American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 326 The strange reunion of the three Chaoying brothers and sisters

"Maybe it should be me."

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, was speechless when she saw Dr. Bones. She immediately answered with a smile and took out a pendant from her chest, attracting everyone's attention.


Not only Dr. Bones, but also Chuck and Susan who have seen it more than once.

no way!

This is instinct!

"These are cow bones!"

Dr. Bones could tell the material of this pendant at a glance.

"Yes, Dr. Bones is indeed the most professional in this area. This is a pendant I made myself using the bones I collected."

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, looked at Dr. Bones excitedly: “My family runs a slaughterhouse, and I am the only girl in the family. I have been helping since I was a child, and I am very interested in all kinds of beef bones, pig bones and other bones.

Every time I handle it, I choose a bone as a souvenir. I have accumulated a lot over the years, and some of them use these bones to make their own hangings.

But I never told anyone else because I was worried that others would look at me strangely. It wasn’t until I read the news about Boss and learned about the existence of Dr. Bones that I realized there was nothing wrong with this hobby. "

"It's indeed no problem."

Dr. Bones nodded: "Hobby is a person's freedom of interest. I like to be with all kinds of bones and read about life from these bones."

"I knew it!"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, got even more excited when she got the recognition. She came over and chatted about bones with Dr. Bones.

Dr. Bones was naturally willing to give him advice.

What the two women said was quite speculative.

"They should know that's not what I mean by bones, right?"

Susan looked at this development and couldn't laugh or cry.


Chuck said bluntly: "They are all kind."


Susan's face darkened: "What do you mean?"

It's one thing to laugh at yourself for being skinny, but it's another thing to be laughed at by Chuck like that.

"They knew about your physical flaw, so they just turned away from you. Aren't they kind enough?"

Chuck said calmly.

"You don't like my figure?"

Susan gritted her teeth.

"Have their own characteristics."

Chuck said.

"Then what's the point of having a bad body shape?"

Susan's face softened slightly and she said sarcastically: "I see you've been playing around a lot."

"Soft mode."

Chuck said succinctly: "It's naturally a physical flaw."


Susan was speechless.

She is no longer a novice in scientific research, so she naturally knows what Chuck's gentle mode refers to.

If it were before, she would still not be convinced, and like Monica, she would like to challenge her weakness.

But since meeting Lisa, a big girl from Texas, who started to behave normally, she finally understood why Chuck liked to settle in Ping'an Town.

She was wise enough not to continue asking, otherwise she was sure that Chuck could directly give her a calculation formula to prove the strength tolerance ratio between the skinny her and the big Texas girl Lisa, accurate to the thousandth. .

"Zach is okay."

Over there, Dr. Bones listened to the big Texas girl Lisa talk about how the crab leg case involved her lab assistant Zach Eddy. Faced with the reminder from the big Texas girl Lisa, he said calmly.

"Perhaps my novel has given you misunderstanding. The laboratory assistant in the book does not represent the real him, but is just my fiction.

He told me clearly that he was not a newbie who didn’t understand anything.

Therefore, it is difficult for Crab Jiao to succeed if he wants to seduce his wife. "

“It may be difficult to do this, but it’s not impossible.”

Chuck walked over and looked at Dr. Bones: "But it is very simple to defeat him and induce him in terms of logic and philosophy.

His mind is simpler than any other genius I have ever seen, and he is more easily misled and exploited.

So it makes sense for Lisa to remind you.

You should pay more attention to his status in the future. If something goes wrong, call me in time, or ask him to call me. "


Dr. Bones thought for a while, agreed, then glanced at the big Texas girls Lisa and Susan, and looked up at Chuck: "Is this why you came to me?"


Chuck shook his head: "I asked you to come here to test the enhanced mode."


The corner of Susan's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help but complain: "Okay, gentle mode, normal mode, and now there is an extra enhanced mode. Is there any more on top?"


Chuck said bluntly: "There is also full power mode."

Girls: "..."

The home of the bald director.

late at night.

"Hey, you're actually back?"

Hailey heard the noise and was extremely surprised to see Chuck back when she came out.

"Things are done."

Chuck said calmly: "It's time to talk about our three brothers and sisters."

"he came?"

