American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 352 Dr. House meets the best mother

In a clean white single room.

Dr. House was lying on the single bed in the middle, staring at the ceiling with his eyes open, unable to sleep.

The scene where he had just been admitted to the hospital and found out something was wrong, and shouted for help to his good friend Dr. Wilson but got no response, kept reappearing in front of his eyes.

And it turned out that his reaction was very fast and accurate.

This rehabilitation center was really not like any rehabilitation center he had imagined.

Originally, he was going to retreat in order to get through this difficulty quietly, and then laugh at Chuck and the others crazily, declaring that his free will could not be shaken.

But this rehabilitation center, like Azhen, seems to be serious.

Those reminders about admission were all about what he wanted, leaving him with no choice but to think about it.

After asking for help from his good friend to no avail, he immediately went into a rage and tried to escape with this behavior. However, he was immediately pushed down by the strong escort and sent to this single room.

That is to say, he has not seen Death Comes.

Otherwise, he would have immediately discovered that this single room was almost the same as the heroine Claire in the first part of Death Comes. She escaped the pursuit of Death in the first part and survived to the second part. In order to avoid the assassination of Death, she took the initiative to enter a mental hospital. A carefully built anti-killing room.

The room was entirely made of white flexible materials, ensuring that there was nothing sharp that could be used by the God of Death to kill her.

But he was Dr. House. Even if he had never seen Death Come, he was the first to notice the 'sinister intentions' of this room towards him.

Since the God of Death cannot use this room to murder cleverly, even if he wants to crash to death to pretend to be dead, or even if he wants to die for real, it will be difficult to do so.

This is the best cage to trap him!

"I will endure!"

Dr. House lay there for a long time, feeling that he had figured out the current situation clearly, and secretly decided to endure it for a while, and wait until he found an opportunity to turn the place upside down and let Chuck come in person to ask him out.

Thinking of that scene, a proud smile appeared on his lips.

In this monotonous and narrow space, he lay there, looking at the white ceiling, and his eyelids soon became heavy. He closed his eyes and thought for a while, and fell asleep unknowingly.

In the dream, he saw Chuck standing in front of him with a smile, admiring his unyielding free will, and repeatedly begging him to get out.

He woke up laughing.

But as soon as he woke up, the smile was gone. There was darkness without any light. He was shaking all over. It was a withdrawal reaction.


Extremely uncomfortable!

He curled up and wanted to scream, but when he thought that his current appearance might be broadcast live, he held back.

He's not trash like a poisonous insect.

In this torment, he didn't know how much time passed before he fainted from the pain.

When he woke up again, he was still awakened by the strong physical stimulation of the withdrawal reaction. This time, he couldn't help it anymore and started yelling.

But no one answered.

He beat everything he could with his hands, but the micro-elastic properties of the flexible materials in the room gave him nowhere to vent his anger.

The sky is not responding to the call, and the earth and the earth are not working.

All he had to do was encounter his own leg pain and withdrawal reactions.

He is a doctor, and if he were his patient, he would definitely do the same thing, but when it was his turn to be the patient, he just wanted to say this to the person who came up with such a straightforward treatment method: the brave wins in a narrow encounter. :Fake squid!

"Okay, stop howling."

Just when he was going crazy for the first time, a disgusted female voice suddenly came from next door: "Are you annoyed?"

"I'm not bothered, don't bother me!"

After being stunned for a moment, Dr. House's expression immediately brightened, and he mocked him with a calm and vicious tongue.

The person next door was left speechless by his unconventional approach.

"Let me tell you, he was locked up in a dark room as soon as he came in. He is really a bastard!"

"Dark room?"

Dr. House wished that the person next door could talk to him, not only to help him get through this uncomfortable torment, but also to get some useful information so that he could escape from here.

He can only use his skills through contact with others.

Otherwise, if he was locked up alone in a room like this, he would have no other choice but to be obedient and fight the withdrawal reaction.

This was intolerable to him.

"Are you talking about the place where you live? This is a small white house! All I need is a cat and a dog. This is the White House~"

"Return to the White House? Then you are the commander-in-chief?"

