


He was answered by a series of gunshots.

Monica snatched the telescope from the stunned Mr. Miller, looked over, and saw three clouds of white powder blooming in the air. Then she moved the telescope to look at Chuck lying there, and she could see it more clearly through the telescope. The way he saw Chuck.





Monica, who is easily attracted to bad men and now often calls herself the 'bad girl Monana', secretly screams in her heart.

In her eyes, Jean-Claude Van Damme was a handsome tough guy, not to mention Chuck, whose looks were still better than Jean-Claude Van Damme. Monica's heartbeat was like the sound of a gunshot from a heavy sniper just now, and this Barre The special heavy sniper is a semi-automatic weapon that can continuously snipe.




There were continuous gunshots again.

"Is it a perfect match? Is it a perfect match?"

Mr. Miller set up an arbor and tried his best to look into the distance, shouting at Monica who was holding a telescope. Seeing Monica standing there motionless without answering, he impatiently grabbed his telescope back. Looked over.

In sight, only the remaining white powder was floating in the wind.

"Oh, God."

exclaimed Mr. Miller.

After Chuck finished this round, he felt completely refreshed and comfortable. He stood up, put away Barrett's heavy sniper, and nodded to a few people in the room.

"Kid, how did you do that?"

Mr. Miller walked over quickly and asked excitedly.

If he has this amazing shooting skill, then he will be able to boast about it when he meets his old friends in the future.

"I'm good at math."

Chuck said casually.

"...What does this have to do with math?"

Mr. Miller was puzzled.

"The trajectory of a bullet is nothing more than straight-line motion and free fall motion. It only needs to be corrected based on the influence of external factors such as wind speed, humidity, and pressure."

"The trajectory of the bullet is knowable and controllable," Chuck explained.

"It's not as simple as it sounds."

Mr. Miller said speechlessly: "I have also seen sharpshooters, and they have also mentioned this, but even they all hold a notebook to write down these things and then calculate them, but you don't have any at all, let alone you still shoot continuously. Moving target!”

"So I'm good at math."

Chuck is once again reminded of the truth.


Mr. Miller was speechless.

As a farmer who can't even figure out how to pay taxes, I really don't know whether to believe this statement.

Is it really that good at math?

"Can you do it?"

Monica's eyes shone and she stabbed Ross out of habit.

"Who knows if he was lucky."

Dr. Ross Geller, a paleontologist at Columbia University, didn't dare to answer the question at all and could only mutter in a low voice.

"This is Monica and her brother Ross."

Mrs. Miller saw Chuck looking at Monica and introduced with a smile: "They called yesterday and said they wanted to come and see the dog that was given to the family when it was a child."


Monica waved to Chuck nervously.

"Dr. Ross Geller."

Ross raised his head and stretched out his hand to Chuck.

Both are doctors, so he is no weaker than others in his life!

Chuck looked at his outstretched hand, but did not shake it back. He just nodded: "Dr. Chuck Wolf!"

"I'm Monica."

Monica ignored Ross's dark face and took the initiative to introduce herself slightly shyly.

"Hello, Monica."

Chuck looked at this familiar youthful face, and the plot of the American TV series Friends he had watched in his previous life flashed through his mind, and he took the initiative to reach out to Monica: "Just call me Chuck."

"Hello, Chuck."

Monica was flattered and put her small hand into Chuck's big hand, her face full of joy.

"Ouch! You are very rude, you know that?"

Seeing Chuck treating him differently, Ross couldn't help it and yelled.

"I do not think so."

Chuck said calmly.

"I am also a doctor and I took the initiative to shake hands with you. Why did you ignore me and instead took the initiative to shake hands with my sister?"

Ross said with a cold face: "Isn't this rude?"

"She's clean."

Chuck frowned and looked at Ross, the leading actor who had never had a good impression of Friends in his previous life.

"What's the meaning?!"

Rose was furious and said: "Where am I unclean?"

"The diamond ring on your right ring finger is missing. According to the traces, it was just removed a few months ago, which means you have been divorced for more than a few months. There is no trace of frequent removal and re-wearing, which means you are not a libertine."

When Chuck saw that he took the initiative to ask, he stopped giving him face and spoke frankly about his thoughts: "In addition, on Sunday you took your sister and took the initiative to find Gouzi, who was obviously dead when she was a child, which means you didn't have a date. And being single without a goal, otherwise it wouldn't be so boring.

The palm of your left hand is whiter and the fragrance is stronger than that of your right hand, which means that you have washed your left hand very hard.

A divorced man who has been single for more than a few months without a partner is bored out of his mind. He often washes his left hand vigorously with soap. No matter which hand he extends, even if there is no problem after being exposed to ultraviolet light, I still don’t want to shake his hand. . "


Monica stayed away from her brother with a look of disgust.

"He's talking nonsense!"

Ross blushed: "That's not what he said at all!"

"But it's true that you and Carol have been divorced for a few months."

Monica completely believed Chuck's statement and said: "You really don't have a date now. You used to like reading Wonder Woman comics. By the way, I heard Joey and the others say a few days ago that they bumped into you. I hid in the video store and didn’t dare to see anyone.”

"that's not me!"

Ross felt like he was going crazy.

He regretted it greatly.

Why did you have to dwell on that issue just now? If you don't shake hands, don't shake hands. What's the big deal? My sister Monica has mysophobia. Isn't it normal to be cleaner than him?

"for you!"

Chuck ignored Ross, who was turning green and red, walked to his pickup truck, took out a spare hand sanitizer and handed it to Monica.


Monica smiled and thanked her.

So handsome, so violent, yet so clean, it just fits her aesthetic perfectly.

"I'll clean all the places Rose touched later."


The corners of Rose's mouth twitched and she glared at her biological sister hatefully.

He just let it go if outsiders said that, and her sister just echoed it and let it go.

It's a pity that Monica's eyes were all on Chuck and didn't look at him at all.

Chuck nodded in approval, put Barrett back into the pickup truck, and prepared to leave.

Although Monica was his favorite American TV character in his previous life, and she was pretty and smooth, with a very good appearance and figure, but he still couldn't do it if he was asked to take the initiative to contact her.

After all, Monica wasn't at the point where he couldn't help but want to get close to her because of her severe autism.

As of now, there is only one Professor Alicia Harper.

This is the result of the fusion of his own main consciousness and his predecessor, and the result of comprehensive aesthetics. Unless a large amount of water of life is condensed to make up for this physical defect in the future, it will be like the physical defect of this severe autism and is not under his control.

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