American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 339 Little Sheldon: The Peace Prize is not the Nobel Prize at all!

"what are you doing?"

While Mrs. Cooper was having a more intuitive understanding of her aunt, a strong pushing sensation suddenly hit her back, waking her up. When she looked at it, she realized that Gloria had already stepped on the accelerator and started the car. The crazy force was a bit... Scary.

"Catch her and kill her!"

Gloria's voice almost suppressed the sound of the roaring motor: "How dare she lie to me!!! How can a migrant worker who hasn't paid off the art class loan drive a Maserati?! She's a liar! She is Aunt Alice. Myself!"

"Don't get excited."

Mrs. Cooper quickly comforted her: "Even if she is, it's not worth what you do, so slow down!"

"I'm not excited."

Gloria said with a sullen face: "This is my normal driving speed. I forgot to tell you. Before I married Jay, I drove a taxi. Haven't you seen the Taxi Queen series of movies? That's what I think. Prototype!”

"Taxi Queen?"

Mrs. Cooper clutched the handle tightly, watching Gloria drive close to Aunt Alice's Malasati convertible, and shouted: "I didn't see it! Slow down, this may not be her car!"

As soon as these words came out, the speed of the car dropped instantly.

"Okay! I'll give her another chance!"

Gloria followed closely behind the convertible and said fiercely: "When we get to her house later, if it's a mansion, huh!"

"What are you going to do?"

Mrs. Cooper said a little worried.

"I'll kill her!"

Gloria gritted her teeth and said, "No one has ever played tricks on me like this before. I even forgave her just now!"

"Why bother?"

Mrs. Cooper advised: "You still have a happy life, why bother to kill her for this kind of thing... If you kill her, you will also go to jail."


Gloria smiled but said: "You are right, my life is indeed very happy now, there is no need to go to jail for her."

"That's right."

Mrs. Cooper breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she was also annoyed by Aunt Alice's contrasting behavior, which also made her understand what her mother meant by a 'kleptomaniac', she was her biological aunt after all.

"Although I won't kill her myself, she will still die."

Gloria sneered: "Just a phone call from me!"

"Do not make jokes."

Mrs. Cooper felt a thrill in her heart.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?"

While driving, Gloria stared intently at the figure of the sports car in front of her and said harsh words.

"Before marrying Jay, I was a taxi driver. Do you really think that in places like New Jersey and New York, being a taxi driver, especially a female driver with a child, is so easy to be a taxi driver?

People in this area are very violent.

I often see female passengers beating another beautiful female passenger into a pig head in order to steal the car.

This is even the case for female passengers.

Not to mention the men who took taxis. My son Manny was too young at the time, so I took him with me every time I got out of the car. In order to protect him from the harassment of perverted passengers, what do you think I can do?

I'm Colombian! "

Mrs. Cooper instantly thought of the stereotype of Colombians in the eyes of traditional white families like hers, and couldn't help but become more worried.

"It's better not to be impulsive. You will always go to jail if you kill someone."

"I don't need to do anything at all. I just make a call and someone will take action. This is already a very mature industry. There are many package options. I think she will die no matter how she dies."

Gloria sneered: "She will die ugly, and there won't be any evidence to contact me!"

When Mrs. Cooper heard this, she trembled. Especially when she noticed that Gloria glanced at her with a fierce look when she said this, she felt even worse. She prayed to God in her heart and thought Looking for a way to escape, suddenly a person flashed in his mind.

"There's Detective Chuck here! Others can't find it out, but he can definitely find it out!"

Speaking of this, she saw that Gloria didn't refute this time, and she immediately felt confident: "Also, you just said that you knew Chuck, and you helped him win the famous lawsuit before. You are just. On the one hand, it’s not worth it for this kind of thing!”

"Okay, for Chuck's sake, I won't kill her."

Gloria walked down the steps, no longer determined to kill Aunt Alice.

Following them all the way, they arrived at a mansion.

"Son of a bitch! He's richer than me, yet he's pretending to be poor!"

Gloria looked at the mansion and transformed into a child of the beach again. After getting out of the car, she angrily rang the doorbell.


