Chapter 900 893. Dust


After hearing what Yhwach said to Hugolan Hasward, everyone present had a look of shock on their faces.

"How can a child like that become His Majesty's confidant?"

The knights' faces were full of confusion. In their opinion, this boy was not even as good as Baz just now. He couldn't feel the spiritual power fluctuations in his body at all. He was a 'disgrace' that couldn't even be considered a Quincy. It is a great gift for him to stay in their Quincy clan!

How could he be qualified to become His Majesty's confidant? Simply incredible!

Even Hugolen Hasward was in disbelief at this moment.

He and Baz had always wanted to become people who could get close to Yhwach, and for this they had been enduring painful training day after day.

As a result, his efforts seemed to have no effect, and now he is inexplicably about to become a confidant of Yhwach?

For a moment, Hugolen Hasward was at a loss.

He had no choice but to look at Baz behind him for help: "Baz...uh...what should I...what should I do? Baz?"

However... when Hugolen Hasward was reincarnated and looked over, he saw a sight that he would never forget in his life.

That came from Baz, a look full of resentment and jealousy.

Over the years, he had never understood what a 'friend' was, but now he feels like he understands what a 'friend' is, all thanks to Baz.

It was this person who allowed him to be corrected from his distortion and truly become like a living person.


At this moment, betrayal ushered in.

Why are you looking at me like this? Buzz?

Huguelin Hasward was filled with confusion.

He would immediately become a close confidant of Yhwach's side, which meant that he would be able to execute their plans in no time.

Isn't this something to be happy about?

On the other side, Baz was also full of doubts.


Two people should work together as confidants to kill Yhwach.

It's clearly me who has the talent, but you don't.

Even if two people can't become confidants together, if there's only one should be me!

Why is it yours?

Hugo! ! !

Why! ?

Being stared at by Baz with a burning gaze that was almost filled with hatred, Hugolen Hasward began to feel confused.

Is this what you call a ‘friend’?

If so……

Then forget it.

"Come here, go back to the city and prepare a carriage to take this young man back."

At this time, Yhwach had already given orders to his subordinates, preparing to bring Hugolan Hasward back.

Perhaps because there was still some confusion in his heart, Hugolan Hasward asked suspiciously towards Yhwach: "Then... that... I think you must have made a mistake?"

"What did you say?"

The knight on the side suddenly turned gloomy when he heard this, "I can't pretend that I didn't hear it, kid. You were lucky to be chosen by His Majesty, and you actually said that His Majesty made a mistake..."

"I... have almost no talent, and I can't make a bow or an arrow..." Huguelin Hasward lowered his head and explained, "Compared to someone like me, I can't even be considered a Quincy... ...Baz should be more suitable to be His Majesty’s confidant, right?”


The sound of grinding teeth was heard.

Hugolan Hasward's plea did not make Baz grateful. On the contrary, it made him even more angry and jealous.

"Are you looking down on people? Kid!?"

Not only Baz, the knights on the side were also furious after listening to Hugolen Hasward's speech.


However, just as he was about to step forward to give Hugolen Hasward a look, the sound of violent footsteps came from behind.

Turning his head suddenly, he found that His Majesty was warning him not to move.

After warning his subordinates, Yhwach once again walked up to Yugelan Hasward with a blank expression and said calmly: "Sure enough, as I can see, you don't know what your power is yet, and you can't Making a holy bow is a matter of course. Because like me, you are a Quincy who can 'give power to others'."

"!!" Upon hearing this, Hugolan Hasward raised his head and looked at Yhwach in confusion, as if he failed to understand what the other party said.

Yhwach was not in a hurry, but explained patiently: "I have been looking for a long time. After all, no Quincy with the same power has appeared in the two hundred years since I was born. Yuglan Hasward, You cannot absorb the surrounding spirits and turn them into your own power like other Quincy, you can only 'give' power to those around you.

I cultivated the 'power of giving' and gained the power of 'taking', but because you are completely unaware of this, you don't go out of your way to feel that power, and you can't even do that. "

As he said that, Yhwach turned his head to look at Baz, who was lying on the ground with an angry face, and said calmly: "The red-haired boy on the side, you should feel that your strength is gradually growing in the days you are with him, right? ? Do you think - that is your 'own power'?"

Yhwach's eyes were full of contempt: "Thank you very much for this man. This man made you, a weakling, a genius."


Hearing this, Baz looked at Hugolen Hasward with disbelief.

Huguelin Hasward could only bow his head in silence.

"Let's go, Hasward?"

Yhwach calmly reached out and stroked the head of young Hugolan Hasward, leading him to leave, "I need you."


However, when the two turned around, Baz roared angrily behind them.

He suddenly rose up, and arrows condensed from the spiritual crossbow in his hand, aiming at Yhwach: "Go to hell - Yhwach!"


Yhwach calmly turned his head and glanced at him without making any move.

Because Hugolen Hasward had already taken action.

He reached out silently and grasped the incoming arrow without mercy.

Taking action against Yhwach would have resulted in death, but because of his action, Baz saved his life.

This is probably the last thing he can do as a 'friend'.

"This scene is really nostalgic..."

The scene returned to the present, Hugolan Hasward calmly reached out to catch the arrow shot by Buzby.

As before, these are arrows of rebellion aimed at His Majesty.

However, the longer he stayed with Youhabach, the more he realized one thing.

That man was not something they could kill.

Even if you have the same power as the opponent, it is impossible.

After knocking Buzby away with an expressionless blow, Hugo Lan Hasward slowly stepped forward with his sword: "Stop, Buzby... No matter how much we fight, it will have no meaning to His Majesty. "

"It doesn't make sense to Your Majesty?"

