American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 313 This moment is just like that moment!


Chuck and Lisa got off the plane and someone was already there to pick them up.

"Hi, Chuck!"

Dr. Reid stood outside the airport waving.


Chuck nodded to him, walked over, and introduced Lisa, who was looking at Dr. Reed with her blue husky eyes.

"This is Lisa, Lisa, this is Dr. Spencer Reid from the BAU, my friend."


Lisa greeted Reed graciously.


Dr. Reed was a little shy. After making eye contact for a while, he immediately moved away, not daring to look at the face of Lisa, the big Texas girl.

"Get in the car!"

Chuck reminded: "What's going on now?"

Dr. Reed quickly got into the driver's seat, waited for Chuck to get into the passenger seat, and Lisa got into the back seat, then drove away from the airport and began to introduce the situation to Chuck.

"Six hours ago, our BAU received a call from FBI agent Temple in Florida, who was investigating a series of serial perverted murders.

Along the Gulf Coast, in the heart of Florida, four women have been killed in the past two months.

The methods of committing the crime were highly consistent, and the DNA left at the scene was found to belong to the same person, Mark Greg! "

"Now that we know the suspect, why can't we catch him?"

Lisa, a big Texas girl, couldn't help but ask: "Can we still let him arrest my friend Nikki?"

"Because this Mark Gregor is so smart."

Reed glanced at her in the rearview mirror and explained softly: "He used to be a salesman, traveling around the country to sell.

You can dress up and mingle with rich people, but you can also wear shabby clothes and blend in with the lower class.

Now Gideon and the others were searching his apartment and found uniforms of various police, doctors and other professions, as well as driver's licenses from various places.

Not only did he have a different name on the driver's license, but his appearance was also deliberately modified with makeup, completely pretending to be another person.

He's like a chameleon, so it's no wonder that ordinary police detectives can't catch him. "

"Are you one of our own?"

Chuck in the passenger seat said expressionlessly.

"One of our own?"

Dr. Reed was stunned: "Chuck, are you saying that he might be an FBI agent...the kind who loses control?"

"It doesn't look like it?"

Chuck said bluntly.

"...I'll call Hotchner right now!"

Dr. Reed smiled wryly.

Being reminded by Chuck, this Mark Greg traveled around and dealt with all kinds of people.

He has a charming appearance, is good at disguise, talks to people, and tells lies to ghosts. He really looks like an elite spy arranged by the FBI in China.

And this is nothing unusual.

After all, there are FBI spies lurking in so many large and small organizations across the United States. How to say that classic joke.

There was a meeting of domestic terrorists in the United States. There were ten people in total, eight of them were from the FBI and one was from the CIA!

The key is that the only real terrorists are not leaders.

The most extreme ideas were thought up by FBI undercovers, and those responsible for executing these actions, which require the most professional knowledge, are also FBI undercovers.

As for this CIA person, he is also wearing the cover of an FBI undercover agent!

It is truly a one-stop service from source to solution, supporting the self-respect of the bandits and providing food and clothing for millions of workers!

In this case, the work of these latent spies is inherently illegal. Sometimes they cannot distinguish the current situation, and it is simply too reasonable for a few FBI spies to get out of control, completely lose control, and go on a killing spree.

And since they are elites in their profession, it is normal that the local police and ordinary FBI agents know who the other party is, but cannot catch the other party.

"Dr. Wolfe, I have contacted the headquarters and he is not from the bureau!"

After the call was connected, the BAU agent in charge, Hotchner, was also stunned by the dark angle under the light. He first called his boss to inquire, and then denied the statement.


Chuck was noncommittal and didn't delve into it.

After all, even if this serial killer is really an FBI agent, in this case, the FBI will not admit that the other party is one of its own.

"Dr. Wolfe, we are studying his criminal psychology."

The other end of the phone was connected to Gideon, the spiritual leader of the BAU: "I hope to find out his next move through research so that we can capture him and rescue the kidnapped Nikki."

"How much longer?"

Chuck glanced at the worried Lisa in the rearview mirror and asked.

"After research, the four women who were killed in the past all experienced 36 hours from the time they disappeared to the time they were killed."

Dr. Reed immediately answered: "It has been 24 hours since Nikki was arrested this time, so we only have 12 hours."

