Of course, it's not just the presence of Flatt and the mysterious man that exceeds expectations.

Even without Flatt, the unusual behavior of the Yuqiu couple and the special spearman spirits, various situations that exceeded Faldius's expectations still followed one after another.

Although Faldius did not lose the slightest bit of calmness, he did not hide his feelings at all, put on a face that said "things are getting troublesome", and continued to monitor the man in front of the drug store with "a pattern similar to a command spell" on his hand. woman.

"Do you want to notify the police chief?" asked the female subordinate who was monitoring the monitor.

Faldius shook his head and ordered: "Don't make any noise for now. When the time is right, share the information about Flat and Silver Wolf with the other side."

"Yes." The female subordinate nodded slightly, as if she understood the meaning. "Even if we form an alliance, we can't easily tell each other this kind of information, right?"


Faldius nodded silently.

His unique surveillance network is different in emphasis from the overall city surveillance system controlled by the police. In addition, he has unique knowledge, so the amount of intelligence will be more than that of the police chief.

The original hero Gilgamesh, and Tini Cherk, the last descendant of the clan that protects the land.

A mysterious heroic spirit who is suspected of being able to transform into other people, and Frat Eskaldes, a troubled student in the Clock Tower.

Although they are confirmed to be at home, Caoqiu and his wife keep taking strange actions.

The Silver Wolf, who was created as a magical medium, and the hero who is presumed to be Enkidu based on his characteristics.

There is also Jesta Caltore, who was originally a strong candidate for the Master. However, Jesta's workshop seemed to have been attacked, and someone found burnt or skeletal bodies inside. I don't know if it was because the servant lost control, or if Jesta got rid of his disciple for some reason. Anyway, the whereabouts of Jesta are currently being traced.

"I still care about the heroic spirits summoned by Mr. and Mrs. Caoqiu."

Once the war begins, both sides are enemies. Although this was an agreement made in advance, Caoqiu and his wife made no move, which made Faldius feel very strange. So he tried to use magic communication to contact Caoqiu and his wife and investigate the situation.

However, Caoqiu and his wife said in a lifeless voice, "I'm sorry, we have very important things to deal with and don't have time to participate in the Holy Grail War."

Faldius realized that something was wrong.

For Caoqiu and his wife, there could be nothing more important than the Holy Grail War. If they're lying, it's too easy to expose. Perhaps he was deeply hinted by an outside magician?

Cao Qiu is not a third-rate magician. If Cao Qiu and the others can be manipulated through hints or other methods, then the opponent must be a very high-level magician, such as an ace sent by the Magic Association.

In this case, Flat Escaldes’ strange behavior might also be a feint. But even if it's just a feint, it's too abnormal... Let's leave Flatt's side to the Intelligence Department first.

Anyway, it was impossible for him to contact Flatt directly.

Thinking of this, Faldius turned to think about another thing that worried him. He and the familiar he released had their communication interrupted in the desert yesterday.

Other magicians also released countless familiars, but most of them were wiped out in the conflict between the two heroic spirits. He could understand if that was the case, but there was more to it than that.

Someone found many familiars in a coma in the desert, including Faldius's. Strange black spots appear on the unconscious familiar, which looks like some kind of curse or virus, and researchers are now analyzing it.

"Really, once there are too many accidents, it will be difficult to handle them mechanically." Faldius sighed complainingly, but quickly calmed down and spoke again, "Miss Aldora, please take a picture of B357 The girls are set as secondary observation objects.”

"Okay." The female subordinate on the side said.

After Faldius finished giving instructions to his men, he slowly stood up and walked towards the door. Halfway there, he looked back at the monitor showing the inside of the prison. The cameras appear to show single-person cells, with a man or woman in each room. He glanced at these cruel-looking people and said, "It's almost time for you to take action."

Afterwards, Faldius left his workshop with these words.

"Oh...it seems that these seven days are going to be so enjoyable that it makes people sick to their stomachs."

The moment he left the room, the image from the helicopter was reflected on the monitor.

