American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 324 Little Sheldon’s future is a lost little lamb!

That night.

A night of silence.

The next day.

Chuck drove Lisa, a big Texas girl, to a community built in the mountains under Susan's guidance.

"Hi, I'm Jamie Cowley."

"I'm Susan Green, IRS Special Agent, and this is Dr. Chuck Wolf, IRS Senior Counsel, and his assistant, Lisa Sawyer."

Susan introduced to Crab Legs founder Jamie Cowley: “This is a copy of the court order allowing us to visit this religious complex and conduct research.

Allow us three days to observe and interview members of your organization, and we will do so as quietly as possible. "


Jamie Cawley, the founder of Crab Legs, is a middle-aged man with a beard. Facing this kind of investigation by the IRS, he seemed very confident and calm. He took the court order with a smile, looked at it, and then looked at Chuck.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Wolfe. I've heard of your name for a long time."

"How many members does your organization have in total?"

Seeing Chuck nodding silently, Susan took the initiative to take over the topic.

"The IRS should be very clear about this, right?"

Jamie Cawley smiled playfully: "I told Jason everything."


Susan's face darkened.

The Jason that Jamie Cowley talks about is the undercover agent sent by the IRS and the one who was almost brainwashed.

"This place is jointly owned by me and 150 other disciples."

Jamie Cawley glanced at Chuck and said proactively.

“Including children in your organization who don’t have social security numbers?”

Susan asked.

"Not included."

Jamie Cawley laughed: "Children born here belong to God and don't need a social security number."

“You mean the kids out there don’t belong to God?”

Texas girl Lisa couldn't help but say.

“All men belong to God.”

Jamie Cawley smiled and looked at Lisa, the big Texas girl: "Including you."

"We'd like to take a tour."

Seeing that Chuck didn't speak, Susan saw that there was no progress in their conversation with this crab-footed man who could brainwash others, so she took the initiative.


Jamie Cawley smiled: "Walking around and feeling the atmosphere here, you will like it here. If you want to stay, we are more than welcome."

With that said, he led the three people into the community.

After walking for a while, Susan couldn't help but said: "Apart from you, I only saw two people your age."

“Yeah, that’s Ken and Chris, who created this community with me.”

Jamie Cawley smiled: "When the children grow up to 16 years old, we encourage them to go out and explore the world on their own. Of course, we still welcome them back at any time. The women will stay and take care of us, and we will take care of them."

"Three grown men, how many grown women?"

Texas girl Lisa complained: "Can you take care of me?"

"Of course I'll take care of it."

Jamie Cawley smiled and said: "God's care is here! No matter how many people there are, we can take care of him!"

"How many of your children are here?"

Susan asked the key question.

“Mentally, they all are.”

Jamie Cowley didn’t mince words: “Biologically, of course, 12! Isn’t that great?”

"So this is your harem."

Texas girl Lisa blurted out: "You drive away all the adult men who can compete with you and take all the women for yourself."

"It's a free choice!"

Jamie Cawley still smiled without blushing: "I said we welcome them back at any time."

"But no one came back."

Lisa, a big Texas girl, sneered: “It’s because you just talk about letting them come back but you are not prepared to let them come back at all.

Or do they all dislike this community that you say is a model community? You can only control weak children and women? "

"The world is a big place, and when children grow up, they always like to go out and make their own adventures."

Jamie Cawley was not angry at all: "No matter how nice the home is, it's the same, isn't it? They instinctively want to see new things. Do any of you still live with your family?"

Texas Big Girls Lisa and Susan were immediately speechless.

“It’s really American!”

Texas girl Lisa couldn't help but complain.

This crab-legged man not only understands the law and can run for office, but he is also proficient in the routine of big capital companies to "deliver talents" to society on a regular basis. He is simply too American!

“This is America, the city on a hill, God’s chosen country!”