"What about in 12 hours?"

Texas girl Lisa couldn't help but ask.

In fact, she already knew the answer.

"Mark Greg would use different methods to torture his victims, including suffocation, burning, hanging, and beating to death, but the only thing that remained constant was that every victim experienced drowning."

Dr. Reed glanced at her in the rearview mirror: "The forensic autopsy concluded that the real cause of death of the victim was drowning."


Texas girl Lisa covered her mouth.

She knew all too well the pain of drowning.

"Lisa, right?"

On the other end of the phone, Gideon said warmly: "You don't have to listen to this."

As a friend of Nikki, the latest kidnapped girl, the BAU people also knew that they had contacted Lisa when they contacted Nikki's family.

Then I learned that Lisa was actually Chuck's new assistant, which was why Dr. Reed was picked up this time.

In the past, they flew all over the country to deal with various serial perverted murder cases. Even if they contacted Chuck, they mostly consulted over the phone and rarely went directly to Chuck to investigate the case together.

Because they also know that Chuck is busy.

The BAU specializes in handling this kind of thing, and it's impossible to turn to Chuck for everything.

"She can do it."

Chuck glanced at her.


The big Texas girl was infected by Chuck's calm and affirmative gaze. She took a deep breath and nodded: "I can do it!"

"All right."

Under Chuck's gaze, Dr. Reed continued: "These girls were drowned, which means that the victims were still alive when they were drowned, and they could still feel their lungs sucking water. This is a An extremely painful way to die.”

Big Texas girl Lisa looks unbearable.

The reason why she is called Texas Big Girl is because her ancestral home is Texas. After learning that Chuck is from Texas, she has a greater sense of identity with Texas, and she must say that she is a Texan.

In fact, before going to Ping'an Town to apply for Chuck's assistant, she initially lived in Florida like her best friend Nikki, and also served as a member of the Beach Guard. Her job was to prevent tourists on the beach from drowning.

She knew all too well the pain of drowning.

She felt the fear and pain at the thought of her best friend being pushed into the water over and over again and struggling helplessly.

"You suspect that drowning had special meaning to him."

Chuck said.


Gideon answered on the other end of the phone: "There is no unprovoked pattern of action, there must be a process of forming a criminal mind.

So we are exploring this formation process and have sent Morgan and Al to talk to Marco Greg's father, hoping to get more useful information from him. "

"In the information you gathered, Mark Gregor's first crime was to kill his girlfriend."

Chuck analyzed: “And this girlfriend is married.

None of the other female victims were single.

Have any of you learned more about what kind of people they are? "

"JJ and I are in charge of this."

Hotchner's voice came from the other end of the phone: "We are driving there."

"Morgan and Al are calling."

Gideon said, "Let's all listen together."

"We spoke to Greg's father and he said he knew nothing about it."

Bald Morgan's voice rang out: "But Al and I both feel that he is hiding something."

"Where is his wife, Mark Gregg's mother?"

Chuck asked suddenly.


Bald Morgan was stunned: "He comes from a single-parent family and was raised by his father..."

"Garcia, check Greg's mother!"

On the other end of the phone, Gideon immediately ordered Garcia, the technician who was always on the line.


Garcia, who is good at hacking, used the FBI's privileges to check information on the Internet very quickly. He immediately said: "Greg's mother died in a car accident when he was 10 years old. Greg was 10 years old at the time. He was also in the car and suffered minor injuries.”

"The cause of his mother's death!"

Chuck asked.

"Forensic practice, the final cause of death was drowning! OMG!"

Garcia immediately exclaimed: "Do you think it was him who drowned his mother?"

"The key is not whether it will be him."

Chuck said: "But if it's him, why!"

"damn it!"

The bald Morgan on the other end of the phone said angrily: "Greg's father actually concealed such important information!"

"These are things you need to observe and ask yourself."

Chuck said bluntly: "If I'm not wrong, his wife is definitely not a good wife and mother. It's human nature for you not to ask him or tell her."

"Why are you so sure?"

Bald Morgan was a little unhappy with Chuck's tone.

"It's very simple."

Chuck said calmly: "Is he an American serial killer?"


All BAU members understood instantly and were collectively speechless.

"What does it mean?"

