A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 283 276. Inuyama He: If you want to die, don’t take me with you

Chapter 283 276. Inuyama Ga: Don’t take me with you if you want to die.

The old man looked around and finally set his sights on Yuan Zhisheng.

"Young boy, I may have to leave everything to you in the future. I am old, and the revival of the Sheqi Eight Family will ultimately depend on you young people."

"But... Dad, you are still very young... You can still..." Yuan Zhisheng was stunned. Why did you suddenly mention the matter of giving up the throne again?

Everyone looked at the old man in surprise. Their hearts were full of respect for the old man who led the Sheqi family to a firm footing twenty years ago. No matter what decision he made, they would not object, but Why suddenly...

"The eight Sheqi families are facing the most difficult moment at the moment. We must make a decision, but the consequences are too severe." The old man sighed helplessly. It seemed that he also knew that if the plan he proposed failed, Sheqi What kind of revenge will the eight families face?

"Some blood has to be shed in this world, but as the head of the family, I cannot let the whole family suffer disaster because of my determination. I know that the future is difficult and dangerous, and I have the ambition to die. All the consequences of this plan will be borne by me alone! It's just a bad idea that a stupid old man like me came up with. It has nothing to do with the family." Mr. Masamune smiled, "I am too old and it is time for me to live. If I can use my blood to buy a bright future for the family, I can't help but do it. No regrets.”

After that, the old man stood up, and for a moment he seemed a little older. He bowed deeply to the other heads of the eight Sheqi families, and then bowed to everyone present.

"I'm just going to trouble you all from now on. Zhisheng is very good, so I don't think anyone will object. But he still needs your guidance in managing the family, please."

The whole hall was silent, no one made a sound of protest, even the family heads fell into silence. What happened to the eight Sheqi families? It is said that Japan was forced to such a point. Facing the dual attacks of the Menggui Zhong and Kassel Academy, so many of them were helpless. In the end, an old man was needed to make a sacrifice?

An unknown fire ignited everyone's chest, and they realized that they seemed to be too comfortable. The wind was howling outside the window and the cherry blossoms were flying. This seemed to be a beautiful scene, but they had forgotten how to change such a scene. Come. That was earned by the blood of countless ancestors.

After being suppressed by Anger, it was the old man in front of them who led them to regain the dignity of the Sheqi family. Now facing the same predicament, they still did nothing and had to rely on him in the end.

Is this really good? No, doing nothing is a sin.

The dead silence lasted for nearly five minutes. Suddenly, the head of the Fuma family stood up and left his seat, walked over and knelt down behind Masamune Tachibana.

"I'm old too, and the new era will be left to the young people..." Fuma Kotaro seemed to have made up his mind and said in a deep voice, "If it's such a serious matter, it's up to all of you to resist it alone. I guess those guys in this department won't believe it easily. ? If your parents are determined to do this, I will accompany you by order."

The other family heads looked at each other, they all struggled and hesitated.

Unlike the Fuma family, the Fuma family is an ancient ninja family. They are always ready to go through fire and water for the family. However, other families are behind the lifeblood of the entire Japanese branch, whether it is finance or other industries. If Shekihachi All the families will cease to exist, the whole of Japan will be in chaos, and another bloody storm will break out, which may be even more difficult than now.

"You don't have to feel guilty." Mr. Masamune looked at all the family heads with a smile, and finally turned his attention to Fuma Kotaro, "You don't have to be like this, Fuma Family Master, your family still needs you, and I am just a lonely person. I will exchange the least blood for Isn’t the prosperity of the family the meaning of existence for us old guys? It’s not yet the time for you to sacrifice your life, but I think when that moment comes, no one here will flinch, right? "

"Sigh... I understand." Fuma Kotaro sighed, "Since it is the decision of everyone, please rest assured, if that moment comes, even breaking all the swords of the Fuma family will prevent the decline of the family."

He stood up and left. His leaving figure looked a little thin, like a candle that could be extinguished at any time in the wind, but no one thought that what he said was a joke. He is a ninja, the last ninja in Japan. Execution and loyalty are the principles of being a ninja. If everyone tells him not to die now, then he will not die.

But after everyone leaves, this old man will definitely fulfill his duties as he said.

At this point in the meeting, everyone has understood that the decision of the parents cannot be changed. This old man will once again shoulder the fate of the family, and they are only allowed to watch the old man leave under the cherry blossoms.

At the same time, they also realized how powerful the enemy they faced was so powerful that they did not dare to try. They were forced to endure the humiliation again, sending the old people to the battlefield and entrusting their future to the young people.

"It's so sad..."

The head of the Inuyama family sighed and stood up, bowed deeply to the patriarch sitting in front of the screen, then turned and left.

In fact, he didn't quite understand why everyone would choose such a path. It was clearly a path of death and no life.

Having faced Xuan Hao before, he realized this very deeply, but it was precisely because he had been in contact with Xuan Hao that he knew that this was not the only way.

Peaceful coexistence is actually not impossible.

Is it humiliating to pray for peace? Maybe that's how it looks to other people present.

Of course, he did admit his selfishness and incompetence, but he couldn't afford to lose.

The Inuyama family has experienced humiliation all the way. Decades ago, his sister was willing to become a prostitute for him. It was Angers who regained their dignity. It was indeed humiliating to need charity from others to stand up. But Inuyama He had no choice. He knew his own weakness and had fallen into the darkest abyss. He understood better than everyone present how difficult everything was now.

But now, he shoulders the future of the entire Inuyama family, and there are still those weak people behind him who need his protection. So he backed off.

The sorrow in his mouth spoke not only of himself, but also of everyone present.

In the face of absolute power, all struggles look funny and tragic.

He also tried his best to draw out the sword of his life to settle everything, but the final reality was that he could not even draw the sword.

He drew his sword towards the man, but the man kept him alive and even saved his life later. It was like a charity.

But he also realized from this that maybe this man didn't regard weaklings like them as opponents at all. But these stupid people try to challenge, which is called self-destruction.

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