A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 282 275. Tachibana Masamune’s Plan

Chapter 282 275. Tachibana Masamune’s plan

"I know what you are thinking. You probably feel unwilling but powerless, right?" Tachibana Masamune asked calmly.

Everyone nodded silently. That person came to Japan as a college director this time, which means that with just one sentence, he can officially declare war on them. When the time comes, they will face more than just this monster. guys, and even the entire Western mixed-race force.

Fortunately, they haven't noticed yet, but there is actually a dragon staring at their necks not far from them.

"Without complete preparations, we cannot act rashly, otherwise we will be in catastrophe." The head of the Fengma family, Fengma Kotaro, said solemnly. He once faced that man directly, and now he can't help but tremble when he thinks about it.

The place where the tip of the gun touched his forehead still hurts when he thinks about it now. If that person hadn't been hostile to him at the time, his memorial day might have been his second memorial day this year.

"Yes, so we still need to be patient now." Masamune Tachibana nodded lightly, then turned to look at Minamoto Chisheng aside, "Chisheng, how are the arrangements over there?"

"It has been arranged," Yuan Zhisheng nodded. "They are in the hotel now. There is nothing special to do. I have arranged to try to meet all their requirements and try to delay them as much as possible before they start their mission. Ying is leading people Keep an eye on them 24 hours a day and report anything unusual to me at any time."

"well done."

Tachibana Masamune turned his attention to the young man opposite him.

Miyamoto Shio, the head of the Miyamoto family of the eight Snakeki families, and the former director of the Ganliu Research Institute. However, the institute was destroyed and is still being rebuilt. He is currently the head of Japan Trench Exploration.

"Zhixiong, have you found the specific location of the 'Sacred Burial Hall'?"

"Not yet..." Shizuo Miyamoto shook his head solemnly, "We have encountered some unexpected interference."

"Is it the Fierce Ghosts?" Tachibana Masamune asked.


Everyone fell silent again.

They all realized that the family's current situation was quite bad.

Not only are we facing foreign enemies that may attack at any time, but we also have local problems that have yet to be resolved.

The fierce ghosts are an enemy that makes all of them feel helpless.

The reason why they are helpless is because the fierce ghosts are actually their own compatriots. The fierce ghosts bleed the same blood as them. Every 'ghost' in the fierce ghosts is born from the family, just like them. Like his shadow, it has been entangled for many years and cannot be eradicated.

What makes them feel ashamed is that now they are faced with a powerful enemy, but they are still stumbled by their own people. Before fighting against the outside world, they must first settle down at home, but it is easier said than done.

"Their goal is the 'Road to Hell'," Masamune Tachibana said. "Since the previous emperor burned down the family's archives, many previous materials have been lost, especially some seemingly absurd things. Today's younger generations have rarely heard of the 'Road to the Underworld', but for the Fierce Ghosts, this has always been what they are pursuing. They believe that this is a road to salvation, and that buried in the Divine Burial Hall is a treasure that can make mixed-bloods Something that evolves into a pure-blooded dragon."

"But isn't this a legend? The only result for people who are swallowed by dragon blood is to become a deadpool. So far, there has never been a hybrid who can evolve into a pure-blood dragon." Fuma Kotaro said.

"But there are still some people who firmly believe that this legend is true. For thousands of years, the fierce ghosts have still persisted in searching for the road to the underworld. This is their belief." Tachibana Masamune said, "Now they have finally caught the clue. It’s so easy to give up.”

"Now that the 'Divine Burial Hall' is being targeted by not only the academy but also the fierce ghosts, you must have realized the seriousness of the problem, right? Now the problems on both sides are imminent, and we don't have much time left."

The water in the kettle on the table was boiling, and the body of the kettle was shaking constantly, as if it would explode at any time.

"Please rest assured, we will definitely speed up the survey." Shizuo Miyamoto looked serious.

"No, that's not the crux of the matter."

Tachibana Masamune stretched out his hand to hold the hot iron pot, letting the high temperature burn his palms.

Everyone looked at the old man in amazement, at his hands that were burned by the high temperature and turned red.

"We have no extra time to hesitate now." The old man's tone was full of determination, "Wanting to achieve a certain long-cherished wish will always be accompanied by sacrifice. To fight against the enemy in front of us, we must solve all worries. Yes It’s time to make a decision and cut off the fate that has entangled us for hundreds of years!”

The old man's aura suddenly became serious, but he restrained himself for a moment and poured the water from the pot into the cup. The boiling water rolled in the cup and finally calmed down, but the burns left on his hands were still eye-catching. Dazzling.

Everyone knows that the parents are serious this time.

"Mr. Masamune, do you mean to completely eliminate the demons?" Inuyama Ga said, "But now the people from the academy are also in Japan. If we really go to war with the demons, once the war starts, there will be a river of blood. Maybe there will be a lot of blood." Someone will take advantage of it..."

"No, you have misunderstood me." Tachibana Masamune put the cup back on the table, "I was thinking that maybe this detection of the Divine Burial Hall is an opportunity."

"What chance?" Yuan Zhisheng frowned. He had a bad feeling that his father would say something fatal.

"Since they all want to find out what is in the Divine Burial Hall, then as they wish." Tachibana Masamune picked up two tea leaves and gently placed them in the cup. The tea leaves were gradually submerged by the boiling water, and finally sank to the bottom of the water. .

"No matter who wants to go to the Divine Burial Hall, it's the same. We just need to blow up the Divine Burial Hall, along with the God's bones and those greedy guys, cut off the road to hell, and bury all the peepers inside! No matter they are fierce ghosts Everyone, or the monsters from the academy, will be submerged by this endless deep sea."


For a moment, no one could react. This was too crazy. If they really did this and all the people in this department were buried at the bottom of the sea, how should they explain it? Doesn't this mean that we have to completely fall out with the college headquarters?

"No, maybe this is really a good idea, but it can't be done openly. Maybe we need to create a little accident... Then the headquarters can't do anything to us, right?"

"Are you crazy? You don't really think those lunatics at our headquarters will believe our words, do you?"


The atmosphere suddenly became noisy. Some people were opposed to the plan of the elders, while others were in favor of it.

"Quiet." Masamune Tachibana suddenly snapped.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him again, and the dead silence continued, as if everyone was waiting for the old man to speak.

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