A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 884 877 All things penetrate

Chapter 884 877. Everything penetrates


Just when Tenshiro of Kirin Temple could not stop Yuhabach's progress, the sound of uniform footsteps came from the end of the road.

Yhwach walked forward slowly and looked towards the figure standing at the end.

On the long steps at the end, a heroic woman led several 'magic soldiers' in dark uniforms to seal the entire intersection.

The 'Divine Weapons' are soldiers in the Soul King's Palace who are specifically responsible for fighting. They are divided into the first-level divine soldier 'Spirit King's Blade' and the second-level divine soldier 'Spirit King's Shield'. The Zero Squadron has the right to command the divine soldiers.

At this moment, Shutara Senjumaru is leading a first-level divine weapon, the Soul King's Blade.

"Long time no see, Yhwach."

Shutara Senjumaru looked down at Yhwach from a high position, "I didn't expect you to dare to set foot in the Soul King Palace without being invited. It seems that defeating Genryusai made you so excited that you lost your mind?"


Yhwach ignored Shutara Senjumaru's words and continued to move forward slowly.

He climbed up the long steps as if nothing had happened, and passed Shutara Senjumaru as if nothing had happened, as if he had not seen each other at all.

"Don't break the rules."

Shutara Senjumaru warned with a slight frown.

However, Yhwach still insisted on going his own way and had no intention of stopping.

So, Shutara Senjumaru ordered to the divine weapon on the side: "Become a dead soul under the blade of the Soul King."


As the words fell, the sound of swords being drawn neatly resounded.

The divine soldiers swarmed forward and immediately surrounded Yhwach. The blades that were almost connected were strangled towards Yhwach in the center. The attack had no blind spots and was completely unavoidable.

However, after the blade crossed, something strange happened.


The divine soldiers encountered the same problem as Tenshiro of Kirin Temple.

Shutara Senjumaru frowned slightly, unable to understand what was happening for a moment.

It was clear that Yhwach had not dodged just now, but why couldn't the blade hit?

"Who is the one who cannot break the rules?"

Laughter suddenly sounded.

At the same time, in the shadow beside Yhwach, a figure slowly emerged as if emerging from the water.

This is a young man with messy long black hair, bare feet, and two tongues. He waggled his tongue and looked at the two captains of the Zero Division with a sarcastic look on his face, his eyes full of disdain.

"Is that you? You can't break the rules at all! The evidence is that your attacks can't touch His Majesty at all! There is no threat at all~"



As the ground trembled, a crack appeared on the earth.

Jing Ling Ting, the location of the underground research room of the 12th Division, the roof slowly opened like a door, and a dark gun barrel slowly stretched out from it.

"It's so noisy!"

Kurosaki Ichigo and others who were in the barrel at this moment were the first to suffer from the eardrums trembling due to the deafening sound.

"What did you say? I can't hear you~~"

Facing Kurosaki Ichigo's complaint, Urahara Kisuke chuckled and continued to tinker on the console without caring, "Forget it! Don't be angry when you are nervous like this~ Mood is the most important thing , do you want me to play some soothing background music for you?"

"Asshole! You guys clearly heard it, didn't you!?" Kurosaki Ichigo looked at the back of this unreliable man speechlessly and complained.

"Well~~ don't worry about these details." Urahara Kisuke chuckled, "Then... let's go! Count down with me..."




"Who are you?"

Shutara Senjumaru ordered the divine soldiers to surround the man who suddenly appeared, and asked with a slight frown.

"I told you it's useless~"

The young man looked at the blades surrounding him, not caring, "My holy character is 'W', 'twisting' Nyonso Huaso. All the 'enemies' I found avoided my body. .So the cockscomb-headed brother over there is completely unable to touch us with his integrity and weapons. As long as I am guarding His Majesty, your swords and swords will not be able to touch His Majesty."

"So that's what happened..." Qilin Temple Tenshiro curled his lips slightly.

"Is it really okay to spill the beans like this? Kid." Shutara Senjumaru asked with a gloomy expression.

Almost at the same time as she spoke, several figures suddenly appeared in the shadows, and the sharp blades in their hands stabbed straight towards Nyonso Huaso.

