American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 301 If she sees all the prosperity, take her to see the carousel!

"Graduation procedures?"

When little Sheldon heard this, he immediately turned his head and looked at Justine and Cheryl in the last row.

Thanks to his Vulcan hearing.

Even though he was so far away, he still heard such crucial news immediately.

"Are you saying Dr. Chuck Wolfe is leaving this class?"

Little Sheldon showed joy from the bottom of his heart.

Other students also looked over.

"I don't know either."

Justine shook her head and looked at Professor Alicia Harper on the podium.

"Okay, it's time to go to class!"

Professor Alicia Harper did not answer, but reminded everyone.

Then the class begins.

In this class, little Sheldon was in high spirits and full of fun.


At least that's what he felt.

"I love this class!"

After class, little Sheldon gave a very satisfied review.

At this moment, Chuck walked in.

"Chuck, you're not going to class?"

Cheryl came over immediately.

"Not going up."

Chuck nodded.


Cheryl glanced at Professor Alicia Harper and said reluctantly: "This is not like you... You always have a beginning and an end, there is no need to be so hasty..."

Professor Alicia Harper couldn't help but glance at her, feeling understood.

“I’ve gotten all my credits, published my thesis, finished my studies ahead of schedule, and got my bachelor’s degree in physics.”

Chuck explained.

"I trust you."

Seeing that Cheryl was suddenly speechless, little Sheldon immediately smiled and said to Chuck: "You have the strength. In fact, this is very simple for us, isn't it? I support your decision!"

"let's go."

Chuck glanced at Little Sheldon and said to Professor Alicia Harper.


Professor Alicia Harper nodded.

The two walked away side by side.

"They really match each other..."

Cheryl looked at the two people leaving with disappointment.

Justine put her arm around her best friend's shoulders and said nothing.


Little Sheldon paused for a while, waiting until Chuck and the others disappeared, and then he started to cheer and dance stiffly, and kept singing.

"Sheldon is free, Sheldon is free, Sheldon is free..."

When Justine saw this scene, a trace of sympathy flashed in her eyes.

Although she didn't know what Chuck would do next, based on her understanding of Chuck, little Sheldon was probably happy too soon.

"where are we going?"

Professor Alicia Harper got into Chuck's car and watched Chuck drive away from the school, and couldn't help but wonder.

"It's not going to kindergarten anyway."

Chuck said seriously.


Professor Alicia Harper was speechless.

What is this?

However, she thought about it for a moment, and with her IQ, she could easily grasp the connotation. She couldn't help but feel her heart skip a beat after having passively lived a nominal married life for many years.

Even though she has devoted most of her energy to scientific experiments, she is still a mature woman of thirty years old.

But after all, she was more rational than emotional, and knew that it was not appropriate to talk about similar topics while driving at this time.

And after all, the teacher-student relationship between the two had just been officially ended, so she felt a little weird because it reminded her of her ex-husband.

She was also his student back then.

But at that time she was already a graduate student, different from an undergraduate student.

This difference is well reflected in the American TV series The Big Bang Theory.

As adults, Howard and Leonard taught at the university. Once they had a meal in the cafeteria and had an interesting conversation while watching the newly admitted graduate students.

Howard looked at a group of graduate students obscenely, and one person muttered obscenely: "Hurry up and get fatter, then no one will want you, but I will, dad, I can wait~"

Howard's good gay friend, Rajesh from India, asked strangely: "Is it okay to date a graduate student?"

He knew that dating an undergraduate was a no-no!

Leonard replied: "As long as you can ask them out, the school doesn't care."

Unable to speak alone with a woman, Rajesh couldn't help but complain: "This is still a trap."

Because he couldn't ask for a date.

If you want to explain it, it should be the same as in the United States, 18 years old is an adult, but 21 years old can drink.

21 years old should be considered a complete adult.

American college students are generally around 18 years old when they first enter school, and most of the four years of undergraduate studies are before the age of 21, when they are truly adults.