Jamie Cawley smiled and looked at the big Texas girls Lisa and Susan meaningfully: "I thought you would understand better than the average person and like it here more~"

"What do you mean?"

Texas girl Lisa was stunned.

"You really don't understand?"

Jamie Cowley smiled and said: "It can be seen that you all admire Dr. Wolfe and follow him voluntarily. This is a free choice. It is actually no different from us here, isn't it?"


After Texas Girl Lisa was left speechless, Jamie Cawley smiled and got into the golf cart and drove off to patrol his territory.

"How abominable!"

Lisa, the big girl from Texas, looked at his leaving figure and said with some embarrassment: "Boss, why don't you fight him?"

"There's nothing to argue with."

Chuck said bluntly: "This is very American!"

If you have to fight against this, then you really have to fight against the sky, the earth, and the air.

Because this is originally a comprehensive world of American dramas, and even the air has an American "sweet" smell.

Chuck couldn't be bothered to do such useless work.

"Okay, let's visit first."

Susan smiled bitterly and said: "The most important thing for us now is to find the false believer among these believers. Then we can sue him for tax evasion. I don't believe he can still laugh at that time!"

Having said this, she looked at Chuck: "Chuck? Who should we talk to?"


Chuck looked around and pointed at a woman carrying a child home.


Susan followed immediately, and when she entered the room and took a look, she realized that she had thought wrong. This was not a family at all, but a woman with a group of children.

Preschool education plus chef!

"Our life is simple."

After listening to Susan's introduction, the woman named Catherine said while making sandwiches for a dozen children: "Jamie's mission is the same."


Susan stared into her eyes: "Jamie claims to be a prophet, and you followers can live a happy life by following him, so you believe this, Catherine?"


Catherine laughed.

"No, you don't believe it!"

After Susan looked over, Chuck said bluntly: "He doesn't believe it either!"

He said, pointing to a little boy who had been staring at them.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Catherine's smile faltered and she glanced at the little boy. The little boy lowered his head and ate the sandwich without looking at Chuck and the others.

"you know."

Chuck said bluntly: "It seems like there is faith in your eyes, but deep down there is fear."

At this moment, the Texas girl Lisa’s shocked voice sounded: “What? You don’t know how to read?”

Seeing everyone looking over, Lisa, the big Texas girl, explained.

It turns out that just now a little boy saw the big Texas girl Lisa standing next to him, so he reached out to pull her and showed her the painting he drew.

After all, children understand beauty and ugliness best, so it is the most natural thing to not be able to help but want to get close to the big Texas girl Lisa.

Lisa, the big Texas girl, naturally praised her in a low voice, and then asked what was painted on it, but the little boy shook his head and said he didn't know, and he didn't even recognize the letters on it.

This shocked her.

"Jamie's family education emphasizes moral cultivation."

Catherine explained.

"They can't read and they do handicrafts all day long so Jamie can sell them for money?"

Lisa, a Texas girl, held what she thought was a painting, but now it looks more and more like a handicraft for sale, and asked: "Do you think this is normal?"

"We take care of the kids in our own way and you take care of the kids in your own way."

Catherine caught sight of a figure and her attitude became much tougher: "Only if you have children, do you have any?"


Big Texas girls Lisa and Susan were speechless.

"Children educated in this way will be kicked out of their homes when they are sixteen years old. What do you expect them to do for a living in society?"

Chuck looked at her: "Do the lowest job, or commit a crime? In seven years, do you want your biological son to be like this?"

Catherine glanced up at her biological son, her eyes tangled in pain.

"What is the problem?"

The other woman who was already standing in the corner walked over and said calmly: "There is no distinction between high and low in work, and there is nothing wrong with being illiterate.

No matter what the future holds, they are all under the watchful eye of God, and what if they become Ph.D.s?

Not a lost little lamb in the end?

Catherine, have you forgotten David Henry? "

"I know!"

The confusion in Catherine's eyes immediately dissipated a lot, and she took the initiative to say to Chuck and the others: "Dr. David Henry is a genius scientist, but now he is also one of us!

