American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 343 Detective Chuck: House is locked up, I said so!

"What do you want?"

The white-haired Detective Mike Treat looked at Chuck.

"Stop pushing your limits on Wilson."

Chuck said: "If House is really like you said, then you don't have to force the people around him, you can still get the results you want."


The white-haired Detective Mike Treat glanced at Dr. Wilson next to Chuck, nodded and said, "I will unblock his account."

“The most important thing is the right to prescribe!”

Dr. Wilson couldn't help but said: "Without the right to prescribe, I can't prescribe medicine to my cancer patients."


The white-haired Detective Mike Treat looked at Dr. Wilson with sharp eyes: "The prescription rights can be restored, but you have to promise me not to prescribe Vicodin to House again. Otherwise, even if Detective Chuck speaks, I will still do it. I’ll find you!”

Dr. Wilson subconsciously looked at Chuck.

"I agree with Detective Treat."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "You learn to cherish after you lose it. For the sake of your cancer patients, you don't want to experience that kind of pain again, right? As for House, you are a doctor. You should know that even without Vicodin, he Can’t die.”

"I know."

Dr. Wilson's eyes hesitated.

"Don't let emotions overwhelm reason."

Chuck reminded: "The reason why I agreed to come forward to find Detective Treat is to help you avoid the ethical dilemma of testifying against the person you care about and love the most, and to help you balance the boundaries between emotion and reason.

You know this will benefit House in the long run.

But your sensibility makes you indecisive, and you can easily be led by House and do things exactly according to his wishes.

He claims that his free will can never be handed over to anyone, but he constantly manipulates the free will of everyone around him and distorts their true thoughts, just to cater to his free will.

Do whatever you want, what freedom!

But you should know that there is no absolute freedom in this world, because he is not strong enough to ignore anyone else's free will and achieve absolute freedom.

Not everyone is like you, taking him as the main one and being willing to do everything he does.

Therefore, his giant baby behavior will only lead to destruction in the end.

Otherwise it will be self-destruction!

Otherwise, just like when I met Detective Trite this time, I will be destroyed by others! "

After saying this, he saw Dr. Wilson's face was heavy, so he comforted him straightforwardly: "Of course you don't have to worry, there are too many American giant babies. In the face of the unscrupulous pursuit of their own absolute freedom and survival, their smart enough The brain always makes the right choice.”

"I now believe that you really agree with my approach."

The white-haired Detective Mike Treat had been listening silently. Hearing this, he couldn't help but smile.

"I've always said what you did was reasonable."

Chuck looked at his classic villain face: "If you really want to take revenge, there is actually a better way. It is not only more controllable and will not hurt innocent people, but it will also be far more harmful than what you are prepared to do."

"Oh? I'm curious."

The white-haired Detective Mike Treat showed an interested expression.


Dr. Wilson said anxiously: "Don't do this."

"Don't worry, it's not what you think."

Chuck comforted Dr. Wilson and looked at Detective Mike Treat: "The more harmful approach is for you and Wilson to be friends."


Dr. Wilson was stunned.

"I'm not gay!"

The white-haired Detective Mike Treat motioned for Chuck to look at Dirty Dancing on the stage.

"I'll raise the possibility."

Chuck said bluntly: "Whether you do it or not is your business."

The white-haired Detective Mike Treat looked at Dr. Wilson thoughtfully, making Dr. Wilson extremely uncomfortable.

Dr. Wilson said to Chuck with a wry smile: "I'm really not a replica of the British military doctor. Is this the end of House's matter?"

"of course not."

The white-haired Detective Mike Treat narrowed his eyes and asked Chuck: "What do you want?"

"No jail time, no license suspension."

Chuck said: "Forced isolation and detoxification for 6 months."


The gray-haired Detective Mike Treat couldn't help but laugh.

"You think it's ridiculous?"

Dr. Wilson said nervously: "You said you did all this to make him understand punishment and become a better person, not to completely destroy him. He may not be a good person, and can even be said to be a jerk many times. , but he is really talented and can save patients that others cannot..."

"Don't get excited, Dr. Wilson."

