American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 325 Susan: Chuck, who among the three of us should be called Bones?

"Let people investigate the current situation of these children who were transported into society after becoming adults at the age of 16."

Chuck reminded Susan.

"Okay, I'll find someone to investigate and summarize immediately."

Susan responded.

"The materials say that registering all the rooms as independent churches for tax exemption only happened in recent years. It is probably a change after Dr. David Henry joined."

Chuck added: "Find this Dr. David Henry and I'm going to have a chat with him."

"Do you suspect that this brainwashed Dr. David Henry is helping to do taxes?"

Susan nodded: "If the other party is indeed a genius, then the possibility is indeed very high."

The so-called words are all ideas, and the heart is all business.

American crab legs are no exception.

In the name of religious freedom, they are actually doing Sichuan sales in order to make money.

The reason why there are various types of crab leg tissues all over the United States is because they have DNA rooted in this soil.

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is the same as the prison service industry with American characteristics, which is systematic incarceration control and forced labor.

The local government hopes to push some uncontrolled or disliked people to various institutions, firstly to purify the place, and secondly to make money.

Crab legs can not only imprison the body, but also imprison and control the spirit, so that these brainwashed people are willing to live the most natural (poor) life and do heavy physical labor, which is called tempering themselves to be closer to God. It can be said that functionally More powerful than prison.

The key is sustainable development, giving birth to a large number of children, not allowing the next generation to study and study, and starting to create value for Crab Legs from an early age.

It is simply a microcosm of a certain aspect of America.

So it’s quite normal for them to bloom everywhere.

Of course, these can only fool those who are not in a good mental state. Normal people will not believe this. The social elite and most ordinary people are controlled by the United States.

What these small Americans can recruit are those with very poor conditions.

Most of them are homeless people, Western drug addicts Ouyang Feng and other marginalized people who have been abandoned by the United States.

The better ones are the rebellious boys and girls who ran away from home, the poor people who lost their husbands and children.

These people can only do the lowest level of manual labor, and what they can earn is really limited.

A genius scientist like Dr. David Henry can be tricked into successfully brainwashing people, which is simply rare.

Almost all genius scientists in the world of American TV series suffer from mental illness, and it is normal for them to be deceived.

Just like when little Sheldon encountered a philosophical problem, he was directly autistic, and he almost lay down and did nothing.

And these crab-footed men have their own way of dealing with philosophy.

no way!

They have someone to imitate directly.

Just build a small account in the United States.

But it is easy to fool people for a while, but it is very difficult to successfully brainwash them completely, because these genius scientists have active minds and have all kinds of new ideas every moment.

One moment I was thinking about doing this, and the next moment I could just throw away what I was doing and focus on coming up with my own new ideas.

With the IRS watching, using the intelligence of a genius scientist like Dr. David Henry for your own greater good requires exactly that certainty.

Otherwise, it is very likely to fail.

Jamie Cawley was obviously certain that he could control Dr. David Henry, but he did not dare to take risks, so he temporarily sent Dr. David Henry away.

In one morning, Chuck and the others visited the entire community.

"How about it?"

Susan asked.

"Only that Catherine is a false believer."

Chuck shared his observation.


Susan felt the same way.

In fact, if Chuck hadn't said it, she would have been a little confused by the atmosphere in this community, feeling that everyone really believed in Jamie Cowley.

This is very scary!

"It seems that this guy's brainwashing ability is indeed very strong."

Big Texas girl Lisa gasps in awe.

Susan nodded, feeling more sympathetic and acknowledging the colleague who was almost brainwashed.

This crab-legged guy does have some tricks up his sleeve.

"It seems that we can only focus on Catherine and Dr. David Henry."

Susan said.

"If you ask me, don't bother me. We'll stay here tonight."

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, smiled and said: "As long as you perform normally, Susan, there will definitely be a large number of false believers emerging early tomorrow morning."

"If you are willing to cooperate, I can do it~"

Faced with the teasing of Lisa, the big girl from Texas, Susan remained calm and looked at Lisa, the big girl from Texas, with a smile in her evil eyes.


Lisa, a big Texas girl, suddenly felt uncomfortable when she thought about her experience last night. She didn't dare to joke about it anymore, otherwise she would really get into trouble.

