American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 225 Oil Painting Beauty: She is indeed my good sister~

Erica looked down on her husband's incompetent and furious look, but knew that she couldn't add fuel to the fire at this time, so she turned around and left.

"Wait, I have an idea!"

John Foley was very unhappy when he saw his wife leaving, and suddenly he shouted in his heart.

"any solution?"

Erica turned around with a headache and stopped to look over.

She would rather her husband be incompetent and furious than let him shake a tree and bring disaster upon himself.

John Foley smiled proudly and revealed his revenge method.


After hearing this, Erica's mouth twitched and she complained: "Aside from making him feel disgusted, what's the use of this? And he's not an ordinary person, so he might not think it's humiliating!"

"I don't care if he feels it or not, as long as I feel it's humiliating to him, that's enough."

John Foley laughed: "Besides, the results are easy to verify."

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Erica finally couldn't help but reminded: "I thought we had decided to compromise. If you do something like this afterwards, if it angers him, what's the point of everything we do now?"

John Foley's smile faltered, but he soon laughed again: "How did he know it was me? I just didn't upload it on my website."

Erica was speechless.

This kind of thing, at this moment, who else besides you would do this?

It's just that she didn't bother to persuade her anymore, she just couldn't handle such a husband.

"It's me. I'll provide you with a script. You can find someone to film it as soon as possible..."

The more John Foley thought about it, the more proud he became. He dialed a number, told a script with great inspiration, and asked people to arrange for filming.

As a hardcore user who holds shares in many art websites, he naturally knows professionals.

What he didn't know was that far away in the basement of the New Hampshire shelter, a girl in white had already trapped him in a nine-square grid because of the eyes involved with Chuck, and saw everything in her eyes.

An artistic shooting location.

A beautiful woman wearing a decent little suit is watching a video on the Internet, which shows a hot beauty revealing the details of her in-depth communication with a big shot. The beautiful woman in the suit cannot shed tears like a Hollywood movie queen. , he could only cover his face and cry bitterly, exclaiming exaggeratedly: "OMG, I really can't believe all this..."

"Are you OK?"

A man in a suit and tie next to him closed his laptop and put his arm around the woman: "It's not your fault."

"No, it must be my fault. Didn't you listen to her? It was because I refused to do that that he went to find her."

The beauty in the suit leaned into the man's arms and pretended to cry: "But I am a good wife and mother. I am not a girl like her. How could I do that?"

"I know I know."

The man in the suit comforted her: "She is far worse than you. If you are willing to do that, I believe no one can refuse your charm."


The beautiful woman in a suit looked up, with a hint of joy on her face. When their eyes met, the atmosphere suddenly changed.

After some American straight talk, the beauty in the white shirt suddenly regretted and exclaimed: "No, I can't do that."

The man in the white shirt nodded, "I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"who cares!"

When the beauty walked to the door, her expression suddenly changed, as if she had made up her mind: "I am a good wife and mother, but I am just a woman. There must be someone who knows that I am no worse than that girl..."


The director suddenly shouted, and then said to everyone: "Here comes a new script."

"The Good Wife series is particularly popular right now, what new script could be better than this?"

Photography asked everyone’s doubts.

That’s right!

Ever since the former Attorney General of Chicago and the future Mei Piao Zong came to the limelight, Mrs. Florrick has become synonymous with good wives, and good wives have not only conquered many housewives, giving them a sense of agency, but also conquered many LSPs. Make them feel more involved.

When there was a market demand, it was immediately fed back to the production side, and various series of Good Wife themed films sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

For the rougher ones, just borrow the existing plot and make some slight changes.

Be more precise, understand the entire case in detail, and strive to capture the mentality of a good wife. Please perform an affectionate interpretation with a little bit of acting skills.

What is more professional is to fully track the details of the case, conduct a certain degree of deduction and rational speculation, and then find someone with a little bit of acting skills and a more suitable temperament to perform a passionate interpretation.


There is no other way, the most you can do is to find someone with some acting skills, because if you are particularly good at acting, you can directly go to Hollywood to work in Hollywood, or even better, directly make changes in the real world, and you will never make such a low-budget movie.

The filming here is relatively professional, and the plot of the good wife and her classmate Will Gardner, who is the boss of the law firm, is played out, and the latest hot topics are also followed.

After future Mepiotong Pete Florik officially announced his re-election for Chicago Attorney General, a storm of public opinion once again engulfed him and his family.

The female branch member who had had in-depth exchanges with him, under the instigation of a caring person, also came out to expose the news, went on the TV station to break the news, and was going to publish a book. All the details she told were insider details, which really aroused everyone's desire for gossip again. .

The gossip about her husband that the good wife filmed just now happened online. As for the plot with her boss and classmate Will Gardner, it was the result of the collective efforts of the director and team members.

