Chapter 883 876. Best of the match


Byakuya Kuchiki raised his Zanpakutō expressionlessly and deflected the flying spiritual pressure impact.

Pepe Vacabrada's ability is not focused on attack, so it does not have much destructive power. He easily bounced away.

The blocked spiritual pressure impact hit the rock on the side, making a dull sound, and then nothing happened.

"It seems that your ability is 'love' after all. Things without 'heart' cannot be controlled." Byakuya Kuchiki analyzed lightly.

"That's right." Pepe Vaccabrada sneered, "As expected of Byakuya Kuchiki, he could see through it to this extent... But if that's the case, why did you use your Zanpakutō to block?"


Hearing this, Kuchiki Byakuya's pupils suddenly shrank.


Blood bloomed on his face, and a shallow knife mark appeared.

It was the Senbonzakura in his hand that suddenly rose up and attacked his master!


After reacting, Kuchiki Byakuya immediately used force in his hands and threw Senbonzakura away. The spinning blade was finally stuck on the rock and unable to move.


Kuchiki Byakuya's eyes became serious on his expressionless face.

He was too careless just now and forgot something.

"I know~ Zanpakutō has a 'heart'."

Pepe Vaccabrada scoffed sullenly, "That's why I didn't take away your swastika when we fought before, because I have 'love' and a 'heart' Zanpakutō can become it at any time. My help! should you deal with losing your Zanpakutō now? "

As Pepe Vacabrada's voice echoed.


Senbonzakura's blade was slowly pulled out of the rock.

It was Hisagi Shuhei who was controlled by him and held Senbonzakura.

Originally, Hisagi Shuhei should have been knocked down by Byakuya Kuchiki and lost the ability to fight, but at this moment, he miraculously stood up and was able to continue fighting.

"What you have to face now is the Death God who loves me, who controls the Zanpakutō that loves me and fights." Pepe Vaccabrada explained the principle lightly, "The power of love is very powerful, no matter what it is. I can stand up against any attack, achieve my goals for love, and overcome many difficulties for love!"

As his words fell, Hisagi Shuhei suddenly rioted, and the sword-wielding figure instantly appeared in front of Kuchiki Byakuya.

The sword light flashed continuously for a while.

Facing Hisagi Shuhei's sharp slashes, Kuchiki Byakuya dodged and retreated.

At this moment, he was unarmed. It was not easy to deal with an enemy with weapons in vain, not to mention that his opponent was Hisagi Shuhei, his companion. He could only restrain his hands and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The current situation was caused by Kuchiki Byakuya's hesitation just now.

If it was his arm that was being controlled, he would cut it off without hesitation, but the other person was controlling Senbonzakura.

Of course he also knew that the Zanpakutō had a "heart". It was the companion who had accompanied him all the way to this battle. It was the same as Hisagi Shuhei. He couldn't make a move, so he didn't do it the moment Senbonzakura was controlled. Break it decisively.

That's why the current situation of losing ground has occurred.

But it's too late to think about this now, he has to find a way to deal with this situation.

However, Pepe Vaccabrada on the opposite side seemed to have no intention of giving him a chance to think about countermeasures.

While Hisagi Shuhei was restraining Kuchiki Byakuya's movements, Pepe Vakabrada fired his own spiritual pressure blast again.

But this time, Kuchiki Byakuya had to respond to Hisagi Shuhei's attack and was hit in the back before he could get out of the way.

But what surprised Pepe Vaccabrada was that Byakuya Kuchiki still seemed to be able to control his body even though he was hit by his own ability: "Oh~~~ He was hit by my 'Kiss of Love', You can still maintain yourself, don't you have 'love' in your heart? Your mission is to die for me, right? How can you not accept my love~~ This kind of thing - I will never allow it!!"

As he spoke, the spiritual pressure fluctuations on Pepe Vacabrada continued to surge, and then his own form began to change.

Iconic features such as a star crown and wings of light appear on him.

The Quincy's Holy Body - God's Love.

"Look! My pure and flawless figure! Will you fall in love with me unconsciously!?" Pepe Vaccabrada confidently showed off his fat body and danced.