He said it himself, knowledge will only make people suffer, and this simple happiness is the true meaning of life! "

"He's definitely not here now!"

Chuck said.

"David was sent out on errands by did you know?"

Catherine was stunned.

"Because your Jamie is a smart man. He knows not to let Dr. David Henry see me, otherwise he will lose a lost lamb."

Chuck said bluntly.

"If Jamie is your god, then Dr. Wolfe is the god of science."

Susan looked at Catherine and the other female believer with a half-smile: "Your God does not dare to let Dr. David Henry meet the God of science, which has already explained everything."

"It's just a coincidence!"

The female believer angrily said: "You are blaspheming God! Jamie is a prophet, not God! You are not welcome here!"

"God also respects the law."

Susan took out the court order: "We have the right to observe here for three days and talk to anyone!"

"We have nothing to say."

The female believer looked at Susan with sharp eyes.

Catherine lowered her head, not looking at Chuck and the others at all, and kept silent.

Susan and the others had no choice but to come out.

"This should be a true believer!"

Susan said helplessly: "Faith is really blinding."

"This Catherine is definitely not a true believer."

Lisa, a big Texas girl, affirmed: "She is just scared! We just need to find her to testify."

"Chuck, what do you think?"

Susan asked.

"You can try it."

Chuck nodded and said: "But the IRS must be prepared to help her with the lawsuit, because what she fears should be her children. Once she testifies or leaves, Jamie Cowley will not let her take her away or see her again. Of my own children.”

"It's a mother's nature!"

Susan was stunned.

"Don't worry."

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, said confidently: "Even if we don't find this Catherine, I believe there are many people who can help us."


Susan looked at her in surprise.

"It's not simple yet."

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, laughed and said: "There are only a few adult men in this community, and there are hundreds of adult women. The hormones of these mature women cannot be completely balanced by faith in God, and not everyone is like the boss. The strong man!"


Susan was speechless, but felt more confident about the case.

Texas girl Lisa is right, the legal monogamy system not only protects women, but sometimes also protects men!

After all, the different body structures of men and women meant that there were only exhausted cows and no damaged land.

And once the hormonal balance is not resolved for a long time, even if God comes down to earth, he will not be able to satisfy the hundreds of women in the community, and there will inevitably be complaints in their hearts.

Now they need to find a breakthrough so that they can dare to express it boldly.

"Susan, can we sue him for illegal child labor?"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, only feels that after becoming Chuck's assistant, she becomes more and more transparent, has wider knowledge, and has more ideas one after another.

"You have also seen that none of these children are studying, and they are all making handicrafts to sell. This is definitely illegal child labor!"


Susan hesitated.

"Any questions?"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, was a little surprised, then looked at Chuck: "Boss?"

"It's no use."

Chuck shook his head.


Big Texas girl Lisa was puzzled.

"Because this is America!"

Chuck said bluntly: "It is the only country in the world that has not joined the children's human rights organization."


Lisa, a big Texas girl, exclaimed in disbelief: "How is this possible!"

Seeing that Susan was not surprised at all and obviously knew about this, the Texas girl Lisa murmured in shock: "But our United States is obviously the country that pays the most attention to children's human rights and correctness..."

"It's just loud!"

Chuck said calmly: "The more something is lacking, the more it will be promoted. As long as the voice is loud enough, it is enough. The United States has the loudest voice in the world anyway, so it does not need to do anything, just say it."


Lisa, a big girl from Texas, was simply subverted.

In her mind, her country is the freest and has the most human rights, especially in treating children correctly, and is a model for the world. It has always assumed the international responsibility of accusing other countries of lagging behind in human rights and child protection, and urging other countries to improve.

But who knows that the United States is the only one that has not joined the global agreement on the protection of children’s human rights that all countries have joined... What the hell is this?

Hell joke?

Hell and the joke are all mine!

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