I believe that once this movie is released, it will become a hot topic for news and gossip, and it will also be a small movie that men love to watch. Those who are not sure may think that the real video has been leaked, and it will definitely become a big hit.


After the director revealed the breaking point of the new script, everyone disagreed. What's the point?

"What about Detective + Good Wife?"

The director also hesitated: "Have you done anything yet?"

"Yes, I have!"

The photographer laughed and said, "Nowadays, anyone who hooks up with a good wife will get it, not to mention that the detective is somewhat popular."

Everyone then began to work together again.


"Is this how the matter is resolved?"

After Jane heard that John Foley had agreed to pay a huge compensation of 12 million, she really felt the magic of this world.

Since when have billionaires become so easy to talk to?

Simply incredible!


Alex looked complicated.

"What are your plans later?"

Jane looked at Alex with some sympathy. When encountering such a thing, she would probably have a psychological shadow that she would never forget for the rest of her life.

"Go back to the company first and process your resignation."

Alex smiled bitterly: "Then rest for a while and think about what to do in the future."

"You can ask Chuck."

Jane couldn't help but look at Chuck.

“Do what you love, but stay away from high-conflict careers.”

Chuck said: "I will send you a list of pitfalls to avoid. After you eliminate these, think about what you like."


Alex and Jane were speechless. They looked at each other and understood what the bitter smile in the other's eyes meant.

They all knew very well what Chuck meant by the list.

That means being as detailed as possible and following the list. It’s complicated and complicated without mentioning it. If you eliminate it according to the list, you’ll know without even thinking about it. There will be little room for free choice.


Even though she knew it, Alex still agreed.

This time, it was obvious that she was holding Chuck back, otherwise Chuck wouldn't have to fight with a billionaire just to make her feel better.

She was naturally happy that Chuck could do this for her, but she secretly told herself that this was the first and last time.

She wanted to take care of Chuck, not be taken care of by him.

"Chuck, it's time for us to go back, right?"

Jane looked at Chuck.


Chuck nodded.

I have finished all the things I should be busy with, so naturally I have to go back.

The next day.

Chuck and Jane flew back to New Jersey, while Alex returned to the company.

After their plane took off from the Chicago Airport, an ordinary-looking man got off the plane at the Chicago Airport. After checking into a star-rated hotel, he took a shower and his phone rang. When he opened it, it was all garbled characters. The man watched intently. After a while and some translation, the message was read out, a sentence and a photo: "John Foley, accident."

The photo is none other than John Foley, the boss of

After a few seconds, the messages turned into garbled characters again and disappeared from the man's phone.

Men are used to it. After the recent system upgrade, that's how it is.


In an old castle, a beautiful woman who seemed to have stepped out of an oil painting was writing something at her desk. Suddenly her cell phone rang. When she opened it, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth and said to herself: "She is indeed my good sister. "

After being lost in thought for a while, the oil painting beauty put down her phone, shook her head with a smile, and went back to her desk to write the unfinished letter.

A few days later. headquarters.

"Can you do it?"

John Foley called the professional director to ask how the filming of the little detective movie was going, but the result was that when his team went out to celebrate and have fun, they accidentally got into a small car accident, and everyone was fine. They just needed to practice together for a while. Time, I can’t take pictures for the time being.

"We have very good ideas and execution skills. Once we are ready, we will shoot immediately. I guarantee you will be satisfied with the results."

The director made a solemn promise on the other end.

"All right."

John Foley thought for a while and agreed to the suggestion to postpone filming.

At this point, he felt that there was nothing wrong with delaying, so as to avoid Chuck from targeting him to the greatest extent.

In his opinion, with Chuck's acting style, he would probably not be remembered after a while, and he would have offended many enemies by then.

It can disgust Chuck without causing trouble, so why not do it.

It was a pity that he couldn't relieve his anger immediately, but after thinking about it, he said that delayed gratification is better, and now he wanted to try it.

Thinking of this, he was in a good mood. He walked to the bookshelf, took out the Bible, and then took out his own book of salvation. He began to look through it to see whose brand it was. He thought of the good wife, on the page of a book with a mature and cool temperament. In front of her, she paused, then started to make a call, whistled and went down from the private elevator to the garage, drove to her own special happy house, ready to experience her own experience of being a good wife, but she didn't know that there was a car far behind the car.

A few hours later.

Amidst the screams, 911 dispatched an ambulance and arrived. The first responders joked about it on the way when they heard that it was due to the sudden wind. After the first aid failed and was declared dead, they realized that the matter seemed to be serious, because the person died due to the sudden wind. It turned out to be billionaire John Foley.

When Erica learned the news, she couldn't hold back the tears of sadness (happiness) and sadness, and she was a little surprised and uncertain in her heart.

She always thought it was such a coincidence.

