American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 351 Dr. House: Are you happy? Satisfied? Can you wake up laughing even in your dreams?

"Do some people still dare to say they are in pain?"

Chuck's calm voice sounded in the apartment.

Dr. Wilson lowered his head and pursed his lips, almost laughing.

This was the first time that he saw his good gay friend being called "idiot and lecherous" in the eyes of a group of good gay friends. He was dumbfounded and speechless. He even forgot about the pain that had troubled him for many years.

After being happy, Dr. Wilson, who realized the truth, looked at Little Leonard and others, his eyes full of sympathy and admiration.

It was completely unimaginable to him that someone could remain healthy and upbeat despite being bullied so much.

Which brother is left after being stapled?

This is the most painful pain in a man’s body!

Having laxatives poured into your mouth and then being surrounded by a group of rugby players and not being allowed to use the toilet?

This is the most painful mental pain for a man!

Comparing House with Little Leonard, who had gone through the most painful physical and mental pain for a man, it was like they were moaning for nothing!

Besides, little Leonard and the others are still just kids, but House is a sloppy middle-aged man who should have experienced everything and endured everything.

Really, the more comparisons you make, the more House appears to be extremely useless and incompetent!

The more Dr. Wilson thought about it, the more he felt that Chuck's move tonight was simply the best of all, and it was so heart-wrenching to kill someone.

Unfortunately, Chuck didn't know it beforehand, so he came over immediately after receiving his call. It can be said that he thought of this in an instant.

"House, you didn't lose unjustly."

Dr. Wilson sighed inwardly.

When meeting a god like Chuck, even if he is as proud and stubborn as House, he must have a flexible bottom line.

"For the sake of a little pain, some people also focus on the pain points of their beautiful boss who had an affair with them and failed several times to try to get pregnant, saying that she is not worthy of being a mother."

Chuck still did not choose to let go of the obviously less energetic Dr. House: "Please remember, this is a daily tip for dying alone!"

"What a bastard!"

"If I had such a beautiful boss, I would love and protect her. How could I hurt her like this?"

"Sure enough, poisonous insects only hurt those around them!"

"He deserves to die alone!"

"Let go of that beautiful boss and let me do it!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't have kids, I can do it with Dink!"

As soon as Chuck's words came out, he once again aroused condemnation from many Justice League cosplayers.

no way!

Birds of a feather flock together, and they are all just like little Leonard and little Howard.

And think about what little Leonard and the others would do if they had a beautiful and ambiguous partner. How could they possibly poke at the pain points of their beautiful and ambiguous partner?

Of course, no matter what the beautiful woman is ambiguous with, she will choose to forgive her... at least forgive her before and during the incident!

Afterwards, when you become more stubborn, it's not too late to refuse politely.

That’s right!

That's what future Leonard did.

After falling in love with his girlfriend Penny, Howard cited his agreement to introduce partners to his friends. As smart as he was, he only brought up this topic with his girlfriend Penny afterward, and made it clear that he would not discuss this possibility beforehand or during the incident. It was the topic of the last conversation with my girlfriend Penny.

There was still marriage in the future, and his wife Penny suddenly said that she wanted DINK and never wanted to have children. Leonard was very angry at first, but as he was used to being a dog licker, he still did not force himself with his wife Penny, but chose Submitting to your wife means that as long as your wife is there, it doesn't matter whether you have children or not.

Of course he agreed, but after being reminded by Leonard, his wife Penny's father immediately called and yelled at his daughter who was not prepared to give birth to a grandson.

This is the style of a qualified dog licker!

Dr. House, who has not even gotten involved with the ambiguously beautiful director and boss, but just pokes at the most vulnerable and unmentionable pain points of the other party just for the sake of lust, is simply heresy in the eyes of little Leonard and these natural lickers!


Dr. House couldn't bear it anymore, stood up and shouted to everyone: "Everyone, get out!"

"He's anxious, he's anxious."

Chuck's voice continued: "It means everyone is doing the right thing, don't worry about him, he never cares about other people's feelings anyway!"

"Chuck, get out!"

Dr. House saw that everyone, under Chuck's encouragement, had regained their momentum after being frightened by his roar and lifting the crutch. He immediately looked around anxiously for any trace of Chuck, but found nothing. His hands were empty, and the cane he was holding as a weapon disappeared.

"What do you in the Justice League say to this kind of person?"

"Extremely shameless!"

