American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 379 The God of War returns and finds his daughter...

"Do you think it was really Jack Wilder who informed Dr. Edward Auster?"

Chuck said suddenly.


Nurse Laila was stunned.

"Since you said you investigated him, it should be clear that people like him can be erratic, especially when it comes to admitting to alcoholism and trying to stop drinking."

Chuck reminded: "You can never expect him to be very active! You said that his abstinence from alcohol is like those criminals who go to church to repent.

But in fact, drug addicts, drunkards and rotten people like them are not even as good as those criminals who regularly go to church to repent and then continue to commit crimes.

Because they don't even bother to pretend to be repentant, let alone come over on time to quit drinking. Even if they come over, they will hardly admit that they are alcoholics. How can you expect him to be perfunctory. "

"you're right!"

Nurse Laila was stunned for a long time before she said with great regret: "This is my fault. If I had thought of this earlier, I should have taken the risk and taken action directly!

Unlike now, in order to hide himself, he made these fancy assassination plans, and completely lost the chance to help him get rid of him forever! "

"But you didn't."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "Even if you were given a chance again, you would only postpone the murder of Benjamin and arrange it after the murder of Dr. Edward Auster."


Nurse Leila was speechless.

The reason why she went to so much trouble was indeed to hide herself, and the infinite regret she feels now is because she was unable to murder Dr. Edward Auster after being caught.

If she was given another chance to do it again, she would still do it, but she would be more careful to ensure the success of the plan.

This situation is like the difference between anti-war and anti-defeat.

She helps people get rid of pain, but she is not in pain herself. Instead, she feels that her life is going well, so she is naturally the one who resists defeat.

"Now that I've confessed everything, can you help me, no, help those innocent patients investigate that bastard?"

Nurse Lila didn't want to think anymore and looked at Chuck.


Chuck shook his head.


Nurse Laila's eyes changed, and she taunted fiercely: "Is it possible that the famous Detective Chuck, like those useless police officers and prosecutors, are just bastards who wipe the butts of rich people?"

"The boss is not this kind of person!"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, scolded, and then looked at Chuck with some confusion: "Boss, if what Laila said is true, it's worth checking.

Even Dr. House, who has not committed any crime, is willing to take the initiative and spend a lot of money to force the patient to quit his addiction.

Now, even if Dr. Edward Auster is not who Lila said, the fact of alcoholism is basically certain. Why don't we investigate? "

"How to investigate?"

Chuck asked rhetorically.


Lisa, the big girl from Texas, was stunned for a moment: "Of course we will investigate according to the clues given by Laila..."

"Who is she?"

Chuck interrupted Lisa, the big Texas girl, with one sentence.

Lisa, the big Texas girl, suddenly fell silent.

She understood what Chuck meant.

An angel of death accuses a medical guru with a high social status and connections of a crime. In this case, no police detective or prosecutor will take the case.

"You don't care who I am! I'm just an anonymous person providing clues."

Nurse Laila didn't take this trick and sneered: "Don't have too many people like this. You can even just go and investigate without talking about me."

"There must be a case when investigating. Where does the case come from?"

Chuck asked.

"Angela Stiwick, Jason Deem, Amy Parker..."

Nurse Leila began to give names.

"Are these cases?"

Chuck interrupted directly: "Can you go to court?"


Nurse Leila was silent.

"Boss, why aren't these cases?"

Big Texas girl Lisa was puzzled.

"Lisa, these are no longer cases."

Director Randy sighed: "These cases were kept unknown in court, and it must be because Dr. Edward Oster reconciled with the families of the parties involved. Even if they are revealed now, it will be useless."

"You said that after Angela Stiwick was killed by Dr. Edward Auster, didn't her family become suspicious?"

Chuck said calmly: "When Dr. Edward Oster explained it to their family members after the operation, didn't they, as parents, smell the smell of alcohol on Dr. Edward Oster's body and mouth?

This Angela is only 11 years old, a little girl of true angelic age.

Her parents didn't care how she died. They ignored her sudden and unnatural death just for money, and reconciled with the attending doctor who obviously had problems. How could outsiders defend her after the incident?

Similar situations are the same.

