"The source of stimulation has been found!"

On the other end of the phone, Chuck and the others heard the words of Greg's father, the serial killer, and Gideon sighed.

They BAU studied criminal psychology and came up with a theory.

That is, there is a crucial source of stimulation for any criminal, especially a serial killer, to start committing crimes.

It’s not just about why the crime was committed!

It also relates to crime patterns, allowing professionals like them to trace and arrest them based on this.

Otherwise, if a crime occurs randomly and accidentally, even they can't do anything about it.

"Is this the kind of person Nikki is?"

Chuck had no reaction to this and looked directly at the thoughtful Texas girl Lisa.

Although bachelor night parties and the like originated from the West, it is no longer the West that will really promote them in the future.

More appalling mass degenerate individuals are to be seen below.


Lisa, a big Texas girl, hesitated subconsciously, but when she met Chuck's eyes, she nodded: "Nikki is also very bad sometimes... so I left her."

"very good!"

Chuck nodded expressionlessly.

"I also think it's a good thing that I left her."

Lisa, a big Texas girl, was inspired by Chuck's words and spoke more.

"But now that Nikki has been arrested for this, maybe I should have stayed and persuaded her more instead of leaving."

"It is difficult to persuade people who have already set their views, and the fall only takes a moment, so you probably won't do any good to Nikki if you stay, and you might be arrested together with her."

Dr. Reed couldn't help but say: "And Chuck's being nice is not a compliment that you left her."

"Isn't it?"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, was stunned and couldn't help but look at Chuck.

"Not mainly."

Chuck said bluntly: "It's a good thing that you left this bad example, but what's even better is that this is a sign that Mark Greg is not completely out of control."

"What's the meaning?"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, was a little dizzy, feeling happy, worried and puzzled.

"What Chuck means is that if your friend Nikki is the same type as Greg's mother and the other four murdered women, who likes freedom and fun, it means that Greg is still in a state of complete control."

Dr. Reed explained: "Greg like this will only look for this type of woman, and will not go completely crazy and kill on a killing spree for the time being."

"I don't agree with this statement!"

On the other end of the phone, bald Morgan, who had already left Greg's father's house, heard this and immediately retorted.

"Perhaps those women like to play and are a little immoral, but because of this, we cannot think that their lives are not important."

"Morgan, no one thinks their lives don't matter."

Gideon reminded: "Dr. Wolf said this just to analyze the current situation from the most rational perspective.

Greg is still in control of the situation, so he will specifically look for this type of woman to attack and keep the time at 36 hours.

And once he loses control, his targets will no longer be limited to this type of women, but all women he sees, and the time will be greatly shortened.

You should know what this means.

So Dr. Wolfe is right, this is indeed good news! "

"I know."

Bald Morgan could only admit it softly. He did know that it would be good news for most women and for them to solve the case and arrest Greg.

But he always felt in his heart that Chuck did not say this from an absolutely rational perspective.

It’s more like taunting women like Nikki that they deserve it.

This is a gut feeling.

Now his colleagues and leaders all support Chuck. He can't speak out without evidence and feels very aggrieved.

As for why we can’t continue talking?

Because once he gets entangled in this, colleagues and leaders will most likely think that he is targeting Chuck because he is unhappy with Chuck, or that he is biased.

After all, he is the best partner for this kind of woman because he is uninhibited and enjoys himself at any time.

No matter how rational Chuck's words were, it was human weakness to feel harsh and uncomfortable when hearing this.

But it turns out that BAU colleagues are best at profiling others, and it’s easy to relate to this.

"Okay, let's continue discussing the case."

Gideon, the spiritual leader of BAU, changed the topic: “Now we know who he is and we are monitoring his credit card and other information.

He only had 400 US dollars in cash with him, and it was impossible to take a plane and wait for public transportation to leave with Nikki, so he could only drive and stay in a motel. "

"Hopefully he doesn't go to Orlando."

Dr. Reed continued: "The number of motels there is second only to Las Vegas. If you go there, it will be too difficult to find him in time."

"Don't you have any screening methods?"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, couldn't help but ask: "They are two people, a boy and a girl. Nikki was arrested and must have rarely shown up. This information should be enough to screen most motels, right?"

"That's the ideal situation."