While waving his arms, a rope of light that looked like countless hearts connected in series condensed in his hands, winding around Byakuya Kuchiki mercilessly.

"Love Rope!"


Kuchiki Byakuya saw this and wanted to dodge.

But on the one hand, he had to face Hisagi Shuhei's constant attacks, and on the other hand, he had to resist the control effect of the 'Kiss of Love' hit previously, which already made him exhausted. For a moment, there was no energy left to deal with Pepe Vaccabrada's attack.

As a result, he failed to escape the entanglement of the rope of love and was controlled by Pepe Vacabrada.


The Zanpakuto swung by Hisagi Shuhei on the other side seemed to have no intention of stopping, and was about to fall on Kuchiki Byakuya, who was unable to move.

However, at this moment, Pepe Vacabrada stopped Hisagi Shuhei's actions.


Following his order, Hisagi Shuhei's figure holding the sword suddenly stopped as if frozen. This was forced control rather than just manipulation by changing people's inner thoughts to make them fall in love with him like before. people.

The power of God's love is far more powerful than Kuchiki Byakuya imagined.

"Don't be in a hurry to kill him~"

Pepe Vacabrada looked at Byakuya Kuchiki with a gloomy expression, as if he was a little angry because Byakuya Kuchiki had resisted his ability with his own will just now.

"I decided to use my 'love' to kill this guy!"

As he spoke, he opened his mouth and pulled out the violent spiritual power that was like substance from his mouth. This spiritual power condensed into a bow and arrow in his hands.

Pepe Vaccabrada bent her bow and nocked an arrow, aiming at Byakuya Kuchiki with an expressionless expression: "Take this blow, the ultimate——ah——"

However, before he could finish his words, it turned into screams.

He saw a foot kicking him in the face mercilessly, sending him flying straight away.


Byakuya Kuchiki looked at the people who rescued him at the critical moment with some surprise.

From the outside, it looked like they were the two captains, Rokusha Kensai and Hōqiaorou Juro, but at the moment, the auras of these two people made him feel extremely strange.

"What's going on?"


No one answered his question.

Rokusha Kensai remained silent and showed no mercy, punching the controlled Hisagi Shuhei.


A violent roar resounded, Hisagi Shuhei was smashed to the floor, and the ground suddenly shattered into rubble.

The powerful impact made him roll his eyes and lose consciousness.

"Oh, so Captain Kuchiki is here? Why are you in such a mess?"

At this time, a joking voice came.

"An enemy of this level can only be said to be just enough to test the performance of the Nirvana troops. How come you can't even deal with an enemy of this level?"

"Is this what you did? Nirvana."

Looking at Nirvana walking leisurely and leisurely, Byakuya Kuchiki frowned slightly and asked, "What did you do to Rokusha and Hobashi!?"

"Don't say it so harshly~ I saved them~"

Nirvana spread out her hands and explained.

Not long ago, Rukuchukenxi and others were still under the control of the ability of the ‘dead’ Giselle Juel.

It was he who forcibly reversed the situation and took control.

After a superficial analysis, he figured out Giselle Jules' ability.

The amount of blood required to control Rukuka Kennishi and others' zombies varies depending on the target's spiritual pressure. An ordinary Shinigami with low spiritual pressure will become a zombie as long as a drop of blood reaches the brain.

The invading blood with high spiritual pressure multiplies in the heart and reaches the whole body before turning into zombies. Because of this, the appearance of the zombie captains is different from that of ordinary Shinigami, with their skin all showing a turbid red-black color.

And he happened to have a potion that could deal with this situation.

During daily experiments, Nirvana has actually collected blood samples from all the soldiers in Jinglingting, including the captain.

Based on the sample, he created a medicine that can replace "blood other than the sample" with "blood he created".

Yes, Nirvana is secretly conducting such dangerous experiments, replacing the blood in other people's bodies. Of course, he wants to control people through the blood he creates.

In other words, such a drug just restrains Giselle Jules' abilities.

