Chapter 882 875. God’s Love

"Swastika—Daigurren Hyōrinmaru!!!"

Hitsugaya Toshiro ignored Nirvana's speculation, and just like before, he performed the swastika and slashed Niruri with one sword.

The ending seems to have not changed either. Nirvana's figure was frozen by extreme low temperature and then fell to the ground and shattered.

"You are indeed very strong, Captain Hitsugaya."

However, Nirvana's voice sounded like a nightmare to Hitsugaya Toshiro at this moment.

Then, as if time was being retraced, the same scene and the same questions appeared in front of him.

"I have many kinds of medicines that I want to try for you. Now - are you willing to accept them?"


Hitsugaya Toshiro's face became extremely ugly, "What on going on? What happened!!?"

"Oops, what's going on? Is your 'brain' starting to notice something abnormal?"

Niryuri sneered and asked, "Good morning, Hitsugaya Toshiro. many times do you think this is 'now'?"


Hitsugaya Toshiro remained silent and did not answer, his face becoming more and more gloomy.

He found that his consciousness seemed to be gradually blurring, and he couldn't even tell how many times he had experienced the scene just now.

He defeated the man in front of him time and time again, but every time, the man would reappear unscathed, every time without exception.

Everything is like a dream that has never happened, but you can really feel it.

So weird.

"Don't you understand what's going on?"

Niruri looked down at Hitsugaya Toshiro in front of him with contempt, and explained lightly, "My medicines are all medicines that will give users new and superior experiences, beyond the concept of cognitive power, perception, reaction speed and even courage. Something... and to you, I gave you the 'ability to see through the past'."

As if showing off his research results, Nirvana's tone became more and more proud: "Every time you pass a certain event point in the battle, you will return to a fixed place in the past, and the 'certain event point' means killing me. In other words, if you don't kill me, your future will continue, but if you kill me, your future will stop here.

It's really annoying. You can't move forward without defeating the enemy, but if you defeat the enemy, you will go back to the original point in time.

However, this drug also has disadvantages - it can only be used to treat the hippocampus, which is responsible for the brain's 'short-term memory'.

Therefore, the user cannot remember the number of times he has gone back in time, and going back in time more than ten times will cause serious side effects. "

As he spoke, Hitsugaya Toshiro's expression suddenly changed, as if he had become rigid and fell to the ground.

"The side effect... is probably that the part of the brain that controls balance will be completely paralyzed for about thirty seconds. Thirty seconds of paralysis~ Captain Hitsugaya, do you think this is not a big deal? But this is fighting Yeah, it's extremely serious if something like this happens during a battle.

So let's take advantage of these thirty seconds to discuss a question, shall we? "

Nie Shuli smiled happily, "I came up with a question~ Then guess, when did I drug you?"

As he spoke, he raised the Zanpakutō in his hand and slowly stabbed downwards.


Hitsugaya Toshiro was unable to move due to complete paralysis, and could only watch helplessly as the Zanpakutō in Niryuri's hand came towards him.

"The answer will be answered in the 'past'~"


The Zanpakutō slowly sank into Hitsugaya Toshiro's body. At the same time, the blade began to change, which was the beginning of the Nirvana Power.

The smile on Nie Yuli's face became more and more joyful, and he continued to explain: "Look, after losing control of your balance, you have become completely unable to resist my movements."

Then, he took out another potion, and the expression on his face gradually became extremely cold: "To give this medicine to people who can't resist... my heart aches."


Hitsugaya Toshiro wanted to resist, but the only resistance seemed to be words.

"Yes, that's it~" An excited smile appeared on Nie Yuli's face again, "If I can resist at least with words like this, I will feel somewhat comforted——"

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah----"

As the injection penetrated the neck of Hitsugaya Toshiro, who could not move, a heartbreaking scream could be heard.

After the injection was completed, Nirvana no longer paid attention to Hitsugaya Toshiro, who fell to the ground without the strength to struggle in pain. Instead, he stood up calmly and raised his head to look around expressionlessly.

