"what to do?"

Brünnhilde heard Gray's question and turned around with a cold expression.

"Grey, my dear sister... I understand your inner thoughts, but listen! Your thoughts are not only irresponsible to the warriors who are about to fight on behalf of mankind, but also an insult to brother Hercules! Put away those pitiful and naive thoughts, this is a duel that determines the survival of mankind. It is essentially an extremely cruel war..."

After saying this, Brynhildr said nothing and stepped into the Hall of Valor with a determined look.


Gray looked confused and followed her sister's footsteps.

Indeed, this is an extremely cruel war.

The loser means death for both humans and gods.

The battle between Adam and Zeus was an unexpected special situation. After all, according to normal rules, once they step onto that ring, both sides must fight until one of the souls is burned out.

She would actually want to sacrifice humans to keep her brother Hercules alive?

Such an idea is not only unfair to the human warriors who are about to take the field, but if an upright god like Hercules' brother knows about it... his butt will be spread open, right?


Gray couldn't help but sigh.

As a Valkyrie, she naturally understands the cruelty of war.

The war between humans is still like this, let alone what is happening at this moment is an unprecedented battle between humans and gods.

She felt as if she had underestimated Sister Brunhilde's awareness.

After all, faced with such a situation, if it were her to make the choice, she would probably be so entangled that she couldn't extricate herself.


On the other side, after saying goodbye to Brünnhilde and Gray, Hercules met an unexpected presence.

"I saw it~"

A teasing voice came from behind.

Heracles turned his head and looked around, only to see a vortex of divine power appearing not far away from him, and then, as if by magic, the figure of the cunning god Loki appeared.

"You seem to have a good relationship with the Valkyries? Hercules."

Loki narrowed his eyes slightly and joked, "Ah, that's right... Although you come from different regions in Northern Europe and Greece, you are all the same. You are defective products of demigods~"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and caressed Hercules' face, his tone full of provocation.

"If you win after taking the field, it means that a Valkyrie will die as a result~ Won't you find it difficult to start?"

However, Hercules seemed not to care about such provocation at all. Not only was he not angry, but a faint smile appeared on his face: "Don't try to shake my determination, Loki. Humans are powerful enemies! As a representative of the gods... as a As a warrior, all I can do is fight with dignity and not bring shame on my name, that's all, I don't have any extra thoughts to worry about other issues."

"Hmph. Okay then..."

Loki seemed a little disappointed when he heard this.

It can be said that he and the Hercules in front of him have a very bad compatibility. After all, people call him the god of cunning, but this is the completely opposite god of justice.

"You're still as annoying to me as ever."

"Really? What a coincidence, I don't like you either, Loki."

Hercules answered matter-of-factly.

For a moment, the atmosphere between the two gods became tense.

"The ugly words come first, Loki, I...actually oppose the 'end of mankind'." Hercules said calmly something that would make the gods angry.

After all, as a god, saying such words in such a situation is tantamount to being an enemy of the entire divine race.

"But now that 'Twilight of the Gods' has begun, I won't lose."

Heracles said calmly, "As the representative of the gods, I will definitely achieve complete victory, and then...then make a request to the gods to redeem mankind!!"

His tone was extremely firm, from beginning to end.

This is Hercules, the hero of mankind and now a god, the god of justice who represents pure justice.


Listening to Hercules' unexplained speech, Loki's eyes showed contempt, "You are still the same... I don't understand which side you are on."

"I've always been..."

Hercules was not prepared to accompany Loki. As he spoke, he turned around and left with firm steps, "Always stand on the right side."


Hearing this, Loki could only remain silent.

"The right side...so...what exactly is right?"



After taking a few steps, Hercules stopped again.

Another unexpected figure appeared in front of him.

But this time it wasn't any god, but a human being.

"It is such a contradictory statement to oppose the end of mankind, but still want to fight for the gods..." the man sighed.

Hercules looked at the humans in front of him calmly, and after a moment, he slowly spoke: "Really? I don't feel conflicted. Or... do you think humans... can really defeat gods with their own strength? "

While asking, he looked at the man in front of him seriously.

He wanted to know the answer of the man in front of him.

Because this man can be said to be the beginning of everything. It was precisely because he provoked the gods in the Valhalla Chamber and stood up to support the Valkyries that the meeting was pushed to the point where it is now out of control.

"Isn't it right? There have been three duels, and the answer to the question is already obvious, right?" Xuan Hao smiled lightly and asked with interest.

"Indeed..." Hercules nodded, then shook his head, "The gods may indeed underestimate human power, but... why don't humans do the same at this moment? Do you really understand the power of gods?"

Hercules' tone was extremely firm.

As a being who was once a human and now a god, he firmly believed that he was the one who understood both parties best.

After all, why did he become a hero in the first place? Why become a god?

In the final analysis, isn't it because mankind needs such a hero to save it, and needs him to become a god at the cost of getting a chance to survive?

Hercules never denied the will of human beings, but as a human being, he also knew very well that human beings have limits.

Even he gained the power to rival the gods by drinking the blood of Zeus, and was able to give humanity a glimmer of hope in that 'judgment'.

"In the next showdown, what humans will face...is the unreserved attack of the gods."

"You mean like Poseidon?" Xuan Hao smiled contemptuously.

"No..." Hercules shook his head helplessly, "He will only be stronger than Lord Poseidon... Lord Poseidon did use the power of Poseidon in the duel and lost, but... you won't Do you think that the real power is just setting off a wave that cannot even submerge the Valhalla Arena? The real power is enough to swallow up the entire world and bury all the fame in the abyss of the sea."

