American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 381 Go and ask God to detect Chuck!

Seeing Detective Amy Santiago open her mouth to refute, he directly stretched out his finger to signal: "Hey! Let me tell you a true story first!

I had a partner before, and we went together to catch a drug addict who robbed a bank. Just as he was being handcuffed, his girlfriend rushed out from nowhere, knocked my partner down, and then started a struggle..."

After saying this, he couldn't help but show his trademark evil smile: "It's not as ambiguous as you think, it's really just a scuffle~"

"I didn't think so at all!"

Detective Amy Santiago rolled her eyes.

"In short, although my partner is very fat and looks very strong, that woman doesn't know whether it is for love or for her own sex. She was in a state of pain loss after being high, and she was so excited that she suppressed my partner. , hitting his head on the heater."

Detective Shenfan used the most cynical tone to tell a story that was not funny at its core but very dangerous: "If I hadn't taken action in time after controlling the poisonous insect, my partner's life's wisdom would have been wasted."

"Get to the point!"

Detective Amy Santiago glanced at the crying mother of the deceased over there and reminded her impatiently.

"I'm coming!"

The frustrated police detective shrugged and said, "My partner's head was hit on the heater. The drugged girlfriend was so strong that my partner had a splitting headache at that time.

Although I reminded him to see a doctor, because he was beaten by a woman, he pretended that he was fine.

I can't say much.

After a week, he couldn't even speak clearly.

Only then did I realize that the problem was serious.

I quickly accompanied him to the doctor.

We found a brain doctor, who is said to be the top brain surgeon in Manhattan. He looked at my partner, then asked my partner to be hospitalized, and then did CT and other examinations.

My partner was literally speechless at that point, you know, so frightened that he got even sicker.

I quickly agreed on behalf of my partner.

The next day, this Dr. Manhattan... Do you know Dr. Manhattan in DC comics? Big blue bird? omniscient? Also a doctor? "

“Let’s get to the point!!!”

Detective Amy Santiago said frantically.

"ok, ok!"

Detective Shenfan raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "Anyway, this top-notch brain doctor came in and told my partner that there was a tumor in your cerebellum and it couldn't be operated on.

He spoke in a light tone, as if he was telling us that we would have good luck and have chicken dinner in the evening.


Think of Chuck, just that look and tone. "

"Then what?"

When talking about Chuck, Detective Amy Santiago instantly had a picture in her mind. This time she was not irritated, but asked curiously.

"What else can we do?"

Detective Shenfan complained: "Of course he left and found another doctor! He is not God, not Dr. Manhattan, and certainly not Chuck!"


After a moment of silence, Detective Amy Santiago nodded in approval.

When she thought about it, if this 'Dr. Manhattan' was really like Chuck, it would always be convincing no matter how calm the tone was or the contrast with the results.

But obviously not everyone's calmness is like Chuck's calmness of confidence and certainty, but the calmness of indifference.

"Then we went to another top brain surgeon in Manhattan... That's right!"

Detective Shenfan complained: "Another Dr. Manhattan! Manhattan is not a big place, but you can't even imagine how many so-called top brain surgeons there are!

But this is similar to Dr. Manhattan, who can have countless clones.

But Dr. Manhattan has countless clones, doing completely different things or postures~

But these so-called top brain surgeons do exactly the same thing.

He asked my partner to do a CT scan again. The reason was that he could not trust CT scans done by others, only himself!

It sounds like the CT scan is not done by a machine, but scanned by them with their eyes!

It's all money!

My partner and I worked hard to catch a drug addict who was robbing us, and were attacked by his girlfriend. Calculated, the little money we earned was not enough to do the same CT scan again!

What a hell!

After he came in, he told my partner that there was no tumor in your cerebellum, but a subdural hematoma.

A month later, my partner was fine. "

"So the first 'Dr. Manhattan' was wrong?"

Detective Amy Santiago finally understood: "And you no longer believe in doctors?"

"Would you believe it if it were you?"

Detective Shenfan sarcastically said: "When you experience it for yourself, you will realize that those doctors are not as good as you think, and they will also misdiagnose, even frequently.

