American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 338 The anger of the injustice in Ping'an Town, the legend of New Jersey Pizza Hut!

Exited the principal's office.

"Stop talking, it's already out."

Little Sheldon's father broke away from his wife's pull.

"How dare you say that!"

Mrs. Cooper stared with big eyes and cursed in a low voice: "Missing home? We Texans are almost embarrassed by you!"

"I just don't want to waste it... The matter was resolved satisfactorily, wasn't it?"

Little Sheldon's father reluctantly explained, then shrugged.

"what a shame."

Little Sheldon frowned: "She accepted it so well. I expected her to step in and make Chuck give up!"


Little Sheldon's father opened his mouth to speak.

"It's good for her to be like this!"

Mrs. Cooper answered immediately, glared at her husband again, and then said to her son who was completely confused about the situation: "That's the end of the matter."

Seeing that little Sheldon opened his mouth to say something else, she suddenly understood the Japanese wife's passive sentence structure: "Shelly, you don't want Chuck to make excuses for this kind of thing again, do you?"


Little Sheldon immediately stopped talking.

When they arrived at the parking lot and little Sheldon got in the car, little Sheldon's father stood outside and whispered to his wife: "The principal is obviously a threat. How can I accept it very well!"

"Just consider it well received."

Mrs. Cooper reminded in a low voice: "The conditions she gave are not as good as those given by Chuck. Chuck will not harm us. If you tell Shelly, there may be unnecessary trouble again."

"All right."

Little Sheldon's father thought about the feeling of surviving a desperate situation when he first met Chuck, and nodded in agreement with his wife's statement about Chuck.

Unlike Little Sheldon, their ordinary minds think that the Chuck family are all good people.

"Just leave me here!"

The family of three got into the car and drove out of the campus. Mrs. Cooper said to her husband.

"Mom, do you want to take the bus?"

Little Sheldon asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'll have something to do later."

Mrs. Cooper said as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"whats the matter?"

Young Sheldon asked.

"Little things."

Mrs. Cooper hesitated to speak.

"Please clarify!"

Little Sheldon frowned and reminded: "Mom, I didn't talk about you before in Texas, but now this is New Jersey, we live in Beverly's home, and her social etiquette is to speak clearly and clearly."

"Can we go to the market and buy some things?"

Mrs. Cooper said angrily.

"Oh, boy."

Little Sheldon looked at his angry mother, then at his unmoved father, and immediately shook his head: "I told you that our family's current financial situation cannot afford lawyers, including divorce lawyers!

But mom, you don’t have to worry. Since grandma has the money to hire a business lawyer for us, with her consistent attitude towards dad, she will definitely be more willing to hire a divorce lawyer for us. "


Mr. and Mrs. Cooper shouted in unison.

"It's not that you have a conflict and can't reconcile it. Mom would rather take the bus than spend more time with you. This is a typical sign of escalating conflicts between family and husband."

Little Sheldon frowned and said: "Subsequent divorce is foreseeable. Although I have already said it, since you don't have my high-definition image memory, I will say it again, mom and I!"

"We have no conflict!"

Mrs. Cooper said helplessly.

"If you really follow her, then I will thank God!"

Little Sheldon's father was very dissatisfied with his son's straightforward choice and complained angrily.


Little Sheldon shrugged at his mother.

"George, stop talking nonsense! We are a family and will never be separated!"

cried Mrs. Cooper.

"This is indeed what the vows at the wedding said, but the 64% divorce rate in the United States tells us that someone is always lying."

Little Sheldon shrugged: "I believe the numbers don't lie!"


Mr. and Mrs. Cooper paused for a moment, looking at each other with a guilty conscience.

Because this time, let alone Little Sheldon, even they somewhat believed this number. After all, they said they would never separate, but their spirits were derailed before.

"Sheldon, there is no conflict, no escalation, and no divorce!"

Mrs. Cooper explained.

"Then why do you take the bus?"

Young Sheldon asked.

"I really have something to do, and your father knows it too."

Mrs. Cooper said angrily: "This topic ends here. I don't want to hear any more about this topic. No one is allowed to know about it, especially Beverly!"

She could actually say that she was going to find Aunt Alice, but once she said that, given Little Sheldon's character, she was afraid that the matter that had just been decided would cause trouble again.

Besides, I don’t know what the outcome of the mediation will be this time.

If there is no progress and Little Sheldon's grandma finds out first, there will definitely be a commotion.

"You want me to keep it a secret?"

Little Sheldon first showed a look in his eyes that said, "Sure enough, I was right." Then he frowned.