"It's true if you insist on saying that." Xuan Hao shrugged indifferently, "But if you lose, you lose. Does it make sense?"

"Indeed not."

Hercules calmly lifted his steps and continued to move forward. The moment he passed by, he spoke again.

"Thank you for supporting Brünnhilde and the others, but what I want to say is... that alone is not enough. If you want to refute, then prove it to me... prove that humans can really use their own power , obtain the qualification to survive from the hands of the gods.”

"Even if the price of proof is your downfall?" Xuan Hao turned his head and asked curiously.


Hercules smiled and strode away, "If the gods can accept my proposal and agree to the survival of mankind, I will be very happy, and if mankind can survive on its own strength, I will not only be happy, but also very proud! This proves that my choice has always been correct. Since this is the ending I expected, why should I hesitate? Don’t let me down..."


Hearing this, Xuan Hao smiled and said nothing more.

Perhaps this is what the ideal ‘god’ in people’s minds should look like.

He will stand up to protect mankind and look forward to the growth of mankind.


Hall of Valor, Between the Akashic Records.

Brunhild, who came here at this moment, was looking at the information about the heroic spirits on the light screen, with a strange smile on her face.

"So...it has been determined that the one who will fight on the side of the fourth war god is Brother Hercules..."

"Yeah, so sister Hilde...who are you going to send on the field?" Gray looked at the weird smile on Brünnhilde's face and couldn't help but feel a panic in her heart. "Who on earth can compete with brother Hercules?" confrontation?"


Listening to Gray's doubts, the expression on Brünnhilde's face gradually became calmer, "It would be a headache if it were other guys, but... I decided from the beginning that there was only one opponent for Brother Hercules. Okay. It’s just that…we still need to ask that man’s opinion.”

"Huh?" Gray was confused when he heard this.

Who is it? What makes Sister Brünnhilde so confident that she can definitely fight against Brother Hercules? Is there really such a thing among humans?

"Of course there is..."

It seemed that he saw the doubts in Gray's heart.

Brünnhilde's face turned gloomy, and even showed a hint of disgust.

"I... selected the most annoying bastards among human beings, the rubbish among rubbish, the most rubbish bastards..."

As she spoke, she pressed the button and locked the information of one of the heroic spirits.


Looking at the polite but chilling face in the light screen, Gray's face was covered in cold sweat.

"How...how...how could it be this person!?"

"How could it be? It should be said that it can only be him..." Brünnhilde held a completely opposite opinion. "To confront the absolutely righteous brother Hercules, only the most despicable and evil will in the world can be used." .”

"Indeed, the person you chose this time is quite interesting."

A sudden voice sounded beside the two Valkyries.


Gray was surprised to find that at some point, the man who suddenly appeared here had stretched his neck over Sister Hilde's shoulder to look at the information about the heroic spirits on the light screen, looking very interested.

"Really? You think so too, right?" Brünnhilde received such a comment, her face flushed, and she seemed very excited.


Xuan Hao nodded indifferently, "Let's decide it's him this time. I don't have any objections."

"Um? Don't you need to evaluate him?"

Hearing this, Brünnhilde was slightly startled.

"There is nothing to evaluate. The outcome this time will be left to fate."

Xuan Hao replied calmly, "I have met Hercules just now. He is a good person. If possible, I actually hope that the winner of this game will be him."

"Are you a good 'person'? Brother Hercules must be very happy to hear your rating..." Brynhild couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

Although she didn't know what this man said when he met Hercules' brother.

But it seems that the opponent doesn't want to interfere in this round.

Is this respect for brother Hercules?

Respect indeed.

In Xuan Hao's view, Hercules is indeed a 'god' worthy of respect.

This being who was once a human and is now a god wants to use himself to verify whether human beings are qualified to survive.

It should be said... Hercules has always believed that human beings are qualified to continue to exist in the world. Even if it seems that they are not qualified at the moment, it doesn't matter. He will protect human beings until they grow up to be able to stand alone.

In a sense, this God of Justice's feelings towards mankind are very similar to those of Adam, the father of mankind.

Faced with this god's determination, Xuan Hao did not intend to intervene in this duel, and decided to leave such results to humans themselves to prove.

Whether it is justice, evil, despicability, nobleness... everything is the quality that human beings should have, and the development of human beings is inevitably accompanied by the birth of countless possibilities. Sometimes whether human beings are qualified to survive is indeed a tangled question.

Xuan Hao was actually very satisfied with the person Brunhilde chose this time, because he also wanted to see whether this god with extremely firm beliefs would waver when facing such a person.

"Since you have no objection... then I will start summoning him to heaven..."

Brünnhilde said with a gloomy expression.

Although this was the person she chose, she still felt physically uncomfortable being in the same room with such a guy.

"It's up to you……"

Xuan Hao said he had no objection.

Then, Brünnhilde began the ritual of summoning heroic spirits.

Along with the surge of divine power, the teleportation array in the center of the Hall of Valor began to shine with dazzling light.

But just when the summoning was about to succeed, Brünnhilde's expression changed slightly.

"What's wrong? Sister Hilde?" Gray on the side seemed to feel something was wrong and asked doubtfully.

"No... the summoning was successful, it's just... there seemed to be an accident along the way?" Brynhildr answered uncertainly. ()

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