And when this happens, they cover it up.

In this case, if there is a misdiagnosis that leads to death, is it just because they are doctors who save people that they will not investigate?

If everyone thinks like you, then I'm sure they will be even more unscrupulous in the future. The number of patients who shouldn't have died due to their mistakes like this will be a number you can't even imagine! "

"All right."

Detective Amy Santiago was persuaded and nodded: "Let's first investigate the doctor who received the patient and see the situation, and then go back and report the case to the director and listen to his arrangements."

"as you wish."

Detective Shenfan said expressionlessly: "But I will only hand over the closed case to him, because by then I will have solved the case!"

"Chuck's calmness is indeed something that no one else can imitate."

Detective Amy Santiago shook her head in denial and walked to the nurse's station.

"come on!"

The annoyed detective who imitated Chuck's expression couldn't hold back immediately, followed him dissatisfied, and asked the nurse who was the doctor in charge of the deceased. They found him in the changing room.

"It will be my first day off in two weeks. The outside world is so beautiful. I can't wait to enjoy it..."

The intern was a young man who had already heard the news. He changed out of his white coat and said to the two people who came in. He raised his eyes and glanced over. His eyes immediately lit up and he smiled at Detective Amy Santiago. : "Of course, if this female police officer needs it, I can waste a little more time and actively cooperate~"

"You took over Susan Wardrickey, right?"

Detective Amy Santiago asked.


The male intern nodded: "It's the last one I take over before I get off work."

"Aren't you sad that she's dead now?"

Detective Amy Santiago frowned.

"This is a hospital, and people die anytime, anywhere."

The male intern doctor said disapprovingly: "We are used to seeing this kind of thing. If we feel sad about the patient's death every moment, then there will be no doctors."

"Understood, understood."

Detective Shenfan answered with a smile: "In order not to affect your next fun and relaxation, let's go through the process quickly. What disease does Susan have?"


The male intern smiled knowingly and said: "She described her condition in an exaggerated way, so I took a chest X-ray for her first, and then gave her a bed to wait. The rest is none of my business. ,I’m off duty."

"Can you die from bronchitis?"

Detective Shenfan touched his neck with an exaggerated expression and shouted in fear.

"Of course I won't die!"

The male intern said casually.


The annoyed detective pointed at the male intern with a catch-you expression: "Since you won't die from bronchitis, how did Susan die?"

"I don't know about this."

The male intern's expression changed slightly and he shook his head to express that he didn't know. When he saw Detective Amy Santiago looking at him carefully, he didn't want to get into trouble and be targeted. He could only say: "I told you that I just took over her. Her bed will be closed soon, and I will not be responsible for the follow-up diagnosis and treatment. You can go to the resident doctor who treated her, Dr. Laura Simmons."

"If anything happens, we will come back to you... Have a good night~"

The troubled detective smiled and patted the male intern who had stopped laughing at all. He and his partner left the changing room and went to find Dr. Laura Simmons again.

"It's so inhospitable!"

After Detective Amy Santiago left, he couldn't help but complain: "Can such doctors really do what they swear to do, all to save patients?"

"Of course you can, provided that you are a 'patient' who cosplays with them~"

Detective Shenfan mocked: "In that case, even if they have been busy for two weeks and only have one day off, they will continue to devote themselves to it~"

Detective Amy Santiago ignored her partner who was talking obscenely, and found the female resident who was busy: "Dr. Laura Simmons? What disease does Susan Wardricky have?"

"She has pneumonia!"

The female resident doctor glanced at them, then lowered her head and continued writing medical records, saying quickly: "Her sputum and blood test results are very clear!"

"Isn't it bronchitis?"

Detective Amy Santiago doubted: "That's what the intern who admitted her said so!"

"You also said you were an intern!"

The female resident doctor retorted without raising her head: "He doesn't understand anything! We discussed her condition during the bed check!"

"All right."

Detective Amy Santiago thought about the attitude of the intern just now. He didn't feel like someone who was seriously studying medical skills. Moreover, he was just an intern who had just entered the hospital. He nodded and approved the female resident's words: "But pneumonia can kill people." ?"