The family members of the parties involved signed a settlement agreement and took the blood-stained money. Medical treatment is sometimes metaphysical. Treatment and explanation are all subjective. If you want to rely on this as a clue to investigate Edward Auster, it is purely thankless. . "

"I should have just taken action when I had the chance."

Nurse Leila murmured.

Chuck ignored her "anti-war defeat" again, drove her to the police station, and left the follow-up work to Director Randy.

"Boss, I know what you said is right."

When only the two of them were left driving home, Lisa, a big girl from Texas, couldn't help but said: "Those are objective difficulties. Any ordinary police officer or prosecutor will be daunted when they see it, but you are Detective Chuck, as long as you want to , it’s definitely possible, isn’t it?”


Chuck nodded.

"I knew it!"

Lisa, a big girl from Texas, was overjoyed, but when she caught a glimpse of Chuck's cold attitude, she smiled, thought of something, and tried with a wry smile: "But boss, you don't want to, right?"


Chuck raised his glasses and confirmed.

Again, it is completely thankless to endure the lack of support, opposition and countless resistance from the family members of the parties involved to investigate such a famous doctor.

If one of the family members of the parties chooses not to accept the settlement, Chuck will certainly take care of it now that it happens.

It's a pity that Anna has already helped Chuck quickly go through the information, followed the network cable to hack into the home cameras of the parties involved, and conducted a quick investigation.

The truth is that none of it was worth the thankless effort Chuck had to do.

Nurse Lila used the example of the 11-year-old girl Angela Stiwick who wanted to resonate with Chuck and the others. Her parents were fully aware of the truth of the matter and smelled the alcohol that Dr. Edward Auster had on her body and mouth at the time. gas.

But Angela's parents chose to reconcile. Angela's father said that he wanted to forget the pain quickly. Angela's mother cried and did not object. She took a large sum of money from the settlement and left New York directly. I bought a house in New Jersey and lived life as usual.

It perfectly proves that sentence: In the United States, which pays the most attention to human rights, dead people do not have any human rights, even for the parents of this dead person!

It's so cruel!

Whoever chooses to intervene forcefully in this situation shows a lot of philanthropy and integrity without a flexible bottom line.

Not to mention Chuck, who is relatively indifferent to autism, even if Chuck can live like a normal person after using the water of life to relieve the physical and psychological defects of autism in the future, he will never be able to do such a thing. .


Lisa, a big girl from Texas, sighed deeply. In her heart, she wanted to witness her boss become an angel in anger, Detective Chuck fight against the unscrupulous famous doctor, and seek justice for the patients who died innocently.

But she also understood that this kind of thing should not be initiated by her boss.

He is just a detective, not a person involved!

Even the family members of the parties involved do not want justice, and their boss is not that enthusiastic.


If you think about it carefully, if she were Chuck, she would probably only go so far as to contact the family members of the parties involved, and then be poured out of cold water to extinguish the fire of justice in her heart.

"Nurse Leila was right about what she said."

Chuck glanced at her.

"What words?"

Lisa, the big Texas girl, said casually in a bad mood.

"This isn't the first time, and it won't be the last."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "In this world, there are always people who value relationships more than those who pay high settlement fees!"


Lisa, the big Texas girl, was so excited that she sat upright, with the seat belt in front of her stretched out into a perfect curve.

"I believe there are people who value feelings more! Boss, you will help me when the time comes, right?"

"Is House a famous doctor who is poisonous, drunk, and rotten?"

Chuck didn't answer directly.


The big Texas girl Lisa immediately knew Chuck's answer and couldn't help laughing: "But I still hope you won't be as gentle as you were with Dr. House!"

"Edward Auster is not House!"

Chuck said bluntly: "He doesn't deserve it!"

Without an absolutely strong protagonist halo, a so-called famous doctor who cannot provide him with double yin and yang points is meaningless to him.

There was no need for him to accept this kind of person if he could afford it.

"It's a pity that we have to wait until something happens again..."

After Texas girl Lisa was excited for a while, she felt a little disappointed again.

Chuck didn't answer.

The duty of the police in American TV dramas is never to save people, but to arrest the murderer after the crime to maintain social stability.

Even the United Nations, whose headquarters is located in New York, seeks to maintain world stability rather than pursue fairness and justice.

Such is the way of the world.

There was silence in the car.

