Age of Elves

Chapter 087

087 Abandoned power plants

After running for an hour to reach this side, I saw a large, but old-fashioned power plant on the opposite side from a distance, and from the outside, you can see a lot of electric Pokémon dangling inside, which is not only a copy, but also a large wild Pokémon gathering place, where you can catch small magnetic monsters, Pokémon such as lightning balls, and relatively rare electric shock beasts.

The copy is at the entrance of the main entrance, and comes to the old and rusty gate, you can see that there is a whirlpool in the central part of the gate, and there are narrow places on both sides that can directly enter the power plant.

Enter from the place where the vortex is located, you can enter the ten-person copy, the abandoned power plant, compared to the five-person copy, the ten-person copy is generally multiple bosses, such as this abandoned power plant, divided into three areas, a boss giant naughty egg in the lightning ball area, a three-in-one magnetic monster in the small magnetic monster area, and a shock beast area is a giant electric shock beast.

Compared with the five-person book, the amount of monsters here needless to say, three times the amount of monsters, three times the amount of bosses, and the Pokémon here, better at long-range attacks, the most annoying is the lightning ball, more than half of the health will self-detonate, self-explosion damage range is still very large, accidentally killed, but according to their own attack output should be able to kill in one hit, if you can’t kill in one hit, you have to calculate it well or keep the distance.

And there is another problem: if this group of lightning balls are killed by melee skills, they will also explode, so Pokémon that can only fight in close combat are very disadvantageous here, and they go to the front of the vortex of the copy.

“System Tip: Congratulations to the player for discovering the first copy – the abandoned power plant, which is rewarded with 100,000 XP, +300,000 cash, and +35 reputation.”

“Enter the dungeon, abandoned power plant, level: 60, replica limit: 10.”

“Let’s go!” Mo Feng looked up at the vortex in front of him, and directly chose to enter, people disappeared from the outside, appeared in an empty power plant, the area division of several Pokémon is very clear, this gate is within a hundred meters are safe range, at the intersection in front is forked, on the left far away you can see small magnetic monsters circling around, on the right side one by one lightning balls rolling around, in front of you can see groups of electric shock beasts sitting on the ground.

“It feels like it’s faster to brush giant pincer crabs.” Mo Feng looked around and released the Pokémon one by one, this group of guys will attack from a long distance, and the group gathering is too troublesome.

Hakron, Largemouth Bat, Tyrannosaurus, Beautiful Flower, Nine-Taileds, and Kabi appeared on the field, “Next!” Think about it’s time to fight, naughty egg boss, three-in-one magnetic monster boss is level 65, electric shock beast boss level 70, mobs are level 60, where to start first. “I looked around, looked at the area where the little magnetic monster was located, the little magnetic monster has a steel attribute, and the nine tails have a fire attribute attack with a restraint attribute, which is enough to sweep, relatively speaking, it is relatively easy, just take them.

After thinking for a while, he beckoned to a few magical monsters, walked towards the area of the small magnetic monster, stopped at a distance first, and used the detection skill on the small magnetic monster, although he remembered the level, some attributes did not remember much.

Little magnetic monsters

Level: 60

Life: 37800/37800

Attack: 3780

Defense: 3780

Special Attack: 4500

Special defense: 3780

Speed: 3780

List of skills: Discharge, Cannon Light Cannon

“It’s okay, good at special attacks, the additional attributes of the copy are very high, just eighty copies before, these copies are rare quality, 80 to 150 quality is the best, more than 150 are king quality, even mobs are no exception, the highest level in the previous life is only more than 200 levels, because the later level experience is simply massive, and the experience of upgrading simple brushing copies is no longer enough.”

“Okay, okay, get ready to fight!” Mo Feng clapped his hands towards a few Pokémon, and the big-mouthed bat was a little eager to rush out.

Mo Feng issued orders to several Pokémon: “Nine Tails use jet flame, Harklong uses Blizzard, Tyrannosaurus, uses Stormwind, Beautiful Flower, uses magic leaves, large-mouthed bats, looking for falling orders uses air slash attacks, very good, now Ninetails start attacking first, after the end, there are small magnetic monsters coming to Harkron to attack again, after Harkron’s attack, Tyrannosaurus and Beautiful Flower are attacking, and the large-mouthed bat will look for small magnetic monsters running out of the corner to attack.” “As for the Kabi beast, let’s hit the soy sauce, it’s useless for the time being.

Several Pokémon who heard the order began to attack from the Nine Tails first, there was no way to attract monsters, and the monsters were gathered in one place, only direct attacks, scattered monsters, let all Pokémon attack at the same time, it was simply a waste of physical strength.

The jet flame of the nine tails spewed out and swept out, killing the few small magnetic monsters in front of them who had not yet released their skills, and the electricity emitted by several small magnetic monsters immediately attracted the small magnetic monsters who were very murderous to electricity, and small magnetic monsters flew over.

Mo Feng nodded, the little magnetic monster has a strong perception of electricity, as long as it emits a little electric light can be perceived, knocking off one is like hitting a hornet’s nest all running towards this side, hitting this side is very much necessary for all output, the output is not enough, the electric light emitted will attract the small magnetic monsters, and the vitality is not enough will be bombarded into slag by the large number of long-range skills of the small magnetic monster that is gathered together.

“Hakron! Attack! Mo Feng waved his hand and gave an order, and Hakron immediately blew out a wind and snow, and the small magnetic monsters that rushed over only turned into white light and disappeared in the blizzard.

“Tyrannosaurus, beautiful flower ready, attack!” Mo Feng watched the little magnetic monsters more and more, the Hakron attack ended, the pause time, towards the tyrannosaurus and the beautiful flower issued an order, a strong wind with accelerated magic leaves rushed to the small magnetic monsters that were spotted one by one, killing the small magnetic monsters in the distance one by one, and some attacked from a distance, but the distance was too far away, and it was very easy to dodge.

“Nine Tails! Get ready! Mo Feng looked ahead, the two Pokémon’s cooperative attack ended, immediately let the Nine Tails attack again, a few minutes later, the mobs in the small magnetic monster area were cleaned up, a three-in-one magnetic monster quickly flew over, and in the distance it sent an electric light towards this side. _

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