American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 302: Know everything from one thing to another, the secret of longevity village!

This has been said.

The emotions have also arrived.

Chuck and Professor Alicia Harper are both talented scientists, and they have actually done experiments with each other, so the preparations before the experiment were completed in one go without any hindrance.

Both of them are adults, so of course they don’t need to worry about kindergarten.

Naturally, things are turning upside down and things are changing.

When Professor Alicia Harper opened her eyes again, it was still dark.

She was a little surprised, raised her body lying on the bed slightly, and looked sideways, but Chuck was nowhere to be seen.

Not surprised, she reached out and touched her mobile phone on the bedside table. After opening it, she looked at the time displayed on the screen and realized that it was already nightfall the next day.

Frowning slightly, she slowly turned around, lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling in a daze, not coming back to her senses for a long time.

After all, he is a genius physicist, and he thinks about philosophical issues far more profoundly than the average person.

"Chuck is indeed the light of Texas..."

After a long time, Professor Alicia Harper turned sideways and looked out the window. The stars were extraordinarily bright tonight, and she said with great emotion that she finally knew it was me.

She has always liked to look at the stars in the night sky, and she just feels that there is nothing more beautiful than the stars in the sky, and there is nothing more worthy of her exploration.

She once raised her head and counted to 4348, until she could no longer hold on.

When she first met her ex-husband, Professor John Harper, he was not good at words. In addition to admiring her academically, what really impressed her was when he looked at the stars with her and used the stars to show her any graphics she wanted to see.

Umbrellas, octopuses... when he held her hand and pointed to the sky, these things she mentioned casually were made up of stars one after another.

She found this very interesting.

But now that she was powerless but seemed to have endless energy, when she looked at the starry sky again, many shapes flashed in her eyes.

Merry-go-round, Chuck, dogs playing poker... She just felt that the stars tonight flashed according to her thoughts, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up, and then she frowned and quickly dispersed these ripples in her heart again. go.

She was finally convinced now.

Chuck asked her to adjust the course, and it turned out to be true.

Not to mention that she didn't wake up at all today, but it meant that it would be difficult for her to go to class the day after tomorrow.

Suppressing these ripples in her heart, she looked at the endless stars in the sky, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in her eyes, and her eyes became brighter and brighter.

She grabbed her cell phone and called Chuck. Then she learned that Chuck was at the crime scene, so she could only suppress the urge to share her scientific research immediately and hang up the phone.

But this joy needed to be shared, and follow-up research had to be carried out immediately. She wished she could get up and go to the laboratory immediately, but thanks to Chuck, she couldn't.

So she thought again and again and dialed a number.

"Professor Alicia Harper?"

As one of the laboratory assistants, little Sheldon received the call and immediately said dissatisfied: "You are not in today's class."

"I informed you in advance, didn't you receive it?"

Professor Alicia Harper said in surprise.


Little Sheldon said critically: "But I still don't like this change! And you just asked someone to inform me of the news, and you didn't personally explain the reasons for this change to me and get my approval."


Professor Alicia Harper's eagerness to share and continue research was stagnant. She could only suppress her complaints to Little Sheldon and talked about her flash of inspiration just now.

That said, it was half an hour later.

"What do you think?"

Professor Alicia Harper finally shared what she had gained from this flash of inspiration, and immediately asked Little Sheldon what he thought.

Although Little Sheldon is often autistic when criticized by Chuck, no one can deny Little Sheldon's super genius brain.

Especially in the field of physics.

Young Sheldon, who has decided to study theoretical physics in the future, has a high degree of talent and ability in this field.

This was also the fundamental reason why she still let Little Sheldon be her lab assistant even though she knew he was a troublemaker.

"A very genius idea."

On the other end of the phone, Little Sheldon spoke highly of her, but before Professor Alicia Harper could be happy for a second, her next words became very Sheldonian again.

"Are you sure this is what you think?"

"...Sheldon, I am your professor."

Professor Alicia Harper’s mouth twitched as a reminder.


Little Sheldon said bluntly: "I have never seen you with such a genius before, and you are also a professor!"