Three figures had surrounded him before he knew it.

The two captains, Rokusha Kensai and Hobashiro Juro, as well as the vice-captain Matsumoto Rangiku of the 10th division with Toshiro Hitsugaya.

At this moment, it was obvious that these three people, like Toshiro Hitsugaya, probably did not know Giselle Jules' ability, so they were accidentally stained with blood and turned into zombie puppets.

Looking at these three people, Nie Shuli's eyes were full of displeasure and contempt: "As the captain and vice-captain, to be turned into this appearance is really embarrassing and humiliating. It's so embarrassing that people can't laugh. So... Do you want to prevent me from observing the experimental process?"

The three of them did not answer, but continued to approach slowly, seemingly preparing to completely block Nirvana's escape route.

However, Niryuri didn't seem to care about this. It should be said that nothing was more important to him now than observing the changes after Toshiro Hitsugaya injected the medicine.

So, he raised his hand and ordered: "Can you help me deal with these three guys?"

As soon as the words fell, the Arrancars who were supposed to fight against the zombie army transformed by the Death God soldiers arrived in an instant.


Several figures fell towards the position of the three people, and violent roars resounded throughout the Jinglingting.


At the same time, in another battlefield, the Death side seemed to have an absolute advantage.

Several members of the Knights of the Star Cross were struggling on the ground covered in injuries.

But there was only one person they were facing.

Byakuya Kuchiki stood calmly among several Star Cross Knights, his face as cold as ice.

Blades like petals seemed to be floating around him.

After being reborn and practicing in the Soul King Palace, Kuchiki Byakuya's strength is no longer what it used to be. Even when facing multiple Star Cross Knights, he still seems to be able to handle it with ease.

"Tch...every guy is so useless..."

The 'Glutty' Litoto Lampado, who could still stand and speak, wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and complained.

"But speaking of which, is this guy really strong?"

‘Strength’ Minina Macron, who was still standing beside her, sighed with emotion.

"That's true..." Litoto Lampado nodded with a slight frown, "Is this guy really the guy that Ace Nott killed once before? I don't remember the ruins of Ace Nott. You actually have such ability? Damn it!"

"By the way, where did that guy Pepe go? With that guy's ability, this battle should be more interesting, right?"

"I think that person is disgusting. It doesn't matter whether he is here or not."


The two of them didn't seem to care at all that several of their companions had been defeated, and they were talking to each other leisurely.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, Kuchiki Byakuya across from him was not in a hurry to take action, but just silently observed the surrounding situation.

He is not alone.

Although he can easily deal with these Star Cross Knights, not everyone is reborn in the Soul King Palace like him.

The others were also fighting the Star Cross Knights, so he had to pay a little more attention.

Fortunately, the others don't seem to be that worrying.

"Captain Kuchiki, I also have to deal with one person here."

Hisagi Shuhei came to him carrying a scythe and reported calmly.

"By the way...Have Captain Kuchiki already eliminated three people? That's really impressive."

He originally thought that after several defeats, he would be able to defeat the Star Cross Knight and become stronger, but he did not expect that there still seemed to be a huge gap between him and the captain.


A sudden metal collision sounded.

Just as Hisagi Shuhei was sighing, the sickle in his hand collided with the Zanpakuto in Kuchiki Byakuya's hand.

"Eh!?" Hisagi Shuhei was confused, "Captain Kuchiki... what are you doing?"

"Is this a question I want to ask you?"

Byakuya Kuchiki raised his sword to block with an expressionless expression.

As he spoke, the scythe came to his side again and slashed towards his head, seemingly not out of Hisagi Shuhei's will.

"Why are you pointing swords at me? Are you controlled by the enemy? Or...are you simply a fake incarnation of the enemy?"

"No way! I am who I am! I am not controlled by the enemy?"

