American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 342 Detective Chuck: Do I look like I’m begging?

Chapter 342: Detective Chuck, do I look like I’m begging?

"It's really not true!"

Lisa, a big Texas girl, was surprised: "Is he really selling calves?"

"of course not!"

Dr. Wilson quickly explained: "House just wants to stock up on precautionary measures."

"He is in the hospital, and the pharmacy is also in the hospital, so he still needs to stock up on so many goods?"

Texas girl Lisa wonders.

"This is House."

Dr. Wilson smiled bitterly: "He has backup stock, backup backup stock, backup backup backup stock..."

"Well, he is indeed a poisonous insect."

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, shrugged and smiled: "And he is also a veteran drug addict, otherwise he would not be so afraid of running out of painkillers."

"...Anyway, Detective Treat searched House's home and wiped out his inventory, which was all filled with my prescriptions."

Dr. Wilson said helplessly: "At least, that's what I said when Detective Tritt asked me."

"The fact is that Dr. House copied your handwriting and prescribed many more medications."

Professor Alicia Harper's eyes narrowed: "Then you were discovered by Detective Treat. Now you made a false confession, and then you were targeted by him."

"what can I do?"

Dr. Wilson said painfully: "I can't help testify against House. In that case, not only will his medical license be revoked, but he will also go to jail."

"Weakness and ignorance are never obstacles to survival, arrogance is!"

Chuck said bluntly: "House imitated your handwriting without even trying to imitate it seriously. This shows how arrogant he is usually. There are still many opportunities left for Detective Mike Treat."

"Now that you are like this, what does Dr. House say?"

Professor Alicia Harper wondered.


When Dr. Wilson heard this, he lowered his head. If he had been a little more emotional, he might have shed tears: "He didn't react at all."

"No way?"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, frowned and said, "You did this because of him, and he didn't even react at all."

"It's actually nothing."

Dr. Wilson forced a smile: "I'm used to it. His shoulder hurts for no reason, just because he feels guilty. Normally, I would admit it. After all, he is not good at expressing emotions, and his side profile is more touching. But this time he……"

After saying this, he sighed deeply.

"What did he do that chilled you?"

Texas Girl Lisa Gossip.

"I raised 15,000 cash to bail him out."

Dr. Wilson's eyes were confused and he said: "I introduced him to the best criminal lawyer in Princeton and asked him to communicate with the lawyer and resolve the matter as soon as possible.

But he didn't listen at all.

After his home was searched and the Vicodin was completely taken away, he immediately came to me to prescribe medication for him.

Then Detective Mike Treat came to me with House's forged prescription and asked me to explain why the prescription font on it was different.

I recognized my font as House's imitation.

The flying font is as clear as his face.

But what can I say?

I could only confirm again and again that this was my prescription under the sharp gaze of Detective Mike Treat.

I thought the matter ended with me committing perjury on House's behalf. After all, everyone's pain threshold is different, so doctors prescribe different amounts of painkillers to each patient.

As long as we insist that House needs so many painkillers, it can actually be said to be justified.

But Detective Mike Treat didn't give up.

He towed my car away on suspicion of calf trafficking and froze my bank account, leaving me with no money to use.

I went to a criminal lawyer and the advice I got was that I cooperate with Detective Mike Treat, or the police could freeze my bank account until I was willing to cooperate.

Detective Mike Treat told me to my face that this is called the art of pressure!

I have no choice but to control my spending, eat the cheapest food, and wait for the bus every day when I commute to work.

I can tolerate all this!

Because compared to letting House go to jail for ten years, I can bear this crime.

But soon something happened that I couldn't bear at all.

The police still directly suspended my prescription rights on the grounds of suspected calf trafficking.

You know, many cancer patients are waiting for me to prescribe medicine, and I can't afford to delay it for half a day. At that moment, I can only go to House and want him to apologize to Detective Mike Treat.

But I just asked House to come out and talk alone, but he didn't want to, and directly shouted off my request, as if the case he was the only one taking over was a top priority.

Even though I repeatedly stressed my predicament, he still wouldn't look at me!

no way.