Back at the mountainside villa in Ping'an Town, Lisa, a big Texas girl, strongly requested to play her emotions. After completing the cleaning process, Jingle Bells abruptly played the tunes of General's Order and House of Flying Daggers.

New York.

Medical Center.

emergency room.

"Miss, I've been waiting for 40 minutes!"

A sturdy middle-aged white man came to the nurse's station again and reminded: "I just want to know where my daughter is?"

"I told you, I don't know. I won't know until I ask the department responsible for admission registration first!"

At the nurse's station, a classic chubby middle-aged African-American female nurse was busy answering the phone. She temporarily covered the phone, raised her eyes and gave a very formulaic explanation to the man.

"This is too much!"

The man said dissatisfied: "If this was a battlefield, your chaotic process system would definitely collapse!"

"This is not a battlefield! We are not you either, soldiers~"

The nurse scolded him directly and continued to answer the phone.

"Doctor, hurry, we need a doctor here!"

At this time, a cry came from the noisy emergency room, which attracted the soldier's attention. He walked over and was stopped there to prevent him from getting closer.

A doctor in a white coat came quickly and walked into the emergency bed separated by a curtain.

What he didn't see was that a young woman was lying on the hospital bed and twitching continuously. There was a nurse holding her down to prevent her from falling. A tall nurse quickly introduced the situation to the female emergency doctor who came in to help.

"Her face was blue and she had trouble breathing!"

"Bring me the breathing bag!"

The female emergency doctor glanced at the bald male doctor who had taken over, quickly checked and issued emergency instructions: "She has no heartbeat. It's an emergency! Help insert an intravenous catheter! Get a defibrillator!"

"You know there's something wrong!"

The tall nurse complained to the bald male doctor.

The bald male doctor lowered his head with some guilt. He caught a glimpse of someone looking over here and quickly pulled back the curtain that had been opened due to the nurse's entry and exit.

"Still no heartbeat! Inject intravenous epinephrine!"

The female emergency doctor gave cardiopulmonary resuscitation and instructions at the same time.

The soldier could no longer bear it and came over.

"Sir, you can't go there!"

A nurse tried to stop her but to no avail. The experienced nurse quickly reminded the nurse at the nursing station: "Call security!"

The soldier quickly walked over, pulled the curtain, his eyes immediately turned red, and he couldn't believe what was happening and murmured: "What happened?"

"Sir, you can't be here!"

The bald doctor quickly came over and pushed the soldier out.

"That's my daughter!"

The soldier stood there unable to be pushed.

At this time, the ECG monitor in the emergency equipment had made a harsh sound, reminding everyone that the patient had no heartbeat at all.

"Declared dead!"

The female emergency doctor gave up resuscitation and looked at the time and began to declare death.


The soldier rushed over, looked at his daughter who was lying on the hospital bed completely soundless, shook his head and shouted: "She just has a discomfort in her throat, she doesn't even have a fever, she just came here to prescribe some medicine, how could this happen!"

The tall nurse stood there, looking sympathetically at the soldier who could not accept all this, turned around and left, walked to a deserted place, reached into his pocket and took out a driver's license, which had the image of the soldier's daughter just now. .

"Susan Wardrickey, you don't deserve to die."

The tall nurse looked at the information on the driver's license, whispered to herself, then put the driver's license away, quickly walked into the nurses' lounge, sat there, and started working.

"It may be a bit shameless to do this, but I guarantee it is absolutely valuable!"

Under the desk lamp, she imitated the handwriting of the soldier's daughter, wrote the soldier's daughter's name on an organ transplant donation card, and then started calling the hospital's organ transplant center.

"Susan Wardricky, 19 years old, yes, organ transplant donor, of course we asked for the consent of the family, God, you guys, you only have four minutes, hang up the phone and get over here!"

After hanging up the phone, she took a deep breath, took her driver's license and organ transplant donation card and walked up to the soldier who couldn't accept it. She said warmly: "Sir, although it's not good to say this at this time, your daughter is an organ transplant donor." By……"


The soldier raised his head and looked at the tall nurse in disbelief with his red eyes. When he saw the card the tall nurse took out, he collapsed completely and shouted, "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible" and rushed over. The two security guards who tried to control his emotions were knocked down, and they looked around blankly, covering their heads with dizzy eyes as if they didn't know what was happening, and rushed out of the hospital with a roar.

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