Aunt Alice's voice came from inside the house. After the door opened, Aunt Alice saw the angry Gloria and Mrs. Cooper with complicated eyes. She suddenly looked aggrieved and said: "You are looking for my boss? He is not here. I'll come over." To get documents, I’m so old and have to work overtime at night. He said that if I can’t move forward with the company and work more than 100 hours a week, he will lay off me!”

"Stop pretending!"

Gloria cursed: "I saw you driving a Maserati!"

"That's the boss's car..."

Aunt Alice still wanted to make excuses.


Gloria interrupted: "I saw your skillful movements when you put on your sunglasses. It's not like driving occasionally. Who are you? Why does your boss let you drive his Maserati?"

"All right!"

Aunt Alice saw Gloria raising her head and chest as she spoke, looking extremely ferocious and domineering, so she didn't bother to pretend, "Who is your patent lawyer?"

“…I don’t have a patent attorney.”

Gloria didn't expect this turn of events at all and said in shock.

"I knew it!"

Aunt Alice smiled slightly: "I have successfully registered the hot sauce recipe, and I also have a team of professional lawyers who are ready to accompany you in litigation, so if you have any questions, you can contact them."

With that said, he nodded to Mrs. Cooper and closed the door directly.

"I am going to kill you!"

Gloria bared her teeth and tried to rush over, but she was not held back as expected, so she could only stop on her own. She turned to look at the dazed Mrs. Cooper behind her with dissatisfaction: "Why didn't you stop me? She wasn't Are you my aunt?"

"she is."

Mrs. Cooper smiled bitterly: "But am I her niece?"

She finally figured out that Aunt Alice had pretended to be poor at the market not only to deal with Gloria, but also to get rid of her. She was probably worried that her poor relative would come to visit her.

The fact that I didn’t give a contact address before was already a signal.

But now her niece was already standing at the door of the house, and the other party still had no intention of letting her in, and just closed the door.

The meaning is too obvious.

"Oh, poor Mary."

Gloria immediately came over with a sympathetic look and hugged Mrs. Cooper.

"I'm fine."

Mrs. Cooper quickly said she was okay.

"I know."

Gloria still hugged her sympathetically.

"I'm really fine..."

Mrs. Cooper forced her way out of Gloria's arms.

no way!

As a traditional Texas woman, she really couldn't stand being so close to Gloria's overbearing figure.

The two said a few more words, then left and got in the car. Gloria insisted on sending Mrs. Cooper to Little Leonard's house.

Two days later.

"After signing with Chuck today, we are going back."

Mrs. Cooper called her mother in Atlantic City: "Come back quickly!"

"I want to talk to grandma!"

Little Sheldon walked in angrily.

"What's wrong?"

Mrs. Cooper frowned.

She didn't want to have another son.

Compared with the president of Princeton University and Aunt Alice who didn't recognize her at all, she completely believed that Chuck was a kind person.

"Grandma, you lied to me!"

Little Sheldon took the phone and shouted dissatisfied at his grandmother on the other end of the phone.

"Which sentence?"

On the other end of the phone, the Atlantic City grandma laughed while playing the slot machine.

"Have you ever lied to me?"

Little Sheldon's eyes widened.

"of course not."

Little Grandma Sheldon smiled and said, "You are my Moon Pie!"

"But you still lied to me!"

Little Sheldon was very satisfied with this sentence, but then he thought about the problem he discovered and immediately frowned: "You said that your sister's hot sauce brand pattern is printed with a rooster, but you didn't say that it was an exploding rooster!"

"Does it make a difference?"

Little Grandma Sheldon shrugged.

"Of course there is a difference!"

Little Sheldon raised his voice: "The rooster is on my blacklist, but the exploding rooster is my dream. I have always wanted to explode it with the Force!"

As he spoke, he pointed at his temples and made the movement in Star Wars where he uses his mind to control the force to blast others.

"Aunt Alice is not only smart and successful, but also a talented thief. Like me, she also likes to blow cocks. I think we will get along well."

Little Sheldon then got down to business: "She still has money, so she can definitely invest in me!"

"Don't mention Aunt Alice again!"

Mrs. Cooper shouted.

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over in surprise.

"You've met her, haven't you?"

On the other end of the phone, Little Sheldon's grandma was silent for a moment, and immediately knew the reason for her daughter's rage. She sneered, "She is completely different from what you imagined, right?"

"Mom, have you met Aunt Alice?"

