Chapter 1000 The humble ‘monarch’

London, Clock Tower.

Like the Holy Church, the Clock Tower also hurriedly launched into action.

There is naturally a time difference between London and Snowfield.

When the Holy Grail War began in the desert of Snowfield, the students in the Clock Tower were about to start their morning classes.

The magicians in the Clock Tower observe the wavelength of the war, plus the reports sent back by the local magicians. In one morning, the news spread throughout the Clock Tower.

The two men who walked quickly towards the modern magic classroom were also part of the anxious magicians.

"I still can't believe that Mr. Faldius is actually a spy..."

"But it's true, and he's not a double agent."

Walking in front of the young magician was a strange humanoid object that was reminiscent of a giant scarecrow. Its whole body was wrapped in bandages and chains, and it also wore a hooded coat, which was even more tightly wrapped.

It is not a human being, but a puppet hurriedly created by the magician Langaal who had cloned himself into a honeycomb a few days ago. He himself should still be hiding in his workshop.

"But Master, can't you make this puppet more attractive? Everyone is looking at you."

"I also think it's a shame to let such a crude doll move around! But other dolls may have been tampered with by Faldius, so I have no choice but to do so."

Even though the figure is hastily made, it feels like it functions properly. Langaer sensed the emotions of the disciples following him and asked, "Are you nervous?"

"Yes, after all, this is my first time meeting the 'Monarch'."

Monarch - This is the title given to the twelve directors who are in charge of the twelve disciplines in the Clock Tower.

The young magician turned pale with nervousness because he had to meet such a big shot, and asked, "What kind of person is that monarch, El-Melloi II?"

"...I thought he was nothing great ten years ago. At that time, I thought that he was forced to take up the wing of the 'Monarch' and the unpopular subject of modern magic just because of the situation of the El-Melloi family. He was just a puppet of the clan. But it didn’t take long for him to let me know that I was wrong.”

Langar strode forward while forming his words calmly.

"The heirs of Butterfly Magic - Werner Sisamund, Roland Belkinski, Olger Ram, sisters Radia and Najika Pantil, Fitzgram Waugh Er Semberen. What do you think they have in common?”

"They are all magicians who have been promoted to 'Brand' or 'Pride' in the past few years, right? Because they achieved higher ranks at a young age, they attracted a lot of attention. We are also deeply aware of them. Be inspired.”

Rank titles are used to classify the strength levels of magicians in the association, among which "color position" and "canon position" are the highest ranks after "Crown (Grand)". Therefore, people who can obtain these two titles are beyond the reach of ordinary magicians.

Langar did not deny what his disciple said, but just added: "They have one more thing in common."


Langar said to the confused disciples: "They are all students in El-Melloi's classroom."


"El-Melloi II is just a low-level magician. However, he is not essentially a magician. He has a broad vision that no magician can match, and he also has the ability to see through the other person's heart more keenly than anyone else. Talent. Although I don’t know what made him like this, at least, no one in the Clock Tower can match him in terms of talent in discovering other people’s talents. Moreover, he will not be like Zerrichion That’s how you torture your disciples.”

Seeing that the disciples fell silent as if they couldn't believe it, Langar added: "The current students are all so powerful. As for the students who graduated from El-Melloi's classroom, each of them has obtained a 'canon' or above within ten years." Rank. No one falls behind."

"No one left?"

"Many people are guessing that several of the students may even obtain the title of 'Crown', which is rare throughout the history of the Clock Tower. Fortunately, he does not accept many disciples, otherwise... if he has more disciples, he can just ask the disciples With our order, we might be able to change the history of the Clock Tower."

"so amazing……"

El-Melloi II is rumored to be a popular teacher with many nicknames.

This was the first time for the young magician to hear the detailed achievements of El-Melloi II. Before he could feel admiration, he was filled with awe.

"And what is his position in the Clock Tower?"

"If Locke Belferbon, who is also the monarch, is a representative of the stubborn conservatives, then El-Melloi II is a moderate reformist. But to be precise, he will respect everything that is useful, no matter whether it is new or old. Compared with conservatives Or innovation, the word "moderate" may be more suitable for him."

Seeing that his disciple was beginning to think about the big man he was about to meet, Langar gave a piece of advice: "Don't try to see through the other person, otherwise you will be seen through by the other person."

When they pushed open the door to the classroom, Lord El-Melloi II was preparing for the afternoon classes.

"Mr. Langar, what's the matter?"

Although El-Melloi II is a monarch, he has a kind attitude and does not feel like he is distant from others.

"You don't forget to prepare for class normally even at this time. You are really brave, my lord."

"I have also thought about whether I should suspend classes temporarily, but in this case, what I can do is very limited. So I think that the best way to calm the excitement in the clock tower is to use normal operations."

"You are too modest. When you hear the words 'Holy Grail War', you should be the first to rush to the scene more than anyone else, right?"

Langar's words made the disciple look puzzled.

After El-Melloi II was silent for a moment, he sighed softly.

"If I have the ability to produce results based on impulse, then doing so may be the best choice...but I don't have that ability yet, so now I can only confirm the situation carefully."

El-Melloi II's tone was somewhat self-deprecating. Seeing this, Langar asked: "Since you can make such a cautious judgment, I would like to ask, what do you think the purpose of the mastermind behind the scenes is?"

“… At this stage, most of my thoughts are just speculation.”

"Appreciate further details."

Seeing the puppet nodding vigorously, El-Melloi II remained silent for a few seconds before speaking: "According to my opinion, three to four forces with different opinions were involved in this incident. At least it can be vaguely understood. I see a force that wants to conceal information, and a force that wants to disclose information, but these forces most likely chose to work together when they have different opinions."

