American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 25 Professor and Classmates

"Right, that is it!"

Monica felt a little guilty when she first said it, but the more she thought about it, the more it made sense, and she gradually became righteous.

The reason why she was willing to take the initiative for the first time was not because Chuck's appearance and temperament were all based on her aesthetics, nor was it because of some strange XP with a slightly evil heart that brought out the other's bestiality.

She really just wants to use a genius like Chuck to explore the personality and habits of a genius, so as to monitor and teach a talented girl who has not gone astray!

And Peggy may be another Einstein. Think about what this means to mankind, she is doing a great cause!

What kind of sentiment is this?

Why should she bear the gaze of such condemnation and contempt from her brother!

No wonder my brother is always despised by others even though he is also a doctor. There is both the contempt for paleontology in the orthodox scientific contempt chain, and the contempt for doctors who make a lot of money.

In the past, Monica only understood the latter, but now seeing that her brother did not understand the great significance of her doing this thing, and only looked at her own behavior with a superficial eye, Monica suddenly understood the former.

"What kind of look are you looking at?!"

Rose was very sensitive to this kind of gaze and was immediately furious.

You don't have the restraint of a girl at all. You're just showing off there, and you've lost the dignity of the Geller family. When you pointed it out, you not only didn't feel ashamed, but actually despised yourself!


Monica said this, but her expression and tone were completely different.

Ross wanted to have a good argument with his sister, but Monica had already walked over and continued talking to Chuck, turning around to give him a provocative look.

Rose had a bad temper and stood there glaring at his sister for a while. Finally, looking at Chuck standing next to his sister, he turned around and walked away, out of sight.

"I'm severely autistic."

Seeing Monica laughing out loud and praising her for being funny and humorous, Chuck, who was familiar with micro-expressions, understood Monica's intentions and knew that although she tried her best to maintain her image as a lady, she could not directly interact with her at a distance on the first day they met. , no matter what, it had to be officially after the first date, but the effect didn't look good, so I took the initiative to remind him.

"what a pity."

Monica looked at Chuck with pity.

Chuck said nothing more.

He has already reminded me that if Monica still imitates Penny, the heroine of Big 5 (the highest level) in initiative level of The Big Bang Theory...he is not Sheldon!

The next day.

Chuck woke up on time, packed up, and drove to Princeton University.

"you again."

Little Sheldon wore a small suit and tie, carrying a small suitcase, walking on the college campus, dodging from time to time the normal and energetic college students, and then he saw Chuck.

Chuck nodded at him.

"Are you really here to study physics?"

Young Sheldon thought of the scene at the airport and frowned: "If so, it means you are still somewhat interested in science, but why did you refuse Dr. Beverly Hofstadter's invitation?"

"Because I'm not a kid."

Chuck glanced at him.

"I'm not a child either!"

Little Sheldon was extremely sensitive to this and tried his best to hold his head high and try to prove himself: "I am already a glorious physics student at Princeton University!"

Chuck's response to this was to retract his downward gaze and look straight ahead. Little Sheldon was suddenly no longer in his eyes.


Little Sheldon felt the contempt, and the corners of his mouth twitched unnaturally.

When he actually could have gone to college earlier, he chose to stay in high school for an extra year. At the same time, he even didn't want to go to college because he was too young.

A very important problem when preparing to go to college was that he was too young and the school was too big.

The courses in the university are not all in one place. If you want to finish one class and get to the classroom where the next class is in time, you usually need to walk quickly or even trot.

And this speed is for the average adult college student.

When it comes to Little Sheldon, he doesn't have the speed himself, and he doesn't like exercise or sweating, so it's basically impossible to switch classes in time.

The advice his parents gave him was to ride a bicycle.

But he disagrees because the bicycle he can ride must have training wheels. In that case, when he gets to the university campus, other people will regard him as a child...

As a man with an absolute advantage in IQ, Sheldon Cooper overlooks all the stupid people on earth. He hates it when others treat him like a child!

And that's how Chuck made him feel now.

Even worse than the others made him feel.

Because others only viewed him this way physically, but Chuck's eyes gave him the feeling that he was a child in Chuck's eyes, both physically and intellectually.

This is so infuriating!

Sheldon Cooper may be physically young, but mentally and intellectually he is definitely a giant!

It's a pity that Chuck didn't care about his changing expression and continued to mentally build up, and left directly.

Little Sheldon looked at Chuck's back and tried to keep up, but because his steps were too small and he refused to run, he walked quickly with an unusually weird and stiff pace. He watched Chuck go further and further, and was the first to enter. In the teaching building, he could only end this pursuit with an angry expression and an annoyed expression.

Physics lecture theater.

After little Sheldon pushed the door open and came in, his eyes began to search for Chuck. When he looked from the front row to the back row, and saw Chuck in the corner of the last row, his expression was slightly startled.

Because in his feeling, Chuck would compete with him for the C seat in the first row.

That's where the best students are.

But now, although I don't understand why Chuck is sitting like this, he sat on the C seat without hesitation, then took out his paper, pen, and books from the small suitcase and laid them out in an orderly manner, and then looked at it with a happy expression On the podium, sit and wait for the professor to come in to give a lecture.

Adult college classmates walked in in twos and threes. Seeing him like this, they all looked at him with curiosity and surprise.

Little Sheldon turned around and glanced at Chuck, whose presence was getting weaker as the seats gradually filled up. He smiled with satisfaction and prepared to take his first physics class with his head held high.

At this time, a graceful woman walked in, with a tall figure, black and shiny hair, and a beautiful face. Her light blue eyes looked around everyone, and finally her eyes fell on Little Sheldon, with a touching smile blooming at the corner of her mouth. Smile.

"Hello everyone, I'm Alicia Harper, your theoretical physics professor."

The female professor said as she wrote her name on the big blackboard.

Chuck sat in the corner of the last row, looking at the female professor on the podium from a distance, his eyes falling in her light blue eyes, and his whole person felt more comfortable than the Barrett heavy sniper who played violent output yesterday. A sense of relaxation and pleasure.

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