Under the leadership of Green Lantern Howard Jr., everyone learned Howard's poor Eastern Mandarin and spoke it in various weird accents.

That’s right!

Young Howard already knows some broken Eastern Mandarin.

"another one!"

Chuck's voice continued.

"Incompetent rage!"


Seeing that Chuck and everyone had lost control of Dr. House, his good friend Dr. Wilson felt a little distressed and wanted to dissuade him.

But Chuck ignored him at all and continued to use the righteous perspective of a Justice League cosplayer to criticize Dr. House over and over again, who was selfish and could only incompetently rage and hurt his own people.

Dr. House is not Zhou Xingxing, a ninth-grade sesame official. Naturally, he cannot be surrounded by a group of people and criticize him, and he can still attack all the people surrounding him with one mouth.

So even if he wanted to retaliate, his voice would be completely drowned in the wave of revolt.

Of course, this was also related to the fact that little Leonard and little Howard used their own tragic experiences to confront him, and he was secretly convinced and ashamed.

Otherwise, even if the group of "idiots and lechers" around him continue to spit out sweet things, he may be irritated, but it will definitely not be too uncomfortable.

But now Chuck has used Little Leonard's extremely miserable but not dark and depraved experience to break his inner defense. Now he can't stand being surrounded by this group of people who are constantly criticizing and quarreling.

no way!

Because before he didn't care what little Leonard and the others thought of him, but now he does.

As we all know, who cares who loses!

He cares that he is really worse than a group of 'idiots and lecherous' children, but Chuck doesn't care about anything.

So when Chuck directed a group of kids cosplaying the Justice League to accuse the group over and over again, until the group was dry and had no motivation to talk anymore, Dr. House finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The mental pain that could be described by thousands of people was no worse than the pain of thighs and drug addiction, but it was not much worse, because the physical pain in his mind seemed to be offset a lot by these mental pains, and it was no longer all in his mind.

But this feeling, which he didn't want to try at all, lasted for so long.

"What? Just drive the Batmobile?"

"This is real?"

"Just continue to play our justice league's righteous accusations?"

"You're a big poisonous insect, you're so disgusting! You still have the nerve to brag that your free will cannot be taken away? You can't even handle your drug addiction, you have such a shitty free will!"

"That's right! I can't even handle a mere drug addiction. Who of our heroes in the Justice League have gone through trials that can be compared to a mere drug addiction? It's really rubbish!"

"You're still beating up your own subordinates? You bastard domestic violence man!"

"Still poking the target's deepest wound? Perverted and incompetent!"

"The stamp says everything..."


Dr. House looked at the Justice League cosplayers who had already become thirsty and no longer wanted to criticize and criticize him after what Chuck said. As if they had been given a shot of blood, they once again savaged him with enthusiasm. The corner of his mouth twitched and he looked up to the sky and cursed: "Damn Chuck Wolf!!!"

My good friend Dr. Wilson looked at this scene and couldn't laugh or cry.

He had already begun to feel sorry for his good gay friend.

It’s just that Chuck put on the Bat suit, as if he really had Batman’s elusive ability. With so many people squeezed into the small apartment, there was less space left, but he tried hard to find Chuck so that he could My good friend begs for mercy.

But there was no trace of Chuck at all.

They could only watch helplessly as Chuck used various ways to reward Justice League cosplayers. After the group became dry, they violently stimulated and surrounded Dr. House over and over again.

Even later, even the Flash Sheldon, who was very disdainful of this, was moved and joined the group.

no way!

Chuck’s reward method is too delicious to refuse!

Even they knew it well, let alone experiencing boundless darkness and not becoming black and depraved, if they had been tempted by the rewards given by Chuck earlier, they might have degenerated long ago.

Dr. House was surrounded on the sofa, and his crutch was snatched away by Chuck. He couldn't move even if he wanted to, so he could only sit there and listen to everyone using different words to attack him in various ways. The whole process His face was so dark that when everyone finally left, he was still numb.

"House, are you okay?"

Only then did my good friend Dr. Wilson have the opportunity to step forward and show concern.

"Are you happy?"

Dr. House didn't want to speak at first, but when he caught a glimpse of Chuck's figure appearing in front of him, he suddenly felt angry and said, "Are you satisfied? Can you wake up laughing even in your dreams?"

"You think too much."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "I just came here at Wilson's request. You are not as important as you think."

“So it’s okay if I don’t go into addiction recovery?”

Dr. House raised his eyebrows.


