American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 378 Chuck: Please take a seat! Dr. House: Thank you!

"It's really because of Dr. Edward Auster!"

Director Randy facepalmed.

Lisa, the big Texas girl, also looked disappointed.

Although I had been reminded by Chuck and was mentally prepared, it still felt a bit unpleasant to hear someone accuse my former idol so emotionally.

"you know?"

Nurse Laila was stunned for a moment, then roared: "Since you know this, why don't you investigate?!!!"

"I'm the chief of police here in New Jersey."

Director Randy couldn't help but remind him: "And Dr. Edward Oster is the chief surgeon at New York Medical Center. How can I investigate him?"

"You can tell your colleagues in New York what you know and let them investigate!"

Nurse Leila was unwilling to accept this explanation.

"You think the NYPD doesn't know?"

Chuck said to the point.


Nurse Laila lost her momentum and murmured: "Yes, it has been reported to the police more than once. How could they not know? They just don't dare to investigate."

When she said this, her expression became distorted with anger: "There are also those prosecutors. It is impossible for them not to know the crimes committed by Edward Auster, but they, who are called defenders of the law, chose not to prosecute one by one. It is really the greatest irony. .”

"Because the true defenders of the law are either dead or are being hunted and hiding."

Chuck said calmly.

His former physics classmate at Princeton University, Cheryl, whose father was a famous prosecutor in New York, was upright.

But as a result, he could only hide in a remote area with his twin daughters, protected by the bailiffs and FBI all day long, for decades.

His two daughters were even targeted by the FBI's Qingqing Kuang. Without Chuck to intervene, they almost ended up being made dumplings and treated as stars.

U.S. prosecutors are also lawyers. How many of them can be so upright?

Being able to flexibly control the bottom line, and try to be more sympathetic to ordinary people on the premise of protecting yourself, you are already the absolute protagonist of American workplace legal dramas.

Without enough evidence, no prosecutor would dare to prosecute such a heavyweight medical expert.

Even if a newbie wants to become famous through this, his superiors will immediately veto it and there won't even be a chance to sue.

"As long as you agree to investigate him, I will tell you everything I have done."

Nurse Laila said seriously.

"I don't accept coercion."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "Now that I have investigated you, I will know what you have done even if you don't tell me."

"But it will waste your time!"

Nurse Laila reminded: "And as long as you are willing to promise me, I can directly plead guilty!"

"You are mocking those prosecutors who only know plea bargaining."

Chuck looked at her: "You are actually very talented as a lawyer."


Nurse Leila was speechless at this irony.

"It looks like Dr. Edward Auster really isn't coming."

Chuck raised his hand to look at the time and reminded: "Randy, take her back."


Director Randy took out the handcuffs and handcuffed the nurse Lila. Under the gaze of the dark-faced Jack Wilder, he did not cover the handcuffs and took her away in front of the guests, which caused a lot of discussion.

Obviously, the business of this thunderous high-end alcohol treatment center will face major challenges.

in the car.

Nurse Laila was handcuffed behind her, looking out the window, thinking silently.

"Boss, why didn't Dr. Oster come?"

Lisa, the big girl from Texas, glanced at the silent nurse Lila next to her, and couldn't help but initiate the topic: "Did he get the news in advance?"


Chuck nodded: "Jack Wilder doesn't want to expose important customers, nor does he want important customers to know that they are suspected of Benjamin's murder. It's not surprising to give advance notice and secretly cancel the appointment."

"Jack Wilder canceled it?!"

Nurse Laila suddenly stopped being silent and looked over unable to accept it.


Chuck glanced at her in the rearview mirror: "Or, more accurately, your murder of Benjamin caused all of this."

Nurse Laila's expression became more and more painful.

"Why did you kill Benjamin?"

Texas girl Lisa asked warmly: "If what you said is true, Dr. Edward Oster has committed many crimes, involving your relatives and friends, and you want revenge, I can understand, but Benjamin is just a professional Christmas The old man has nothing to do with this matter!"

"Of course it's relevant!"

Nurse Leila shouted, "He needs help, just like that bastard!"


Lisa, a big Texas girl, was speechless: "What kind of help is this?"

“Simple help.”

The smile on nurse Laila's face was a little bit catchy.