"It's not about keeping secrets..."

Mrs. Cooper said something, and then got out of the car with a headache: "George, you explain!"

As a mother, she is very aware that her son has the habit of not keeping secrets. Stressing to keep secrets with him will only make the secret spread faster.

So she simply didn't bother to say anything.

Little Sheldon's father watched his wife angrily get out of the car. Then he saw his son looking at him in the rearview mirror, waiting for an answer. He stepped on the accelerator and left.

Without his wife's overindulgence, he didn't bother to say anything more.

After Mrs. Cooper got off the bus, she got on the bus according to the address given by Chuck and the bus route she found. She went all the way to the market. After asking, she went to the hot sauce stall.

Then her big eyes widened.

But it was a billboard with a life-size image of an extremely cruel and charming woman standing there doing a blowing kiss while a group of people gathered around to take pictures.


They are all men!

Some even do various obscene actions.

She couldn't understand it, but she was shocked.

All right.

Looking at the unusually uneven focus, she could actually understand it somewhat.

After taking a closer look, it turned out that they were also selling hot sauce, a Colombian special hot sauce, named after a hot sauce!

Mrs. Cooper frowned, feeling disdainful in her heart: "This is not selling hot sauce, this is simply selling meat!"

However, she had to admit that this figure was indeed worthy of the connotative name of spicy sauce.

She forcibly looked away and continued to search for other people selling hot sauce. When she saw a white-haired old lady standing in front of a stall with a dazzling array of products, her eyes immediately lit up.

The old lady was also paying attention to that group of people.

no way.

Her colleagues were enemies, and the other party attracted everyone's attention with just a billboard, and no one came to her stall at all.

So when Mrs. Cooper came over, she immediately looked over with a smile: "Want to try it?"


Mrs. Cooper looked at the face that was somewhat similar to her mother's and had mixed feelings for a moment. She suddenly didn't know what to say and could only squeeze out a smile and agree.

Only then did Aunt Alice see Mrs. Cooper clearly, her eyes flashed, and just as she was about to speak, she saw a voluptuous and exaggerated curve twisting around.

"I'm your biggest fan! I've read the life stories on your bottles so many times!"

Mrs. Cooper subconsciously moved to the side, giving up her position to this exaggerated curve, and heard the other party talking to Aunt Alice very excitedly.

"Did your father really drive his chili truck into a papaya tree, thus starting a legend?"

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Cooper also looked over.

no way.

Aunt Alice's father was also her grandfather. She had heard her mother tell many stories about her grandfather, but this was not one of them.

"You're still asking me what's true!"

Aunt Alice pointed to the billboard over there that was still blowing a kiss and said with a smile, "I can't even believe that that human-shaped billboard is actually a person."

After saying this, she looked at the exaggerated opponent in front of her and smiled half-heartedly: "If it were you, there would be no need to hit the papaya tree."


Maybe a truck hitting you is more legendary!

"Thank you! My name is Gloria!"

The woman clasped her hands on her chest, filled with joy.

That’s right!

The woman in front of her was none other than Mrs. Gloria Pritchett, one of the three most notorious people in Ping An Town.

She was immersed in the idol's smiling face greeting her, and directly ignored the sarcasm. She happily chatted with the idol about hot sauce. It was not until her husband called her again and again that she reluctantly left.

“People nowadays are really willing to do anything to sell goods!”

Aunt Alice watched Gloria leave and said leisurely.

"is that true?"

Mrs. Cooper couldn't help but ask: "Did your father really drive a truck full of chili peppers, crash into a papaya tree, and start the hot sauce legend?"

"Oh, please! You believe this too?"

Aunt Alice looked at Mrs. Cooper and laughed.

"not real?"

Mrs. Cooper was stunned.

"That's advertising!"

Aunt Alice smiled and said: "There may be so many legendary stories in the world, but you can regard them as fake for commercial promotions! Trust me!"

Seeing that Mrs. Cooper was a little distracted, she smiled playfully: "Besides, you should know very well whether this story is true or false. Didn't your mother tell you?"

"Do you know who I am?"

Mrs. Cooper's eyes widened.

"Of course I know!"

Aunt Alice smiled and said: "Who else could have those big eyes of yours other than from my sister? Little Mary!"

"Auntie, you really know me!"

Mrs. Cooper was surprised and delighted.

"Just call me Alice!"

Aunt Alice smiled and said: "Although I have never met you, of course I know you! Why are you here? Are you here specifically to see me?"