Above is evidence of a fierce battle between two heroic spirits - a huge crater with a radius of several kilometers. Under the action of huge heat and pressure, the surface of the crater turned into glass.


USA, Las Vegas.

This is a church with a very strange location. It is actually built on top of a casino.

There are countless holy churches in Las Vegas, but this church is so low-key that it has almost no sense of presence. Even the stained glass in the windows and the church's logo would make people mistake it for the decoration of the casino below.

At best, this place is for casino guests who happen to stumble upon it to get a lucky break or repent of their waste. Occasionally, guests who win a lot of money come to donate a little money.

"I'm telling you this as if you're an insider, okay."

Although there is a concert hall above the entrance that is not worthy of the name, the overall building is very narrow. To use a nice word to describe it, this is probably the most restrained church in Las Vegas.

An old priest who looked troubled tilted his head slightly on the altar and spoke as if talking to himself: "How can I put it, the church in Snowfield is full of inexperienced priests. Even the Holy Grail People who don’t know about war can’t handle it.”

The Holy Temple Church—even if the outer frame of religion is removed, it is the largest organization in the world. It takes root in the West and spreads its roots to various places. It is a world-class "system".

The Magic Association is an organization that hides miracles in the name of managing all miracles and magic in the world. It is in opposition to the Holy Church.

However, during the Holy Grail War, this relationship showed a little change. If the Holy Grail is real, it is human property that should be managed by the church. Moreover, the rituals in which miracles occur must be managed so as not to affect the public.

Before the Second Holy Grail War, the Church had always taken a wait-and-see attitude, but during the war, unscrupulous and disorderly massacres occurred. So starting from the third time, the church officially took on the responsibility of supervising the ceremony.

How could the battle between magicians and heroic spirits with powers beyond human beings be gentle and polite?

If the torrent of magic power observed last night was caused by heroic spirits, then this is already a case that should be managed by the church.

Because this Holy Grail War is very likely to recreate the "Fuyuki Fire", "Hotel Collapse", "Summoning the Sea Demon", "Fighter Disappearance"... or even more serious disasters in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

In fact, if the magic that emerged from the desert had been unleashed on the city centre, the name Snowfield would have been wiped off the map last night.

As for the crater in the desert, relevant people are also using magic and power to cover up everything from satellite images to news reports.

In the past Holy Grail War that was fought in Fuyuki, various large-scale "accidents" like just now occurred. Each time, these incidents were covered up by the Church's purpose of "supervising the holy relics."

But this time, the Holy Church did not intervene in the covering work in the desert.

This is exactly the issue that the "Eighth Mystery Society" of the Holy Temple Church focuses on.

They have now learned that the person who carried out this cover-up was neither the Holy Church nor the Magic Association, but a third party with certain powers in the country's judicial and intelligence agencies.

Although the whole matter has not been fully investigated, it is at least certain that some state agencies in the United States have been involved.

Normally, having someone take care of the hard work should be something to be thanked for, but in this case, it was no different than hearing "Your power is not needed for this Holy Grail War." In other words, the other party clearly showed a rejection of "don't worry about it".

Some people were outraged and thought this was inexcusable. Others are simply worried about the people living in Snowfield. Others have other ideas. Therefore, voices began to be heard from various quarters that "the Snowfield Holy Grail War should be forcibly intervened."

So the superiors gave an order to the priest closest to the scene, a person with supervisor qualifications, to immediately go to Snowfield, the scene of the crime.

The old priest looked frail. He babbled: "Well, yes, how should I put it... This is an order from the headquarters of the 'Eighth Secret Society'. You may not be willing to leave this city, but now No one else can go to the scene immediately, huh.

If you don't go, only me, the second candidate, will go. But aren't you a little better at this kind of thing that requires force than me? Hmm. I think this time's event is more suitable for people with good physical strength, eh. If the incident happened in a state where the Holy Church has a stronger say, it would be able to put pressure on the government. But you also know that our state is not that strong. "

In fact, the Holy Church has the power to drive the country.