Professor Alicia Harper didn't need to ask what was wrong with the professor, he just explained it all: "No disrespect, but who is the professor among the truly genius scientists?"

“Newton and Einstein were both professors!”

Professor Alicia Harper countered.

"So this has slowed down their scientific research progress."

Young Sheldon immediately hit back: "If they use the time they spend teaching those stupid brains on their own scientific research and development, we will not only fly the Enterprise spacecraft, but at least we will go to Mars."

"Are you sure this is not an excuse because you don't want to teach and can't teach others well, so you can't be a professor in the future?"

Professor Alicia Harper said unhappily.

"of course not!"

Of course, Little Sheldon didn't admit it and directly denied it: "As long as I am willing, I can teach anyone no matter how stupid they are.

Of course, the premise is not to be as stupid as Billy and Little George, but it's not possible.

It's so stupid that people like them can't get into a first-class university like Princeton. "

George Jr. was his brother and Billy was his neighbor, both of whom had been tutored by him.

The result was obvious, so he knew in advance that he was not made to be a professor.

The difference between professors and researchers in universities is whether they teach or not.

Researchers can completely ignore teaching tasks and focus on scientific research.

The reason why professors are called professors is that, in addition to their own scientific research, they are obliged to spend a certain amount of time teaching young scientists.

Therefore, in universities, professors are of higher rank than researchers.

There is also the title of tenured professor.

As long as you get it, even the principal can't fire you as long as you don't make fun of the school board.

Of course, little Sheldon likes professors with lots of money and high salaries and even tenured professorships, but the starting point is to be a professor who wants to teach, and he is keenly aware that he can't do it.

So just as a female alumnus who liked geology treated him like a child, which made him despise geology as not science all his life, he also began to despise the title of professor.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't like it, it doesn't mean he can't do it.


It’s that simple and effective!

Professor Alicia Harper almost blurted out: "Chuck will also be a guest professor and give you occasional substitute lessons."

But she was kind-hearted and tolerated it for a while, and did not speak out so cruelly. She acquiesced in Little Sheldon's "childish words".

"How did you come up with that?"

Little Sheldon asked when he saw that the other end of the phone was silent.

"I just figured it out suddenly."

There was a smile on Professor Alicia Harper's lips again.

This feeling of knowing everything is absolutely amazing. There is no better feeling than this!

"Suddenly figured it out?"

After hearing this, Little Sheldon frowned and nodded, and then said suddenly: "I understand."

"What do you know?"

Professor Alicia Harper thought he had new inspiration for the scientific research project she just mentioned.

"It must be because of Chuck, right?"

Little Sheldon said with certainty.

"……Why do you say that?"

Professor Alicia Harper didn't know what to say.

Strictly speaking, this does have something to do with Chuck.

"It's very simple."

Even on the phone, Little Sheldon's proud expression of "I have everything under control" seemed to appear in her mind.

"It must be because Chuck doesn't go to class. You are in a good mood. When you are in a good mood, of course the inspiration will come as soon as you say it!"

Seeing that Professor Alicia Harper didn't speak, he took it as her acquiescence and started to complain about Chuck endlessly.

“His greatest contribution to physics in the future may be that he leaves our classroom now and saves us.


Of course it’s mainly me! "

"So do you have any new inspiration?"

Professor Alicia Harper finally couldn't help but stabbed.


Little Sheldon's happiness and pride paused, and he said angrily: "That's because the time is too short, and the shadow he left is too big..."

Speaking of this, he said with great grievance: "You don't know, last night when I was sleeping, I held a Sheldon executive meeting in my dream, and Sheldon didn't show up.

All Sheldon knows is that it's because of those words from Big Devil Chuck.

But when I complained about him, no one supported me.

Scientist Sheldon said that he is a real genius scientist and science needs geniuses like him.

Texas Cowboy Sheldon says he is the light of Texas.

Sheldon, an avid fan, also echoes Sheldon, the scientist, saying that if he wants to become interstellar as soon as possible, he needs someone like Chuck.

