Age of Elves

Chapter 066

066 Challenge Dojo

Left Tokiwa City and walked towards Nibi City, and was just halfway there, when he suddenly looked at the system prompt sounding in front of him.

“Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, Ash’s special training request, completion evaluation: perfect, get the mission reward: a bottle of potential enhancement potion, lucky +5, Ash’s favorability +30.”

“Isn’t luck a hidden value? The thing that affects the burst rate, this thing can actually increase? Do the hidden tasks released by the protagonist have such rewards? Mo Feng scratched his head, he was able to brush out Larulas so quickly, his lucky hidden value should not be low, increase again, and the distance from becoming an Emperor of Europe will not be too far.

“Let’s test the effect of this luck increase.” The corner of Mo Feng’s mouth rose and took out a treasure ball and threw it out, and a white light fell on the grass.

“Lalu!” Larulas looked around suspiciously, looked at the shadows below, quickly turned to look behind him, looked at the eyes that came down above his head and was frightened, and took a few steps back.

Mo Feng scratched his head, squatted down and looked at Laluas on the opposite side: “Laluras, come here.” ”

“Lalu!” Larulas looked at Mo Feng and shouted, walked over slowly, and looked up at Mo Feng.

“Okay, here we go, let’s try the effect of this lucky increase.” Mo Feng took out a bottle of potential enhancement potion, and first used a bottle of potential enhancement potion on Larulas.

“Congratulations on the quality of your Larulas being upgraded to the best, growth will be reset.”

“A bottle is successful, yes, it’s not too difficult to upgrade to the best, try again!” Mo Feng used a bottle again.

“Quality improvement failed!” Listening to the system prompt that sounded, Mo Feng scratched his head, it seemed that such a little lucky value was not against the sky, and he shook it with the last bottle of potential enhancement potion.

“Lalu!” Larulas looked at Mo Feng, who was pondering on the other side, with his hands on his cheeks, and his eyes were full of doubt.

“Forget it, it’s useless to keep a bottle, use it when you use it.” Mo Feng thought silently in his heart, the potential enhancement potion in his hand disappeared, and a white light appeared on Larulas.

“Congratulations to Larulas for his quality improvement to king, growth reset.”

“Poof! It really worked, I’ll take it. Mo Feng listened to the prompt and looked at Larulas in front of him with some disbelief, two bottles were promoted from the best to the king, this is too lucky, this lucky value, the effect is very good.

“Very good! Larulas, come back and rest. Mo Feng’s hand rubbed on Larulas’ head, and took out the treasure ball to take back the puzzled Larulas.

Stand up with the baby ball and walk towards Nibi City, looking at Larulas’ new attributes as you go.


Level: 5 (0/500)

Attribute: Ultra

Features: Telepathy

Personality: Calm (Special attack growth +10%, speed growth -10%. )

Quality: King (Growth value is 100, up to the champion level.) )

Realm: Normal (0/100, Realm bonus: None.) )

Growth: Health 200, Attack 10, Defense 10, Special Attack 22, Special Defense 10, Speed 27.

Life: 1000/1000+1100

Attack: 50+200

Defense: 50+40

Special attack: 110+605

Special defense: 10+4

Speed: 135+54

Tricks: Mindfulness, teleportation

“This! What the hell is this property. “Mo Feng covered his head with a headache, there is a teleportation Pokémon, there is no need for speed at all, teleportation is the fastest way to move, such a high speed is a waste of growth attributes.

There is also a bottle of growth reset potion, whether to also use it, Mo Feng helplessly looked at the attribute bar in front of him, forget it is not in a hurry, wait until the treatment with the coyote dog is good, and it is time to level up.

Walking to Tokiwa Forest and watching the people walking around, this side has become a place for most players to level up.

“It’s really lively.” Mo Feng looked at the people around him, silently walked by, the copy here is a transition, the place where the training baby goes, all the way to the Pokémon Center in Nibi City, handed the coyote dog’s baby ball to Joey for treatment and left and walked towards the Nibi Dojo.

Now it’s almost time to start the dojo challenge, and after challenging the dojo here, it’s time to leave Nibi City and go to another city.

Walked slowly to the front of the Nibi Dojo, pushed open the door and walked in, the dojo trainer inside has changed a person, the plot part is completed, Xiao Gang has followed Xiao Zhi to travel, so the dojo trainer has become a middle-aged uncle from Xiao Gang.

“Welcome Nibi Dojo, I am Dojo trainer Wu Neng, this dojo uses one-on-one battles, the Pokémon that can be used are two, fight until all Pokémon on one side lose their combat ability, challengers can replace Pokémon, Dojo trainers can’t, if you understand, then let’s start.” After Wu Neng finished speaking, he took the lead and took out the baby ball and threw it, and with a loud bang, a rumbling rock appeared on the field.

Mo Feng looked at the speed of Wu Neng’s speech, it is estimated that he has been annoyed to death by the players, after all, many players think that Nibi Dojo is the weakest dojo in Kanto, this inertia, so that many players as soon as they come to Nibi City, they want to try the challenge, especially the players who get the attribute restraint of the water system and the grass system of the three families, almost every one has to fight, when passing by before, I often see a group of trainers gathered here, ready to challenge, but finally defeated by Xiao Gang, but the challengers are still in an endless stream, because the player’s level is increasing every day, Nature tries every day.

It is estimated that Wu Neng, who has just taken over today, has already felt the enthusiasm of the players and has a mechanical expression on his face.

Mo Feng took out the baby ball and threw it, and the beautiful flower appeared on the field.

“Beautiful flower, it seems, finally a decent guy has arrived.” Wu Neng looked at the beautiful flower on the opposite side and thought secretly, he took over for two hours, defeating dozens of people in a row, it was simply poisonous.

“Beautiful flowers, the ultimate suck!” Mo Feng looked at the martial energy on the opposite side without action, and issued an order towards the beautiful flower.

Hearing the order, the beautiful flower immediately unleashed a special move to attack, and the green whirlwind rushed towards the opposite rumbling rock.

“Rumble Rock, use the Sharp Stone Attack!” Wu Neng issued an order, sharp stones appeared around Longlongyan flying towards the beautiful flower, following the rushing green whirlwind collided, the two attacks canceled each other, and finally the ultimate absorption of power was better, that is, all the sharp stones were shattered, rolling up the rumbling rock, the red light on the rumbling rock flashed, and a green life energy was absorbed by the beautiful flower.

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