American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 323 The story of the growth of sister and best friend

"This best friend of yours is too noisy."

After the beating, Chuck reminded.

"Don't worry, she's measured."

Hailey's whole body was sore, but she was in good spirits and smiled: "You should know better than me, right?"

Chuck did not deny his knowledge of Hailey's situation, but still reminded: "You still need to communicate and educate her well, and don't reveal your own affairs to her."

"Are you talking about our family's affairs?"

Hailey smiled slyly: "That's why you don't object to Lindsay and I becoming best friends. After all, if my parents know the true situation of Lindsay's family, they will definitely have objections."

"Normal parents have opinions."

Chuck said calmly: "Apart from her, you haven't had a real friend in these years, have you?"

"I can't help it, I'm your sister."

Hailey smiled and said: "Every friend around you has more problems than the other. In comparison, Lindsay is really innocent and normal.

She just seems a little abnormal because of her father.

It is completely different from the friends around you who all have their own problems. "

Chuck didn't deny it.

As a girl who has recently become close to her younger sister Hailey and has even been assimilated by Hailey, the situation of Lindsay and her family has naturally been clearly investigated by Chuck.

Speaking of which, this has something to do with Dr. Reed and the BAU.

When two girls disappeared, BAU received help from the local police and quickly dispatched. After going there, they discovered that one of the girls involved, Lindsay, and her father were witnesses living incognito under the Federal Witness Protection Program.

Especially Lindsay's father, the matter involved is very big and troublesome, so the intensity and level of protection are also very high.

Before Dr. Reed and the others could turn their attention away from the fact that Lindsay's father was a pervert who abducted his daughter's friend, Lindsay's father was already possessed by the God of War. He didn't care about the rules and would go after any relevant person with a gun.

After a standard American interview, he easily asked for real information that was difficult for the police to obtain, and identified a gangster in the school and his yellow-haired eldest brother who graduated.

It turns out that Lindsay's friend was targeted by gangsters and Big Brother Huang and was invited to their party. Lindsay was worried about her friend's safety and had no choice but to go along after being unable to persuade him. In the end, both of them were arrested.

Lindsay's friend was killed directly.

Lindsay was kidnapped by them and beaten severely. Even the gangster classmates were frightened when they saw it, but Lindsay was not afraid at all and kept taunting them that they were dead.

As a result, Lindsay's father did not disappoint his daughter. He found them as quickly as possible with a large Texas-style spear.

First he killed one of them outright, and then in front of the BUA agents who also came, under Lindsay's loud command, he decisively blasted the yellow-haired murderer's head with a big gun.

That’s right!

In fact, Lindsay's father saw that his precious daughter was fine and was no longer ready to kill anyone. It was Lindsay who saw her friend being killed with her own eyes and insisted on her father avenging her friend.

In her eyes, being arrested by the police and avenging a friend were completely different things.

Because her father never hid anything from her, she had a clear enough understanding of the cruelty of this society.

In the United States, dead people have no human rights!

This is indeed the case.

Even if something like this happened, she and her father were simply escorted by the bailiffs to leave the place and continue living under different identities. There was no need for a series of troubles such as jail time after intentional homicide.

Lindsay's friend was killed. If Lindsay had not insisted that her father kill the murderer Huang Mao, then Lindsay's friend's death would have been in vain.

No one will remember her, but the so-called human rights of the murderer Huang Mao will be magnified to the greatest extent.

But now her father has killed Huang Mao, Huang Mao is dead, and they are still alive, and because her father has extremely high value to the rights law enforcement agencies, there is nothing wrong with them.

It’s so realistic!

If possible, Chuck doesn't want Hailey to become best friends with such Lindsay. It's not that Lindsay has a problem, but that Lindsay's family has serious problems.

Although Lindsay's father is possessed by the God of War and it is very satisfying to kill the murderer, the other person is not a real God of War. He is the kind of traditional American family hero who is only tolerant and loving to his family, but has no bottom line for others.

Even if such a person now becomes a federal witness, Chuck is not interested in him.

But in Hailey's situation, it is really difficult to have a friend and best friend.

Relatively speaking, it is expected that Lindsay can initially gain Hailey's recognition and acceptance, and even assimilation.

Chuck didn't stop him.

In the world of American TV series, red hoodies are a beautiful sight, but a single red hoodie is too weak.

Even though he has been trained and armed by Chuck and has super combat power, after all, a single thread cannot make a single thread and a lonely tree cannot make a forest, and accidents are prone to happen.

Every time I go out, I need to be followed by the second nanny brother who keeps complaining. From now on, when the red hoodies form a group, my sister Hailey will not only not be alone anymore, but her safety will be more guaranteed.

And to a certain extent, it is natural for Lindsay and Hailey to become friends. They have many things in common, the most worthy of which is that they can both go out of their way to help their friends.

Needless to say, Lindsay got into the accident because she was protecting her friend. She didn't complain when she was tortured for it, and she insisted on avenging her friend afterwards.

Although Haley has Chuck's butterfly effect, her nature has not changed much. If Chuck hadn't intervened, she would have completed her perverted act of revenge for her friend.

Of course, the most important thing that Chuck didn't stop was that Hailey was stronger than Lindsay in all aspects. She was the one influencing Lindsay's assimilation, not the other way around.

Originally, Hailey had the ability to independently find the murderer of her friend, plan to arrest him, and torture the pervert mentally and physically.

After Chuck's training and enhancement, the abilities of the third child in Chuck's family were multiplied, and he grew into a being that even the second child, the Punisher, complained about whether he was the most normal one in the family.

Lindsay's feeling is of course that Hailey is cool and she imitates Hailey in every aspect.

"Keep your wits about you!"

With Anna helping to watch, Chuck knew that his sister Hailey was very measured, so he explained again, stopped mentioning the matter, and took Hailey back home.

Hailey went into the room to apply the medicine herself, and when she came out, she tried not to let Lindsay see the problem, lest Lindsay see it all and fight Chuck desperately.


This was also related to the fact that Chuck saved Hailey's face by not slapping her in the face this time. Otherwise, the injuries on her body could be covered up, but the swollen face would not be easy to heal.

After dinner, mother Bran looked from left to Susan and from right to Lisa, the big Texas girl, with an expression of satisfaction but also a little tangled.

"How are you going to sleep?"

Hailey didn't have this worry, and asked her mother Bran's concerns with a smile.

"Go to my place."

Susan laughed.

"That's right, otherwise, if Chuck exercises at night, my mother will cry sadly again when she hears it."

Hailey teased.

Bran gave his daughter a false slap and said with a complex smile, "Then do whatever you want."

Chuck's training was self-destruction, and no mother would feel uncomfortable seeing it.

Fortunately, there are so many warm embraces that can give him warmth and comfort.

And to be honest, her daughter Hailey was beaten violently by her son Chuck as soon as they met, and her attitude of enjoying it even though she was covered in injuries was what really made her let go.

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