"Are you the Angel of Death?"

Director Randy has figured it out.

"I quite like this name."

Nurse Leila smiled.

"Actually, he's a serial killer."

Chuck corrected.


Director Randy said with deep conviction: "It's all those sensational media reporters who have ruined the atmosphere. Not only did they not condemn these people, they also gave them such misunderstanding names, causing more imitators."

The Angel of Death in the American TV series originally referred to the behavior of some medical staff who saw patients who were unable to treat and were in great pain and violated the regulations to help the patients euthanasia at the patient's request.

Angel itself is a good name for medical staff.

This kind of thing violates the law and hospital regulations, but it is still within the scope of ethical acceptance.

For example, Dr. House has done this kind of thing more than once.

But this kind of behavior itself is in a gray area, and there is a reason why it is prohibited by law. Especially in the world of American TV series, there should not be too many perversions.

As a result, some psychopathic medical staff have developed from passively being requested by patients to actively seeking out patients who, according to their definition, need to be relieved of their suffering.

They don't want the patients to feel it, they just want them to feel it!

But in fact, although many patients are suffering from pain, they still fight against the disease in a positive and optimistic way for their own instinctive desire to survive or for the sake of their relatives and friends.

But when you encounter these serial killers who are dubbed the Angel of Death, you can only be voluntarily and permanently freed from pain. It is better not to be conscious before death. If you are conscious, you can only watch the nurse Laila with such a smile on her face. He talked about being perverted and ending their lives for their own good. The fear was nothing like seeing an angel.

Because the name is very confusing, some normal people who originally performed these behaviors out of mercy, and the gray behaviors that should be associated with angels, went further and further, and finally some serial perverted murderers appeared.

After many cases were exposed, the name Angel of Death came out due to the hype of media reporters. Then, driven by countless perversions in American TV series, the Angel of Death completely had nothing to do with angels and became a devil.

However, if we really look at the essence of God and the devil being one, this description would be appropriate.

"I am different from those people. I only help those who are suffering to find relief, permanently."

Nurse Leila retorted.

"Every serial killer says he or she is different."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"What's the pain in Santa Claus Benjamin?"

Director Randy asked: "His friends and people who know him say that he is very positive and optimistic and is not in pain at all!"

"That's what you thought."

Nurse Laila stopped pretending and expressed her opinion frankly: "But alcoholics are all suffering. Believe me, I know!"

Lisa, a big Texas girl, and Director Randy looked at each other and remembered the nurse Leila talking about her parents who both died of alcoholism and abandoned her when she was young.

"Boss, you are absolutely right."

Lisa, the big Texas girl, smiled bitterly.

"What did he say?"

Nurse Leila is sensitive to this.

"My boss said that every serial killer has an unfortunate childhood that can be used to clear his name."

Lisa, the big Texas girl, looked at the nurse Lila sitting next to her: "But this actually proves that your essence is the same as those people, and there is no difference."

"I'm helping them!"

Nurse Laila did not accept this statement: "I have been a nurse in the emergency room for ten years. I have seen too many patients suffer but are unable to free themselves. I can see Benjamin's inner struggle and pain..."

"So you inject Benjamin with more alcohol, put him in a Santa Claus uniform, walk out onto the balcony, and fake an accidental fall to his death."

Chuck said calmly: "And then let many people see such Santa Claus to help others get rid of Santa Claus superstition?"

Nurse Laila was speechless.

"Do you know how many children were frightened by that scene?"

Texas girl Lisa demanded.

"And adults!"

Director Randy, who is naturally stupid, is even angrier than Lisa, the big Texas girl.

Because it was that night that the beautiful fantasy he had had about Santa Claus since he was a child was shattered. Although his relationship with his wife was better, thinking about it now, he always felt that he had lost more.

"I'm just helping him..."

Nurse Leila always explains it this way.

"It's more about helping you get rid of suspicion."

Chuck said bluntly.

"It's a pity that I met Detective Chuck!"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, smiled and saw Chief Randy opening his mouth, so she added with a smile: "Of course Chief Randy, who has a keen sense, would be an ordinary police officer. If he encounters this kind of thing, it's Christmas again." , he must have died as a result of a drunken accident. This was also your plan, wasn’t it?”