They have not truly become adults and are not physically and mentally mature enough, so a bachelor's degree is extremely important to them.

Therefore, once they fall in love with a professor who is in charge of their grades and can affect their academic certificates, they can easily be PUAed or threatened, causing tragedy.

This is also to protect students, just like gambling must not be legal, otherwise countless tragedies will definitely happen.

At the postgraduate stage, whether it is age mentality or comprehensive consideration of academic qualifications, they are more mature and have a slightly smaller impact.

"Little Sheldon seems happy to have you gone."

Professor Alicia Harper quickly suppressed all kinds of complicated thoughts. Thinking of Little Sheldon's expression just now, she couldn't help laughing.


Chuck nodded.

"You should tell him that you may become his substitute teacher at any time in the future."

Professor Alicia Harper laughed.

"Keep him happy for a while."

Chuck said calmly.


That way, when Chuck appears in class, little Sheldon will be more touched by Chuck's appearance.

No need to say anything, no need to do anything, the yin and yang points will naturally come in.

That’s right!

How could Chuck let go of the opportunity to have more contact with Little Sheldon, a special yin-yang point acquisition object.

Not even for a collaborative experiment with Professor Alicia Harper.

In contrast, if there was only one choice, he would always choose to contact Little Sheldon.

Of course, the reality is that even if he can no longer be a classmate of Little Sheldon in physics, he can still be a classmate of Little Sheldon in other courses.

But he chose an advanced method, becoming Little Sheldon's teacher!

After all, after almost a year of getting along, little Sheldon has become very resistant to his presence, and it's time to increase the intensity.

"here it is?"

Professor Alicia Harper asked curiously as she watched Chuck drive into a villa.

"Your new home."

Chuck explained.

"My new home..."

Professor Alicia Harper was still digesting the news when she saw a domineering girl walking over.

"Boss, the things have been brought over."

Lisa, the big girl from Texas, said, but her eyes were all on Professor Alicia Harper. She took the initiative to reach out and introduce herself: "Hello, I am the boss's new assistant Lisa."

"Hello, Alicia Harper."

Professor Alicia Harper also looked at her, shaking hands with her with stunning eyes.

"Boss, if it's okay, I'll leave first?"

The big Texas girl smiled at Professor Alicia Harper and then looked at Chuck.

Chuck nodded.

"Is this your new assistant?"

Professor Alicia Harper watched the Texas girl leave and looked at Chuck with a half-smile.

"What is the problem?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.

"As long as you like it."

Professor Alicia Harper shook her head.

"You don't like it?"

Chuck glanced at her and walked in first.


Professor Alicia Harper was speechless for a moment.

"What is this?"

When I followed Chuck into the villa, I saw a wooden box placed there, and I couldn't help but wonder.

"A housewarming gift for you."

Chuck said expressionlessly.


Professor Alicia Harper suddenly remembered the artwork that Chuck gave her as a guest for the first time. She walked over with expectant eyes, opened it and looked at it, and was stunned.

"Is this...a carousel?"

"This is a carousel I made with my own hands."

Chuck corrected.

"Oh, thank you."

Professor Alicia Harper thanked her and began to look at the carousel.

Looking left and right, I didn't notice the artistry of this carousel. I just felt that it was no different from an ordinary carousel.

"This is modeled after the most common carousel."


Professor Alicia Harper breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that she was not ignorant, and looked at Chuck in confusion.

He knows that he likes art, so the gifts he gives specially should be artistic.

"Just wanted to bring back some memories for you."

Chuck said seriously: "Yes, American."

"Past events, American..."

Professor Alicia Harper was confused, but she still looked thoughtful at the carousel in front of her.

Every girl has a fairy tale dream in her heart. Who doesn’t want to sit on a merry-go-round that represents love and spin until the end of time?

When she was a little girl, she did have unlimited longing for love and the future.

She understood that Chuck was asking her to forget the unpleasantness of the past from now on, go back to the past, and look forward to life and love again.

As for why it was from the United States... she immediately figured it out. Among the students she had taught, there were also students from other countries.