Chuck glanced at her: "The reality is that in places like motels, you almost always pay in cash. The purpose is to keep it secret and difficult to trace. The names registered are almost all under false names, and the shopkeepers may not cooperate.

But you're right.

When holding press conferences and notifying local police along the way, you can remind them that the suspects are registered as a man and a woman, and the woman basically does not show up.

Even if the woman is threatened when she shows up, she will look strange and risk being noticed.

Secondly, the woman must have been tortured so much that it would be impossible for her to appear normally in front of outsiders.

If you encounter such a situation, give priority to calling the police and investigating, which can greatly reduce the workload.

Also, after his identity was exposed, Greg was still able to commit crimes according to his own behavior pattern, and his psychological quality was much higher than that of ordinary people.

In addition, he is good at disguising and deceiving others' trust, and the motel space is extremely limited. When he cannot see the woman, he must not be let off by lies such as that the woman is taking a bath. "

"Garcia will do his best to trace it online, and we will also do our best to arrange for police to screen based on this information at local motels along the way."

Gideon answered on the other end of the phone: "JJ, after hearing Dr. Wolfe's analysis, hold a press conference immediately. Remember to remind everyone."


JJ, who was in charge of external relations and media contact, agreed on the other end of the phone.

"Hopefully, we can find them within 12 hours. Otherwise, once the 12 hours have passed...he can put on makeup alone and $400 is enough to fly to anywhere in the country."

Gideon sighed.

"Not going to Texas!"

Chuck said bluntly.


Lisa, a big Texas girl, immediately answered: "As long as he has a shred of sense left, he will not go to Texas."

Texas, which is rich in martial arts, is not just about Texas men, but sometimes women as well.

If this Greg goes hunting in Texas, there's no telling who will target whom.

"I wish he would suddenly disappear."

On the other end of the phone, JJ, the more emotional person in charge of BAU's external relations, suddenly said something.


BAU agent in charge Hotchner warned.

"Feel sorry."

JJ immediately smiled apologetically: "I just hope that no more women will be victimized. The media has already arrived. I will announce the news now!"

After saying that, he hung up the phone.

"We all thought, so why is she apologizing?"

Texas girl Lisa was puzzled.

Everyone was relatively silent.

"They suspected that someone was acting as a vigilante, specifically hunting down these serial killers."

When Chuck, a big Texas girl, looked at him without an explanation, he bluntly stated what everyone in the BAU was thinking.


Lisa, a big girl from Texas, exclaimed in surprise: "There are such vigilantes? Is it true?"

"We're just skeptical right now."

Dr. Reed couldn't stand the gaze of Lisa, the big Texas girl. He knew it was a secret and it was hard to tell, but after Chuck started, he still spoke out.

"Okay, Reed."

BAU agent in charge Hotchner interrupted: "Don't place your hopes on such illusory suspected existence, and if there is such a person, we are the FBI and we must be strict with such violations of the law and existence." To track down and attack.”


Dr. Reed agreed weakly.

"Lisa signed a confidentiality agreement."

Chuck said calmly.

"Okay, everyone, hurry up and do what you are doing. The most important thing for us now is to find Greg and Nikki."

Gideon warned before hanging up the phone.

The conference call ends.

Dr. Reed continued to drive, and in the rearview mirror he caught a glimpse of the Texas girl Lisa who was still very interested. She glanced at Chuck and proactively said, "Chuck, what do you think of this vigilante?"

"I feel like it's a thankless job. Vigilantes can't save America!"

Chuck said expressionlessly.


Dr. Reed was speechless: "Even so, it would be great if this vigilante could really transform into a superhero character in the comics."

Seeing Lisa, a big girl from Texas, confused, he explained: "The superheroes in the comics used to sometimes kill people directly when they encountered extremely vicious criminals.

But later, in order to guide appropriate values ​​and legal concepts, superheroes in comics gradually adopted the concept of not killing. If criminals are caught, the police will be responsible.

Speaking of vigilantes who may exist in our reality, it would be great if he could hand over criminals to us after catching them instead of just letting these criminals 'disappear'. "

"Spencer, you are still too naive."

Chuck shook his head: "The reason why superheroes in comics gradually stop killing people is because the screenwriters want to save trouble, because if a classic villain is created and killed directly after one incident, then he will have to think of another one later, too A waste of time and brains.