The female voice next door sneered.

"That's not the case."

Dr. House said venomously: "I'm not that bad."

"Ha ha."

The female voice next door understood Dr. House's inner command, and couldn't help laughing knowingly: "How are you doing there? If you have an electric drill and can drill holes, I don't mind letting you, who is so interesting, have a good time. ~"

"Is your electric drill serious?"

Dr. House was also made to laugh dumbly by the bold and vicious tongue of the woman next door.

"Of course it's not serious!"

The woman next door smiled boldly and said: "Have you never seen this kind of plot in those FBI warning movies? You don't need to be powerful with your electric drill, you just need to drill a small hole."


Dr. House's mouth twitched and he was speechless.

Although it is said that men have nothing to do with women when they are sexy, Dr. House is not that sexy yet.

Even he couldn't bear it when faced with an adult woman like the woman next door whose boldness made people blush.

However, this also made him more interested in the woman next door, which greatly alleviated his withdrawal reactions and physical pain.

The two of them just said everything they could with their venomous words.

Dr. House also naturally knew that the woman next door was named Bonnie.

Not surprisingly, the two got along very well.


They are all venomous!

"So, how did you get in?"

Dr. House joked: "You met a big bastard and got tricked into it, right?"

"It really is!"

Bonnie next door got angry when she mentioned this: "It's all that bastard's fault! Didn't I just steal some goods? As for being so angry, I forgot about Christine..."


After hearing what Bonnie next door said, Dr. House paused again.

He immediately thought that this Bonnie was probably sent in by Chuck and locked up next door to him so that he could 'look in the mirror'.

Because according to this Bonnie, she is definitely the most selfish kind of poisonous insect who feels good about herself but doesn't know that she is hurting the people around her all the time!

This Bonnie is a single mother, living at the bottom of society. She is the white trash that Penny's mother fears most about being labeled 'white trash'.

Drinking, being addicted to sex, drug addicts, selling drugs...she is willing to do almost all bad things, and she dares to do them.

This time, when she was selling calves, the other party discovered that she had stolen the goods and when they were about to kill her, they were as clever as she was and ran away immediately.

But she intentionally or unintentionally forgot that she was still carrying her daughter Christine in the cradle.

She ran away, but her daughter in the cradle fell into the hands of the criminals.

Fortunately, this calf trafficking operation was under surveillance. The criminals, who were stunned by Bonnie's shameless behavior, were taken away by the police before they had time to discuss what to do with little Christine in the cradle.

Little Christine was rescued from the cradle like a comic character.

Later, the police also contacted Bonnie who was running away and arrested her. The prosecutor charged her with neglecting her daughter.

Bonnie is a good actress. She cried a lot in court and talked about the difficulties of being a single mother. She really fooled many jurors.

In the end, instead of being sent to prison, he was sentenced to enter a rehabilitation center and undergo forced detoxification for three months.

After three months, when she is out, it will be decided based on the situation whether she is eligible to continue raising her daughter Christine.

She has been here for almost a month now.

When normal people hear this story, they will definitely feel ashamed that they have left their daughter to the criminals who wanted to kill her, but Bonnie, the rotten and poisonous insect, has no such consciousness at all, and puts all the blame on the criminals, feeling that They make a fuss out of a molehill.

If they hadn't been so clutching at the lost item and yelling at her to kill her, she wouldn't have been so frightened that she wouldn't have run away without caring about her precious daughter Christine.

He won't be accused of neglecting his daughter.

You know, this is a federal felony!

If it weren't for her superb acting skills, she would have been in jail this time.

Then her daughter Christine has completely lost her mother.

Only mothers are good in the world, and children without mothers are like grass.

She didn't want her daughter to be like her, growing up in an orphanage and then being rejected by various adoptive families.


She didn't want to do this unless she had to.

"Why don't you speak?"

Bonnie told and complained about her experience. For a long time, she couldn't hear Dr. House's voice next door. She mocked dissatisfiedly: "Are you like those people who want to judge me and despise me?"

