Removed his shirt, Ethan stared at her as she had her red eye shining.

'I guess she's analysing my body..'

Thinking about this, she let her do whatever she pleased while she, without minding, placed a hand on his heart. Feeling her warm hand, brought his breath to become more and more relaxed, until Light started talking again.

"There's a seal on your heart, probably against the other Ancestors. Her magic seal is so marked that even I could do nothing if you were not consensual about this, my mother doesn't really want you to have any kind of threat to face before time will naturally come.."

Thinking about this, she added

"By the way, do you want to know why your stats aren't going up as fast as before?"

Her question, brought him to nod. Even though the fact she wasn't saying anything regarding the 'time dilation', he still wanted to know something as important as why his parameters weren't growing anymore.

"...Well, basically, you had some kind of 'bonus' that was helping you with parameters. I don't really know how to say it, but your body was just 'restoring' the power you naturally had as 'Locked Potential'. From the moment you reached the peak of the level 2, you started your Adventure as well. Even though you're not affected by the Falna System of the lower gods, you won't get XP if you kill a goblin, nor you will get stronger if you kill a Monster Rex you can easily beat. You should start by making the Training Quest evolve, and, by entering the Dungeon from the System. You will truly face hardsh.i.p.s in there as you may even be forced to not use Magic at all to defeat some kind of monster"

"I will do that..but, about the time dilation?"

Nodding, she sighed in relief while adding

"No, it seems that your Domain doesn't have any kind of dilation. Something I didn't expect, is that you aren't using my mana to be in this space as I expected. It seems that being in here doesn't make you use mana at all..."

Sighing in relief from the first sentence, he thought that it wouldn't take long for him to wake up from a [Mind Down] while he added

"Is it some kind of important thing? The fact that I can stay in my own domain without using mana"

Shaking her head, she added

"No, but usually, the cost of staying here is subtracted from mana regeneration per minute, or per hour, that we higher-tier gods are led to have. To give you an example, if I say that I regenerate a quantity of mana equal to 60 per minute, and staying here consumes 20 every minute, it will be easy to understand that even if the cost is there, it is so low that it is lower than the regeneration in minutes. There are cases of more extreme deities that do not have the same advantage, such as creation Gods. Their domain consumes industrial quantities of mana, but this is not the case"

Her words, made him think about it while she removed her hand from his heart. Looking away, she added

"...Wear a shirt now, I will return to work on the villa. what will you do?"

"I have another idea for our space. After I will be able to enter here freely, I will obviously want to train for my Quest, and I can do it easier if I build some kind of training space in there, right next to the house. Oh, and I can even.."

Seeing him starting to say everything he had in mind for 'their' space, brought a smile on her face as a new 'kind' of feeling lit up in her heart before he decided to create a real map of the island.

"I need a sheet, at least 2 times bigger than the one you made for the villa. By the way, Is there a way to expand this space? Or your max is 1 km"

Thinking about it, she immediately replied

"In reality, this 1 km space, was created by me. To train the smallest part of your divinity, this floor has to be at least 10 times bigger than what I made. That is, 1 fifth of the limit for a lower god, assuming that the latter manage to enter their own Domain. I never saw a lower god able to do so, but their limit is 50 km..."

Thinking about it, she remembered that she had to specify something important.

"It's rather important, and I will have to explain you in the future in details. You can't absolutely use your Domain carelessly. It's fine to use it until you will be able to break through the limit lower gods have. But, the moment you will try to use it and the world will acknowledge that your level is of a superior being compared to the gods who inhabit this world, you won't be able to exist here..."

Her words, surprised him while she, without hesitation, added

"This because, this 'world' is classified as inhabited by Lower gods, and the Laws of All, has a strict rule about this that says..."

"Thou low, be low, thou high, be high."

Feeling a certain kind of pressure as she said these words, Ethan thought about it as he added

"..Did you change the language you were using just now?"

His words, made her nod as she replied

"All the rules of the Laws of All have to be expressed in Gods language, otherwise, you won't be able to pronounce them"

At her words, he replied with a nod as he understood the meaning behind the rule.

'If my domain will increase to the point that this island would become 50 km larger, I would be forced to leave the go where, exactly?'

Forgetting again that Light could hear his thoughts, he didn't expect a reply from her, but it still arrived.

"Well, You will have to go in a place where the Laws of All wouldn't mind your presence, basically, where Gods are stronger"

"..Do you think it will take long for me to reach that level?"

Thinking about it, she shook her head while replying

"I guess the more you will become stronger the easier it will be for your Divinity to grow. If you break through the limit of the Falna and achieve level 11, for example, your Domain would probably shot up to 20 times the power it had before. Even if you had a Domain of 3 km by that time, you wouldn't be able to remain in this world...."

Even though this new revelation heavy impacted his heart, Ethan added

"..I can't honestly see a life differently than what I have at the moment, if I would never be able to see them again, then there's no point in trying to get stronger to protect..."