Mrs. Cooper nodded: "I also just found out that my mother has you as my biological sister, but it seems that you two have conflicts, so I thought of coming over to see you and see if I can help mediate. After all, you are biological sisters! "


Aunt Alice smiled and said, "We are sisters, so how is Connie now?"


Mrs. Cooper smiled.

"Where is she?"

Aunt Alice looked around, then smiled and said, "You don't need to tell me, I know, Atlantic City, right?"


Mrs. Cooper was immediately embarrassed.

All right.

Her mother was indeed a gambler. As soon as she came over, she immediately went to Atlantic City and lived there directly.

"Connie, Connie, it's true that she's still the same."

Aunt Alice shook her head.

"So why did you have such a conflict that your sisters have not seen each other for so many years?"

Mrs. Cooper asked about her confusion.

"They are all old things that are not worth mentioning."

Aunt Alice waved her hands, obviously not wanting to say more.

"Tell me, Alice!"

Mrs. Cooper asked: "Is there any conflict that cannot be resolved?"

"Can you get Connie to stop gambling?"

Aunt Alice asked rhetorically.


Mrs. Cooper was speechless.

"Did you see that?"

Aunt Alice shrugged: "Many conflicts are simply irreconcilable."

"Hello, Aunt Alice! We meet again!"

Just as Mrs. Cooper was thinking about how to continue persuading, a suppressed and angry voice came. Mrs. Cooper looked around and saw the face of the fan who had just left, Gloria, with the same indignant expression as her figure.

"What's wrong?"

Mrs. Cooper was astonished.

"What's wrong?"

Gloria glanced around Aunt Alice's stall, picked up a bottle of hot sauce, and asked, "What is this?"

"This is my new product!"

Aunt Alice smiled and said, "Do you want to try it?"

"No need! Because I've already tasted it!"

Gloria said angrily: "It tastes very good because it tastes exactly like my hot sauce. You stole my hot sauce recipe! Fortunately, I admire you. When I saw your new product, I bought it and tried it as soon as possible!"


Aunt Alice looked surprised.

Mrs. Cooper, who made the same sound, looked strange.

Because she suddenly thought of the descriptive words her mother always used when talking about her sister: kleptomaniac!

"How do you explain it?! Ha!"

Gloria said angrily.

"You shouldn't argue with me."

Aunt Alice glanced at Mrs. Cooper, and then whispered with fear on her face: "Actually, I'm not the real Aunt Alice!"

"Come on!"

Gloria held the bottle of hot sauce that had stolen her recipe, pointed at the icon on it, and mocked: "It also has your cute little face printed on it!"

“Aunt Alice is a brand owned by a big company.”

Aunt Alice explained in a low voice: "They steal all products. They also have a professional team of lawyers who fight lawsuits to suppress those who oppose them. They never lose, so they are called the New Jersey Pizza Hut!"

After saying this, she cried and begged: "Please don't tell this matter, otherwise I will lose my job, and the tuition loan for my art class has not been paid off yet."


Gloria was a little skeptical.

"of course it's true!"

Aunt Alice nodded affirmatively, then pointed at Mrs. Cooper and said to Gloria: "Do you know who she is? She is my niece. We have never met her because her mother is My sister, when we had conflicts, we were both very strong. If I hadn’t been worried about losing my job, do you think I would have told her my predicament in front of her?"

When she said this, she burst into tears.

Gloria and Mrs. Cooper quickly comforted her.

"You guys go, I want to be quiet."

Aunt Alice cried for a while, then lowered her head to wipe her tears while waving to the two of them.

"All right."

The two had no choice but to leave.

"I didn't expect it to be like this."

After leaving the supermarket, Gloria sighed.

"Oh, I didn't expect that Auntie's life would be so unsatisfactory."

Mrs. Cooper sighed too.

The two sighed together for a while, chatted for a few words, and discovered that they both knew Chuck. Gloria said enthusiastically: "Wherever you go, I will take you there!"


Faced with Gloria's enthusiasm, Mrs. Cooper originally wanted to refuse, but for Chuck's sake, she couldn't refuse too much, so she agreed and followed Gloria's car.

"Ah, it's Aunt Alice!"

Gloria saw Aunt Alice coming out from the driver's seat, and immediately said with pity on her face: "It's so pitiful that she still has to take the bus at such an old age, let me give her a ride..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Aunt Alice crossing the bus stop sign, taking out a key and pressing it. Next to the bus stop sign, a Maserati convertible flashed in response.

"son of a bitch!"

Gloria suddenly transformed into a child of the beach.

Mrs. Cooper, on the other hand, was dumbfounded and had a more intuitive understanding of why her mother never told her about this relative.

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