As long as the medicine is injected, the blood in the body of the person controlled by Giselle Jules' blood will be replaced, and the controller's authority will naturally be transferred.

Giselle Juel's ability was like a joke in front of Nirvana. After the control of the zombies was transferred to Nirvana's hands, he naturally faced a complete defeat.


"So... is this the result in the end?"

After listening to Niryuri's explanation, Kuchiki Byakuya looked at him angrily, "Since you can take back control of their bodies, you should let them die like this... but you have to play with them like this! ?”

"We still disagree."

Niryuri didn't care at all about Kuchiki Byakuya's anger. He smiled softly and said matter-of-factly, "Don't you think that protecting the Joireitei until death is the original intention of the Gotei 13?"


"Whatever you say."

While the two were talking, the battle between Rokukar Kensai and the others, who had turned into zombies, and Pepe Vaccabrada continued.

I saw a beam of 'Kiss of Love' hitting Liu Che Quan Xi.

Seeing this, Pepe Vaccabrada chuckled: "Hehe... My love is stronger than Gigi's zombie! I have turned Gigi's zombie into my prisoner before -"


Before he could finish his words, another iron fist hit him in the face.

It was seen that Liuche Quanxi seemed not to be affected by Pepe Vacabrada's ability at all, and was still under Nirvana's control.

"Oops~ It seems like you didn't listen to what I said at all?"

Nirvana looked at the embarrassed Quincy in front of him with disdain, "I said, now they are not zombies of guys like Jiji, but my zombies! 'Love' this Planting things doesn’t work on my zombies.”


"Ah, no--"

Boom boom boom——

As Nirvana's words fell, Rokuche Kensai's iron fists continued to fall on Pepe Vaccabrada like a curtain of rain, making him cry out in pain and unable to fight back.


As Liuche Quanxi threw his last punch, Pepe Vaccabrada's fat figure flew out, and his whole body was shot down in the ruins like a cannonball.


Pepe Vaccabrada crawled out of the rubble in embarrassment. His tenacious vitality prevented him from being killed by such a punch.

However, what awaited him next seemed to be a more tragic ending than being beaten to death.

"Damn it...this loveless son of a bitch...I will never forgive..."

He complained angrily and raised his head, as if he wanted to regain his place again, but as soon as he raised his head, his eyes suddenly turned frightened.

At this moment, a girl stood in front of him with an expressionless face.

‘Glutty’ Litoto Lampado.

"Lily... Litoto!! Little Lily!" The anger on Pepe Vacabrada's face suddenly turned into fear.

He smiled guiltily and greeted the girl in front of him: "You... you... look very energetic. It's really happy..."

"Really? I don't think so."

Litoto Lampado stepped forward slowly.

With every step closer, Pepe Vacabrada took a step back out of fear.

"You guys are trying to make us kill each other. You should know the price you have to pay for this, right?"

Litoto Lampado's blood-stained mouth became twisted as she spoke.

"Ahhhh-no! Don't-"


With the sound of chewing, Pepe Vacabrada was swallowed up by the ferocious and twisted mouth, and disappeared from this world forever.



the other side.

Above the sky where no one can see.

Spiritual Palace.

The sound of gasping came continuously from the mouth of Kirin Temple Tenshiro.

At this moment, he was sweating profusely and staring at the expressionless man in front of him.

Not even a single cut was made.

Yes, he had launched countless attacks against the man in front of him, but in the end, he failed to hit even a single blow.

"Are you out of tricks?"

Yhwach asked calmly, "Then...let me pass."

With that said, he led Uryu Ishida and Hasward slowly towards the Soul King's palace as if nothing had happened, passing by Tenshiro of Kirinji Temple, completely ignoring the first officer of the Zero Squadron. inside.

"Give... wait!"

Kirinji Tenshiro saw this and rushed towards him again holding the paddle-shaped Zanpakutō.

However, the next moment, his attack failed again.

Damn it, what happened?

Kirin Temple Tenshiro was sweating on his forehead and couldn't understand it at all.

His attack was obviously not dodged, and of course he would not be blinded by hitting the wrong place, but he just couldn't hit his friend Habach!

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