The gray-haired Detective Mike Treat laughed and said: "What I laugh at is not that this proposal is not feasible, but that this proposal is too good. Originally, if House was willing to give in, I would only force him to detoxify for 2 months."

"Two months then!"

Dr. Wilson was overjoyed.

"6 months!"

Chuck emphasized: "The addiction treatment center must be designated by me, otherwise the general addiction treatment center will be of no use to House, because those staff members who are paid by Weibo will definitely be corrupted by him, and the addiction treatment effect will be completely useless."

"It's indeed Detective Chuck!"

The white-haired Detective Mike Treat was stunned for a moment, then looked at Chuck with admiration.

He ignored this layer.

"Did you know there were such uncorrupted drug rehabs?"

The white-headed Detective Mike Treat completely believes that Chuck is on his side, at least when it comes to House's treatment of addiction, and is even more aggressive than him.


Chuck nodded.

As more and more cases are taken over and more and more complex, more and more mentally ill and drug addicts begin to appear.

In order to ensure that his thoughts are accessible, he has already begun to prepare his own special places such as addiction treatment centers and mental hospitals.

After all, he is not the Batman or Iron Man who buys everything instantly if he disagrees, because the world does not allow such awesome people to exist.

So Chuck could only build it step by step.

Fortunately, he has help.

Once House checks into his addiction treatment center, even if the staff really don't want to work anymore, they can't escape the gaze of Chuck and Anna, which is enough to ensure that House can't buy Vicodin.

"Okay, I believe you!"

The white-haired Detective Mike Treat raised his glass and waved to Chuck when he saw that there was no wine in front of him.

"I do not drink!"

Chuck refused outright.

"I know."

The gray-haired Detective Mike Treat looked at Chuck deeply: "You are also taking medicine to relieve pain. You are House's role model!"

"Wilson, you can go back."

Chuck stood there motionless and looked at Dr. Wilson: "Your bank account will be unfrozen tomorrow, and your car will be back. Now you should have money to take a taxi home."

"Why don't you come together? I'm not in a hurry."

Seeing that Chuck was not leaving, Dr. Wilson glanced at the villain detective who had the same opinion as Chuck. He was very worried, fearing that after he left, the two of them would discuss ways to torture their good friend even more. Seeing Chuck and Big The villain police detectives all looked over and looked awkwardly at Dirty Dancing on the stage: "Actually, there's nothing wrong with me going back."

"No need to hide it."

Chuck said bluntly: "It's better to go back as soon as possible and tell the people who should know the news. Before Detective Treat finds evidence that you don't need to testify against House, you can't prescribe him any more Vicodin."

"I'm not covering up!"

Dr. Wilson opened his mouth and stared at the dirty dance on the stage, trying to show his instinctive love for this kind of dirty dance.

This is real!

He has had countless ex-girlfriends and several ex-wives, so how could he not like women?

But faced with Chuck's expressionless face and the half-smile of the villain detective, he could only lower his head helplessly, stood up slowly, and left with three turns.

"Anything else?"

The white-headed Detective Mike Treat watched Dr. Wilson leave and looked at Chuck.


Chuck nodded: "I have read your file. Overall, you are a relatively upright police detective. If you are interested, you can try to investigate Joe Kent."

"That Joe Kent?"

The gray-haired Detective Mike Treat's eyes narrowed.


Chuck looked at him: "There was a female LMT in New York who reported that he was in love with her. No police or prosecutor wanted to believe her. She approached me through the law firm and asked me to observe her testimony throughout. My results She was telling the truth.”

"What do you want me to do?"

The gray-haired Detective Mike Tritter pondered.

"It's not easy for me to intervene."

Chuck explained: "Because no matter what I say is true or not, no one in one of the core cities of this blue state is willing to accept that this is just a simple criminal case, and they will try their best to push this into politics. .

But you are different.

You have an excellent police resume for decades, and your character has been recognized by your colleagues, bosses, prosecutors, and judges.

If you're willing to investigate, the politics will be minimized. "

"But I'm just a New Jersey police detective."

The gray-haired Detective Mike Treat reminded.

"You think he only does this kind of thing in New York?"

Chuck asked back: "I checked and found that he has been to New Jersey many times. I believe that with your ability, you can gain something by following this clue."