I could only go to Dr. Cameron and ask her to write a prescription based on my diagnosis.

But she refused.

Because it is her name that is written on the prescription, which is her responsibility!

Even if she believed me, she wouldn't dare agree.

I was angry at first, but then I understood her.

Because she was right. Detective Mike Treat put such extreme pressure on me just to see me break down and cooperate. How could he not investigate the fact that I used her to prescribe prescription drugs?

She promised me that I would be probed by Special Agent Mike Terry.

Just when I was about to leave, Cameron, who is Cameron, the kindest doctor, agreed to help me, but in a different way.

We go to the outpatient office together, I come to see my patient, and she sits in the corner judging my diagnosis and making sure her prescription medications are okay.

But it was at this moment that the most painful thing happened to me. My cancer patient complained to me. After I comforted her, she got emotional and asked directly who Cameron was.

I want to hide that this is a teaching hospital.

But when she asked if Cameron was a medical student, Cameron did not dare to lie and could only explain that he was a doctor. Then the patient began to ask about Cameron's judgment and questioned whether there was something wrong with my prescription medicine.

That’s right!

She no longer trusts me!

That feeling is completely indescribable.

I am a doctor and my patients should trust me!

I couldn't bear it anymore, so I went to House and vented it all out, but it was of no use because he was too proud and too proud to bow to anyone.

He said he would never feel any guilt for the innocent people affected by what Detective Mike Treat did to him.

After get off work that day, I sat alone at the bus stop, watching in the cold wind as House rode the motorcycle I helped him bail out and parked in front of me.

We looked at each other, but House didn't say anything and just rode away.

I was..."

After saying this, he couldn't go on. It wasn't that he was so emotional that he completely lost his temper, but that the big Texas girl Lisa and Professor Alicia Harper looked at him more and more weirdly.

"What's wrong?"

Dr. Wilson looked down at himself in confusion.

"Don't you think this plot is familiar to you?"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, had strange eyes: "One party tried their best to help the other party, but the other party refused to admit that they had harmed the other party because of their arrogance, and even played indifferent and helped the other party in order to let the other party prove their pure love to the extreme. To torture your enemy with each other is completely a bloody sadomasochism!"


Dr. Wilson's mouth twitched, speechless: "It's not what you think..."

"You are having a relationship with House, and House wants to verify whether it is true love."

Chuck: "They are right, but the human heart and true love cannot withstand constant tests. The last person who wanted to test like this almost destroyed the world."


Dr. Wilson became more and more embarrassed, and most of the sadness and sorrow he felt before seemed to have dissipated.

"Chuck, please help House!"

Dr. Wilson faced the playful smiles of the two beauties and could only talk about business: "I'm very worried about him! Because he is someone who refuses to give in, and the same goes for Detective Mike Treat."

Speaking of this, he said with a serious face: "He asked me to testify against House just now. When I refused again, I repeatedly said that it was all my prescription and I was not lying at all.

He said something that terrified me. "

"What words?"

The big Texas girl Lisa and Professor Alicia Harper looked at him curiously.

"Everyone lies!"

Chuck faced Dr. Wilson's probing gaze and spoke calmly.


Dr. Wilson was shocked and said: "That's it! This is obviously a classic quote from House, but it suddenly came from Detective Mike Treat. I don't know why I was shocked but also took it for granted."

"This is a famous saying of detectives."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "Remember the pair of detectives and military doctors in London that I told you about?"

"You're not going to say that House and I are both pirates."

Dr. Wilson smiled bitterly: "If I have the chance, I would really like to see what this genuine combination of detective and military doctor looks like."

"There's a chance."

Chuck nodded.

"All right."

Dr. Wilson nodded with complicated eyes: "Back to business, Chuck, can you help House?"

"How do you want me to help?"

Chuck didn't answer the question.

"Go talk to Detective Mike Treat..."

Dr. Wilson blurted out, and then choked under Chuck's eyes.

After Detective Mike Treat said "Everyone lies", Dr. House's classic saying, he understood that Detective Mike Treat might be the police-like Dr. House.

It has been more than a week since the incident happened. Dr. Cady, the headmistress who loves House in her heart, has actually been trying to smooth things over for a long time.