Buzby coughed blood in embarrassment and got up from the ground with a crazy smile on his face, "Nonsense - I'm just here to kill that majesty! Finger of Fire - 4!"

As he spoke, he once again used his best skill.

The blazing flames instantly surrounded his outstretched hand and turned into a flame blade.

The next moment, Buzby's figure disappeared from the spot, and with his burning breath, he attacked Hugolen Hasward.

"Didn't I tell you to stop?"

Huguelin Hasward frowned slightly and looked at the figure attacking in front of him, and roared slightly angrily, "Baronder Brak!!!"

However, Buzby's attack did not hesitate in the slightest because of his roar. The blazing blade of fire swept past, and everything in its path was instantly fused.

In desperation, Huguen Hasward could only fly to dodge.

"What's wrong!? Are you running away?"

Seeing this, Buzby laughed wildly and taunted, "Are you trying to escape from the finals again!? Are you so afraid of losing to me!? Hugo!!"

Looking back, in the intertwined present and past, he didn't know how many times he provoked the guy in front of him.

But without exception, Hugolen Hasward chose to escape. I never seriously wanted to have a real battle with him.


Why are you so many times that no matter how hard I bite you, you never fight me? ?

"Are you kidding! Let's have a showdown with me!! I haven't lost to you yet!"

Buzby growled.

However, the next moment, he was stunned.


With blood splattering everywhere.

He turned back with dull eyes and looked at his severed arm. and the calm sword-wielding Hugolen Hasward.

Anger and unwillingness filled Buzby's mind.

Yes, this is what makes him most unhappy.

This guy is obviously so powerful, why does he keep pretending to be weak in front of him?

The guy who needed to be protected by him in the beginning turned out to be so powerful.

What an irony.

If this is the case, wouldn’t I, who have always regarded you as my younger brother, look like a fool? ?


Amidst the roar of anger and unwillingness, the burning flames extended from Buzby's severed arm and turned into an arm made of flames.

"Fire-burning fingers!!"

However, this last flame also collapsed the next second when Hugolen Hasward swung his sword.

A hideous wound appeared on Buzby's chest, causing him to almost lose the strength to continue standing.

Huguelin Hasward stood calmly in front of him and allowed him to support him.

"I lost... Hugo..."

Buzby stretched out his remaining arm and grabbed Hugo Lan Hasward's clothes to maintain his standing position, lowering his head, his tone full of reluctance.

"Damn it... I really can't do what I want... lose to you... I thought I would be even more unwilling..."


Huguelen Hasward did not respond.

It wasn't until Buzby fell to the ground that he calmly turned around and left.

"Farewell, my friend."

Speaking of which, why does he keep avoiding Baz's provocation?

Probably because deep down in his heart, he still regarded this guy as a friend.

After all, at that time, it was this guy who stood up and asked him to be his younger brother. After all, he was indeed redeemed at that time.

"From today on, you are my little brother, Hugo."

"I will teach you everything you don't know how to do."

"I want to become the strongest Quincy!"

These words are all yours.

"Don't you feel more unwilling... It seems that you have remembered it, Buzz."

Hugolan Hasward called out the name he had not called out for a long time.

Unfortunately, Buzz, who fell to the ground, could no longer hear.



"What are you doing...that guy Buzby was killed..."

"It's not easy to let the two of them fight alone..."

"Right? Yhwach?"

Elsewhere, Litoto Lampado, who also came to kill Yhwach like Buzby, sneered and asked the expressionless Yhwach in front of him.

Her voice was a little weak.

Because at this moment, she already had a hideous wound on her abdomen, and her figure was swaying, as if she would fall down if the wind blew.

The companion on the side, Giselle Juel, had already fallen to the ground and died.

There is no doubt that it was a disastrous failure...

Facing Yhwach, they had no chance of winning.

"I can't kill's a pity."


Yhwach remained silent and did not answer, but turned around calmly.

And as if he had foreseen it, almost the moment he turned around, Litoto Lampado fell to the ground with a plop, lifeless.

When Yhwach calmly came to sit on the throne, Hugolan Hasward, who had finished his battle with Buzby, also came to him.

The two looked at each other calmly, as if they already knew what was happening at this moment.

For them, everything is just a predetermined ending, boring and unchangeable.

"It's finally quiet...let me get some sleep."

Yhwach said calmly.


Hearing this, Hugolan Hasward stopped interrupting and turned around in silence.

Tap tap tap——

In the entire huge palace of the Shadow Empire, his footsteps were the only sound left at this moment.

The loneliness is terrifying.

"What a cruel power... Your Majesty... the power to see the future."

He sighed silently.

What could be more cruel than seeing your friend die in your own hands as early as you awaken your power?

And this future is really coming into reality at this moment.

This made him understand how heavy Yhwach was carrying.

Not understood, and unable to be understood.

The cruelest thing in the world is to let others see the ending, and even if the ending is unacceptable to you, you cannot change it.

They are like a special speck of dust in the long river of history. Even if they are special enough to peer into the end of the long river, they cannot change the fact that they are just a speck of dust.

If you are dust, you can only choose to go with the flow.

And to change all this...

Huguelin Hasward calmly raised his head, and through the ceiling, he seemed to see the realm above the sky.

That is the realm that His Majesty is pursuing at the moment.

A state that transcends everything.

A state that can break free from the cruel river of history - the transcendent.

Can it succeed?

This is the only invisible ‘future’ between him and Yhwach.

And unknown things are always interesting to humans.

A smile appeared on the corner of Hugolen Hasward's mouth, just like the smile on the corner of Yhwach's mouth who was asleep at the moment.

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