The big Texas girl couldn't help but be surprised when she saw that everyone was silent because of Chuck's words.

"Chuck is talking about a phenomenon."

Dr. Reed explained with a wry smile: "All serial killers in the United States have one characteristic, that is, almost all of them had an unfortunate childhood.

And because of the psychological shadow caused by this unfortunate childhood, they suffered from psychological abnormality.

Now that it is discovered that Greg's mother actually drowned, like these victims, there is reason to speculate that Greg's mother may have been his first victim.

The debut is the peak!

According to what Chuck said, there must be something wrong with Greg's mother, which is why Greg is like this! "

"All of them?"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, was shocked: "Why does it feel like this is whitewashing them? There is no pure blackness and evil? But many people are naturally bad, just like demons are naturally bad, otherwise Lucifer Morningstar would have fallen into Satan also has God, doesn’t he?”

Chuck glanced at her.

It's obvious that this big Texas girl is not the ultimate brainless person she is supposed to be in the stereotype.

"Morgan, Al, ask Greg's father immediately!"

Gideon, the spiritual leader of the BAU on the other end of the phone, did not answer the call, but directly ordered: "Follow our speculation! Don't hang up the phone!"


Bald Morgan could only agree reluctantly, and then he and female agent Al knocked on the door of Greg's father's house again: "Mr. Greg, we still have questions to ask."

This time, following Chuck's reminder, he glanced around and discovered something unusual: "Where's the photo of your wife?"

"My wife died years ago."

Greg's father looked a little uncomfortable and looked around at him.

"That doesn't explain the absence of any photos of her at home."

Female detective Al asked: "Also, why didn't you tell us just now that when your wife died in a car accident, Greg was also in the car."

"I don't think it's important."

Greg's father lowered his head.

"Do you think it is unimportant for a 10-year-old boy to watch his mother die?"

Bald Morgan raised his voice.

"These are all in public news reports, not to mention you are the FBI, I thought you knew."

Greg's father glanced at him.


Bald Morgan paused, his expression ugly.

There is nothing wrong with this. As an elite member of the BAU, he should have noticed the most important key information for criminal psychological profiling at the first time.

However, now he ignored such important information, but Chuck reminded him from the air, and then he was ridiculed by the person who deliberately concealed it.

This made him embarrassed, and he suddenly thought of what he had said to them when he was dealing with the kidnapping case of Tracy, the daughter of a former New York prosecutor, and the perverted local FBI agent who knew all the information about them.

He will kick down the door...if he is not racially correct, he is nothing.

He dismissed it at the time, but more and more facts are proving this.

In the BAU, he is not the one who really uses his brain. If there is a criminal psychology professional written test score, let alone compared with the perverted Dr. Reed, it is almost a perfect score. Even compared with other colleagues, I am afraid it will be a hundred or two hundred points behind. point.

Well, for a total SAT score of 1,600 points in the American College Entrance Examination, it can be compared with other high-scoring students who often have a 300 to 500 point gap in going to a prestigious school because of their correct race. He only has a difference of one or two hundred points and is good enough.

But this still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"Is your wife unfaithful to you?"

Female agent Al asked directly.

"What did you say?"

Greg's father looked grim.

"Please answer me, do you know how much this affects a 10-year-old boy?"

Female agent Al stared into his eyes: "You also said that we are the FBI, we can find out these things, and within this time, innocent women will die because of your non-cooperation, you Do you really have the patience?"

Greg's father hesitated for a while and said helplessly: "She is indeed not a good wife and mother. She likes to pursue freedom... If she can't find a nanny, she often takes Mark to the motel and lets him play by the pool. …”

"You know everything?"

Female agent Al looked at him in shock: "Why don't you get a divorce?"

"I have been thinking about it all these years, if I had not endured it after discovering that kind of thing on the wedding day, but just gave up on the wedding.

Even if so much money is wasted, even if I am embarrassed in front of all my relatives and friends, will I gradually get used to it... and then I will have so many misfortunes? "

Greg's father looked painful: "It's a pity that there is no what if..."

"What happened on the wedding day?"

Female agent Al asked subconsciously.

Bald Morgan glanced at her.

She immediately reacted, what else could happen?

On a single night in the United States, the bride-to-be likes freedom and fun, so she understands everything.

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