Chapter 971 Got the wrong script

"Ask a question..."

"Are you...the master who summoned me?"

"Gah?" Listening to the summoned figure's question, both Xuan Hao and the two Valkyries present were stunned.

‘Did we get the wrong script? ’

The three of them looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

But just when they were confused, the summoned heroic spirit seemed to make its own decision.

"The answer just now...can I take it as a yes? Then...the contract is completed. Let us get along with each other...ladies and gentlemen."

" did you sign a contract with?" Xuan Hao asked doubtfully.


The man seemed to have realized that no matter who was in front of him, there seemed to be no command spell that the master should have, and the most important thing was that he did not seem to be summoned here by some kind of holy relic.

"Strange... Was I summoned by the summoning circle here? There is no command spell and no holy relic... But I can indeed feel that there are... many existences that can provide me with magic power... It's really … It’s puzzling.”

"So... who exactly are you?"

Brünnhilde didn't understand what the human in front of her was saying at all, and just looked at him with a slight frown.

Because this person looked completely different from the person she was planning to summon in the records, Jack the Ripper.

Although the attire seems to be the 19th century British style gentleman's attire, no matter how you look at it, they don't look like the same person at all.

"That's a good question, ma'am..."

The visitor chuckled and replied, "My real name is... to be honest, I don't know either..."


The three people present were stunned, "You don't even know who you are?"


The voice came from behind.


Brünnhilde was slightly startled.

In just a moment, the person in front of him had disappeared.

When she turned around, she saw another person with a completely different appearance standing next to the coffee table behind her, seemingly pouring tea for them.

This man is different from the British gentleman just now. He is wearing a crisp black suit and looks like a medieval butler.

"Tea, please, ladies and gentlemen."

When the voice sounded again, it had become a female voice.

The housekeeper in front of him disappeared again, and was replaced by a lady who looked like a lady sitting on the seat next to the coffee table.

Brünnhilde knew that these characters should have been transformed by the mysterious man she summoned, but the other party's changes seemed to come without any warning, making it impossible for anyone to notice. It's like the other person exists in that way.

"Is this...your ability?"

"Maybe..." the woman answered uncertainly, "I don't know my name, nor my abilities, because these... don't seem to belong to me, but are things that have been given..."

"What do you mean?" Gray looked confused.

"To put it simply...if anyone knows my real name, it is not the rumor, but the real me, and the person who stopped me from committing the crime, right? But...people call me this...please refer to my signature in the letter as My alias is Jack the Ripper."

The voice became erratic again.

A sharp dagger had reached between Brünnhilde's neck from behind.

The visitor turned into a gentleman again, smiling and whispering in Brünnhilde's ear.

Suddenly, Brünnhilde felt a chill from her heels to her head.

As we all know, human mortal weapons cannot harm gods, but for some reason, the moment this man put a dagger to her neck, she felt the threat of death!

Even without the artifact, this man could kill her.

Such absurd thoughts arose in Brünnhilde's mind.

"That is to it because of your characteristic of 'not being anyone' that you have the ability to 'become anyone'?"

Xuan Hao seemed to understand and asked calmly, "You are not the real 'Jack the Ripper'...or the real Jack the Ripper itself does not exist. People's malice and legends have made you who you are now, right?" "

"Maybe it can be explained this way?"

The man put away the dagger and spread his hands helplessly, "So actually I also want to know...who I am."

"Um...don't you admit that you are Jack?" Gray still looked confused after hearing this.

"I was indeed given such a name in the legends circulating in London..."

The man shook his head slightly, "But just because it is a 'legend', I am also a being who is constantly changing my shape due to stories and research. My self is constantly changing due to the will of human beings. This is very, very scary to me. .For those of you who have a body, a name, and a past... it shouldn’t be understandable, right?”

"To put it simply...the reason why you are now 'Jack the Ripper' is because of the malice of human beings?" Gray seemed to understand, "What if what is condensed in you at this moment is other human beings?" Will, such as 'Justice', you may also be able to become the embodiment of justice, such as... Hercules?"

"Smart." The man smiled softly, "I'm glad you understand me, ma'am."

"I see……"

Listening to the discussion of several people, Brünnhilde seemed to have summed up the answer, "That is to say, there was an accident during the summoning. We were not able to summon Jack the Ripper, who originally existed in London in the 19th century. Here comes a very troublesome guy... After all... we have to put a question mark on whether this guy is a human being or not?"


Xuan Hao nodded slightly, "You seem to have won the first prize this time."


Brünnhilde grinned, "According to this guy, his existence itself seems to be the embodiment of human will. The only thing that human beings can defeat the gods is will, and as a pure will, he is simply the most powerful person in the battle." A perfect candidate. And if he is not the 'Jack the Ripper', I suddenly feel as if I don't hate him so much~"

"Um...ladies and gentlemen, is it really okay to discuss this in front of me...?"

Listening to the casual conversation between the two, 'Jack the Ripper' smiled helplessly and complained, "Speaking of which... why did you summon 'me'? 'Only the will of mankind can defeat gods.' …Is it possible that…”

"Can you please help us defeat the gods? Gentleman." Brünnhilde asked in a tone that she couldn't refuse.

"Um...Am I... involved in something very troublesome?" 'Jack the Ripper' seemed a little ashamed when he heard this, and subconsciously turned his head to ask Xuan Hao who was standing aside.

"Used to it."

Xuanhao spread his hands helplessly.

