American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 373 The imaginative Home Alone


Claire didn't have time to care about the ambiguity between her father, who was in his sixties, and his sister-in-law, who was thirty years younger. At this moment, she was even eager for it, and she agreed wholeheartedly.

The captain dialed Chuck's number first in the cab.

"Chuck, I'm Claire Fair!"

As soon as the connection was connected, Claire said excitedly: "I have something to ask you for help. Luke is in danger...I swear I didn't mean it..."

As she spoke, she couldn't help but recall the incident on Halloween more than a month ago when she was criticized by Chuck for scaring adults so much that they had a heart attack. She quickly clarified it, but paused again.

Because in the final analysis, this crisis for her younger son Luke was caused by her.

It's just that compared to the intentionality of Halloween, now it's unintentional.

"I'll go check it out."

Chuck's calm voice came from the other end of the phone, which immediately made Claire feel very comforted. Then when she was thanking her profusely, Chuck's words made her fearful again.

"You're looking for Cameron, and there's a murder of Santa Claus? OMG!"

Claire exclaimed: "You don't suspect Cameron is the murderer, do you?"

"With his exaggerated demeanor, I'm not surprised at all that he would do such a thing for the sake of his position as the president of the Santa Claus Association."

The old father-in-law, Jie, was complaining in a low voice. He noticed that the stewardess next to him had a different expression, and quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, I was sarcastic. Even though he is gay, he doesn't have the guts to do such a thing!"

"It's probably not him. I just asked him to find out the situation."

Chuck said: "You asked him to call me when he got off the plane."

"We will buy a return ticket immediately when we arrive in Paris..."

Claire quickly said: "By the way, could you please help us book the nearest return ticket now? We need to rush back immediately."


Chuck agreed.

Claire heard a female voice saying "I'll call right now" and the sound of jingling bells, and immediately said emotionally: "You are celebrating Christmas Eve over there, the bells are ringing so nice, I really hope Luke can be like you. "

"I'm afraid he can't do it."

Chuck said bluntly.


Claire didn't react for a moment, but after all, she was a mother of three children, and she was also a first-class crazy girl before she got married. She quickly figured out the situation with Chuck, and her heart was shaken, and she asked her younger son Luke The worry has been alleviated a lot.

"Thank you so much!"

Claire was even more grateful to Chuck.

At this moment, Chuck is willing to answer the phone to help. He is indeed a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

After hanging up the phone, she took the phone number given to her sister-in-law Rosa by her father and dialed it. The other party coldly said only one word and hung up the phone.

"Now you can rest assured!"

Old father-in-law Jie smiled and said: "With the double insurance of Chuck and Rosa, Luke will be fine. He may even be happier alone."

"How can it be."

Claire doesn't believe it.

"Believe me!"

Old father-in-law Jie said with a smile: "When I was Luke's age, I wished I could live alone. Without the control of my parents and no brothers and sisters to bully me, I could do whatever I wanted. This is the best Christmas gift! I believe Lu The same goes for Ke, maybe he is having fun at home right now..."

After saying this, his smile suddenly solidified, and he murmured with pain in his teeth: "My home..."

That’s right!

Grandson Luke is not staying in his own home now, but in his home.

And thinking about the destructive power of the naughty child is already very troublesome. Now that there is no adult to control it, and on a holiday like Christmas Eve, will he still have a home when he returns?

"damn it!"

Old father-in-law Jie couldn't help but spit out the fragrance.

"Please, Dad!"

Claire basically relaxed now. When she saw her old father acting like this, she immediately understood and comforted her with a smile: "Luke is very good and won't make your house too messy. He is still young, not Hailey!"

If the girl who was left behind this time was Hailey, a girl who was already a high school student, she wouldn't worry about safety or anything like that, but she would definitely worry that the house would be turned into a dump by Hailey and the naughty kids that Haili dragged over to have a party.

"It's precisely because Luke isn't Haley that I'm more worried."

Old father-in-law Jie reminded with a sad face: "Luke is a boy and likes to play with electric lights. There are so many lights arranged inside and outside the house for Christmas. In order to prevent theft, they are also designed to turn on automatically at a time..."


After hearing what her father said, Claire, who was not nervous at first, became nervous again.