"Let's go!"

Chuck ignored their bickering, glanced at the surveillance figure fleeting in the distance, and led them out of the community.

After leaving, Susan said goodbye first.

The things Chuck told her required her to follow up as a special agent of the IRS.

They only have three days.

If this time is missed, even the IRS will not be able to apply for an order from the court.

Chuck asked Lisa, a big girl from Texas, to follow Susan to learn more about her. He returned home and met Haley, who had skipped school and returned home long ago. He listened to her talk about her recent life and feelings, and helped this girl who was in trouble. Frank, the second child, talks about some perverted little girl's psychological counseling.


Most of the time it's through physical means.

"Did you send someone to follow me?"

After Haili received family physics education again, she felt much more relaxed and asked with a smile.

"You don't think you need anyone to follow you?"

Chuck looked at her sternly.

"Is it my second brother whom I have never met?"

Haili didn't answer the question, but asked with interest: "I know even if you don't tell me, besides him, who else is more suitable for my babysister?"

Chuck didn't deny it either.

Every time he let Hailey go out to relieve the negative emotions in her heart, he indeed only asked Anna to send her second brother Frank.

There is indeed no more suitable person than the second brother Frank.

"It's indeed him!"

Hailey looked into Chuck's eyes and got her answer from Chuck's expressionless face. She shouted excitedly: "I want to see him!"

As three brothers and sisters, their fighting talents are beyond the scope of ordinary people. Faced with the kind of fighting training that can make people useless, not only are they not useless, but they have also developed top-notch fighting skills.

Of course, this fighting ability is in order of age, from high to low. Hailey is a girl and her physical potential is worse than her second brother Frank, which is understandable.

But that doesn't mean that Hailey is no better than Frank.

Of course, I'm not just talking about the incident that was destined to mark Frank's life and the wise man almost capsized in the sewer.

But in terms of observation and deduction skills, the second brother Frank is simply the worst among the three Chuck brothers.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have gotten so far as to work as a bodyguard for that kind of bastard rich second generation.

In this aspect, Hailey surpasses her second brother Frank. She is naturally good at observation and deduction, and can be said to be a gifted mind reader.

Even Chuck's thoughts and emotions can be read by her without deliberately restraining his true inner thoughts.

If Frank and Haley were not brothers and sisters, but enemies, and they really faced off, Chuck would bet Haley, the younger sister, to win!

"you sure?"

Chuck looked at her.


Haili smiled and said: "We are a family and we always meet. Besides, I also want to thank him for secretly babysistering me so many times~"

"Okay, I will arrange it."

Chuck heard Hailey's eagerness to give it a try, and after a second of silence for his second brother Frank, he immediately agreed.

The second brother, Frank, had previously been very dissatisfied with his mother, Bran, for abandoning her husband and son and marrying someone else. He was not only indifferent to his half-father, Hailey, but was even quite disgusted.

Now that Chuck has arranged for him to secretly protect her several times, and after he has truly seen what his half-sister is like, Frank keeps complaining to Chuck, saying that this little sister is simply a pervert.

But his attitude has already changed unconsciously, and he agrees that this is his sister.

Now that Haley has offered to meet, Chuck feels it's time.


Hailey smiled and her eyes twinkled.

At night.

Chuck received a call from Susan: "Chuck, we found the whereabouts of Dr. David Henry. You would never guess where he is now."

Seeing that Chuck didn't speak, she reminded with a smile: "It has something to do with Dr. Bones."

"Zach Eddy!"

Chuck immediately said a name.


Susan was surprised: "How come you guessed it all at once?"

"Because he is a genius, and he is very easy to fool."

Chuck said calmly.

"It seems Jamie Cowley also met Zach Eddy."

Susan suddenly said: "That's why I sent Dr. David Henry to contact you. On the one hand, I'm avoiding you, and on the other hand, I'm trying to see if I can attract another genius scientist disciple."

"Boss, shall we go there now?"

The voice of Texas girl Lisa came from the other end of the phone.


Chuck nodded and agreed, said goodbye to his reluctant mother Bran, and drove to Zach Eddie's residence.

"Dr. Wolfe!"