When the word carousel was mentioned once, someone once did not understand the word. After the exchange, they realized that not all countries have carousels.

Only in the United States, which has the strongest national power and dominates the world, can carousels be seen everywhere.


Chuck could obviously make an artistic merry-go-round very easily, but he restrained himself from showing off his skills and perfectly reproduced the most ordinary merry-go-round, just to remind her of the purest and most pure love and life in the past. Simple and beautiful expectations.

And this is real art!

At this moment, Professor Alicia Harper felt that she completely understood Chuck's intention.

Of course, she couldn't help flashing back to the time when that student didn't know the word carousel and was laughed at by her American classmates, saying, "You've never seen a carousel, it's so low." She responded calmly.

"The man came riding a bamboo horse, went around the bed to play with green plums, and lived together in Changgan, and the two little ones guessed..."

The classmate read a poem, explained the meaning of the poem, and then said: "Compared to any merry-go-round, childhood sweethearts are more in line with my longing for love."

She was immediately moved by the touching artistic conception, and deeply remembered the word childhood sweetheart. However, it was obvious that the romantic love conception of childhood sweetheart was something that could never be found.

After that age and time period there is no chance.

She didn't.

Neither did Chuck.

"Sit on it."

Just as Professor Alicia Harper was touching the carousel, with countless understandings and associations flashing through her mind, Chuck's reminder came.


Professor Alicia Harper thought she understood what Chuck meant, and was quite moved. She looked at Chuck with a passionate look in her eyes, and then stepped forward.

Chuck handed over a coin.

"Do you really need to insert a coin to move?"

Professor Alicia Harper was stunned.

Outside, for the sake of business, the only way to move is to insert coins. If you play at home, there is no need to insert coins at all.

But she still took the coin and put it in, and the single carousel immediately started moving.

At this moment, her expression became strange.

Because compared to the joy of sitting and playing when she was a child, now that she sits on it, not only does the merry-go-round look small but it is very big, the innocent and fun meaning is gone, but it has a lot more exciting flavor.

Could it be that everything she understood before was wrong?

Is this Chuck’s true purpose?

She couldn't help but turned her head and looked over, staring at Chuck for a while. She stopped when the time came when a coin could drive the carousel and the horses galloped, and she didn't notice anything strange about Chuck.

"It seems I've thought too much..."

Professor Alicia Harper shook her head secretly.

Chuck is not that kind of person!

Then I saw Chuck hand over a large box of coins.

She took it and, under Chuck's gaze, inserted another coin into it, and the one-man carousel started to move and rock again.

After a while, her heart began to shake with excitement.

She couldn't help but think of the sultry words Chuck said when he drove her here before: "This is not going to kindergarten."


Professor Alicia Harper looked at Chuck who just looked at her without taking any initiative.

"Have you made arrangements for your classes tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow?"

Chuck said suddenly.

"It's been adjusted, and it's been postponed to next week."

Professor Alicia Harper was puzzled: "But why?"

She had heard Chuck talk about this before and asked her to adjust the class.

Although she was puzzled, she adjusted it according to Chuck's instructions and pushed everything to next week.

For a college professor like her, this is not difficult.

But she didn't understand why.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Chuck was unusually straightforward and said: "Believe me!"


Professor Alicia Harper was speechless, but when she met Chuck's eyes and was rocking her baby, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration and seemed to have captured something.

But I'm not sure.

However, when she took the initiative to test her own ideas, she realized that she was not wrong.

Chuck really meant it.

"Haha, man!"

At this moment, Professor Alicia Harper couldn't help but think of her university colleague, the famous psychiatrist, parenting expert, and psychologist Dr. Beverly Hofstadter once said.

No matter how old a man is, he likes to be big, and he demands consistency whether for himself or for others.

Especially he likes to brag about himself.

She had thought that Chuck was no ordinary man.

But now it seems that even if he is not an ordinary man, he is still a man after all, and he still cannot escape the instinct of men to brag about their strength.

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