Hailey immediately looked around with excited eyes.


Chuck shook his head: "He doesn't want to see mom."

"That's it."

Hailey was a little disappointed, then frowned and said: "It seems that he is the one who was hurt the most by his mother."


Chuck asked rhetorically.

"Okay, not surprising."

Hailey shrugged: "If it were me, I'd probably be the same as him."

Then he changed the subject that was not easy to talk about and asked curiously: "Then where should we meet?"


Chuck raised his decorative glasses and calmly said a place name.


When Hailey heard this, her eyes lit up: "Does this mean I can meet the creator of Miami's advanced hunting experience with my own eyes?"

That’s right!

Hailey's training includes not only various combat training, but also advanced experience in detection, counter-reconnaissance, and various types of hunting.

Among them is the mature experience of bloodthirsty forensic medicine from Miami compiled by Anna.

Hailey highly praised this efficient and trace-free method.

Now that I have the opportunity to meet a real person, of course I am very happy... although this kind of star chasing seems very perverted.

However, the purpose of chasing stars is to follow the example of idol stars, explore their own potential, and become a better version of themselves.

Putting aside the bloody drama, Hailey's pursuit of the bloodthirsty medical examiner Meyer can be regarded as a high-quality pursuit.

Besides, Chuck, the big brother, is not an ordinary person, so he didn't feel any strange about his sister's reaction. He just nodded: "I can only watch from a distance."


Hailey was a little dissatisfied, but seeing that Chuck had no intention of changing his words, she immediately thought of something and her eyes became more and more eager to try.

"Does it mean that this Myrmi hunter can also see through whether a person is a pervert? Are you afraid that if I walk up to him, he will see through it and target me?"

"I said we can only watch from a distance."

Chuck looked at her.

"Let me try."

Hailey's eyes were pleading: "I also want to see if anyone else can see through me besides you. This would be great, wouldn't it?"

Chuck said nothing, just looked at her.

"All right."

Seeing that there was really no room for negotiation, Haili could only say sadly: "I can only watch from a distance. When will we leave?"


Chuck said.


Hailey jumped up, ran to her room, and emerged seconds later carrying an emergency evacuation kit.

Chuck took her and drove away, disappearing into the night.

in the car.

"Are you going to leave your pretty female assistant just like that?"

Hailey looked excitedly at the rapidly receding night outside the car window, and looked at Chuck with a smile: "Is this appropriate?"

"She just recovered for a few days, which is enough for us to do things."

Chuck said as he drove.

"Cultivation~ She and Susan?"

Hailey smiled playfully.

"more than."

Chuck said bluntly.

"You are so awesome."

Haley complained.

Chuck didn't answer and just drove at full speed.

The next morning.

Bran and the others woke up and saw Hailey missing, so they called immediately.

"Mom, don't blame Chuck, I wanted to come over and have fun."

As soon as Haley got on the phone, she started explaining.

"Of course it's not Chuck's fault!"

Bran said angrily: "I blame you. Even if you wanted to go to Chuck's place to play, you should have told us and shouldn't have just followed. Do you know how much trouble this will cause to Chuck?" ?”


Hailey's mouth twitched, and she suppressed the words 'Chuck took the initiative to take me there', and continued to make up lies to coax Bran in a natural manner.

"Mom, I know, but I was too late. Chuck came back last night and was about to leave. I secretly got into his car and then told him.

He is my brother and I haven’t gone to his place to play yet. Don’t worry. If he doesn’t agree, can I follow? Do you think he couldn't do anything like just lift me out of the car and throw me out? "

"That's true."

Bran on the other end of the phone accepted the explanation: "Let me have a word with Chuck."

"If she plays here for a few days, I will send her back."

Chuck said.

"Okay, I'm sorry to bother you. If you feel uncomfortable, you can drive her back at any time."

Bran warned with a smile.

"Okay, mom, that's it!"

Hailey hung up the phone angrily.

If she wasn't afraid of breaking Bran's heart again, she really wanted to tell her true purpose this time. By then, she believed that her mother, Bran, would be very supportive of her meeting her second brother, whom she had never met before, and the three brothers and sisters of the family would be officially reunited.


"We're already here, where are the others?"