However, that would have to be in a country where the church has a strong influence.

In the United States, the influence of the Holy Church varies in different states. If it is a nationwide event like the presidential election, perhaps the opinions of each state can be integrated to exert pressure. But it would be difficult to casually intervene in some events in states with less influence.

The same goes for Fuyuki City in Japan. The reason why the Holy Church can cover up various incidents is because of its decades-long preparations for the Holy Grail War. Even with such a foundation, in order to cover up accidents such as the disappearance of fighter jets, we still need to borrow a lot of favors from various parties.

"Well, how can I put it... Maybe people are focusing on our weak influence here, so they are making preparations. Especially in the Snowfield area, because the indigenous people are too noisy, missionary work is also greatly restricted."

The old priest turned his attention to the Bible in his hand, but his body was facing a certain direction of the church.

"Um...Hey, Hansa, are you listening?"

He has already talked a lot here. To outsiders, it seems like he is talking to himself, right?

But in fact he was really talking to someone...

It's just that this person seems to have his words going in one ear and out the other.

After hearing this question, the priest sitting in the last row of the church table finally responded.

Of course, answering the question seemed to be just giving the old priest some face, so that the other party would not lose face.

In fact, his eyes never moved away from the mobile phone in his hand from the beginning to the end: "Don't worry, I just ignored it, Master."

"How can it be ignored..." The old priest was speechless for a while.

"I am disrespectful, because political matters have nothing to do with me. Master only needs to tell me God's intention, just one sentence: destroy the enemy." The priest pressed the phone at an abnormal speed, as if he was typing something while speaking. Long story. However, in reality he was just performing intense operations while having fun.

"No, no, I have said it. This time is not the work of the agent, but the supervisor. However, if the situation changes, it may develop into that." The old priest sighed to his disciple and continued Said: "And, Hansa, can you put your phone aside when talking to others?"

The so-called 'work of the agent' is the same as what the disciple said, 'to destroy the enemy.' However, this time he does not want the disciple to do such a job, but to serve as the supervisor of the Holy Grail War.

"Master is not the same. When talking to others, please look into their eyes." After saying that, the young priest named Hansa looked away from the mobile phone and looked at the old priest who had been staring at the Bible.

The old priest sighed, glanced at Hansa, and said, "In addition, you must behave like a priest on the outside, remember."

"Of course I know this, Master. When I get there, I will change into casual clothes and go to the casino." Hansa answered seriously.

"Well, but can't you not go to the casino?" The old priest sounded helpless, but he seemed to have been accustomed to this for a long time.

Hansa waved his hand and stood up slowly, obviously not taking the old priest's words seriously. He looked about thirty-five years old, indeed very young compared to the old priest.

The exaggerated eyeband covering her right eye is eye-catching. This man with a strong Spanish appearance exudes the enthusiasm of a movie actor.

Hansa put away his mobile phone and left a string of hearty laughter in the church.

"Okay. Let's go, Quartet. The long-awaited work time has come."

As soon as she finished speaking, four young nuns appeared from behind the pillar. Without saying a word, they followed Hansa towards the outside of the church.

The old priest watched Hanse and the nuns leave. At the same time, his right hand quietly shot something out at an extremely fast speed.

I don’t know how the old priest did it, but the thing flew out of his hand at a speed comparable to a bullet.

It was a small piece of metal—a bronze coin that had been used as a huge chip in the casino downstairs decades ago.

Seeing that the menacing coin was about to pierce the back of Hansa's head, the next second, Hansa didn't even look back, he bent the joints of his arms to an impossible angle and silently used The coin bounced back at the same speed.

There was just a "pop" sound, and the moment the old priest caught the coin easily, the coin shattered and scattered in his hand. Looking at it again, the metal coin was divided into sixteen parts like a pizza.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I thought you were addicted to mobile phones and your body was rusty. Hmm." The old priest shrugged and said.

Only then did Hansa slowly turn around. Then, he showed an innocent smile and sneered in a low voice: "You are quite good at using violence, Master."

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