Age of Cataclysm: I can light up the technology tree

Chapter 714 Experimenting with Stars

The awakening ceremony came to an end.

Lu Yongchang also returned to the "Earth" - for safety reasons and to ensure the accuracy of experiments, most of the laboratories are still placed on the "Earth".

He sat by the porthole of the office and turned to look out the window.

Homeships docked one after another in the synchronous orbit of Kepler 452b. Small shuttles and space elevators operated at full power, sending batches of people who had awakened from hibernation to the ground.

Zero planned everything in an orderly manner.

According to the awakening plan provided by the School of Sociology, the awakening procedure for hibernating personnel still follows the usual practice, and the order of awakening is determined based on the level of contribution.

Considering that most hibernators have been sleeping for more than hundreds of years, some have been sleeping for thousands of years.

There is a huge gap between the knowledge system they master and the current human civilization. The knowledge system of some hibernating people even stays in the era of second-level or even first-level civilization. This is inevitable.

To this end, the Faculty of Sociology and the Parliament launched a universal basic education action on Kepler 452b - the first thing every hibernating person should do after waking up is to receive basic education ranging from one to ten years. .

It is the same as the education method of the public education system. Both content and time are taught according to each person's choice.

This seems to have become inevitable for the development of civilization.

Not everyone is Lu Yongchang. Regarding the huge and complex technological system of human civilization today, almost no one can master it in all aspects.

99.99% of people are aware of these novel high-tech gadgets but don’t know why.

But as long as 0.01% of people can stand out from it, it is enough.

When the public education system begins to fully operate and the population expands rapidly, even if the probability of a genius appearing is only 0.0001%, it will still be a number that cannot be underestimated.

With Zero's help, everything seems to be in order, and there are no problems even in providing the huge resources needed for the lives of billions of people.

Although most of the basic work is completed by a large amount of weak artificial intelligence, the additional aggregation and processing tasks still occupy a lot of computing power.

Normally, this computing power would be nothing to zero.

But now we are in the stage of rapid expansion of human civilization. Not to mention the Academy of Sciences, even the parliament is eager to split the computing power into two parts!

Countless interstellar probes are expanding outward like locusts, exploring star systems one after another around the Kepler 452 star system.

Today, the explored range of human civilization, or the territory of civilization, has reached a radius of 24 light years.

A large number of mining tasks and construction tasks have already filled the construction schedule for the next hundreds of years.

There are only two options to alleviate this embarrassing situation.


Once again, the performance of the optical quantum computer is squeezed, allowing Zero's computing power to be greatly improved.

The difficulty is not small. At least, the Optical Quantum Computing Laboratory led by Mo Zeyang has not yet come up with a feasible plan.


Naturally, it absorbs a large number of affiliated civilizations.

Even if it is a second-level civilization, its individuals can complete many tasks that weak artificial intelligence cannot complete after being trained and educated. This can reduce the computing power burden of zero on a large scale.

But this is not easy.

At least within a radius of 24 light years, the detector has not yet found a civilization with advanced intelligence.

Of course, relying on the population of human civilization itself can also alleviate this problem to a certain extent.

But this takes a lot of time.

Today's human civilization, whether in terms of population size or average level of education, is like an incomplete civilization with an extremely developed brain but extremely uncoordinated limbs.


A crisp reminder sounded in the office, interrupting Lu Yongchang's theoretical improvement of the material disintegration field.

"Professor, Academician Mao Zhengzhi is waiting for you at the door."

Zero's electronically synthesized voice reminded softly.

"Mao Zhengzhi?" Lu Yongchang frowned, "Why did he come to me?"

"Is it related to [Nus Civilization]...?"

He murmured in a low voice, and at the same time raised his hand and gently rubbed the center of his brow that was a little painful from overthinking: "Let him come in."


As soon as he finished speaking, the closed office door suddenly opened.

"Professor! What a great discovery! What a great discovery!!!"

As the door opened, Mao Zhengzhi's loud and exciting voice came from outside the door, scaring Lu Yongchang to tremble violently.

"What big discovery?"

Looking at Mao Zhengzhi who hurried to his desk, Lu Yongchang frowned again and looked at him with a somewhat unkind look: "Although the [Stellar Core Reaction Interference Device] has been completed, controlling the nuclear reaction inside the star requires A large amount of computing resources are needed to cooperate.”

"Zero's computing power is currently too tight. I'm afraid we have to put the matter of [Nus Civilization] on hold."

"No, no, no!" Mao Zhengzhi gasped and waved his hands repeatedly, "Professor, you can't let it go! You absolutely can't let it go!!"

"The Italian Network of [Nus Civilization] might be able to help us solve our current big problem!"

Lu Yongchang was stunned, subconsciously stood up from the chair with his hands on his hands, raised his voice and asked, "What did you say?"

Mao Zhengzhi took a few hard breaths to calm down his breathing.

"Professor, you also know that individuals of the [Nus Civilization] can transfer memory and knowledge through the mind network."

"Yes." Lv Yongchang frowned slightly, and a vague idea came to his mind, "You mean..."


Mao Zhengzhi's eyes were full of excitement. He supported his hands on Lv Yongchang's desk and said loudly: "When Lu Siyuan was studying the previous batch of data, he accidentally discovered the corresponding signals of bioelectricity and quantum consciousness about memory transmission!"

"I said that the boy is a material for biology! Hahaha! It turned out to be right!"

Lv Yongchang's eyes also revealed a little excitement.

"If we can master memory transmission technology..."

"Then human civilization can make up for its current shortcomings as soon as possible!"

"The harm caused by long-term hibernation will also disappear completely!"

"The most important thing is...Zero can release a lot of idle computing power!"

"Yes!" Mao Zhengzhi slapped his thigh with his big hand, "Professor, tell me about the [Nus Civilization]..."

"Tomorrow... No, tell the Megastructure Engineering Department, today, let [Xihe] set off immediately and go to the HIP22580 star system!"

"Professor, the Megastructure Engineering Department is currently conducting the second power-on test." Zero's electronic synthesized voice came from the side, interrupting Lu Yongchang's words.

"Second power-on test?" Lu Yongchang raised his eyebrows sharply, "What the hell!!"

"With their petty test plan, what problems can they test out?"

"Tell them to test the stars directly!"

"Send a fleet to escort, set off immediately!"

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