Hisagi Shuhei didn't seem to realize that he was attacking Kuchiki Byakuya until now, "I'm just... for Lord Pepe..."

"It showed up."

Across the way, Litoto Lampado complained speechlessly to Minina Macarron, "That guy Pepe is really secretly up to something."


Everyone's doubts were answered by a burst of cheerful laughter.

'Love of God' Pepe Vaccabrada smiled and clasped his hands together to show love: "There is only one heart, and there is only one body. If you are stared at by my eyes, your heart will be split in two! One point. Wei Er’s heart and body will become mine at the same time! Tie them up with the rope of love!”

As he spoke, spiritual power surged between his hands making heart-shaped gestures, and strange spiritual pressure fluctuations struck in the direction of Minina Macron.


Seeing Minina Macarron's face turn red next to her, Litoto Lampado's heart tightened and she secretly thought something was wrong, "Damn it..."

"Lord Pepe..."

Sure enough, Minina Macron was saying the same words as the controlled Death.


The cuffs wrapping Minina Macron's arms instantly collapsed, and her originally slender arms suddenly swelled into fists filled with unprecedented strength.

The terrifying fist whizzed away mercilessly towards Litoto Lampado, who was originally his companion.

"Idiot! Minnie! No!"

Litoto Lampado exclaimed, but it was too late.

The heavy fist hit her face mercilessly, and she was unable to react. Blood splattered everywhere and she flew backwards.

"Oh ho ho! Stop it!"

On the other side, the gods of death were fighting each other, and the Quincy was also fighting each other. The culprit of all this, Pepe Vacabrada, shouted with emotion, as if he were an actor on the stage, "Stop! You don't want to Fight again! Even if it’s because you like me, don’t fight for me~ If everyone dies, it will be my fault alone. I have never thought about such a thing~"

Dang Dang Dang——

On the Shinigami side, the swords of Kuchiki Byakuya and Hisagi Shuhei, who are controlled by strange abilities, are constantly clashing.

On the Quincy side, Litoto Lampado kept dodging Minina Macron's violent fists.

This is Pepe Vacabrada's plan. He plans to kill everyone here. In this way, all the credit will belong to him. Lord Yhwach will definitely praise him when the time comes.

At this moment, he was leisurely floating in mid-air, looking at the other people who were fighting fiercely as if watching a play, with a contented look on his face.

"Aha, this is so sad~ Things like war are extremely sad at any time. That's because of 'love'!

Do you think this war is a dispute that started because the two sides believe in justice? Not really.

Just because of 'love'.

Love for your wife, love for your children, love for your parents, love for your friends, love for your king, love for God!

Faith is also love, faith is also love! Even attachment to things is love! ! !

Where there is no love, there is no war! Even more because of this, the war is so sad! Of course, it is also because of this - war is also extremely beautiful! "


Just when Pepe Vacabrada was passionately promoting his theory, there was a sound of falling to the ground.

Byakuya Kuchiki's expressionless kick caused Hisagi Shuhei to lose the ability to fight and curl up on the ground.

Then, he turned indifferently and looked at Pepe Vacabrada, the culprit of all this: "Is the speech over? It's over for me too."

"!?" Pepe Vacabrada looked surprised when Byakuya Kuchiki solved the problem in front of him so easily.

"What's the point of arguing about 'love'? To put it simply, your ability is just to control people, right? As long as the person being controlled can't move, it won't be a problem." Byakuya Kuchiki said calmly, and then Slowly raising the Zanpakutō in his hand and facing him, "And the most important thing is, as long as I kill you, the source of everything, the ability will naturally be released, right?"

"Wow, as expected of Kuchiki Byakuya, you have seen through it all? It's so scary, so scary, so scary~~" Pepe Vaccabrada smiled. Although he said it was scary, in fact, his performance was It's like he doesn't mind his ability being seen through at all.

"It's so terrible!"

As he spoke, he fired the same reiatsu blast at Kuchiki Byakuya.

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