American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 24 Extreme Passive Type

"Wait a minute."

Monica subconsciously called out to Chuck.

Chuck turned and looked over.


Monica panicked and didn't know what to say.

Ross opened his mouth to taunt, but when he caught a glimpse of Chuck's calm and waiting expression, he swallowed back the words that came to his mouth.

If it wasn't for the sake of maintaining the doctor's dignity, he would have taken out his left hand behind his back and rushed over to punch Chuck.

He endured it so hard!

He is now really afraid that Chuck will say some 'nonsense' again.

He would be unable to bear it.

"Let's all stay."

Mrs. Miller smiled and said, "It would be fun to have dinner together at noon."

"Yes, I'll do it. I was a chef before and my cooking skills are pretty good."

Monica happily took over the topic. Seeing that Chuck was still noncommittal, she added: "If you are not busy, I have another problem that I would like to ask you for advice. Perhaps only you can help me answer this kind of problem."

"I'm used to cooking for myself."

Chuck didn't take no for an answer.

He just can't take the initiative to get close to people, it's not that he doesn't want to get close to people.

When faced with Monica's initiative, neither he nor his predecessor would refuse.

"That's even better. I'll provide the ingredients and you can cook it together."

Mrs. Miller looked at the handsome couple with a smile, and then said to her husband, who was still shocked by Chuck's marksmanship: "Take Ross to see the buried dog."


Ross was speechless.

You just said it, why did you look like, "Send him away quickly so as not to affect the beautiful scenery."

"Yes, dog!"

Mr. Miller understood his wife's eyes, so he smiled and put his arms around the reluctant Rose and walked outside: "Don't you want to see it? I'll take you there."

"She has a name! It's Qiqi!"

Ross was hugged and pulled by Mr. Miller. His body was a little weak and he almost fell down, muttering dissatisfied.

After the two left, Mrs. Miller gave a perfunctory excuse and walked away, leaving the space for Chuck and Monica.

"what is the problem?"

Chuck asked bluntly.


Monica couldn't bear to face Chuck's directness, but fortunately it wasn't the first time she had seen such a person.

Before, she became the guardian of Peggy, a genius girl from Columbia University. She once accompanied the genius girl Peggy to meet a little guy named Sheldon, who was also so upright.

Now she guessed that super geniuses were probably like this.

"Is such that……"

Monica compared Little Sheldon to Chuck, relaxed a little, and began to tell her recent worries.

Chuck listened patiently and compared it with the plot of Friends he had watched in his previous life. He was surprised to find that Monica's life had really changed a lot.

Especially the possible impact of Monana, another life, on Monica.

But you can understand it if you think about it a little.

This is similar to what he thought in his previous life.

On the premise that there is no way out, no matter how unhappy you are at work, you can only endure it. Once there is a way out and another possible option, your mentality will be completely different.

The tolerance threshold plummets.

When I feel slightly unhappy, I think about giving up my job. It’s not like I can only do this, so why should I be so angry?

The same is obviously true for Monica. Why should she swallow her humiliation and become Monica when she can live a more idealized Monana?

With this idea in mind, and when Columbia University takes the opportunity to find a guardian for Peggy, a newly admitted genius girl who is also a troubled girl, it is reasonable for Monica to change from a chef to a genius guardian.

"...I don't know if all genius boys and girls are like Peggy and that Sheldon. Now I can clearly feel that Peggy doesn't like me."

Monica originally just made a casual excuse to spend more time with Chuck, but when she thought about the hurtful words Ross said about Peggy complaining that she looked like she was 30 even though she was only 26, she really turned into a confession. I asked for help for my troubles: "I feel like you should be such a genius. Can you help me think about how I can be Peggy's guardian and make her like me?"

"You can't do it."

Chuck shook his head: "For such a talented girl, you can either be an elder and give her the care she lacks from the elders, or you can be a best friend and give her the warmth of friendship.

No matter which one, you need to be able to get her inner approval first.

In addition to blood and family ties, if you want her to agree with you, you must first have an IQ close to hers. "

"I really can't do this."

Monica smiled bitterly.

It's not that she feels inferior to her IQ, but she clearly understands what kind of genius girl Peggy is.

Before she officially enrolled in school, Monica witnessed Peggy's venomous remarks that made several college students much older than her cry. She even listened to Xiao Xie when Peggy met that little Sheldon. Sheldon accused Peggy of punching little Sheldon in the eye.

The reason why Columbia wanted to accept Peggy even though he knew she was a troublemaker and still hired a full-time guardian was because Peggy was a super genius.

"This is just normal."

Chuck glanced at Monica and said, "There is a certain chance that you can impress her with a certain move and make her recognize you."

The chance is very small.

"All right."

Monica was a little disappointed.

Chuck was silent for a moment and said, "Just do your best."

Only he truly understands how difficult it is to touch such a person, gain recognition, and get the other person to make changes.

Even for a systematic time traveler like him, after replacing the consciousness of his predecessor, in this special state, it is so difficult to change the behavioral habits of his predecessor, let alone others.

"Well, I'll try my best!"

Monica heard Chuck's comfort, and felt happy. She regained her spirits, clenched her fists and shouted energetically.

Chuck nodded, fell into silence again, walked into the house, and started cooking.

Monica quickly followed, helping while trying to find a topic to talk to Chuck.

She could see that Chuck was a passive type, or an extremely passive type.

Regardless of whether it is Monica's body or the imaginary clone of Monana, there is a heartfelt fantasy for this extremely passive type.

That is because the other person is very shy and must take the initiative to pronounce the words, and then he will gradually reveal his animal nature~

Thinking of this, Monica suppressed her shyness and became more proactive.

no way!

This is just her fantasy and has never been implemented.

This was what Ross saw when he came back. His eyes widened, and then he forcibly pulled his sister out and asked, "Do you know what you are doing?"

"What are you doing?"

Monica's eyes flickered and she tried to quibble: "I just want to try to establish a good relationship with Peggy and be an outstanding guardian of geniuses."

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