"You just believe me?"

The white-haired Detective Mike Treat stared at Chuck.

"As I have said from beginning to end, I approve of your approach!"

Chuck said calmly.

If House were not the protagonist of the American TV series Dr. House, he has a strong personal charm that would make people immerse themselves in him immediately. They would instinctively regard his opponent, Detective Mike Treat, as the villain. Anyone who seriously thinks about the actions of House and Detective Treat , everyone should understand that Detective Mike Treat is not the villain, House is!


The white-haired Detective Mike Treat looked at Chuck for a while, drank the wine in his glass, stood up and said, "I'm going to check it out right now!"

Chuck watched him leave, stood there and looked around all the small stages, observed it for a while, understood the essence, and then left.

None of the subjects of these dirty dances were above the experimental baseline, and even if they were, based on Detective Mike Treat's experience of going to House to see a doctor, Chuck would never consider experiencing the charm of these dances in person.

However, these dirty dances have been accumulated and passed down by these professionals for hundreds of years, and they have their own unique features.

It is also a new topic to demonstrate it to someone around you.

After leaving the club, the white-haired Detective Mike Treat was gone. Dr. Wilson, who was shivering in the cold wind and shivering in the cold wind, emerged from the corner.

"Don't do this next time."

Chuck was not surprised at all that he didn't leave. As he walked towards his car, he reminded: "The security here is so bad. Once you make a mistake, who else in House can give him unbridled vent for harm?"


Dr. Wilson twitched the corner of his mouth and followed Chuck into the car. He finally felt a little warmer. He didn't care about himself and looked at Chuck eagerly: "What did you say again?"

"It has nothing to do with you."

Chuck started the car: "You have this time to worry about these useless things. You should think about how to strengthen the beliefs of everyone around House. Before sending him to a compulsory rehabilitation center, no matter what he does, don't compromise. "

That’s right!

House has decided on the forced detoxification, he said so!

He did not doubt that Detective Mike Trotter would investigate two cases at the same time and lose sight of the other, because he and Detective Trotter both knew that no matter how smart the drug addict was, he would become extremely stupid once his own property was involved.

Because his body has been completely controlled, without external coercion, almost no one can carry it through by his own will alone.

Now Chuck has come forward and let Dr. Wilson go, but the power-building effect has already been achieved. People around House, including Dr. Wilson, will consider whether to sacrifice everything for House's temporary happiness and pride.

As House said: "In the face of death, there is no dignified death at all. Only when you are alive can you talk about all this."

Is House's pride comparable to everything around him, including life, career, and even dignity?

The results are already obvious.

Even his good friend Dr. Wilson was thinking hard and couldn't make up his mind, so he just went to the end for House, let alone other people.

If he didn't choose to betray him right away, House's protagonist would have been extremely lucky.

And without prescription drugs and Vicodin, House couldn't last more than a few days, which was enough for him to take risks and do anything illegal as long as he could get the drugs.

Get it right when the time comes.

"What will he do?"

Dr. Wilson worried.

"Do what any poisonous insect would do."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "If you hurt the people around you and yourself, you'd better be prepared to be seriously hurt by him, because he has good observation skills. In the addictive state of the poisonous insect, if you don't compromise with him, he will Like a mad dog, seize your pain points and attack crazily.

The closer you are to him, the deeper you are understood by him, and the pain of being attacked will be more painful!

I hope you don’t take this as his painful side dominating everything. I can tell you for sure that it’s not the pain in his legs, but the pain of poisonous insects! "

Dr. Wilson looked intolerable and pained.

no way!

As a good gay friend, he already feels the same way.

"I would like to remind you again that once you choose to compromise with House, the verbal agreement between me and Detective Mike Treat will be invalid."

Chuck reminded: “Not only will he be put in jail and his license revoked, but those of you who choose to help him temporarily and harm him in the long run will also be involved and treated the same as him.

At that time, you will no longer be innocent. I will not say anything for you, because you have completely lost control and been twisted by House's wanton actions into puppets who can only compromise with him. You have no hope of improving your medical skills. One step closer.

One more of you in the world is not more, and one less of you is not more. When I say this to the three ducks of Dr. Cady and House, I mean it! "

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