A Father's Duty

Chapter 52 - 52.

We entered the bar and saw a bustling place. The drunk men were surprised to see two people wearing cloaks. Meanwhile, the bar master perked up for a second before going back to serving drinks to the customers.

"Master, are there any seats left?" I shouted and got his attention.

"Oh. There's two vacant seats at the bar counter." He replied and I lead Irene before sitting down.

"A mug of beer for me." I said

"Coming right up! How about your companion?" He asked.

"A glass of ale." Irene said and the surrounding people were surprised to hear a woman's voice. Even the owner was surprised.

"All right, do you want to order any food?" He asked us.

"Then, your special meat pie was it?" I said, even though I knew that he sucks at cooking, I still want to give it a try.

"Okay, wait for it!" The owner said and he started making food.

"Kid! Make a pie for me as well!" A man shouted from his seat and the owner nodded.

While we are waiting for our food and drinks, the door opened up and a shaking man entered the bar.

"I-I saw it with my own eyes! A person in a rusty armor is coming!" He said

"Rusty knights? What're you talking about, those are just folk tales passed on to scare the childrens. It goes like this: 'Don't tell lies, if you do, the blood-rusty knight of the seven deadly sins will come and get you.'" He said

"Seven deadly sins? What's that?" The owner asked.

"You're still a kid so you don't know much, you even have some of the posters of them. 10 years ago, it is said that they massacred tens of Holy Knights in the capital. Every single one of them are dangerous, especially their leader Meliodas, it is said that he wiped out a part if the Kingdom." He said.

Meanwhile Irene was listening to the information and stared at the posters in the notice board.

'Seven deadly sins? Holy knights? Meliodas? Just what kind of world did we land into?' Irene thought as she kept on listening.

"Here's your pork pie and drinks." He said and delivered the other pork pie to another table.

I took a bite of the pie and I immediately regretted it. I lost consciousness for a second before waking up with cold sweat in my back. This thing is way beyond inedible.

Meanwhile the customer who ordered the pork pie smashed the table when he ate the food.

"What is this?! Is this even food?!" The man said. He was about to attack the owner but saw that he was holding the hilt of a sword and backed down.

"Good grief. What troublesome guests we have. Clean it up." The owner snapped his finger and a pig came walking to the table that spilled the food and drink.

"Geez, what a waste of time. What do you want from me?" The pig spoke making the people surprised to see a talking pig while Irene had curiosity in her eyes.

"A-a talking pig!" The man shouted

"Don't get all surprised on me now. This is why I hate country bumpkins." the pig said.

"Hawk, can you clean up the floor for me." The owner said.

"What a pain. Cleaning up and eating leftovers isn't exactly fun you know?" Hawk said complaining but still ate the leftovers making the floor clean and spotless.

"Honestly, how about making something good for once?" Hawk continued after eating the leftovers.

"I guess if I were to make a roast pig, it would taste pretty damn good." The owner retorted with a deadpan face.

"Delicious! The leftovers here are amazing!" Hawk said changing his mind after hearing the owner's words.

"I guess my bar's known for good alcohol rather than its food, after all." he said as the drunkards laughed at him.

While the drunkards are talking about different variations of the tale of seven deadly sins, a faint smell of rust could be smelled from the place.

"Why do I smell something rusty?" Hawk said as a figure opened the door wearing an armor that is full of rust.

"Seven deadly... sins... The Capital..." a voice in the armor said.

The crowd shrieked as they are just talking about the seven deadly sins and seeing a person wearing a rusty armor, they thought that a member of seven deadly sins has come to kill them so they immediately ran out without even paying for their meals making the owner raised his eyebrows as he jumped from the bar counter to meet the armored person. Meanwhile Irene and I were just enjoying the drinks, specially for me who is cleansing my palate from a horrifying thing that I just ate.

"Who are you?" Asked the owner to the armor but the armor didn't manage to reply before collapsing.

Everyone's eyes opened wide, well except for me, after seeing the girl wearing the armor and Irene kept looking back and forth towards the owner and the girl as if confirming something.

"Is she really a member of the rumored seven deadly sins? She doesn't look like it." Hawk said.

"I'm sure you guys have some room in here. Go on and take her to rest. Let me clean the place up." I spoke up

"Are you sure? I won't pay you for it though." He said.