Nurse Lila looked at Chuck and Director Randy in the front seat with complicated eyes: "I really didn't expect you to see through this disguise. I was careful enough. Even the alcohol injection was from his belly button. Even if the autopsy couldn’t detect it, how did you discover the problem?”

"Because he is Detective Chuck!"

Texas girl Lisa interrupted Chief Randy who was trying to explain and summed it up in one sentence.

It's better not to explain this kind of thing too clearly.

Otherwise, the upgrading of professional skills has begun before entering prison. If Nurse Laila is released from prison in the future, it will definitely be more difficult to detect if she commits another crime.

"All right."

Nurse Laila also accepted this simple but extremely convincing statement. She was silent for a moment and murmured unwillingly: "But why do you have to come so quickly? It's only more than an hour away. If I had been asked to finish it, I should have done it long ago." It would be great if you could come again to do what you have done.”

"You mean to wait until Dr. Edward Auster comes over?"

Texas big girl Lisa tried.


Nurse Lila nodded and glanced at Chuck: "He is right. The reason why I chose to leave the emergency room where I have worked for ten years and choose an alcohol treatment center with lower income is not because the work here is easier and freer. Actually, it’s because of that bastard Edward Auster!”

"Tell me about it."

Texas girl Lisa encouraged: “If what you say is true, we will help you.”


Nurse Lila turned her head and looked into the beautiful blue eyes of the Texas girl Lisa for a few seconds. She chose to believe it and nodded: "Angela Sturwick, an 11-year-old girl, was hospitalized because of stomach pain. When he was sent to the emergency room, it was supposed to be a simple surgery to stop internal bleeding.

But Edward Auster, that bastard, came over smelling of alcohol, took over the operation from the resident doctor, and when he came out, he told the little girl's parents that the bleeding couldn't be stopped, and he tried his best.

Damn it!

As long as he doesn't take over drunkenly, any moderately qualified surgical resident can easily handle it.

There have been similar examples before.

And I believe there will be the same after this!

In the eyes of outsiders, Edward Oster is an authority in cardiology and the chief surgeon of a well-known large hospital such as New York Medical Center.

But to those of us who see him in person today, he's just an old bastard.

Do you know what the residents thought of him?

When he came to make rounds, the residents who had patients on their hands wanted to hide all their patients, for fear of being noticed by him, and then they would be honored to be selected as patients of the great Dr. Edward Auster. !

He was so drunk that he was unwilling to admit it. Even after committing a few crimes and seeing his family collapse, he felt a little regretful afterwards. He was just like those criminals who went to church to repent. They repented and then came back again.

He must have tried to quit drinking, but the place he chose was very private and not in New York at all. I only chose the Wilder Alcohol Rehabilitation Center after asking around.

First of all, the success rate here is the highest on the East Coast.

Secondly, it's not in New York, but right next door in New Jersey.

It's still a high-end alcohol treatment center that only rich people can come to.

If this bastard wants to "repent from drinking" again, there is a high probability that he will choose this place.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case.

You have no idea how happy I was when I saw this asshole's name on the appointment list.

I just regret that you guys came too quickly and didn’t give me the chance to help him get relief permanently. "

When the big Texas girl Lisa heard this, she subconsciously looked at Chuck who was driving. Her beautiful blue eyes were a little complicated.

It's easy to turn from a fan to a fan after an idol is disillusioned, especially after discovering that what the idol did is not human, this feeling becomes even stronger.

She had entered into the perspective of Nurse Leila, and for a while she complained about her boss's strong ability to solve crimes. She couldn't help but think that her boss would wait a little longer and wait until Nurse Leila helped get rid of this bastard before investigating. How wonderful it would be.

However, she quickly adjusted her mood and complained to herself: "Actually, it's useless to blame me. If you hold on a little longer and delay the boss for a longer time, wouldn't this time be enough..."

"Write down!"

Chuck glanced at her in the rearview mirror.

"Show it to Dr. House and Bonnie again?"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, twitched the corners of her mouth.


Chuck said matter-of-factly.

A poisonous drunkard and a rotten person, a master of authoritative medicine who has killed patients many times, and even Dr. House can get away with it if he doesn't read his driver's license.

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