American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 382 Famous Drunkard Doctor: How about Dr. House? Chuck: He's worse off than alive!

"Then just invite him!"

Lucy's eyes lit up: "I believe him!"

"If the need arises, we will."

Detective Amy Santiago explained to Lucy that not all cases would be taken on by Detective Chuck. She thought she would have to explain more, but who would have thought that Lucy would easily accept this statement.

The next day.

New York NYPD 99 branch.

"You want to investigate the manslaughter of an emergency room doctor?"

The middle-aged African-American director looked at the two people expressionlessly.

"It's not us who want to investigate, but the family members..."

Amy Santiago respects authority the most and has always wanted the branch director to be her mentor, so she is always a little flustered when facing the expressionless director.


The annoyed detective shouted directly without any hesitation.

He has always hated following rules and likes to challenge authority. He is not affected by the director's reaction at all.

And to be honest, their new director has always had this expression, with no hint of happiness or anger at all, and he looks a bit like Chuck.

In fact, they had made a bet specifically for this, which one, Chuck or the Director, could see through the joy and anger more, but unfortunately there was no way to know who would lose and who would win.

"Just because a veteran with PTSD said his daughter wasn't that serious?"

The African-American director continued to speak expressionlessly.

"That was just the reason. We went back to the interns, residents, and attending doctors who had taken over, except for the famous Dr. Edward Oster, the director of the Department of Surgery!"

Detective Amy Santiago explained: "Their attitude is really suspicious. One moment they said the condition was not serious, the next moment they said the condition was very serious and needed to be sent to the intensive care unit immediately, the next moment they said it was bronchitis, and the next moment they said it was bronchitis. Pneumonia, that resident didn’t even dare to make eye contact with us.”

"Why are you talking so much?"

Detective Shenfan said loudly: "I believe that retired soldier! He went to war for the country and fought bravely abroad. For this, he suffered from PTSD. This is their meritorious service. No one should question their professional ability because of this." They know life and death better than them, so yes, just because this veteran with PTSD said that his daughter is not that serious, even if I don't believe it 100%, I must devote 100% of my energy and time to investigating the case. These heroes do their part! Sir!”


Detective Amy Santiago looked at her impassioned partner in surprise. Although she knew that the other party always liked to be so exaggerated, at this time, she and she were originally using facts to convince the director. Why did she suddenly use such a illogical and evidence-based approach? He answered the director's question with a passionate and irrational answer.

Then she followed the annoyed detective's gaze and caught a glimpse of the photo on her director's desk. It was a photo of the director when he was serving as a soldier abroad. She understood everything instantly and cursed in her heart.

"This horse really yours!"


The African-American director of the 99th Precinct remained expressionless, but his attitude was already expressed in his words: "We will not let any criminal go, even doctors!"

"Okay, sir!"

Detective Shenfan immediately agreed loudly.


The African-American director stopped the troubled detective who was about to leave immediately, and reminded him expressionlessly: "Remember, this case must be handled flawlessly. I need the most solid evidence before I decide whether to report the case to the prosecutor. They sued!"


Detective Amy Santiago immediately felt the pressure: "But doctors' diagnosis often relies on subjective judgment. Unless we have the cooperation of prosecutors and courts and put enough pressure on them to make them admit it personally, it will be difficult for us to find The most solid evidence, and if, as you said, sir, we don’t report it without the most solid evidence, we don’t have enough means to make them feel the pressure..."

"I don't want excuses!"

The African-American director interrupted expressionlessly: "I know all these difficulties, but you must do what I say, otherwise I will not agree to open the case!"


Detective Amy Santiago said in confusion: "I know that the doctor and we both belong to the big police system, and to some extent we are our own people, but if the doctor commits a crime, we must also catch him."

"That's what I said~"

Detective Frustrated winked at Detective Amy Santiago with a connotative expression of 'you are already my shape'.

“This is an election year!”

The African-American director looked at each other for a while and these two careless men, and then slowly uttered a sentence.


Detective Amy Santiago did not react immediately.

“Election year haha, got it!”

Detective Shenfan snapped his fingers and explained to his unresponsive partner: "The director is not trying to protect his own people, but since he is preparing to investigate, he will do something serious. Once there are problems in the investigation, he will deal with those involved." All the doctors involved will sue, and they will even sue the entire hospital and the entire medical system! Only such a case will be sensational enough and show enough political achievements, and all of this must have enough solid evidence to ensure 100% success, otherwise It’s better not to do it, otherwise you won’t be able to show your face, but your butt will be exposed instead, which would be bad!”

"So that's it."

Only then did Detective Amy Santiago realize that there were political factors involved, and she shook her head helplessly: "It seems that the most solid evidence I understand is not solid enough, Director, so it will be difficult for us to complete the task!"

"This is your business!"

The African-American director looked at Detective Shenfan expressionlessly: "You have always boasted that you are also a detective, and now is the time for you to show off..."

After saying this, he pointed to the door: "Go out now, don't turn around, face me, and go out backwards!"


Detective Shenfan and Detective Amy Santiago both heard the cold humor in their chief's words, and the corners of their mouths twitched together.

This reminds them once again, based on what Detective Shennuo just said, that in this case, you can only show your face, not your butt!

Under the expressionless gaze of the African-American director, they could only step back and go out. After closing the door, Detective Shenfan clapped his hands excitedly: "Okay, Santiago, are you excited or not? This time we will completely prove it." It’s our detective’s time.”

After saying this, seeing that his partner ignored him, he looked over and immediately shouted dissatisfied: "What are you doing?"

"Instead of proving that we are detectives, we should find real detectives!"

Detective Amy Santiago answered while dialing the phone, slapping away the hand of the annoying detective who came to grab the phone. When the call was connected, her face automatically switched to a smile: "Chuck, are you busy? We are There is a case..."

