"Jackie, what's going on?"

The organ transplant doctor who came urgently carrying the organ transplant incubator looked at the chaos and asked the tall nurse who was stunned there.

"I don't know either……"

Jackie, the tall nurse, gave an ugly smile.

As a senior nurse in the emergency room, she has always been very dissatisfied with the chain of contempt of medical staff because she has seen too many rookie interns who know nothing and irresponsible residents and attending doctors.

Doctors are better than nurses!

Even the rookie intern doctor who just came in is more senior than the senior nurse!

The nurse who often quarrels with her can't reply: "If you have the ability, go to medical school for four years and then come back to discuss with me how to treat me!"

She firmly believes that in hospitals, at least in the emergency room, doctors are responsible for diagnosis, and nurses are the key people responsible for treating patients.

Even for a senior nurse like her, she can completely reverse the medical contempt chain of doctors looking down on nurses, and the other way around is: the nurse is in charge!

That's what she's always done.

But the iron rule that nurses must listen to doctors' orders makes her sometimes powerless.

Even if she repeatedly reminded those inexperienced intern doctors and irresponsible residents and attending doctors, she still had to watch some patients who shouldn't die die in front of her eyes.

If there is a chance afterwards, and if it is not an important person or someone who is obviously in trouble, she will pretend that the other person is an organ transplant donor, so that the patient who should not have died but has died can finally contribute to the world.

She thinks this is a good thing!

After all, you should die anyway, and those organs that are still useful should not die meaninglessly. The heart, liver, spleen, lungs, kidneys, corneas, and even the entire skin are life-saving treasures for patients who are eagerly waiting for transplants.

The dead are gone, so are the living!

This kind of behavior is illegal, of course she knows it.

But she needs to take drugs to work and live, so she is not a rule-abiding person.

Nurses, especially emergency nurses on the front line of rescuing patients, feel that non-conformity is their advantage.

After similar actions again and again, she has become proficient and even simplified the process. In order to ensure that the deceased's organs can maximize the benefits, she can forge an organ transplant donation card and call the organ transplant center at the same time.

After she got it done, she took the forged organ transplant donation card to persuade the family members of the deceased who she said had "consented to the organ transplant."

The deceased signed an organ transplant donation agreement and held an organ transplant donation card before death. Although in theory after death, the available organs can be harvested by the organ transplant center and donated to corresponding patients waiting in line at the organ transplant center.

However, if you have family members, you still need to obtain their consent again.

After all, no one wants to be sued by their families for a single organ transplant donation, causing uproar, damaging their reputation, and facing investigation and possible penalties.

So although she sympathized very much with the unknown homeless people who were sent in without their families to accompany them, and they had no family members to contact or care about them after they died, but when it came to forging organ transplant donations, she had to admit that such poor people were the worst. 'Thoughtful' person.

Of course, based on her experience, even if the deceased was not a homeless person and the deceased had family members, she would still have enough skills to persuade him successfully.

First of all this is a noble thing to do.

Secondly, this is the wishes of the deceased during his lifetime.

Violation of both of these involves extremely high moral pressure, and few family members can withstand these moral pressures and insist on not agreeing to donation.

After all, this is modern New York, a place dismissed as a city of decadence by those pious rednecks in Texas.

Of course, when she did encounter family members who insisted on burying the dead with all their tails intact, she was not worried and simply gave up.

It’s not like there are two organ transplant donation cards that are invalidated by the family’s rejection and no one cares about them.

But today's situation was something she, the 'nurse in charge', had never encountered before. Without waiting for her persuasion, she lost her temper and knocked over the security guard and ran away screaming. What the hell was going on?

The medical staff's mysterious and dangerous intuition made her feel uneasy, and the pressure suddenly came to her feet.

Before the change, she would first let the people at the organ transplant center seize time to harvest various organs, and then go to persuade the family members of the deceased.

She has this confidence that nothing will go wrong.

But now she didn't feel good.

The family members of the deceased were so emotional, and this was obviously a case of misdiagnosis and treatment. If the family members called the police to investigate, an autopsy would be required.

She couldn't leave an empty shell to the police for autopsy.

The blame should not be placed on her, but it would all fall on her head.