"But then again... I obviously planned not to interfere... but did something unexpected happen?"

Looking at the summoned 'Jack the Ripper' in front of him, Xuan Hao narrowed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

The information in the Hall of Valor is not wrong. Logically speaking, it is impossible to summon the kind of existence in front of you here. It can only be said that there were some accidents along the way.

Is it a coincidence? Or fate?

He doesn't quite know.

Maybe his appearance accidentally changed the trajectory of this world... Otherwise, how could such a "concept"-like heroic spirit be summoned.

"Your appearance reminded me of some interesting things..."

"You mean I helped you? Sir." 'Jack the Ripper' smiled.

"That's right..."

Xuan Hao shrugged slightly, turned around and prepared to leave the Hall of Valor, "I wish you victory in the next duel. If possible, I want you to go to a place with me."

"Is this an agreement?" 'Jack the Ripper' seemed a little surprised when he heard this.

No one would ever make an agreement with a guy like him who was not even sure of his own existence.

Because even he himself doesn't know what he will look like when he appears next, there is no point in making an agreement with him.

Everything is beyond his control, not just simple things like fulfilling an agreement, but sometimes it is difficult for him to even maintain his 'self'.

"That's right. If you succeed, maybe your wish will come true."

"I mean... can you let me know who I am?"

No one answered, because Xuan Hao's figure had disappeared into the Hall of Valor, leaving only 'Jack the Ripper' standing in front of the two Valkyries in confusion.

"How about it? Have you thought about it? Are you willing to fight for us...not...for the survival of the entire human race?" Brünnhilde ignored Xuan Hao's departure because she was not qualified to take care of this person at all, but Xuan Hao Hao's words before leaving gave the summoned mysterious existence a reason to fight, and she expressed her sincere gratitude.

If the other party chooses to refuse, then she must hurry up and make the next round of summons.

But if the existence in front of me goes to fight, the real Jack the Ripper might be more effective.

"For the survival of mankind?"

'Jack the Ripper' was a little surprised when he heard this, "It's really a heavy mission, but since it is like this... I seem to have no reason to refuse... After all..."

As he spoke, he opened his hands as if feeling something.

"It's because of their 'gifts' that I can exist in this world..."

Yes, the source of his power has no command spell or master. He is now relying on the will of all mankind. The fate of mankind is closely connected with his fate. If mankind ceases to exist, then he will not be able to continue. existence, the matter of finding oneself has become nonsense.

"But let's talk first... I'm not fighting for humanity. I'm just doing this for myself."

"very good."

Brünnhilde grinned at this.

Very good, this is the right way.

Being so selfish is like being a ‘human being’.



The Valhalla Arena was dark at the moment, but suddenly, a spotlight beam illuminated the middle of the Arena.

Heimdall's figure appeared in the spotlight: "Twilight of the Gods, the fourth battle..."

His voice was extremely deep.

"With the gods losing two and drawing one, and humans having an absolute advantage... what follows is the most critical battle for the gods!"

As he spoke, the lights around him lit up one after another, and a medieval street appeared in the sight of humans and gods in the audience.

Soon the streets began to turn and spread, and finally the lights lit up the entire city.

Yes, absolutely in the fourth game, the arena is a city. To put it bluntly, it was London, England, in the 19th century.

"It's amazing! It's so big!!"

The humans couldn't help but be surprised by this, "Is this the biggest arena among all the duels so far?"

At this moment, countless light curtains monitoring different corners of the entire city appeared before their eyes.

It seems that this battle can only be watched through these light curtains, because the arena is too big to be seen at a glance.

"It's obviously the most crucial battle against the gods, but the arena is chosen on the home court of humans? It's really strange..."

Some people wonder about this.

It is obvious that cities are the home ground of mankind.

"Huh, maybe it's because of face, right? It can't be the gods' home court every time?"

Someone was sarcastic.

It seems that the gods want to defeat humans on their home court in order to save their remaining face?

"What is reproduced here is London, England in the 19th century!" Heimdall held the final horn and explained to the gods and humans present. "The human representatives made a request to fight in this venue! And the gods On behalf of nature, she graciously allowed it!!”


The stands on the human side were full of sighs, as if they had a new understanding of the shamelessness of these gods.

But Heimdall didn't seem to care.

Because he knew that when this representative of the gods appeared, not even the human side could refute such a reason.

Because that god, that great hero, is such a great being that humans respect.

"Ahem... Anyway! This is probably the first street fight between humans and gods in history!!"

"Stop talking nonsense and quickly introduce the candidates for the battle!"

Someone urged angrily.


Heimdall felt ashamed. Did these humans really start to drift off after winning two games? He is a god after all...can you show a little more respect?

"Then... on this stage that he requested, what kind of battle will he show to attract our attention?"

Along with Heimdall's explanation, a thick fog filled the entire arena.

Covering the entire 19th century London, the atmosphere of the entire city becomes dense.

"The human representative of the fourth battle is...this guy..."

Heimdall wasn't quite sure how to introduce the humans in front of him.

In the final analysis, the existence of this human being is more like a terrifying urban legend.

"31——That monster... suddenly appeared from the deep darkness...were the lives torn apart by its fangs——the lives of five prostitutes?"


"Is it human society itself?"


"In the blink of an eye, a city with a population of 3 million fell into an abyss of terror...the evil among evils! With a heart cultivated in pitch black darkness, that man is the most famous murderer in human history! His name is——"

"Jack the Ripper!!!"


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