Chuck nodded straightforwardly: "You can go to prison to be a bride, and when you come out in ten years, you can sing for ten years!"


Dr. House paused for a moment.

"House, stop making trouble."

Dr. Wilson, a good friend, advised: "For the group of people Chuck has found, you have to admit that their pain is far greater than the pain in your legs, but even so, none of them are addicted to drugs like you. So you’d better agree, it’s better to go to an addiction treatment center and get rid of your addiction than to go to jail for ten years, have your medical license revoked, and never be able to be a doctor again.”

"They haven't had the opportunity to be exposed to it yet."

Dr. House sneered angrily: "Otherwise, with their behavior, huh! If they can't even resist a junk Batmobile, how do you expect them to be addicted to drugs?"

"There is no hope that they will be able to resist their drug addiction."

Chuck said calmly: "Just keep them out of contact, and to do this, you quit addiction is the key!"


Dr. House's mouth twitched: "So you still insist that I led others to evil? Or that I am the drug representative of some pharmaceutical group?"

"do not you?"

Chuck looked at him expressionlessly: "Prove it to us!"

Dr. House stared at Chuck and looked at Chuck for a long time.

His good friend Dr. Wilson looked at the two people who didn't look away and smiled bitterly, but he also knew that there would always be one person who would flinch first.

Because this is human body instinct, it is impossible to stare at one place forever.

My eyes can't stand it.

Not surprisingly, it was Dr. House who looked away first.

"If you don't leave yet, your Zhenglian friends are still waiting for you to have a party."

After Dr. House failed to make eye contact, he already agreed in his heart that he would use drug rehabilitation as an alternative to jail time and the revocation of his medical license, but he still sneered unconvinced.

"Indeed, a victory in Zheng Lian requires a party to celebrate."

Chuck said and left the apartment.

In the apartment, only the good friends Dr. House and Dr. Wilson were left.

"House, have you decided?"

Dr. Wilson asked warmly.

"If I don't agree, are you going to find this bastard to come over and do it to me again?"

Dr. House complained angrily.

"I really don't know..."

Dr. Wilson smiled bitterly and said: "I just called to ask Chuck to come over and persuade you. Who would have thought that he would use this trick, but you have also seen that Chuck always has all kinds of weird tricks..."

As he said this, he caught a glimpse of Dr. House's eyes shining brightly, and he swallowed the words "You don't want to have to endure it again" that came to his lips, and changed to: "You don't want to go to jail and waste ten years in there, and then Seeing Chuck being so cool outside, you can’t even see him if you want, right?”

"I really can't do that, can I?"

Dr. House had long since given in. Seeing his good friend say this, he gained face and agreed with a mocking expression.

"Very good!"

Dr. Wilson said happily: "House, I believe that with your intelligence, as long as you successfully recover from addiction and have no weaknesses, you will have many opportunities to fight back in the future."

"I never doubted that!"

Dr. House had a smile on his face, glanced at his happy friend, but sneered in his heart.

Not only will he fight back against Chuck in the future, but this time he will quit his addiction, and he will still fight back to let Chuck and that damn policeman see what unshakable and twisted free will is!

A few days later.

New York.

Rehabilitation center.

Dr. House, accompanied by his good friend Dr. Wilson, walked in on crutches. The security check process was like entering a prison, which all reminded that this was a compulsory addiction rehabilitation center.

"I'm leaving. I will come over to see you every...month."

Dr. Wilson also wanted to send his gay friend to his residence, but was stopped by the guard. He could only watch the fence between Dr. House and him close. He wanted to come and visit every week, but he knew that he was not allowed. , can only be said to be every month.


Dr. House shrugged indifferently.

When Dr. Wilson left, he grinned at the tall and muscular attendant who had been by his side. He did not believe that anyone could resist Franklin's charm.

The tall and muscular escort had no expression on his face. He just pointed at the cameras everywhere and reminded the newcomers of various reminders, including not to cause trouble and not to pay bribes.

Dr. House's face changed as he listened to the reminder that seemed to have thought of and blocked all his thoughts in advance. He suddenly walked back on crutches and shouted to the back of his good friend who had already reached the end of the corridor: "I want to Change to a rehabilitation center! Wilson!!!”

Dr. Wilson paused, but did not look back. He walked a few steps with difficulty, and his figure completely disappeared in front of Dr. House who had discovered the problem, leaving only Dr. House's unwilling roar.

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