The doctor who came from the organ transplant center called out in warning.

"damn it!"

Jackie, the nurse in charge of the emergency room at New York Medical Center, vomited something sweet, and then made up her mind: "The father of the deceased was very emotional. I will contact the other family members of the deceased. Don't worry, they should also get the news and will come here soon."


The doctor who came from the organ transplant center shook his head in pain and helplessness. He just raised his hand to look at the time and reminded: "Hurry up!"

The head nurse Jackie behaved like this. Of course he knew that he must be operating illegally, but as a doctor responsible for harvesting organs, he had patients who were eager to use them. Many things were seen through but not revealed. Professional ethics and personal ethics require extreme flexibility in order to more adaptable to this society.

"How could this happen? My Susan..."

Soon the mother of the deceased came with her youngest daughter. Looking at her dead eldest daughter, she burst into tears: "Where is Roy?!"

"Mr. Wardricki could not accept this reality and became emotional. After attacking two hospital security guards, he disappeared."

The head nurse Jackie advised: "Mrs. Wardricky, I'm sorry, but I have to tell you one thing. Your daughter Susan is a noble person and she is an organ transplant donor."


The mother of the deceased was still crying, but her younger daughter looked over in disbelief: "You said Susan is an organ transplant donor? You must be kidding!"

"Any questions?"

Jackie, the head nurse, felt a thump in her heart.

"Would someone like her be willing to donate her organs?"

The youngest daughter shook her head and said, "I don't believe it anyway, and I clearly remember that she just had an uncomfortable throat and muscle pain, so her father brought her over to prescribe some antibiotics.

In fact, there is no need to go to such trouble at all, just endure it and it will be over after a while. Who makes her want to act like a spoiled child? Her father, who has been absent from our lives since childhood, also wants to get close to her. If she feels uncomfortable at all, he sends her to the doctor like a child. "

"Miss Wardricky, many illnesses are more serious than they look."

Jackie, the head nurse, tried to explain.

"I know!"

The youngest daughter glanced at her: "But my dad is a special forces soldier and is also proficient in battlefield rescue. Believe me, he knows what a dying person looks like. They were still talking and laughing when they left. It must be dad who knew that Susan was okay. …”


The mother of the deceased was finally questioned by her youngest daughter, and she recovered from the infinite sadness and confusion. She shed tears and looked at the head nurse Jackie.

"Susan was fine when she left home. Roy knew how to take care of his daughter. Where is Roy? Lucy, call your father and ask him to come over and tell me how my Susan died. of?"

"It was probably a misdiagnosis by the doctors and nurses that killed Susan, that's why Dad was so excited."

The youngest daughter Lucy took out her cell phone and dialed her father's cell phone again while looking at the head nurse Jackie with suspicion.

"The hospital will issue a report on the specific cause of death."

The head nurse Jackie worked hard not to lose her composure: "If you have any questions, you can consult Susan's doctor. I just want to say that many emergencies are like this. We have seen many in the emergency room, and Susan is not the only one."

"I heard that once medical staff make a wrong diagnosis, they like to cover it up."

Younger daughter Lucy became increasingly suspicious: "It seems Susan was not the only one who was misdiagnosed."

Having said this, she put down the phone and said to her mother, who was still crying: "Mom, the phone can't be reached. Dad may be... we should call the police first."

"Call the police?"

The deceased’s mother did not react for a moment.

Although she had doubts about her daughter's death, she did not go so far as to call the police directly.

After all, everyone here is wearing white coats. In the eyes of ordinary people like her, they are still angels, not the angel of death.


The youngest daughter Lucy reminded: "Susan's death was so strange. The doctors and nurses here are eager to get us to agree to donate Susan's organs, but I know what Susan is like. There is no such thing as organ donation. So there is a big problem here, and now my father can’t be contacted, we can only call the police and let the police intervene!”

"All right."

The deceased's mother nodded without any opinion, accepted her younger daughter's suggestion, and called the police.

The head nurse, Jackie, smiled stiffly and tried to persuade her for a while, but with no results, she could only leave temporarily. When there was no one around, she leaned her back against the wall. She felt bad all over.

The feeling of being mysterious and mysterious is right.

This is trouble!

