A dimensional journey starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 899 892 The arrival of fate

"No matter what the adults say, don't pay attention. I will teach you everything you don't know!" With that, Baz jumped down from the branch of the tree, turned around and flew away, "Become the strongest Quincy. , Hugo!”


Watching that energetic figure gradually go away, Hugolen Hasward stood silently.

He couldn't do it... No matter how hard he tried, he simply didn't have the 'talent' to become a Quincy.


At this moment, another voice came from far away, calling him with the same title as Baz.

Hearing this voice, the expression on Hugolen Hasward's face became a little frightened, and his eyes lost their luster.

"I've been looking for you for a long time! You went to such a deep place in the forest alone! I can't spare you!"

The man scolded angrily, and then his tone gradually became perverted, "You can't do anything without me! Right? My cute little Hugo~~"

This perverted man is his uncle.

That's why...he hates being called this.

So...Buzby might have been wrong from the beginning.

Huguelin Hasward has never regarded him as a true friend, or perhaps, due to his distorted education, the young Huguelen Hasward simply does not understand what a friend is, and cannot realize his true love. Feelings just passively followed his steps and became his 'friend'.


Soon, half a year had passed since the young Hugo Lan Hasward met Baz.

One day, the small village and town where their family lived was burned down.

The one who set the fire was Yhwach, who came to plunder everything.

At this moment, Yhwach is still on the road to unifying the entire Quincy clan.

He has taken control of the northern territory with incredible power that is different from bows and arrows. It is said that he is a monster that has lived for more than 200 years and is the ancestor of the Quincy.

No one knows exactly how, but some people believe that it will soon become an established fact that this man will become the 'ancestor' of the Quincy clan, because no one can resist his power.

Although countless people are afraid of his power and even have such thoughts.

But some people obey nature, and some people resist.

"Kill Yhwach! Hugo."

Looking at the destroyed home in front of him, Baz said angrily to Hugolan Hasward behind him, his eyes extremely firm.

"Should I go too?"

Huguelin Hasward looked away.

"Is your forest also burned down?" Baz asked, "If you want to live in despair with your uncle in the wreckage, go ahead."

"Uncle was killed."

Huguelin Hasward answered calmly.

Regarding his uncle's death, he didn't feel any emotion in his heart, and he was even a little grateful to Yhwach.

"That's it..."

Baz responded equally calmly.

The difference is that he doesn't understand the true thoughts of Hugolan Hasward at all. He just thinks that they are fellow travelers, and they decide together to become Yhwach's bodyguard, and then wait for the opportunity to seek revenge.

Then another five years passed.

"A new combat unit?"

In Yhwach's camp, a veteran general seemed a little confused after hearing that Yhwach was preparing to form an extremely powerful combat force.

Because in his impression, His Majesty's army has already been invincible, and no one can stop their progress. Soon the entire Quincy clan will be unified, and at that time, His Majesty will become the true Majesty and become - Quincy The ancestor of the teacher.

"This is extremely rude, Your Majesty. However, there is nothing in the Empire of Light that His Majesty's iron heel cannot reach. I believe... that this is not necessary at all."

"Not the 'Empire of Light'."

Yhwach calmly replied, "From now on, the Empire of Light no longer exists. It is called the Invisible Empire here. And the purpose of my formation of troops is not to suppress the territory, but to prepare to enter Soul Society."

"Are you actually...preparing to defeat them?" The veteran was obviously surprised by Yhwach's decision.

I see... Isn't it enough to satisfy His Majesty just by controlling the Quincy clan?

That's right...this is a man who was born to plunder everything!

"I see... So, we need new power, right? Your Majesty." After thinking about everything, the veteran's tone became excited.

What responded to him was Yhwach's new name for the unit.

"The name of the army is the Knights of the Star Cross."


On the other side, five years later, Hugo Lan Hasward and Baz have grown up, and during this period, they have been hiding in the deepest part of the forest and constantly honing their strength.

Baz is still a 'genius' as always, and in every aspect, he is far behind Hugolen Hasward...

No, it's no longer the level of being left behind.

In the past five years, there has been no change in Hugolan Hasward except that his body has become stronger as he has grown.

He doesn't seem to have the slightest talent to become a Quincy, and even now he hasn't been able to gather the Spirit Sons.

The inability to condense spirit seeds means that one cannot use spirit seeds to construct a spiritual bow. In this case, one cannot be considered a Quincy at all.

Baz was also convinced that Hugolen Hasward really had no talent.

He had heard that a person like this would indeed appear in their Quincy clan every few decades. Such people would often be abandoned by their Quincy parents, and would eventually be eliminated without leaving any descendants.

Through generations of genetic optimization, such an untalented person has not been born for hundreds of years.

But unfortunately, Hugolen Hasward undoubtedly fits this profile.

Baz began to doubt his own vision.

He began to feel that it was impossible to kill Yhwach by cooperating with such a person.

But looking at Hugo, who was unable to condense his spiritual bow and kept waving the wooden sword in his hand to practice his sword skills, he still couldn't leave him behind.

Then, the day came that completely changed his view of Hugo.

On this day, the iron hooves of Yhwach's army once again came to the rebuilt villages and towns.

“Attention—His Majesty’s decree!”

The elongated sound echoed throughout the village and town.

Knights on horseback carrying stars and banners burst in shouting.

"Youhabach's troops..."

"What are you here for?"

"Is it going to be like five years ago again?"

People who survived five years ago began to feel panic again.

Soon, under everyone's frightened eyes, the knights planted flags and slowly announced: "Lord Yhwach announced the establishment of a new combat force! It's called the 'Knights of the Star Cross'! It's for the purpose of entering Soul Society. The established Order of Glory Knights!"

"what did he say?"