But obviously, it has no effect.

The two of them have the same personality. No one is willing to give in, no matter how much pressure from the outside world.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at Professor Alicia Harper, thinking that House saved her last time, and Chuck said he owed House a big favor.

But he had serious doubts about House's willingness to talk to Chuck.

"Chuck, help him."

Professor Alicia Harper noticed Dr. Wilson's gaze and knew the reason why he found her home. Although she disagreed with Dr. House's behavior, she was still very grateful for the life-saving grace he had given her.

"I'm going to talk to this Detective Mike Treat."

Chuck said: "I will ask him to cancel the extreme pressure on you, but if House refuses to give in and apologize and use the favor I owed him last time, I can't convince myself to stand up for his mess.

Because until now, I still don’t think Detective Mike Tritter did anything wrong, and I am even happy to let him send Dr. House to prison to rehab. "

"Once in prison, House's life is ruined."

Dr. Wilson said urgently.

"are you sure?"

Chuck said calmly: "My experience tells me that everyone will compromise, especially smart people. The smarter the IQ, the more flexible the bottom line will be. House is not stupid!"

"What are you going to do about it?"

Professor Alicia Harper is concerned.

"Send House to an addiction treatment center and force him to detox for six months!"

Chuck revealed his plan.

"Six months, House can't agree to it..."

Dr. Wilson became worried upon hearing this.

"Do I look like I'm asking for his advice?"

Chuck said bluntly.

Dr. House treats patients with a vicious tongue and always forces others to compromise with him, but Chuck doesn't tolerate him.

Taking drugs and driving dangerously!

This is a red line.

In Chuck's opinion, Young Sheldon is more acceptable to others than House.

And what little Sheldon looks like now is exactly the best example of House in Chuck's eyes.

"All right."

Dr. Wilson was speechless.

After eating, Chuck drove Dr. Wilson away from Professor Alicia Harper's house.

"where are we going?"

Dr. Wilson asked.

"Go find Detective Mike Treat."

Chuck drove to the entrance of a club with a familiar road.

"it's here?"

Dr. Wilson looked at the colorful sign and hesitated.

"Where else but here?"

Chuck said bluntly: "You have already said that he is simply the police version of House. Since he reacted greatly when House took his temperature, it is obvious that he is male and likes women. At least until he finds a replica of you, Is such that.

He pursues House relentlessly, which shows that he is also a man who does not have a normal family life, otherwise he would not be so boring.

Also, he went to see House for medical treatment, which was not something he could see clearly.

So you should know where he is most likely to appear. "

"In the club!"

Dr. Wilson was convinced.

"Follow me!"

Chuck glanced at the uncomfortable Dr. Wilson, raised his legs and walked inside. When he met some warm invitations on the way, he looked at them coldly and rejected them thousands of miles away.

"Over there!"

A quick glance directly reminded Dr. Wilson to look over and saw a slightly lonely figure sitting there, drinking and watching the dance on the stage.

But he quickly looked over alertly, smiled at Chuck and the two, and after the two walked in, he mocked: "Hit the small one, here comes the big one! Dr. Wolfe, I thought you Do you approve of my approach?"

"I recognized!"

Chuck nodded.

"Then what are you doing here now?"

The white-haired Detective Mike Treat glanced at Dr. Wilson: "Don't tell me that you came here to praise me for my good work!"

"You did really well!"

Chuck said bluntly: "But your extreme pressure on Dr. Wilson went a little too far."

"Don't tell me you think he's innocent?"

Detective Mike Treat scoffed.

"Don't tell me that all the cases you handle are handled impartially?"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "To put it bluntly, this matter is that House humiliated you first, and then you chose to retaliate. There is no problem with that. I have always been on your side, but if you insist on talking about fairness, According to justice and law, you can insult yourself, but please don’t insult my IQ.”

After saying this, he looked at Detective Mike Treat who took out nicotine gum from his pocket again: "At least House is right about this. You are a poisonous insect just like him!"

Detective Mike Treat looked at the chewing gum in his hand before he could throw it into his mouth, and fell silent.

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