Hailey watched the car parked on the side of the road and immediately looked around.

"He hasn't arrived yet."

Chuck raised his decorative glasses and looked outside through the car window.

"Then what are we stopping here for?"

Hailey was puzzled, then followed Chuck's gaze and asked, "Is there something wrong with this ice cream truck?"

"Keep watching."

Chuck did not answer: "Before your second brother comes over, you should familiarize yourself with the situation."

"Familiar with the situation?"

Hailey was stunned for a moment, staring at the ice cream truck that was driving slowly, suppressing her excitement and said: "You mean the three of us brothers and sisters are going to act together?"

"Is there a more appropriate meeting than this?"

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"there is none left!"

Seeing that Chuck didn't deny it, Hailey was very excited. She nodded and smiled: "We are not ordinary people. When brothers and sisters meet, it would be great if we have a common topic. I can't wait!"

"Get familiar with the situation first."

Chuck reminded.


Hailey nodded and saw Chuck driving the ice cream truck far away, thinking about it and searching the Internet. Soon her eyes lit up: "I know!"


Chuck was concise and to the point.

"Recently, a serial killer appeared in Miami. Only the bones of the victim were left. I checked on the intranet of the Miami police and got more information."

Hailey scanned the information on her phone and said: "According to the on-site forensic examination, these victims were drained of blood and then dismembered. The corpses were dumped all over the city. Based on various clues, this serial pervert may have started With a freezer truck.”

Speaking of this, she could no longer suppress her excitement and said: "So what we are dealing with this time is a serial perverted murderer, right?"


Chuck didn't deny it.


Hailey laughed, and then she became strange: "Hey, that's not right! This serial perverted murderer is so arrogant that he thinks the Myrmi Hunter is a dead person? Why doesn't he make any movement? Don't you share your information with him?"

"This time is a special situation."

"It's not his place to know," Chuck said.


Hailey was surprised. After thinking for a moment, she thought thoughtfully: "Could this serial killer be related to him?"


Chuck nodded: "This ice cream killer is his biological brother."


Hailey was shocked: "You can't be so bloody, right?"

"It's so bloody."

Chuck said: "The two brothers encountered misfortune since childhood, but due to their age, their circumstances were completely different. One became an anti-hero who specializes in hunting serial perverted murderers.

A man who has degenerated into the best of the serial killers is now targeting his own brother, trying to drag his anti-hero brother into depravity with him.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to cause a bloody storm in his brother's territory, step by step forcing the anti-hero to remember the painful memory of being completely buried due to misfortune when he was a child. "

Having said this, he glanced at Hailey: "Don't you think this case is most suitable for the reunion of our three brothers and sisters?"


Hailey was speechless.

What’s particularly special is that it reflects the meaning of the three brothers and sisters. As expected, there is nothing more appropriate than this.

"Are you worried about the depravity of the Myrmi hunters?"

Haley asked.


Chuck shook his head: "I don't want him to make this choice."

"Are you saying that the Myrmi hunters would really kill their own brothers?"

Hailey said in surprise.

"he can!"

Chuck nodded: "After confirming that his brother really did those things."

"What if it were you?"

Hailey was silent for a moment and looked at Chuck: "Can you do it?"

"I won't do it."

Chuck glanced at her.

Haili just smiled, then thought of something and said with a wry smile: "You don't need to do anything, right?"

With such a difficult choice, of course someone helped him.

Chuck didn't answer her, he just raised his decorative glasses and continued to follow the ice cream truck at a distance.

I saw an ice cream truck parked far away opposite a motel.

A group of coolly dressed heart workers gathered inside and outside the motel.

"Is he planning to take action?"

Hailey suppressed all the thoughts that had arisen because of this topic and looked at the group of heart workers.

She called on the authority given by Chuck and easily logged into the Miami police intranet. She saw about the ice cream serial killer whose main targets were these heart workers.

This is not surprising either.

Not only this ice cream serial killer is like this, but many serial killers like to target these people, which can be said to be the most popular target group among the serial killers.


Chuck looked at one of the tall and thin women, shook his head and said, "That's the sister of his brother's adoptive parents."


Hailey suddenly breathed out the fragrance.

This case looks more and more like the three siblings.

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