"Well, we don't have money ourselves after roaming around, so let me settle the payment in my own way." I said. We don't have any of this world's currency so I could only repay what we drank and ate with something.

"Well... cleaning up is better than running away without paying." The owner said after thinking the customers who haven't paid yet and ran away after seeing the person in a rusty armor.

The owner put the girl in Hawk's back and brought her to a room and I started cleaning up with Irene helping me out.

"So? What do you think of this world?" I asked Irene while cleaning up the spilled drinks.

"The owner and that girl... were cursed by a strong entity. Even the pig is special as I felt someone watching the owner's every move. The fate between the two is tied together. Its like fate is driving the two of them to meet forcefully. Moreover... he's a pervert." She said as she just scanned the room of the girl and saw the owner groping the girl's brėȧst while checking her body out and Hawk reprimanding him.

"Oh, well. Since we've got nothing to ourselves right now, let's just clean up." I said as Irene used an enchantment to clean the tables.

After cleaning up, I saw that the owner is still not coming down so I started gearing up to prepare a meal for all of us. The ingredients I will be using is mine, not from the bar itself.

I am not that surprised to see an oven and a stove in here since, the owner's making a special meat pie.

I choose a soup, bacon-potato corn chowder recipe, since the woman is clearly fatigued and in need of warm soup to warm her stomach so that she won't her body won't be shock by the sudden intake of foods.

I started cooking bacon in a pan and when it was crispy enough, I took it out and let the disposable cloth doak the oil residues since tissue paper is not a thing in this world.

I then used the oil from the bacon left in the pan and started putting sliced onions in the pan and let it cook. After that, I took a large saucepan in my inventory and filled it with water and let it boil before putting the sliced potatoes in. I also took out the onion after cooking and set it aside.

After the potatoes were almost cooked, I drained the water out and left some water for the base of the soup.

In the clean saucepan. I added a can of creamy corn, milk, potatoes, and a little bit of the potato water, salt and pepper to taste. I added the chopped bacons and let it cook until its ready.

In the middle of the woman's room, the owner and the woman were having conversation with each other with the woman ċȧrėssing Hawk's back when the owner, smelled something good.

"Speaking of which, are you hungry? You can have some if you'd like." The owner asked.

"Of pork here?" She asked and Hawk shivered and immediately retorted.

"My name is Hawk! Not Pork- what's that? Smells so good! Lets go downstairs! Quick!" Hawk said and dashed out of the room

Meanwhile I'm making some stir fried veggies with chicken in it for Hawk since soup wouldn't make him satisfied.

I then saw Hawk rushing down, following the smell, he then looked at me in surprise before leaning over checking out what's the aromatic food he smelled.

The owner and the woman also followed Hawk and smelled the food wafting in the air.

"Uwaaaaaah, I never knew you could cook, the bar is spotless and clean too!" The owner said as they sat down in the bar counter.

"Well, I am travelling alongside my wife and cooking is an essential skill whenever you are ttravelling." I said.

"Wife, huh. How envious. Anyway where is your companion?" He asked.

"Well, she just cleaned and drained the dirty tablecloths outside. She'll be here shortly." I said as the door opened and they finally saw my companion. They were surprised to see a beautiful woman with scarlet hair as they stared at me dumbfounded.

'No wonder they were wearing cloaks, travelling with a beautiful woman is a magnet to disaster.' they thought.

The atmosphere got weird after that so I dispelled it by putting the soup in separate small bowls and put Hawk's food in a bowl.

"I know you're hungry, considering you fainted from hunger. Here, have some." I said and motioned for then to have a taste.

The owner and the woman were being forcefully drowned in corn kernels and milk and were saved by potato people with ropes made out of bacon in their hands.

Meanwhile Hawk is having being grasped by the vegetable roots while the chicken kept on pecking his side causing him to laugh because he kept in being pecked in tickling zone. It weirdly feels good but it put a smile in Hawk's mouth.

"Wow, its so good! What do you think?" The owner exclaimed and looked at the woman beside him but flinched as he saw her crying.

"What's the matter, little missy? Is the food not to your liking?" I asked.

"N-n-no, i-its really good. I-its even better than the food from the capital." She said as they continued eating the food and the bowl were clean.

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