"Attack...Soul Society!?"

"Why do you do that?"

Everyone's eyes began to show fear and confusion.

"Lord Yhwach believes that if we leave things unchecked, Soul Society will one day become a threat to us." As if he heard the villagers' discussion, the knight replied calmly, "Rather than sit back and wait for their invasion. It is better to take the initiative. Attack!"

"So...are you here to recruit soldiers?"

Someone understood the purpose of the knights coming here.

"Yes, of course, there will be strict review when joining the team." the knight answered.

"I came over after seeing the flag of Yhwach. I didn't expect it to be big news... Baz." Hugolan Hasward listened to the knight's announcement and looked at Baz beside him with some shame.

Now he only thinks that Yhwach's idea is too terrible.

The so-called threat in the future is just an excuse for aggression.

But Baz on the side didn't seem to hear him at all.

In Baz's eyes, this moment is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Let's go, Hugo!"

He called to Hugolen Hasward, strode forward and shouted in the direction of the knight: "We are officially fighting for the Quincy, those who are ambitious -"


The knight looked over with some confusion upon hearing the sound.

When they discovered that they were actually two teenagers who looked like children, their eyes gradually turned cold and even a little disdainful.

"What...are you doing?" He asked calmly.

"I'm Buzz! He's Hugo!"

Baz brought Hugolan Hasward to the knights and replied with a smile, "I hope to join the Knights of the Star Cross!"

"Then...what are those two idiots doing!?"

Looking at the two teenagers who dared to rush to Yhwach's troops and shouting, he also looked at the faces of the knights with a look of 'Are you kidding us? The boy’s expression suddenly felt something was wrong.

"He will be killed! He might even implicate us!"

"Isn't that kid Baz? The son of the former lord... Why would he want to join Yhwach's army? This place was destroyed by Yhwach five years ago!"

Fortunately, under everyone's frightened eyes, what they were worried about did not happen.

The knights just looked at the two teenagers with disdain, and then looked around for a week. After seeing that they were all a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, they seemed to lose interest and turned their horses around to leave.

However, just when people were about to breathe a sigh of relief, Baz started to have another attack.

"Hey! Wait! Where are you going!? Wait!"

He roared at the knights' retreating backs, "Didn't I say I wanted to join?"


The knight turned his head expressionlessly and said calmly, "If you want to join... there will be a review later, and you will be notified later. Before that, you should work hard to train yourself. Although no matter how hard you train, the review is not for ordinary people like you. It will pass smoothly.”

With that said, the leading knight commanded the troops and prepared to ride away.

"That's it...that's it, Baz...let's go back today, shall we?" Huguelin Hasward looked at the tense atmosphere and comforted him.

But Baz didn't seem to be ready to give up.

He grinned and raised his hand, the crossbow launcher condensing in his hand: "I'll just let you know what I'm doing, right?"


The next moment, the Lingzi crossbow nailed the war horse's path mercilessly.


The leading knight frowned slightly and pulled up the reins to stop the horse.

"Fight it out with me, Brother Knight! If I win, give up your position to me!"

Baz's provocative voice sounded from behind.

Hearing this, the knight smiled contemptuously.


He slowly pushed the long sword out of the scabbard with his thumb, and the smile on his face gradually turned cruel: "Rude monkey! Can't you understand your own weakness until you die once?"

"'The knight was killed by the monkey', then your companion will pass the message to Yhwach like this, right?" Baz was still smiling, not afraid at all.


The knight jumped off his horse, snorted and drew his sword in the direction of Baz.

Upon seeing this, Baz grasped his crossbow tightly and prepared to face the enemy.

However, for some reason, as soon as he took two steps forward, the knight in front of him stopped dead in his tracks, with a look of horror on his face.

"Huh!? Are you scared? Mr. Knight?"

Seeing this, Baz naturally thought this was a good opportunity.

He suddenly raised his crossbow and took aim.

But just when he was about to pull the trigger, his whole body froze uncontrollably.

A terrifying spiritual pressure enveloped this side.

Not only him, but all the knights on the opposite side dismounted and knelt down on one knee, as if they were kneeling to welcome the king.

As if realizing something, Baz turned his head with an extremely ugly expression.

He saw a black figure riding a dark horse slowly approaching.


So is this Yhabach?

He was obviously just coming over on a war horse and didn't put pressure on them at all, but this terrifying spiritual pressure made him completely unable to move.

What a monster!

"I'm so sorry! Your Majesty! Fighting with such a monkey in private!" The knight who had just drawn his sword apologized sincerely.

"It doesn't matter," Yhwach rode past Baz with an expressionless expression, seemingly never taking him seriously, "I'm just looking for something. Looking for... someone who can be my right hand."


Hearing this, Baz showed a confident smile on his face.

it's here!

right here!

He screamed in his heart.

He firmly believed that a genius like himself would be able to become Yhwach's 'right hand', and then... kill Yhwach with his own hands!

However, when he raised his head and looked over, he saw a scene that made him unbelievable.

Everyone was so shocked by Yhwach's terrifying spiritual pressure that they could not get up.

This is how it should be.

But at this moment, among the countless people kneeling on the ground, there was one person standing besides Yhwach.

At this moment, it seemed that everything in the world existed only for these two people standing there. They were born to stand there, they were born to be kings!

Huguelen Hasward!

That was the friend he had always thought had no talent!

"It's you. I know your name, Hugolan Hasward." Yhwach calmly looked down at the young man under the horse, and said calmly according to the 'future' he saw, "My half. …”


At this moment, Hugolen Hasward was stunned in place before he understood everything.

"Then...that...I am...what? I don't quite understand what you are talking about..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You want to join the Knights of the Star Cross as my confidant." Yhwach said calmly, as if he was telling the truth.

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