"You said 'all your discovered enemies', but what about the undiscovered enemies?"

"Is that so?" Nyonso Huaso smiled contemptuously, wagging the two tongues in his mouth, "People often say that I have unclear speech because I have too many tongues."

As he spoke, he turned back contemptuously and saw a strange scene happen.

The blades that were thrust straight towards him actually twisted in other directions the moment they were about to touch him.

He even took the initiative to extend his fingers towards these blades, but these blades kept twisting and avoiding his body as if they were afraid. In short, they were completely unable to touch him.

"What I mean by 'discovered enemies' is 'enemies discovered by instinct'~" Nyonso Huaso fiddled with the sword thrust in front of him as if playing, and explained contemptuously, "Even if you look at it, Even if you don't see the enemy, you are still an enemy. No matter where you come from or how you attack, they will avoid my body."

As he spoke, he used his fingers to guide the direction of the blade's avoidance, manipulating the trajectory of the blade's attack in a different way.


The sword flashed, and the incoming divine weapon was cut in half by the twisted blade.

"Sorry, I didn't explain it carefully enough, but isn't it too late to apologize now?"

Looking at the cut-off figure in front of him, Nyonso Huaso asked with a sneer.

"Don't mind, everyone has bad habits." Shutara Senjumaru looked at this scene, and for some reason his face remained extremely calm. "By the way, did I say that the 'invisible enemy' was them?"

"!!?" Nyonso Huaso was slightly shocked when he heard this.

"The so-called enemy, the closer it is, the closer it is to the skin, the less visible it becomes."

Shutara Senjumaru explained while raising the skeletal arm extending from his back.

I saw that the arm was holding a needle at the moment, and the tail of the needle was connected to a thin thread.

Looking along the thin line, at the end was Nyonso Huaso, who was starting to get nervous.

"The dress that covers your body has been rewoven with my cloth while you were playing with those magic soldiers."

"Nonsense...how is it possible..." Nyangso Huaso frowned slightly and looked at his clothes with a questioning look on his face.

"How could it be nonsense?" Shutara Senjumaru said calmly, "The speed of completion is my selling point! Senjumaru is not a name that is in vain."

"What can this kind of thing... do?" Nyonso Huaso still seemed to be dismissive of it.

"I have completed the ultimate garment. A soldier like you should be grateful just to be able to wear it." Shutara Senjumaru said with a gloomy look, "And... don't think of me as the person before my death. You can take it off."


As she finished speaking, countless needlepoints seemed to be piercing out of Nyonso Huaso's body, piercing through his clothes and splattering blood.

In just an instant, Nyonso Huaso lost his ability to fight, and slowly fell down without any life.

"Speaking of which, I also have the bad habit of only half-talking."

Looking at the slowly falling enemy, Shutara Senjumaru sighed calmly, "Forgetting to take off the needle when finishing is a bad habit that I can't get rid of. That's what I should say... I'm really sorry that I didn't speak clearly enough. "

As she said that, as if she had just finished an insignificant task, she turned her head and looked at Youhabach again as if nothing had happened: "Then, now I can finally let the blade touch you."

"You... think so?"

Hearing this, Yhwach asked calmly.

As he spoke, dense shadows began to appear on the ground around him, and another group of Star Cross Knights soldiers were summoned.

"My holy weapons are enough to deal with the Spirit King's divine weapons. And you...just use my personal guards to deal with them."

As he spoke, several extremely powerful spiritual pressures suddenly appeared near Shutara Senjumaru and Kirinji Tenshiro.

Knights of the Star Cross, Holy Word 'M', Gerald 'Miracle' Valkyrie.

Holy text ‘X’, ‘all things penetrate’ Lijie Barrow.

Holy text ‘C’, ‘Enforcement’ Penida Pakaja.

and the Holy Text ‘D’, ‘Lethal Dose’ Yaskin Nacrovar.

After arriving at the Soul King's Palace, Yaskin Nacroval took off the hood on his head and looked at the companions around him with some doubts: "Oh, if you look carefully, it seems that I am the only one who was brought up from below. Huh? Now...it seems like it won’t work if I don’t behave well.”