Because her youngest son, Luke, inherited her husband's food-addicted personality, and was thrown by the couple several times, making him look rather stupid and cute. He was born with talent and hard work. God knows, what kind of Luke will he be in a world full of people? What can be done in a home with electric lights?

Burning down your house is a trivial matter, but don't get electrocuted and then be trapped in a burned house again.

That would be terrible.

This is not her imagination.

Her husband, Phil, likes magic and inventions. For this reason, he has put himself in dangerous situations more than once. She does not know that she and her husband are comic characters and cannot be treated with common sense, so she is happy and puzzled more than once, seeking death like that. How did he survive every danger safely?

New Jersey.

Peaceful Town.

The Pritchett family mansion.


Ten-year-old Luke Dunphy woke up in a daze and came down from the attic room on the third floor. He didn't hear or see anyone, so he rubbed his eyes and walked down.

"Dad? Mom? Grandpa? Manny?"

Everyone shouted, but no one responded, which made him feel something was wrong. Thinking of something, he looked around vigilantly and shouted loudly: "Manny, I saw you! Don't try to prank me! Today is not the day." April Fool’s Day is not Halloween, it’s Christmas Eve! I’m not a fool!”

That’s right!

His first reaction was that his cheap uncle and his friend Manny were preparing to prank him.

no way.

Who knows that Manny is a Colombian? In Colombia, people like to prank people during Christmas, and when they succeed, they will laugh at the people they pranked as idiots!

He doesn't want to be a fool!

It's a pity that after battling with the air for a long time, Manny didn't jump out.

He also carefully searched the entire grandpa's house and saw many things he shouldn't have seen, but no one showed up to stop him.

"Oh, no! Again!"

Only then did he realize from his confusion and vigilance that the inexplicable familiarity of this state was clearly an unpleasant experience he had had more than once or twice since childhood, being left behind!

After he figured it out, he shrugged, lay down on the sofa, rested his arms on his head and stared at the ceiling in a daze, waiting for his parents to come back and yell at him when they found out.

But he waited and waited until he was hungry, but no one came back.

He was so cute, but then he belatedly realized that this would be different from the past. The whole family should have taken him with them and flew to Paris for vacation together.

Even if they react, the parents on the plane will not be able to come back immediately.

"If this is a magic trick, it's definitely a magic trick that will make my dad exclaim all his life."

Little Luke was worried and grumbling.

However, he was soon taken over by the happiness of being alone. He was eating and jumping with French fries, watching some 18+ DVDs collected by his grandfather, playing around, and was so happy.

In the blink of an eye, it was already dark.

Outside on the street.

A small truck parked not far away.

In the car, two men, one tall and one short, were peering into the community.

"On this street alone, there are five families going on vacation."

The short, smart-looking man smiled happily: "They all told me personally, hehehehe."

The tall, silly-looking man immediately started laughing along with him.

"have a look!"

The smart short man reminded with a smile: "These unoccupied houses are all equipped with automatic light timers, but I cosplayed as a police officer and got all the information. Light No. 664 is on now!"

While he was talking, all the lights in a house came on.

"God! So beautiful!"

The stupid tall man exclaimed in amazement: "Why are they turning on the lights when no one is here? How much will it cost?"

"They don't care about money!"

The smart short man sarcastically said: "All Americans have is money."

"It has our money in it!"

The stupid tall man shouted: "You said that the Yankees robbed money in our hometown. It turned out that after they robbed it, they spent it like this. This is too wasteful! The light and electricity bill for a house on Christmas Eve is enough. Our family has been using it for a year, and we are reluctant to light it when doing errands at night, but they are good and just light it!"

"So we came here just to take what is rightfully ours!"

The smart short man's eyes fell on Jay Pritchett's mansion: "This is our goal tonight. There are many high-end goods in the house! Especially fine jewelry. The owner of this house is an old white man. She is so old and married to a beautiful wife with a hot figure. In order to win over her, she spent a lot of money buying valuable jewelry to please her, and with her figure, she also spends more money than ordinary women~"


The tall and silly person immediately laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth: "Jewelry is meant to be worn for others to see. Her jewelry necklace must be very big to be exposed~"

"It seems you understand!"

