Age of Elves

Chapter 094

094 has a set

I made a dress again, picked it up and looked at it.

Giant pincer crab’s guardian armor (rare)

Equipment requirement level: 50, trainer

Endurance: 95

“It seems that there is no mistake in remembering, this defective product with insufficient attributes has melted down.” Thrown into the furnace, the equipment inside quickly melted into a ball, looking at the number of materials prompted by 5, Mo Feng directly threw in fifteen materials, this time to create a bracer.

Giant pincer crab’s arm guard (rare)

Equipment requirement level: 50, trainer

Strength +50, Endurance +50

Mo Feng looked at the arm guard in front of him, scratched his head, and turned the remaining equipment into equipment one by one, built it all, and picked up a glove first.

Giant pincer crab’s fist set (rare)

Equipment requirement level: 50, trainer

Power +100.

Pick up a helmet made of 18 giant pincer fragments, an electrical core and a special piece of metal.

Electromagnetic helmet (rare)

Equipment requirement level: 50, trainer

Stamina +95, Wisdom +5.

“It’s okay equipment, the style is a little funny, let’s throw it away first.” Mo Feng took a power core and looked at a pair of shoes.

Metal boots (rare)

Equipment requirement level: 50, trainer

Endurance +100

“Huh? Sure enough, I used metal blocks to make shoes, and they became endurance-type equipment. Mo Feng looked at the shoes, the materials are different, the forged equipment special type is also different, the energy-type material will forge the intelligent energy suit, heavy materials like metal blocks, giant pincer fragments This forged equipment is biased towards endurance and strength, light materials such as feathers, fur This type of material is easy to forge into speed suit.

Picked up another helmet and looked at the attributes of the equipment.

Metal Iron Helmet (Rare)

Equipment requirement level: 50, trainer

Endurance +100.

I looked at the last few pieces of equipment, one ring, one one

Electric Ring (Rare)

Equipment requirement level: 50, trainer

Wisdom +100

Current necklace (rare)

Equipment requirement level: 50, trainer

Wisdom +100

Power gloves (rare)

Equipment requirement level: 50, trainer

Wisdom +100

Electric bracer (rare)

Equipment requirement level: 50, trainer

Wisdom +100

“Phew, finished building, there is also a stinger of the stinger jellyfish.” Mo Feng looked at the last equipment, the ring and necklace were forged from the electric core, and the gloves and bracers were forged using the horns of the electric shock beast.

The last one is very successful, this is the equipment I need, output equipment, defense with the growth of their own Pokémon, can already give up, attack or something, fight back, the best defense is to attack ah, directly put the equipment on.

Replace the metal helmet and four main pieces of equipment with intelligence, the agility drops too much, the character’s movement speed is also slowed down, and then replace this shoe with running speed bonus is too slow, now the low-level is used first, and the movement speed of the Pokémon is also needed.

After getting the equipment, put away this forging set, looked at the experience accumulated by forging skills, 11/100, you only need to build a hundred pieces of equipment of the same level to upgrade.

Walked over and tossed a few tree fruits, took a knife, brushed one by one the tree fruits were sliced and fell.

“Works well! Let’s start with the lowest level. Mo Feng looked at the tree fruit on the table and began to make dishes. Pokémon dishes made with fruit are foods that increase the speed of physical recovery and mental recovery by 25% due to the limited variety of ingredients.

“I don’t have time to go to the restaurant to eat, so I’ll let them eat these tomorrow.” Made a few dishes, don’t look at the effect of a small portion and Pokémon food, generally Pokémon are full after eating a portion, like the special dishes of the Kabi beast, you need other tree fruits, you don’t have them in your hand, at most give that guy a few more portions.

After all, one serving can put five to six tree fruits plus a few fruits, throw it away after cooking, keep it fresh in your backpack, and go lie down and rest for a while.

The next day, continue to take the Pokémon and start brushing the dungeon, which is still far from the group of guys reaching level 50, and continuing to level up is the right way.

Entering the copy, released the Pokémon, according to the increase in wisdom, the output has increased several times, Mo Feng waved towards the Pokémon: “Let’s start!” ”

With an order, several Pokémon immediately separated and ran in two directions, Mo Feng took the big wolf dog towards the area of the lightning ball, watching the actions of Hakron and the beautiful flower, due to the increase in intelligence, the power of the skill increased again, and the range became larger, completely suppressing the lightning ball, as long as it came out, it would die, but the two Pokémon together, but caused a lot of waste of attacks.

“Beautiful flower, this place is handed over to you, Hakron come with me, let’s go to another area.” Mo Feng looked at the Hakron beckoned, the Hakron in front stopped using the blizzard, and flew in the direction where Mo Feng was as soon as he turned his head, Mo Feng looked at the battle of the beautiful flower in front of him, a large number of magic leaves flew away, struck at the front, and swept away the thunder ball that rolled out in front.

“It seems that the beautiful flower can be solved, and sure enough, the output has improved, which has great benefits.” Mo Feng nodded and took the Hakron and the Great Wolf Dog to the area of the electric shock beast.

“Hakron, you just clean up this side and use the blizzard attack.” Mo Feng waved an order towards Hakron.

Hakron immediately flew out, a blizzard blew out, and one by one the electric shock beasts turned into ice sculptures and dissipated.

Mo Feng looked here for a while, there was no problem, turned away, and walked towards the area on the other side, the nine-tailed, violent, large-mouthed bats cleaned up speed is also good.

“The poison system trick of Venom Impact is useless against the small magnetic monster with steel attributes, and the damage of the attack with the flight system is weakened a lot, next time change the area, let the three of them brush the electric shock beast, Hakron is ready to fight.” Nodded and turned to leave, went back to sit and wait to see the clearance time, the copy that can be suppressed does not need to worry too much about the trainer, as long as it has been taught a few times, it is completely possible to fight, unlike the puppet, say it before doing it.

“Clearance time 8 minutes, very good, very good! Three areas are brushed at the same time, the time is indeed compressed a lot, and it can also exercise the fighting ability of Pokémon. Mo Feng looked at the clearance prompt and nodded, accepting the loot brought by a few Pokémon, this time changing to such a brush method halfway, the time can continue to compress. _

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