King has long been Already recovered?"

The air seemed to freeze instantly, and everyone was extremely nervous.

Except number 13.

He blended into this group of researchers like a husky blending into a pack of wolves. He looked confused and said he didn't understand what these people were talking about.

Are they doing archeology? This college studies dinosaur fossils? Sounds like they're preparing to dissect dinosaur eggs? What's so surprising about a broken eggshell?

He doesn't understand what there is to be afraid of. No, it should be said that he is only thinking about his 5 million US dollars now.

Right in front of you! He just needs to go up and take a look, see clearly what that thing looks like, and then go back and write a report. It's a pity that the equipment he brought does not have a camera, otherwise it would be perfect if he could take a picture.

But now he seems to have not found a suitable opportunity to get together. This group of people said they wanted to do an autopsy, but they are not moving now. No one has entered the cryogenic chamber in front. If he rushes in alone now, it will look very abrupt. It would be bad if it was discovered.

"Dissect immediately." Ange said in a deep voice, "No matter where the other embryo goes, our goal now is to collect data. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and cannot be delayed. As for the other half of the Dragon King embryo, we will discuss it later. "


The researchers responded.

"Prepare the dissection equipment."

Someone shouted at No. 13.

This made No. 13 overjoyed. Lady luck was indeed on his side.

There happened to be an anatomy equipment cart next to him. Now was his best chance to get close to his target. He only needed to push the cart in and observe the thing in a logical manner.

"are you ready?"

As he was about to enter the cryogenic chamber on the 13th, he noticed that the old man, whom this group of people called the principal, was asking him questions, with an indescribable look in his eyes.

Prepare, prepare for what? Why don't you just go in and take a look to see if you have anything ready... He didn't quite understand what the old man said, but he nodded anyway.

"Go ahead and wish you good luck." Ange's voice rang in his ears.

"Yeah." No. 13 could only lower his voice in response.

He didn't understand what was on the autopsy table, nor why these people felt so nervous, and the way the old man looked at him always made him feel weird.

But it didn't matter, he still had the shotgun hidden under his sterile suit. Although the bullets were soaked, it could at least give him some courage.

The cryogenic cabin door opened, and the white mist drifted away, making No. 13 shiver. He didn't feel it through the glass, but he realized it was so cold when he entered. There was a bronze jar lying quietly on the dissecting table. This jar was very big. , longer than a person, giving him a very familiar illusion when he came closer.

He seemed to have seen this thing somewhere before, "Is this... an egg?"

No. 13 curiously looked at the thing in front of him. He remembered that these people called it an embryo or an egg, but he couldn't tell that it was an egg. It clearly looked like an ancient bronze artifact.

Just write a report saying that he saw a bronze dinosaur egg. Is this report worth 5 million US dollars? 13 It feels a little unreal. Did the boss’ money come from the north wind? It’s so easy to make money...

"What on earth is this? Is a report worth 5 million US dollars?" No. 13 looked at the thing in front of him in confusion.

It looked like a rusty bronze jar, covered with dark green patina. He could vaguely see dense lines on it that he couldn't understand at all, which seemed to be some kind of writing. He didn't know why, but it always gave him a very strange feeling. Familiar feeling.

No. 13's body trembled, and he came to his senses. Dozens of pairs of eyes looked at him from behind. His behavior at the moment was a little too strange, but it didn't matter anymore. He was probably convinced that this was his goal.

His heart skipped a beat, there were all the old, weak, sick and disabled behind him, he was so scared! Under the surprised gazes of all the researchers, No. 13 tore off his sterile clothes, took out his shotgun, and jumped onto the dissecting table.

He remembered that his employer had said that the target should be confirmed with the naked eye. He observed the 'egg' carefully, his eyes falling on the dark gap, as if being swallowed by it.

For a moment, he had the illusion that he was staring into the abyss. There was another self in the abyss, standing in the depths of the abyss beyond the reach of his eyes, calling to him, "You are back..."

"Brother, there are many people outside..."

"Are you afraid, Constantine? Don't be afraid. I'm here."

"I'm not afraid. With my brother by my side, I'm not afraid of anything. But brother...why don't you eat me? If you eat me, my brother can break through any kind of cage."

"You are good food, but that would be too lonely. You are my brother and sister... For thousands of years, you have only been with me."

"Stop!" A scream came from behind.

No. 13 finally came back to his senses. His hand was reaching towards the dark gap, as if he was possessed by an evil spirit. This thing was even more supernatural than the treasures he had found in the ancient tomb before. He did not dare to continue. What will happen to you if you go down?

He couldn't help but sweat broke out on his back. He had to thank the person who stopped him, but unfortunately now was not the time.

"Don't move! Don't come over!"

No. 13 raised the shotgun in his hand and pointed it at a group of researchers behind him who wanted to come over. Although the ammunition was soaked and probably couldn't fire, these people didn't know that momentum is the most important thing no matter what they do!

The principal was stunned for a moment when the gun was pointed at him, and then he raised his hands to express surrender. He seemed to be a sensible old guy, but the researchers next to him looked at the principal in confusion, with "I don't believe it, you are here" written all over his face. What are you pretending to be?" They didn't know why the principal would do such a move, but there must be some deeper meaning, so they raised their hands in surrender.

After thinking about it, they felt that Angers did the right thing. The man had a gun in his hand. If he was cornered and shot at the 'egg', it would really be the end.

After looking at the things, the mission did not require him to take this thing back, so his mission has been completed. No. 13 thought that even if he was asked to take it back, it would be unrealistic. This thing is too big, and it would be impossible to escape with it. Convenient, just kick open the cryogenic hatch.