The smart short man smiled and said: "Take your crowbar! We are going to visit you!"

"Yes! You said they invited us here."

The silly tall man picked up the crowbar beside him and said with a smile.

"They were the ones who invited us over."

The smart short man also picked up a crowbar and smiled with squinted eyes: "At first, they said that the United States would always welcome us, but we tried so hard to come over, were blocked at the Texas border, and suffered so much. Those red-necked Texas people with big guns didn’t look like they were welcoming us at all. Free New York is too far away from red-necked Texas, and we endured a lot of hardships to get to the edge of New York.”

Speaking of this, he couldn't help complaining: "If you ask me, those red necks are stupid. Since we hate each other, why don't we just send a car to the place where we are welcomed, so that we don't have to go through so much trouble." It spans thousands of kilometers.”

"Ah? Can this still happen?"

The stupid tall man couldn't understand how he could be like this.

In his simple thinking, for someone he doesn't like, ignoring him is a gift. How about paying for a car to send him away?

What kind of divine operation is this?


The smart short man's eyes showed wisdom: "This is the smartest way! How much money does it cost to send us away? It would be a bottomless pit to resettle us! It's a pity that not many people can think of this, or dare to Do this."

After saying this, he shook his head: "I don't want to think about this anymore. Now we are not only responding to their warm invitation, but also reimbursing the travel expenses we paid for ourselves from Texas. Do you know what I like most about Americans?"

“help yourself at home!”

The stupid tall man naturally understands the famous sayings of thieves that are always repeated by his teammates.

"Right, that is it!"

The smart short man picked up another crowbar and bumped it with his brother's crowbar. Then they got out of the car and went to the backyard of Pritchett's house.

Luke, who let himself go, was a little sleepy and fell asleep while lying on the sofa. Suddenly he heard voices. He quickly looked around and saw two figures, one tall and one short, walking by the window. Their conversation was also transmitted to him. In his ears, he understood that this was a thief who was about to enter.

Luke shivered and ran directly upstairs. He got into the room of his cheap uncle and his friend Manny. After breathing for a while, he saw the air gun hung high on the wall by Manny. He immediately ran over and took it. He took off the air gun and operated it skillfully. Listening to the sound of the bolt being pulled, Luke's rapidly beating heart finally calmed down.

He had different courage when holding a gun. Thinking of the teachings of his cheap grandmother Gloria, he took the air gun and followed the movement to the back door. When he saw two thieves prying open the door, he immediately shouted: "There is someone at home." !I called the police!”

The banging on the door suddenly stopped.

The two thieves, one tall and one short, looked at each other and ran away immediately. They quickly returned to the car and were about to drive away. The smart short one suddenly stopped: "No! There must be no one in his family who is right! Listen to this voice." It seems like a child, was he left at home? And the phone line has been disconnected by us in advance..."

Speaking of this, he said confidently: "We were almost fooled. He was bluffing us! He is the only little kid in the family. What should we be afraid of? We can just leave immediately after finishing this job."


The silly tall man also laughed: "I'm the best at dealing with children!"

"No hesitation, the sooner the better!"

The smart short man immediately asked his companions to get out of the car, rushed over, came to the door, grabbed the tall man who was about to rush in, rang the doorbell, smiled and said loudly: "Police, is there anyone at home?"

"Will he drive it himself?"

The silly tall man whispered: "He's not that stupid, is he?"

"A child."

The smart short man disagreed.

"Children won't even believe it. They must have heard the story of the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, and they won't know how to open the door."

The silly tall man said seriously: "Let's just knock on the door."

"There's a dog hole over here, stick your head in and have a look."

The smart short man took a glance and found a dog hole under the door, and he ordered.

"You go and see it, it's more convenient for you."

The stupid tall man said.


The smart short man hesitated, but when faced with his companion's wise rebuttal, he was speechless and could only duck down and look inside through the dog hole.

However, as soon as his head got in, the cold muzzle of the gun was pressed between his eyebrows, and there was a gunshot. At the last moment, he thought wildly: "It's better to have a red neck. At least he warned me before shooting." Damn it, this little kid from the free world is so ignorant of martial ethics..."

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