"I can not?"

Dr. House joked.

"Although I don't know your story, I know you are not a good person in the eyes of the world since you were locked up in a dark room as soon as you arrived."

Bonnie next door complained: "In the eyes of the world, most of them are bad people who are worse than me. No matter what I do, I am still a good mother!"

"Etc., etc!"

When Dr. House heard this, he couldn't help it anymore and complained: "Are you a good mother? Where did you come to this conclusion? Quickly touch your head to see if you have a fever."

"I don't have a fever, and I'm not talking crazy!"

Bonnie next door said dissatisfied: "Without evidence, will I talk nonsense?"

"So what did you do to make you think you'd be a good mother?"

Dr. House said amusedly.

"Of course!"

Bonnie next door said proudly: "Kristen is my daughter. She has inherited my excellent genes, so she is very cute. Someone once wanted to spend 25,000 US dollars to adopt her, but I rejected her."

Because $25,000 may allow me to take a lot of drugs and drink a lot of alcohol, but I will never sell my daughter for money. Besides me, which drug addict can do this? Don’t I deserve the title of a good mother? "

"Don't ever tell your daughter Kristen this story again!"

Dr. House said venomously: "Otherwise, when she grows up and becomes sensible, she will know that there was once a relatively good family who was willing to spend so much money to adopt her, but you refused, she will definitely hate you very much."


Bonnie next door paused for a moment and muttered: "Kristen wouldn't say that..."

"you sure?"

Dr. House smiled and said, "Because you didn't sell her for $25,000? Don't be ridiculous. The reason why you didn't sell her in the end was because the family was only willing to pay $25,000, and probably some more." , you sell it.

You don’t even need to add much, even if you add 5,000 US dollars, you can make up 30,000 US dollars…”


Bonnie next door was a little annoyed.

"She's anxious, she's anxious."

Dr. House suddenly remembered what Chuck said in his apartment before, and subconsciously quoted it. He mocked with a vicious tongue: "It seems that you are really planning to sell your own daughter for 30,000 US dollars. In the future, your daughter Chris If Ting knew, he would definitely praise you as a good mother!"

"Shut up!"

The little bit of shame that Bonnie next door still had was finally exploded by Dr. House's sharp and precise poke at the pain point. She yelled at Dr. House, and then, without waiting for House, The doctor retorted and started crying.

"Am I really not a qualified mother?"

Dr. House didn't say anything, he just walked to the wall and punched the wall with his fist.

Bonnie's cry next door stopped, and she understood the pronouns of "yes" and "no" twice.

"What about you? Tell me what horrible things you have done! I want to see if you are cleaner than me and how much better than me?"


When Dr. House heard this, he put his head against the wall, his eyes were dazed, and he couldn't say anything.

In the past, he had dismissed Chuck by saying that he was a poisonous insect and a rotten person.

First of all, he doesn’t admit that he is a poisonous insect at all!

Secondly, he doesn’t admit that he is a bad person at all!

But now, listening to the Bonnie next door who was so compatible with him telling her story, and watching it from the perspective of a bystander, he had to admit that this Bonnie was really a top mother.

This is not the best, but the worst!

But the other party still thinks that she is a really good mother.

This touched him very strongly, making him unable to stop looking at the past, himself in the eyes of others, and most importantly, his true self.

Is it possible that what Chuck and the others said, "You are a poisonous and rotten person who can only be incompetent and furious and hurt the people around you who care about you" was not a subjective misjudgment of him, but an objective judgment?



Absolutely impossible!

Dr. House banged his head against the wall, over and over again, trying to drive away the thought, but it was no use.

As soon as this idea came up, it seemed to take root immediately, imprinted in his mind, making him unable to forget it.

"Are you hitting a wall?"

Bonnie next door was crying. When she heard Dr. House hitting the wall here, she stopped crying and wiped her tears and said with a smile: "Do you know music? You can play some music and let me listen to it! No. An electric drill can also be used, what I need most now is to forget those bad things!"

Dr. House:"……"

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