A researcher saw No. 13 leaving the cryogenic chamber and immediately pressed the red button on the console.

"'Dragon's Den' enters closed mode, enters closed mode!" Norma's voice echoed throughout the laboratory.

The cryogenic chamber behind No. 13 began to seal, and countless reinforced covers suddenly closed, sealing the 'egg' inside.

He also understood at this time that these guys just didn't want him to destroy the things inside!

"Are you looking down on my professional ethics?" No. 13 rushed over and put the shotgun muzzle against the researcher's head.

His mission is just to take a look, then really just take a look. Sabotage is not in his service list, so he has to pay extra! But now his phone is broken. He doesn't know if his employer's last order was sabotage, but it doesn't matter. He plans to go back just like this, write a report and live a good life with five million US dollars. It's better to do less unnecessary things. .

What surprised him was that the researcher in front of him looked quite tough? Are you not afraid of being held at gunpoint? This made him feel annoyed.

But I didn’t dare to pull the trigger. If the gun really misfired, it would be scary to think that so many people would gather around here...

No. 13 kicked the researcher, knocking the guy away and knocking down several people next to him. Even he himself didn't know where he got such strength, but now is not the time to think about this. He took advantage of the chaos and ran outside the laboratory.

"Stop him!" the principal shouted, but he did not take action himself.

The researchers woke up and swarmed outside, but no one noticed anything was wrong.

Ange sighed softly, and everyone chased him out. In the chaos, no one cared about what he was doing, which made him a little disappointed, "Sure enough, it is still unreliable, no matter it is these guys or the bounty hunter. "

Yes, he only believed in himself now. When he walked to the locked 'Dragon's Lair', he took out his black card and swiped it on the operating table.

"This operation will open the 'Dragon's Lair'. There is a possibility of the Bronze and Fire King Norton awakening. Please stop the operation! Stop the operation! Stop the operation!" Norma's warning echoed in the laboratory, the alarm was sounded, and the buzzer sounded. Get up, someone will be here soon.

"Keep quiet, Norma, I will take over everything here." Angers pulled the handbrake, cutting off the connection between the entire laboratory and Norma.

The main power supply was cut off, Norma's voice disappeared, and the laboratory fell into darkness except for the flashing alarm lights.

Angers walked to the dissecting table expressionlessly and looked at the embryos lying on it with indifferent eyes.

"It's really hard to kill you completely..." He gently stroked the bronze jar, "Now, there should be no way out for you, right?"

Angers took out the folding knife from his sleeve, plunged the knife into the bronze jar, and drew along the crack. The sharp blade cut open the entire bronze jar, revealing the wriggling embryo inside.

This unhatched embryo was originally unable to break the 'eggshell', but now, someone helped him open it.

Angers retracted his folding knife and exited the laboratory expressionlessly. When he was at the door, there was a desperate high temperature behind him. This was a scorching temperature that could melt everything. The indestructible laboratory was like a piece of melted cheese at the moment. The alarm sounded. Ring like crazy.

"Welcome to the world, Constantine, I hope your performance will be better." Anger closed the door.

"Stand still, I will shoot anyone who dares to take a step forward!" No. 13 roared, holding a shotgun to scare away a group of researchers in front of him. I'm really glad that such an important laboratory doesn't have security guards.

The elevator door was slowly opening behind him. It seemed that there was only one elevator in the entire underground. As long as he got on the elevator, he would be safe. If he destroyed the elevator after he got in, no one could catch him!

The researchers were helpless in the face of the shotguns pointed at them. "Whose word spirit is useful? Think of a way to stop him! Damn it, where is the principal at this time?"

"I don't know... you can't be lost, right?" Someone said, "Our Yanlings are all research-type Yanlings, otherwise why would they be in the Research Department? Who do you think doesn't want to go to the Execution Department? The treatment there is very good. many!"

The alarm sounded, and all the lights suddenly went out. The entire floor fell into a power outage. Only the elevator in front of them activated the backup power supply. The elevator door opened, and the white light inside made everyone look miserable.

"Damn it! Something happened in the lab!" someone shouted.

"Is there no one left over there? Where is the principal?" someone asked.

No. 13 stood in front of the elevator, staring dumbfounded at the group of researchers running back towards the laboratory. He felt very shameless. Do you really think he is the toy gun I am holding?


Well, no different than a toy gun.

He walked into the elevator and suddenly felt a little disappointed. These people seemed to think that the things in the laboratory were much more important than him, the intruder, and he seemed to be a dispensable existence.

He shook his hand and hit the buttons outside the elevator door with the shotgun in his hand, destroying all the elevator buttons outside so that no one could catch up with him.

Looking at the useless shotgun in his hand, he thought for a while but still didn't throw it away. Although the bullets were soaked and useless, it was good to hold it to bluff people. The key was to feel safe.

No. 13 got on the elevator silently and watched the elevator door slowly close. Suddenly he felt something coming towards him. He felt as if his heart was being grasped by a hand, his blood pressure seemed to be rising, and his breathing became... rapid.

An invisible pressure filled his whole body. What did it feel like? Fear, or excitement? He frantically pressed the close button in the elevator, trying to get out of here as quickly as possible.

Thanks to: The Derivative of the Inverse Function, My Friend Is Missing, Shirogane Kaneko, Uesugi Eri Saigao, Kubuyui, Half-Injured Glitz, The Silent Words of the Wild Forest, Titan W, Ruri Kazama for the reward.

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