"of course!"

The female resident doctor immediately spoke a bunch of professional words: "If there are complications from localized pneumonia, it can sometimes be fatal.

The patient had a fever and fell into a coma. She probably accidentally inhaled the contents of her stomach. Gastric acid entered her lungs. It is very dangerous and can be fatal quickly! "

Before the detectives could ask questions, she just left with one sentence: "If you have any questions about the diagnosis, you can ask Dr. Reitz. He is the chief physician in charge. I have other patients."

"Doctors are really busy."

Detective Shenfan mocked: "I was so busy that I didn't even look at each other, but I still looked at a handsome guy like me. Well, it's very suspicious!"

"Yeah, anyone who doesn't like to look into your eyes is suspicious!"

Detective Amy Santiago complained about her partner's narcissism, but in her heart she approved of her partner's judgment.

There is something fishy about this female resident.

"Let's go and find the attending doctor named Ruiz!"

Detective Shenfan complained: "It's really interesting. First I was an intern, then a resident, and now I'm the attending doctor. Will we have to go see the chief doctor here later? Why does it feel a bit like being kicked out for doing errands? A ball?"

"It's not a feeling!"

Detective Amy Santiago looked unhappy. She now basically believed that there was something wrong here, and it was also the doctor's problem.

"Dr. Reitz?"

They found the attending doctor, a bald Indian doctor: "Were you there when the bed was checked?"

"Yes, I'm here!"

Dr. Reitz, who is of Indian origin, nodded: "I went there as soon as possible."


The annoyed police detective half-smiled: "Didn't you say the condition is not serious? We heard it was bronchitis or pneumonia."

"No no no!"

Dr. Reitz, who is of Indian origin, shook his head quickly: "She was very ill and should have been transferred to the intensive care unit as soon as possible, but there was no hospital bed at the time, so she stayed in our emergency room."

Speaking of this, he sighed: "You know, in my country, we accept death, but here, people think that patients cannot die, but the reality is not as satisfactory as expected."

"But I heard that she just wanted some aspirin and antibiotics when she came. Her condition was not serious. Her father was a special forces soldier who had been on the battlefield and was proficient in battlefield care. He could tell whether a person was going to die."

The annoyed detective looked at Dr. Reitz. When he saw what the other person wanted to say, he directly stretched out his hand to stop the other person. Then he ran to the table, picked up a pen and paper and quickly wrote a line, and then jumped in front of Dr. Reitz: "You Now you can say it!”

"Some illnesses are more serious than they look!"

Detective Shenfan and Dr. Reitz said in unison. After saying that, he proudly showed the sentence he wrote, then smiled and shrugged at his partner: "I knew it would be like this! After a big circle, we Back to the beginning again!”

"Go back first!"

Detective Amy Santiago said with a cold face: "Report to the director."


Detective Shenfan nodded in agreement, then raised his hand and said with a smile: "It's already off duty time. It seems that we can only report again tomorrow morning."

"I'm going to see Mrs. Wardricky and the others first."

Detective Amy Santiago walked over quickly. When he arrived, he saw that they were still crying there, and comforted them gently: "Mrs. Wardricky, we have conducted a preliminary investigation. After the report tomorrow, we will conduct an in-depth investigation. We will also send people to pay attention to Mr. Wardricki's matter. You should go home first. If he has not come home at night, you can come to the police station to report the case tomorrow and we will investigate."

"Thank you."

Mrs. Wardricky thanked her tearfully.

"Can you guys do it?"

Lucy, the deceased's little sister, looked at the two of them suspiciously.

There was a frivolous and handsome male police detective, and the other was a pretty-faced female police detective. It was hard not to make her suspect that they both became police detectives through the back door, and she didn't believe in their abilities.

"rest assured."

Detective Amy Santiago glared at his partner who subconsciously wanted to say "You can't say men are bad" and said sternly: "We will definitely help you investigate the truth. Detective Chuck is our friend and a member of our department. consultant, if necessary, we will ask him to help investigate!"

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