"There are indeed many things about their behavior that are incomprehensible, but"

"I think that for several of these organizations, the manifestation of the Holy Grail is not their purpose... but a transit point. Or, what they want is not the Holy Grail, but they want to universalize the Holy Grail War system and try to carry out Mass production. The reason why they behave like provoking us may be to attract more magicians to the city and let them analyze the 'Holy Grail War'."

Langar shook his head at El-Melloi II's speculation and retorted: "It's impossible... How could anyone let outsiders analyze the miracles related to the third magic... And you mean, they already have it in their hands. You have the power of the Holy Grail System, but you still did this?"

"It is indeed impossible for a magician to reach the source by himself. However, it is also true that there are many forces with different ideas mixed in the group of magicians. Among them..."

Having said this, El-Melloi II paused, took a deep breath and then continued: "This is not even speculation, it's just my intuition."

"Another point?"

“It’s hard for people to understand, and it’s also the most intolerable.”

El-Melloi II frowned slightly, but continued to add calmly: "Some people want to reduce the Holy Grail War to a game or a sideshow."

" is it possible? What are they doing for?"

"I don't know the purpose, but there's no doubt it was a stupid thing to do."

El-Melloi II closed his eyes and talked about what he knew about the Holy Grail War.

"Among the Masters and Heroic Spirits who participated in the war in the past, there were also hedonists who enjoyed the Holy Grail War. However, they were at least serious. They even risked their lives and raced to the last moment in a short period of time. But this time It makes me feel that some people who are looking down at the Holy Grail War intentionally want to insult the Holy Grail War. This is an insult to them. If this is the case, then I..."

El-Melloi II suddenly stopped, realizing that he was clenching his fist tightly. He clicked his tongue at himself like this, lowered his eyes slightly and said: "...I'm sorry. I'm a little excited."

"It's okay, Your Majesty. Your ideas are worth considering."

"If there are a few more fragments, I should be able to see the whole picture clearly. If I want to take action, I will probably have to wait until then."

After saying that, El-Melloi II added in a self-deprecating tone: "...But even if I take action, my ability may not be able to help."

After that, El-Melloi II made several further suggestions, which made Langar praise him with awe and awe: "Sovereign, you are so powerful. No wonder you sent your disciples there early."

"Disciple?" El-Melloi II repeated in confusion.

"Yes, the people who entered the local association yesterday just said they saw your disciples on the street..."

"...What do you mean? I have never sent any disciples..."

Thinking of this, El-Melloi II suddenly noticed something.

One student did not come to class today. During the days when classes were suspended, the student did not show up. Then he remembered the conversation he had with the student before classes were suspended.

"Is it possible..."

El-Melloi II took out his cell phone and pressed a phone number.

"The phone you dialed is switched off or out of service area——"

The voice on the phone intensified his ominous premonition, and he immediately made another call.

"Yes, it's me. There's something I want you to check right away. It's my student's entry and exit records. His name is Frater Escaldes. Please help me confirm whether he has gone abroad."

The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be the student affairs clerk.

About half a minute later, the female clerk gave a reply: "Mr. Frater Eskaldes had boarded a plane to the United States three days ago. The reason for going abroad was travel and 'Thank you, Teacher! London.' Long live the star!' What does this sentence mean?"

"...Okay. Thank you very much."

El-Melloi II spoke reflexively and hung up the phone. Immediately afterwards, various memories related to Flat replayed in his mind like a revolving lantern. For example, Flatt casually entered El-Melloi II's personal room and set the account of the new game console to "London☆Star"; El-Melloi II's adopted sister had a magic dress, the Mercury Maid. , Flatt instilled strange movie knowledge into the maid; Flatt even broke into the gambling boat exclusive to the vampire king and caused an uproar in other people's territory. These are all memories of Flatt causing trouble to El-Melloi II.

El-Melloi II tightened his face and squeezed out a slang that seemed to curse the whole world.


Langar's disciple didn't understand what he just said. It's not that he didn't hear the slang clearly, he just didn't understand "how could a man who was having a very orderly conversation with his master just now suddenly start talking about slang."

"Excuse me, what happened..."

When Langar's disciple asked this question, it was already too late - El-Melloi II, who was filled with anger and blood, swayed and fell directly on the podium.

"Monarch? Monarch?"

Langar's disciples were startled and hurriedly stepped forward to gently shake El-Melloi II's body. At this time, one of the students in the classroom stopped him from the side. It was a young girl about twenty years old.

"Master is always like this when it comes to Eskaldes."

"Huh? Ah, oh."

"I'm taking Master to the infirmary...I'm sorry."

With that said, the girl who looked like a disciple of El-Melloi II nodded to Langar and the others, then supported her master with her shoulders and took him away.

Looking at this confusing scene, Langar's disciples sighed with emotion: "How should I put it... I feel that this monarch is unprecedented in many aspects and has no successor... and he is a very busy man." .”

"Yes, you are right. Don't disturb him for the time being." Langaar sighed through the puppet's mouth and said with some pity, "If the monarch of the clock tower dies of overwork, then It’s no joke.”


Snowfield Police Department

"Hi, bro! Good morning!"

Director Orlando answered the ringing phone in the director's office, looked at the clock and responded displeasedly: "It's already afternoon. Keep working."

"Hey, do you want your servant to die from overwork? Listen to me, it would be too vulgar for me not to ask you to introduce a woman this time. Anyway, this is a rare opportunity. Please tell me the name of this country. It’s just food. It’s okay, I don’t care how expensive it is, I’m not the one paying anyway!”


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