Time flies.

Earth calendar year 3637.

A moon-sized giant device, escorted by a small fleet, broke away from curvature navigation and arrived near the HIP22580 star system.

[Stellar Core Reaction Interference Device], codenamed [Xihe].

I have to say that the big cake drawn by Academician Mao Zhengzhi is delicious enough.

So delicious that the Academy of Sciences has raised the importance of [Nus Civilization] to the second priority.

[Xihe] slowly came to the vicinity of a star in the HIP22580 star system.

The moon-sized [Xihe] giant device is as inconspicuous as a small sesame seed in front of the huge star.

But this small sesame seed has the ability to make the star change dramatically!

In the Kepler 452 star system 23 light years away, according to Lv Yongchang's order, Zero temporarily stopped all kinds of insignificant calculations and concentrated all these miscellaneous computing power on [Xihe].

Under Zero's remote control, the spherical structure of [Xihe] slowly cracked, revealing the complex grand unified field generating device inside.

As the power of the antimatter engine continued to increase, the strength of the grand unified field also continued to increase.

A little insignificant ripple gradually appeared on the surface of the star.

The next moment.

A thick purple laser shot out from the inside of [Xihe] and rushed straight to the star not far away!

The purple laser beam containing huge energy instantly sank into the surface of the star and drilled into the core of the star!

For the star, this energy is nothing.

But under the precise control of the grand unified field, it is like a domino, triggering a series of subtle and exquisite chain reactions!

The whole process lasted for about several months.

Finally, quantitative change caused qualitative change!

The fusion reaction inside the star began to intensify, and powerful gamma rays began to be released!


The originally calm star burst out with unprecedented power at this moment!

It was like sneezing, spraying a powerful gamma ray around!

Like a surging tide, this gamma ray surged towards the entire star system!

It surged across the planets with an unstoppable momentum.

If there is still life on these stars, then, if nothing unexpected happens, these lives will die in this star crisis.

Just like the solar system at that time.

But this is the living environment that [Nus Civilization] dreams of!

When all the test data reached the standard, the seeds and small individuals of [Nus Civilization] were transported to HIP22580f.

At the same time, the huge network core was also placed in a suitable position to ensure that it could enjoy the maximum gamma rays.

As for the companion race of [Nus Civilization], the Lost Giant Worm, it was naturally put into this planet full of decay.

The Lost Giant Worm that has undergone a certain genetic modification project can decompose and digest the organic matter left by the previous generation of civilization as quickly as possible, and provide the [Nus Civilization] with necessary nutrients.

The seeds of life once again sprouted on HIP22580f.

The periphery of the HIP22580 star system.

After years of travel, a fleet finally arrived at its destination.

"Your Majesty."

A lizardman crew member crawled at the feet of Emperor Eugene and said, "The fleet is about to enter the target star system, and it is estimated that it will take about 60 years to complete the supply of materials."

Emperor Eugene was silent for a moment and nodded slowly.

Sixty years is not long, it is acceptable.

"Sixty years later, the fleet will set sail and head for the star field 500 light years away!"

It repeated the order it had already issued.

Looking at the command center, which was silent and had no objection, it nodded with satisfaction.

"Go, get everyone moving, we don't have much time."

"Yes!" The crew member bowed his head and responded, and quickly stood up and prepared to go to his job.

A shrill alarm sounded suddenly.

The flagship of the Eugene civilization also shook violently.

"What's going on!?" Emperor Eugene grabbed the armrest of the chair with his scaly claws and shouted, "Technicians! What happened?!"

The originally calm command center suddenly became chaotic.

"Class 1 contact alarm! Class 1 contact alarm!!"

Accompanied by the constantly echoing alarm, a shrill cry came from a distance!

Emperor Eugene's heart sank suddenly.

Class 1 contact alarm!

This is the most serious alarm information in Eugene civilization.

Usually, it will only be triggered when it encounters an unidentified civilization face to face and its own fleet is attacked!

Another violent tremor came.

Accompanied by a feeling of dizziness, the equivalent gravity in the command center gradually disappeared, and a strong sense of weightlessness instantly swept over Emperor Eugene's body.

Attacked again!

Emperor Eugene's heart sank suddenly.

The comer is not friendly!

But it did not panic too much.

During its time as emperor, it has experienced countless more dangerous scenes.

They were just two small-scale attacks, and even the battleship's armor was not penetrated. There's no need to panic!

It stabilizes its body as much as possible and stabilizes itself on the deck with the help of fixtures.

"The attack method has been determined!"

"High-energy laser beam attack, the flagship's surface armor was damaged by 12.67%!"

Another crew member reported the damage to the hull in a hurried tone: "The main damaged parts are..."

"The power system has no obvious impact, and the weapon system has no obvious impact!"

"Where is the enemy?!"

Emperor Eugene's orange vertical pupils shrank violently, he opened his sharp mouth full of sharp teeth, and shouted loudly: "Locate the enemy's position immediately!"

"Positioning successful!"

"The enemy is directly above the fleet, fifty million kilometers away!"

The crew's voice drowned out the panic in the command center: "The enemy ship image is being restored!"

"Shrink the fleet!!" Emperor Eugene ordered loudly without any hesitation, "Develop a defensive formation!"

"Get ready to fight!"

As its voice fell, the huge Eugene fleet quickly took action.

Countless interstellar wars have brought them rich combat experience.

In a short period of time, the scattered fleets gathered together, with small battleships taking the lead, using their bodies to act as a shield for the central flagship!

The power of the nuclear fusion reactor increased rapidly, and the magnetic field shield began to operate at full power!

This war machine is adjusting its status as quickly as possible to cope with any subsequent attacks!

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