Irritated, she immediately reached out to touch her pocket, and then touched an empty space. She immediately became even more irritated and vomited: "Fake!"

Then she walked quickly to the pharmacy in the hospital.

A few minutes later.

In the cold storage of the pharmacy, the head nurse Jackie leaned against a cart full of medicines and was being driven out frantically by a bald man in a white coat.

"Oh, my back, my back!"

After going crazy for a while, the head nurse Jackie immediately complained that her back hurt.

The bald man in the white coat who was typing could only stop and help his lover, who was suffering from old problems, out to lie down on the bed in the lounge to recuperate.

"Are you feeling better? Do you want some painkillers?"

The bald man in the white coat was a pharmacist at the pharmacy, and he suggested wisely.

"No, I'm fine."

The head nurse Jackie refused at first, and then revealed the real purpose: "Otherwise, it would be better to use some vinegar."

Naturally, the bald man in the white coat would not refuse.

After getting the medicine, the head nurse Jackie immediately went to an unoccupied room. When she came out again, she exuded confidence and calmness, without any anxiety at all.

The police were about to come to investigate. Once things got serious and the things she had done were found out, she would be in big trouble. She completely forgot about it.

After the mother and younger sister of the deceased Susan called the police, the nearby patrol police arrived immediately, took notes for them, and then reported the situation to wait for the police detectives to come and deal with it.

After a while, a handsome but arrogant police detective walked in, quarreling with his beautiful female partner.

"Ma'am, I'm Detective Jake Peralta, and this is my partner, Detective Amy Santiago. I'm sorry you lost your daughter, but I still have to ask, are you sure what you're talking about about your daughter, Sue?" Shan was killed here?”

The handsome but arrogant police detective was none other than Detective Shenfan. Seeing the client so sad, he had to try hard to put away his cynical smile and confirm to the client.


The mother of the deceased glanced at her little daughter Lucy and nodded: "I want to sue the doctor who treated her at the time!"


Detective Amy Santiago looked sympathetic but puzzled: "I don't want to say it, but people die in the emergency room all the time. I believe doctors are trying their best to treat them, but tragedies and regrets will always happen!"

"My dad..."

The younger daughter Lucy, who had a clearer mind, took over the conversation and spoke out all the doubts that had come to mind before.

"Two detectives, while you are investigating the death of my sister who was treated by hospital doctors, could you please send someone to look for my father at the same time?"

"What happened to your dad?"

Detective Shenfan said in surprise.

"He discovered these problems and couldn't accept them. He went to the hospital to question them. The hospital would only send guards. My father is a retired special forces soldier. He went to the battlefield and felt a little uncomfortable after he came back..."

The youngest daughter Lucy said hesitantly.

"I see!"

Detective Amy Santiago immediately said knowingly: "My brother first served as a soldier and then came back as a policeman. Many of his comrades are like this. Don't worry, we will help you find your father!"


The youngest daughter Lucy breathed a sigh of relief.

If the other party asked, she really didn't know how to describe the state in which her father, the God of War, was often out of place after his return.

At the same time, she seriously suspected that her father's symptoms were aggravated because of the stimulation caused by her sister's death.

After questioning, Detective Amy Santiago pulled her partner, Detective Shenfan aside, and whispered: "This matter is a bit troublesome. We need to ask for instructions to handle it."

"What's the trouble?"

Detective Shenfan said disapprovingly: "Now it seems that the doctor committed manslaughter."

"This is an emergency doctor!"

Detective Amy Santiago reminded: "If everyone is like this, how will doctors still work in the future? Who will be willing to treat patients first aid?"

"You suspect that the doctor is right and that Mrs. Wardrick and the others are making false accusations?"

The troubled detective looked at his partner.

"It's not a false accusation. They just can't accept the fact that their loved one died suddenly. This is understandable."

Detective Amy Santiago shook her head.

"Detective San Diego, I know that you have always had a traditional outlook on life, and you must have a favorable impression of a traditional and respected profession like doctors."

Detective Shenfan frowned and said, "But let me remind you, doctors are human beings too, and they can make mistakes and even commit manslaughter!"

Ps: The nurse is in the American TV series Nurse Head, and the others are not regular supporting characters, so I am too lazy to post pictures to introduce them.

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