Her husband was a veteran in this in the past. He had done countless tricks and had never had any accidents. Why was it that this time he was planning to explore Chuck, the god of nausea, but suddenly he got winded?

But after the preliminary investigation results came out, she had to agree that it might be an accident. The Good Wife series was too exciting for men, and her husband was old and had too much money at a loss. One day, it would happen again. Thinking that Chuck had been gone for several days, it probably wasn't him.

And even if it was him, Chuck, who was so vindictive and had such sharp and domineering methods of revenge, was not something she dared to offend.

So she tearfully accepted all her husband's property, immediately paid Andrew Mouss's 12 million compensation, completely forgot about the matter, and lived a new era in which she completely controlled

All the young film professionals training in the hospital were shocked when they heard the news.

"Director, are we still filming?"

asked the Good Wife actress.

"Director, why don't we stop filming?"

Playing Will Gardner, he is also preparing to play the male lead of the detective later. He said with lingering fears: "I always feel that this is a bit evil. Just when we were about to start filming, we collectively suffered a car accident. Now even the initiator has immediately become angry... …I don’t want the wind to blow right away!”

He was originally doing physical work, and the time was tight and the tasks were heavy. He was already very burdened. The risk of a sudden wind was far greater than that of John Foley. Now that he heard that John Foley died like this, he was not afraid. How is it possible?

"Slap your ass!"

The director gritted his teeth and said: "After we are discharged from the hospital, we will still shoot according to our ideas. We cannot listen to others."

"Wise director."

The others all cheered in relief.

The people who filmed them were also superstitious.

Monica's apartment.

"Phoebe, why are you dressed like that?"

Ross was extremely uncomfortable and did not dare to look directly at Phoebe, who was wearing a small suit.

"What's wrong? Why can't I dress like this?"

Phoebe asked with a smile and tilted her head.

"Don't you hate the oppression of big companies the most? You regard suits and ties as a constraint."

Rose's eyes flickered and he said, "I'm not used to dressing like this all of a sudden."


Phoebe didn't believe what Ross said, but she didn't know what was wrong. She looked at Ross in confusion for a while, then explained with a smile: "Joey asked me to play a guest role as an office worker. Although I don't like working for big companies. Squeezing, but I like art and filming."


Rose spit the coke out of his mouth.

"what's wrong with you?"

Monica looked over immediately, and shouted dissatisfied while coming over to clean.

"Nothing, nothing."

Ross didn't dare to explain why he sprayed Phoebe immediately after hearing that she liked filming, so he could only cover it up.

At this time, Joey walked in with a wrong look.

"How's it going Joey, how's it going?"

Phoebe, who plays a bit player, is looking forward to her career as a bit player.

"Sorry, Phoebe, your scene was deleted."

Joey looked apologetic and hesitated to speak.

"No reason?"

Phoebe said unhappily.

"This, this..."

Joey didn't want to say it at first, but under the pressure of Phoebe and Rachel, he could only tell the truth: "Someone recognized Phoebe's face and said you were playing the good wife..."

"It does not make sense?"

Everyone was confused, and then Rose's eyes flickered.

"Rose, do you know something?"

Rachel had sharp eyes and could see something unusual about Ross at a glance.

"I have no idea."

Ross quickly lowered his head and refused to admit it.

Under Rachel's urging, Joey figured out something, his eyes widened, he jumped up and pointed at Ross: "I can't believe you are still watching Ursula's little movie!!!"


Everyone shouted in unison.

Ursula is Phoebe's twin sister. She is not good at studying. She works as a waitress and makes small movies. She is quite famous in New York, especially near the Central Park Cafe. Everyone only knows about Phoebe because someone mistakenly thought she was Ursula. This issue.

Because Phoebe and Ursula looked exactly the same, everyone gathered together to watch Ursula's short movie and made the decision that they would never watch Ursula's short movie again, so as not to affect their relationship with Phoebe. .

And it was obvious that Ross, a young movie lover, was just talking about it, but his body was very honest and he acted contrary to the righteousness of friends.

The Good Wife series has become a hit recently, and Ursula has naturally followed suit by making a similar short movie. It was only after Ross watched it that he reacted so strongly to Phoebe suddenly wearing a suit and ties.

Seeing that he really couldn't deny it, Ross had no choice but to confess that he had indeed watched Ursula's The Good Wife by accident, and was severely condemned by everyone.

"You know, Chuck went to Chicago and heard that the law firm he contacted was Lockhart \u0026 Gardner, and the real good wife is in this law firm."

Chandler joked: "If I had known Ross that you were so obsessed with The Good Wife, I would have strongly requested to go with Chuck and get you an autograph."


Rose glared at Chandler who was adding insult to injury. After glaring, she thought that Chuck had seen a real good wife, and she became a little envious and jealous. Her eyes seemed to be magical when she saw her cousin who had used Rejoice.

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