When Chuck and Susan reunited, they knocked on Zack Eddie's door. When the door opened, Zack Eddie's surprised face was revealed: "Why are you here? I never heard the doctor say you wanted to Come?"

"Is Dr. David Henry here?"

Chuck skipped the pleasantries and went straight to the point.

"Find me?"

Behind Zach Eddie, a man in his thirties showed a surprised face, knocked Zach away, and reached out to Chuck.

"I am Dr. David Henry. Nice to meet you. Dr. Wolf. I am studying the Riemann Hypothesis. I have a question..."

Susan and Lisa, a big Texas girl, looked at the three of them standing there and chatting about mathematics. They looked at each other and felt weird.

Especially Zach Eddy, who was pushed away very rudely, didn't seem to mind at all. Instead, he stood aside and listened carefully, with a smile on his face from time to time. This seemed awkward.

This chat lasted for a long time.


Susan finally couldn't help but said: "We can put the mathematical research discussion aside. Let's come over and find Dr. David Henry if he has something to say."

It's not that she can't stand anymore, it's mainly that she feels sorry for Lisa, the big Texas girl.

After all, the other party has a much greater burden than she does.

Unlike Chuck, she cherishes beauty!

"whats the matter?"

Dr. David Henry looked over displeased.

Susan told the story.

Dr. David Henry suddenly showed hesitation.

"Dr. Henry, I want you to come clean to us."

Susan said sternly, but seeing that Dr. David Henry was not touched at all, she glanced at Chuck and said with a playful smile: "Dr. Henry, this is also the case Dr. Wolfe is investigating. You don't want him to kill Mrs. Henry." A lot of time and energy are wasted on this, right?”

"Okay, I will cooperate with you!"

Dr. David Henry nodded immediately.


Susan couldn't believe it for a moment when she looked at Dr. David Henry, who agreed so quickly and without any resistance, as if he was possessed by the Japanese wife.

This is too silky.

"You also said that Dr. Wolfe's time and energy should not be wasted on this."

Dr. David Henry said seriously: "With this time, Dr. Wolff may have completely conquered the Riemann Hypothesis."

"Is that why?"

Lisa, a big Texas girl, couldn't understand: "Since you are so devoted to science, why did you join Crab Legs before and help him evade taxes?"

"I have been studying the Riemann Hypothesis for 14 years, and there has been no progress."

Dr. David Henry said with a wry smile: "There was no progress in my career, my life was in a mess, and I was facing a state of collapse at any time. Then one day I saw Jamie preaching on the street, and I suddenly wanted to change my lifestyle... "

"Then there's no need to change it this way."

Susan shook her head.

"Jamie Cowley sent him his wife."

Zach Eddy clearly pointed out the crux of the problem.

When David Henry came to persuade him to join, he listed the various benefits.


Susan and Texas girl Lisa were both in a daze.

"By the way, my wife..."

Only then did Dr. David Henry think of his wife.

"The community is responsible for arranging marriages given by God..."

Dr. David Henry explains.


Only then did Susan and Texas girl Lisa understand what really attracted Dr. David Henry.

Allocate a wife!

For a genius science nerd like Dr. David Henry, this is the perfect trick.

Chuck immediately thought that if the Big Bang Theory group was involved, except for Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, and Rajesh would probably form a group and fall.

"Is the matter settled like this?"

When Susan and the others left, they still felt a little confused and unreal.

"Half solved."

Chuck drove: "You need to follow up on Catherine's line and consult a lawyer to help her fight for the custody of her child. The resume of a 16-year-old child who was sent out into society shows that this lawsuit should be won. With this, Catherine can be persuaded to cooperate, and with the testimony of Dr. David Henry, Jamie Cawley can be arrested.”


Susan nodded and thought silently for a while, and then she was convinced that the case should be fine. She was in a good mood, glanced at the big Texas girl, and smiled evilly.

"Chuck, since Dr. Bones is involved and she is also in Washington DC, why don't you invite her over for a chat?"


Chuck did not refuse and directly called Dr. Bones and made an appointment at Susan's home.

When Dr. Bones arrived, Susan couldn't help laughing at herself: "Chuck, tell me, among the three of us, who is more worthy of the title Bones?"

Dr. Bones: "..."

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