Little Sheldon looked over: "Why didn't you tell me?"

"have nothing to say."

Mrs. Cooper said angrily: "She doesn't even recognize your grandmother, let alone you. Besides, your grandmother also said that she is a kleptomaniac. If you ask her to discuss investment, she will definitely agree first and then cheat you with your idea." Then, I turned around and ignored you, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Is she really such a person?"

Missy was a little disappointed: "I was also thinking about having a rich relative, so that I wouldn't have to flatter Sheldon and have a brother-sister relationship with him."

That’s right!

Ever since she knew that Little Sheldon's idea might have quite good economic value, she changed her previous way of teasing and teasing her twin brother. Instead, she always talked about how they were twins and she loved him the most. High emotional intelligence words.

"What's going on?"

Little Sheldon's father asked curiously.

Mrs. Cooper originally didn't want to say anything, but after the family's urging and questioning, she could only tell her about her visit to Aunt Alice.

"She's still like that, a kleptomaniac who dares to look down on me, who likes to gamble!"

Even though she had known who her sister was for a long time, after hearing her sister's disdain for her gambling again after decades, Little Sheldon's grandma still took it: "I like to gamble, but I only bet on what I have." Unlike her, who specializes in stealing from others, even family members..."

"Chuck is here!"

While the family was listening to their grandmother complaining about her sisters, little Leonard ran up and smiled at Missy.

"Okay, don't say those meaningless things."

Mrs. Cooper stopped the topic and gave the order: "Go down and sign a contract with Chuck, and then we go home. This is not our home, Texas is!"

When everyone went down, they saw little Howard coming. In addition to his heavyweight mother, there was also a man in a suit and leather shoes.

"I'm Howard's lawyer."

The man introduced himself.

"Also my cousin."

Howard Jr. explained with a smile.

"Sure enough, every Jew has a lawyer relative."

Little Leonard complained.

Chuck walked in at this time, and everyone greeted him quickly.

"Dr. Wolfe, I am the attorney representing Mr. Howard Wolowitz. Can I talk to you alone?"

Little Howard's lawyer cousin looked at Chuck nervously.


Chuck glanced at him and refused directly.

"I want to talk about my client's rights and interests in the contract."

Young Howard's lawyer cousin persisted.

Chuck looked at him without speaking.

"I'll just ask one last question."

Howard's lawyer cousin looked away, pointed at Leonard, and said: "This idea was thought up by Mr. Sheldon Cooper. My client is responsible for the construction and trial operation of the website. It is reasonable for them to hold shares. But Mr. Leonard Hofstadter has done nothing, so why does he have the same share of shares as them?”

"Because he is my friend!"

Chuck looked at little Leonard.

Little Leonard grinned from the corners of his mouth to the root of his ears.

"Not Mr. Howard Wolowitz and Mr. Sheldon Cooper?"

Little Howard's lawyer cousin tried his best.


Chuck said bluntly.

"Okay, I have no questions."

Howard Jr.'s lawyer cousin knelt down and quickly ended his task of arguing for more benefits on behalf of his cousin.

"Sign the contract, I have something else to do!"

Chuck placed the contract on the table, motioned for the guardian of the third primary school to come forward to sign, and took out his vibrating phone to look at it.

"What's more important than this?"

muttered little Howard's mother.

“The Nobel Prize winner thing.”

Chuck said calmly.


Everyone was shocked.

"Which Nobel Prize winner?"

Little Sheldon was also a little excited.

"Joe Kent!"

Chuck said.

"Who is this?"

Little Sheldon was stunned.

He has a high-definition image memory and remembers all the previous Nobel Prize winners, but there is no Joe Kent in his memory.

"Are you talking about Nobel Peace Prize winner Joe Kent?"

Little Leonard's father suddenly spoke.


Chuck nodded.

“It turned out to be the Peace Prize.”

Little Sheldon immediately showed relief and disdain.

He just said that he remembered the names of all the Nobel Prize winners, but how could Joe Kent suddenly appear, who turned out to be the Nobel Peace Prize winner.

In the eyes of a genius like him who advocates natural science, non-theoretical natural science research is not very important, and the Peace Prize does not count at all.

He simply does not accept the Nobel Peace Prize and the Peace Prize as an award!

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