Thinking about Lefiya, he interrupted his speech as he knew that, with this new revelation, he had two options in front of him. The first one, with him being stronger as he slowly achieves the power he himself wished from the start before he would have to leave the danmachi world, while the second one, with him deciding to stop trying to get stronger as he decided to live his whole life out of the dungeon, being protected by Ais and others...

Even though in his mind, a battle was taking place, Light immediately added

"...You know, I guess you forgot about an important thing. The Universe is in contact with you through the System, and even if it is impartial, I am sure that it will satisfy the d.e.s.i.r.e of a person of your level, but at a cost"

Smiling, she snapped her fingers as his System Interface appeared right before him. The fact he never saw its appearance, made him glance at every single mini function as he saw that there was a panel related to [Quests] with a ! next to it. Looking at it as if to confirm what it was, he finally saw her smiling as he decided to open it.

//Universal Quest Wished//

[A Reincarnator's Wish in Danmachi]

Rank: SSS(Unstable)

Objective: Start the journey to be able to eliminate the limits imposed by the Universe itself(0/1), Breakthrough the level of the Falna(2/10), Breakthrough the limits of a Lower God's Domain(0/50 km)

Optional Objectives: Learn the Laws of All from Light(0/1), Unlock all of your affinities(2/10), Obtain the title [Magic Genius] without the System's help(0/1), Breakthrough the limits of the Lower Gods without Light's help(0/1)

Failure Conditions: Fail to jump on to the next world after the User will breakthrough the limits(0/1), Deciding to remain still instead of achieving a new level of Godhood(0/1)

Penalty: User will be erased from existence(0/100%)

Rewards: 1x[???], 1x[JikanTeido:World1042], System Evolution(???), 2x[System Token]


"Wait..if I don't complete this, I will get erased? Like nothing?"

At his words, she nodded as she added

"You will get slowly erased the more you think about not completing your quest. This because, as the name implies, it's a wish, and the Universe gave this quest from this wish of yours to be able to protect her without having to worry about achieving godhood. I know it's difficult to accept, but, the Universe wants to see if you will be able to do something nobody did. From a being that isn't even a Lower God, to achieve the power of a higher will slowly lift the seals as you get stronger, so that.."

With a heavy sigh, Ethan clenched his jaw

"Then, why not do that while letting me remain here? I don't even know how much time it will take for me to become that strong, but I guess it will take millions of years, right? Why should I.."

His words, made her smile to fade as she had tears in her eyes

"So, you prefer to be erased? I have no power over the Universe, Ethan. Nobody is able to change what the Universe says, not even my mother would be able to do that. I..I didn't want to give you this news, but I had no choice. The Universe already knew we would get to this point, and thus, decided to make me explain while giving you this kind of Quest..I...Please..don't hate me.."

Even though he wanted to add a lot of things, Ethan was stunned towards the end of her speech as he saw that she had tears in her eyes. Flinching, he looked down as he understood that he was just trying to vent his anger on someone. Deciding to stop thinking about it for the moment, he approached her before chuckling

"You are really a stupid, Light. How can you switch from your serious appearance to this crying one..?"

Continuing to chuckle, he stopped his speech for a moment while she furrowed her brows before trying to reply, but, he was faster. Bringing a hand on her face, he immediately stopped to chuckle as he wiped her tears without hesitation.

"...I will never hate you, not even in a million years, stupid"

His words, made her stare at him while he saw that she wasn't stopping to cry.


Shaking his head, he slowly wrapped her in an embrace as he could already smell the same Vanilla as the first time that she was next to him, but, without minding it, he added

"...If you think I hate you, then try to release yourself, I bet you won't be able to do that."

His firm, yet shameless reply, brought her to stare at him as both of them knew that she would be able to do that...

"Well, that means I will remain like this until you decide it's time to release me.."

Staring at her while she said so, he smiled as he couldn't help but say the first thing he had in mind

"By the way... your crying grey eye is so cute that I would like to see it still crying.."

His words, made her flinch as, the fact he was using the word 'cute' for such a thing, made her chuckle.

"You know, If it was someone else instead of me, they would think you like when they cry"

Shaking his head, he immediately replied as his smile didn't dissipate

"They can think whatever they want. I know that you understood what I meant. I felt my heart aching while you were crying, while now that you are smiling so naturally, I can feel my mind is lighter, and that all the problems I have in mind aren't that important right now.."

These words, made her twitch as she felt that her cheeks were red again. Now that he was even starting to say these things, made her bring her hands on his c.h.e.s.t as she clenched them in fists while also pulling Ethan's shirt.


(I have a discord server. . You may ask me: "Why should I enter the server?". At this question, my answer would likely be: "Because it's fun? I don't know either. Just join." Ah, and you can find some image reference of items in the story such as Ethan's eyes.. so it's recommended to join. One last thing, I post chapter updates in my discord right after I posted on , so I guess you can join to be able to know when I post chapters faster.)

(Do you enjoy reading my novel? If the answer is yes, then thanks. I'll leave my ******* here. w ww.pat

(Alternate Titles: "A Reincarnator's Wish in Danmachi", "I would like to see the villa now T_T", "Explanation chapters..they are quite difficult to make")

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