But if you don't kill this classic villain no matter how much harm he causes, even if he brutally kills the protagonist's family, then this character can continue indefinitely.

Then there is the inevitable jailbreak, and the confrontation is repeated again, so that the value can be maximized.

If I want to clear my name in the future, I can also show the complexity of human nature and make another wave of anger.

But in reality, if the police catch and release criminals of all kinds who cause endless harm, over and over again, causing the death of countless innocent people, see if the people will agree!

One or two such criminals may just challenge the public's nerves, making people helpless but can only accept it.

But once such criminals are able to fill Arkham Asylum like in the comics, then most people will riot and rush into Arkham Asylum to completely wipe out these disasters.

The reason why such a thing did not happen is because most of the work was done by the police on the scene to clear the magazines, and they were not allowed to live long enough to fill Arkham Asylum and escape from prison at every turn. "

"I know."

Dr. Reed looked a little helpless: "But there is something wrong with the behavior of vigilantes who make criminals disappear at every turn."

"That's why I say being a vigilante is thankless."

Chuck said calmly: "Once such a vigilante appears, if there is a chance, do you think you would be more willing to arrest the criminal, or give up the criminal and pursue this vigilante with all your strength?"


Dr. Reed smiled wryly.

As a psychological profiler, he is very familiar with the behavioral logic of law enforcement agencies such as the FBI.

If there were criminals and vigilantes in front of them at the same time, the vigilantes would be the first to be arrested.

Even if this vigilante is really a good neighbor to the citizens of New York as he hopes, Spider-Man, who has always only caught criminals and handed them over to the police without harming them, is no exception.

For this reason, law enforcement agencies are even willing to give up arresting the most heinous criminals.

There are such plots in comics and movies more than once, but they are never imagined by the screenwriters.


Inside a motel.

The waiter knocked on the door of a room: "Room service!"

After knocking several times, the door opened, and a man wrapped in a large bath towel opened the door.

"We got a call about you clearing away last night's dinner, Mr. Greg."

the waiter said.

"Yes, please come in."

The towel man put the waiter inside.

"is everything okay?"

The waiter saw that only one of the two steaks in the dining car was eaten, and asked immediately.

After all, service satisfaction is related to his tip.

“My steak is tender and juicy, and medium rare is the way I’m most satisfied with it.”

The man in the bath towel smiled and said, "But my wife doesn't think so. I hope a hot bath will make her feel better."

As he said that, he shouted to the bathroom: "My dear, are you okay in there?"

After saying that, without waiting for a response from inside, he smiled at the waiter and said, "It looks very comfortable. Thank you, Oscar."

The waiter Oscar took the generous tip from the towel man and was so happy that he packed up his things and left.

The man in the bath towel smiled, glanced at the TV, and saw a beautiful woman wearing a decent women's suit on the TV, introducing his situation to everyone, with his photo next to him, to which he smiled disdainfully.

Because he is good at disguise and psychology, with a little disguise, ordinary people would never associate him with the serial psychotic murderer announced on TV.

Then I heard this beautiful woman say: "The suspect Mark Greg is good at disguise. There are two people registered to check into the motel, a man and a woman. The woman cannot appear in front of outsiders..."

His smile instantly froze there, because this news was covered by all channels and was already a hot local news, so he was not surprised that the waiter would see it later.

And having such distinctive features reminds him that his disguise just now, especially the fact that he arrogantly used his original surname, may not have been easy to associate with him before, but now it is definitely easy to arouse the other party's suspicion.

Just when he wanted to seize the moment and stop playing with the sedated woman in the bath who was unable to resist the water, and instead drown her directly and leave quickly, the sound of a police car came from outside.

Apparently, local police were also on the hunt for the motel.

The man in the bath towel walked to the window, took a peek outside, and saw two policemen coming here.

"damn it!"

The man in the bath towel cursed with suppressed anger. He glanced at the bathroom in confusion, but he didn't go in. He grabbed his things and started to escape.

no way!

Drowning and killing the opponent is not only psychologically twisted revenge, but also the release of his twisted heart, which takes time.

After torturing the opponent for so long before, he was already in a semi-sage state and could not become the Flash in a short period of time.

But he didn't catch the final goal, and now he was just practicing, and he couldn't accept being caught.

So he could only give up and choose to escape immediately.

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