Sheldon is a germaphobe, and he admires Chuck's view on hygiene very much. Compared to other Sheldons, he would rather stay with Chuck.

I was so angry that I immediately dismissed the Sheldon executive meeting. "

"Sheldon, that was a dream."

Professor Alicia Harper said amusedly.

"You know, for a super genius like me, this isn't a dream."

Little Sheldon exclaimed in frustration: "I can recall all the details clearly!"

"Okay, don't get excited."

Professor Alicia Harper can only comfort little Sheldon, who is tortured by his own big devil and has an infinite psychological shadow.

But she soon discovered that she couldn't comfort him at all.

Without Chuck to quarrel with him, little Sheldon was so disgusting, so she thought, 'It doesn't matter, no matter how big his psychological shadow is, he can't turn black as long as Chuck is around', so she directly Hang up the phone.


After Professor Alicia Harper hung up the phone, Director Randy Tischer looked at Chuck with bright eyes: "So I am right, this is indeed murder!"


Chuck nodded.

"Why do you say that?"

A police officer standing nearby asked in confusion: "He is so old, it is normal for him to die."

They are currently in a nursing home.

Inside lived a Guinness record holder, 114-year-old Miles Honings, who turned 115 on his birthday today. He passed away while lying on the bed with a book on his chest.

For this super-elderly man, for whom it was a miracle to live even a moment longer, both the nursing staff in the nursing home and the doctors and policemen who came for routine work felt that this was a normal death.

But when Chief Randy Tischer learned about it and knew that this super-elderly man had certain political significance, he came over to take a look and felt that there was something wrong with it.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he called Chuck directly and asked Detective Chuck to come over and take a look.

"It's indeed normal."

Chuck nodded, then pointed to the walker beside the bed and said, "But there are many doubts, such as the walker, which is a bit far from the bed.

And the curtain, I asked the nurse, she didn't pull it down, and she said Miles Honings didn't like it either.

And with his height and body shape, it would take a lot of effort to pull down the curtains.

And this book.

His eyes were basically blind and he couldn't read at all.

If no one had touched the scene, then someone must have done it deliberately. The curtains were pulled down to block the view of outsiders and facilitate the murder. "

Having said this, he walked to the bedside, took out the pillow from under Miles Honings' head, turned it over to the other side, and showed everyone: "Look at the marks on it, the murderer used this as the murder weapon, and suffocated him to death." Got him."


The police officer on the side opened his eyes wide and didn't notice any traces.

"The human eye is a very sophisticated instrument, more efficient than any existing computer."

Chuck glanced at him.


The police officer looked at his chief in confusion.

"What Chuck means is that he can see the marks and you can't, which is normal."

Randy smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as Chuck is sure, take it to the laboratory for testing and you will know the result.

And with these doubts, an autopsy can already be performed. I believe the results must be the same as what Chuck said, that he died of suffocation. "

"But why?"

The police officer could only accept that he had gained knowledge, but he still asked in confusion: "Who would kill such a long-lived old man?"

"I know!"

Before Chuck could speak, Randy said with bright eyes: "Because of business competition!"

"business competition?"

The police officer looked at his chief with strange eyes.

He had long heard that his director was famous for his imaginative thinking, but he didn't really understand it until today.


Randy's eyes were serious and filled with the joy of seeing through everything: "I heard Dr. House say that what kind of flora exists in the bodies of long-lived elderly people contains the secret of their longevity.

Therefore, some yogurt companies will specifically look for the feces of such super-elderly people for research.

As a Guinness record holder, Miles Honings is naturally the first choice for companies that need to study the use of longevity.

When there are interests, there are bound to be conflicts.

And when there is conflict, there is naturally a motive for killing. "

"...Director, are you saying that someone killed someone for the old man's feces?"

The police officer confirmed with a difficult expression.


Randy nodded seriously, then looked at Chuck: "Chuck, what do you think?"

"You can go to the toilet and have a look."

Chuck said seriously.


Randy slapped his forehead: "If the murderer really came for his feces, he would definitely leave traces."

With that said, he quickly rushed to the toilet.

Everyone: "..."

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