He suspected that he must be fishing down there, so he was brought here by His Majesty. After all, except for him, everyone down there was very desperate.

"That's right! If you didn't perform any meritorious service, I would have killed you without His Majesty's own hands!" Gerald Valkyrie laughed loudly and also lifted up his windbreaker.

He looked like a god of war who had traveled through time in myths and legends, holding a sword and shield, and charged mercilessly towards Shutara Senjumaru not far away.

Seeing this, Shutara Senjumaru raised the skeleton arm extending behind him, trying to block the sword with the sharp needle held in his arm.


However, under Gerald Valkyrie's slashing blow, the needle in her hand was cut off without any resistance.



Blood instantly burst out in front of Shutara Senjumaru.


Shutara Senjumaru instantly understood the power gap between himself and his enemy.

After all, what she is good at is not pure strength, and it is obvious that she will only suffer from a hand-to-hand fight with the reckless man in front of her.

"Second level divine weapon! Shield of the Spiritual King! Stop these people!"


Following Shutara Senjumaru's order, a huge figure holding a shield in both hands descended from the sky and stood in front of the Star Cross Knights.

"Oh~ he's so big!"

Gerald Valkyrie looked at the big man in front of him excitedly and sighed.


Beside him, 'Enforcement' Penida Pakaja seemed to be saying something vaguely.

"What? You seemed to have said something?"

Shutara Senjumaru obviously heard this person's voice and asked with a slight frown.

"He said... so what if he's big?"

On the side, 'All Things Penetrating' Lijie Barro lifted up his cloak and slowly spoke on behalf of his companion.


Almost at the same time as the words were heard, the sound of broken bones came from the huge body of the 'Spirit King's Shield'.

The burly body seemed to be held by an invisible giant hand, and suddenly became ferocious and twisted.


Shutara Senjumaru looked at this scene, his eyes slightly condensed.

She was completely unaware of what the other party had done.

"You just... thought that the Spiritual Palace might fall, right?"

Lijie Barrow held a huge sniper rifle in his hand and asked himself questions calmly.

"It's too late. You Shinigami are always slow to understand and react in battle, and you don't even realize that your defeat is certain. When His Majesty stepped here, the Soul King's Palace had already fallen."


As soon as he finished speaking, he pulled the trigger.

The bullet that penetrated everything burst out of the air instantly. At the same time, before Shutara Senjumaru could make any reaction, a huge hole appeared in his forehead.

She slowly fell down with a look of surprise on her face, blood overflowing from her head and flowing to the ground.


Looking at this scene, Gerald Valkyrie on the side seemed a little dissatisfied with Li Jie Barrow's actions.

"?" Lijie Barrow was slightly stunned and looked at the other party with some doubts.

"Idiot! How could someone kill people in a place like this? This is a place that His Majesty will pass by! Clean it up quickly!" Gerald Valkyrie scolded naturally.

It seemed that he was not surprised at all that the other party could kill a Zero Division captain so easily.

"..." Lijie Barrow was speechless for a while, but he still nodded helplessly, "There is no way."

In their eyes, His Majesty is greater than anything else.

The road stained red by blood will indeed stain His Majesty's shoes.

So Lijie Barro looked to Penida Pakaja as if asking for help: "Do me a favor, Penida."


Penida Paccaja was silent.

The next moment, Shutara Senjumaru's body, which fell to the ground, was suddenly pinched by some invisible force, just like the Soul King's Shield before. In a moment, it was crumpled into a ball and thrown aside.

This scene means that Shutara Senjumaru is undoubtedly dead.

In this regard, Gerald Valkyrie was a little disappointed: "It's really disappointing! A guy of this level is actually from the Zero Division."

"What can we do? From the past to the present...have there been any people in front of us who are not disappointing?" Li Jie Barrow responded matter-of-factly.

As he spoke, he raised the sniper rifle in his hand again and aimed at the floating city above.

There, he felt someone's reiatsu.


There was another violent sound, and the flying bullets penetrated the entire city mercilessly.


Terrifying cracks spread across the floating city, and then the entire city shattered into two halves and fell from mid-air.

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