Without saying a few words, and before Detective Shennuo could yell over to stop him, Detective Amy Santiago had already hung up the phone with a smile.

“Amy Santiago!!!”

Detective Shenfan shouted loudly: "Do you still have any dignity and pride as a police detective? At this moment when we can best prove ourselves, you actually immediately called for foreign help?

Although you were a stinker in the past, at least you were very proud and confident that you would be an excellent police detective.

But now you are really crippled by Chuck!

Go to him whenever you have difficulties. If you do this, you will never have the chance to be alone in your life!

I said! "

"Time is running out, the most important thing now is to find the most solid evidence to file a case against Susan Wardricky!"

Detective Amy Santiago smiled calmly and said: "Then give justice to Susan Wardricky. Compared with this result, nothing else is the most important!

As for what you said, my confidence in the past is now disabled?

you are wrong!

I used to be confident. I was confident that I was an excellent detective.

But after meeting Detective Chuck, I knew that I was far from being a detective.

For this kind of thing, instead of taking the initiative to get closer to the real detective, study hard, and improve your own limits, instead of blindly believing that Chuck is a detective, you can also be a detective?

That's not confidence!

But arrogance!

Such a person will never grow up to be a true detective!


I said! "

"...Chuck just agreed? He didn't even listen to your introduction."

Detective Shenfan was speechless by his partner's words. He looked at her with surprised eyes for a while, then he ignored the topic and paid attention to the question that made him feel strange.


Detective Amy Santiago laughed: “He only asked one question and he agreed!”

"What words?"

Detective Shenfan teased with a bit of sourness: "It won't be tonight, will you be unaccompanied?"


Detective Amy Santiago glared at her partner.

The annoyed detective quickly stopped this taboo topic.

Since the last time Chuck exposed the nature of their partners as lovers with very cold Liu Bei's words, Detective Amy Santiago admired Chuck and was annoyed by the detective's jealousy. It is taboo for them to declare ambiguity.

"What did he say?"

"He asked, is it New York Medical Center? I said yes, and he agreed!"

Detective Amy Santiago didn't mince words anymore.

Although Chuck is a senior consultant of the NYPD, and Detective Shenfan and the others have handled several cases with Chuck, the active party in this kind of cooperation has never been them, but Chuck!

Detective Chuck is a senior advisor to so many law enforcement agencies, but their NYPD is not the strongest. Chuck usually lives in New Jersey, and their NYPD is not the most convenient.

If they want to find Detective Chuck as a consultant, the case must attract Chuck enough for them to ask, otherwise they will know the answer.

Now this case can be said to be bizarre and tortuous, but it doesn’t count at all.

That's why the annoying detective was surprised that Chuck agreed immediately and teased him sourly. Was it Amy's charm that was at work?

After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Since the relationship was broken, Detective Amy Santiago is no longer the manly partner in his eyes.

He always felt that no one would look down on her, including Chuck, who had a very high vision.

And I didn’t like it before, but now I don’t like it anymore?

He himself is the best example!

Now that he learned that the real reason was because the case involved the New York Medical Center, Chuck agreed. He was both curious and relieved.

"What's Chuck's connection to NYM?"

Detective Shenfan asked curiously.

"how could I know?"

Amy Santiago said angrily: "I have never slept with him either!"

After saying this, he added without feeling relieved: "Who makes some people unwilling to help!"


The troubled detective was completely speechless.

When Chuck revealed his ambiguity with Amy Santiago, one suggestion he made was to let him wear headphones and eye masks to feel the vibrations of the bunk beds to enhance Amy's charm with Chuck.

Even as cynical as he is, he still can't accept that he is the 'husband' he is now.

"Officer, my husband didn't come back last night. We searched all the places he might have gone, but there was no news."

In the large office outside, Mrs. Wardricky and her youngest daughter Lucy had already arrived. When they saw them, they said with uneasy expressions.

"You've searched everywhere and still can't find it?"

Detective Amy Santiago was surprised: "Where does he usually work?"

"Galahad Institute."

"He was working as a security guard there after leaving the army and we contacted his colleagues and he was not there," Mrs Wardricky said.

"We will send someone to find him."

Detective Amy Santiago was a little worried, but reassured.

She was born into a police family and has many older brothers. Most of them entered the police system directly after graduation, but some of them first became soldiers, retired and then became police officers. She has a good understanding of PTSD among retired soldiers.

PTSD caused by stimulation is no joke, especially for a God of War who can still carry a gun after his return.

"Can you do it?"

The youngest daughter Lucy said irritably: "You said you wanted to ask Detective Chuck for help. Now where are the others?"

"We have contacted him. Detective Chuck has agreed to take over the case and is heading to New York Medical Center. We are about to go there."

Detective Amy Santiago explained patiently: "I will send someone to accompany you to find Mr. Wardricky, but the most important thing now is to investigate the real cause of Susan's death."

With the name of Detective Chuck, their youngest daughter Lucy said nothing more. Accompanied by colleagues recruited by Detective Amy Santiago, they went to look for Mr. Wardrickey.

New York Medical Center.

"Hi, Chuck!"

Detective Amy Santiago greeted Chuck with a smile.

"well, well, well..."

Before the detective's habitual exaggerated teasing could be uttered, he was interrupted by Chuck: "Stop talking nonsense and go in and find Dr. Edward Oster!"


Detective Shenfeng was stuck there, feeling very uncomfortable. He wanted to say something, but Chuck had already walked away. He could only follow quickly, muttering: "Let's go see this God! He must think he is God, like you! God! I’m really looking forward to the scene after you meet.”

Office of the Chief of Surgery.

"Being a doctor is like being a detective."

A bald old man in a suit and tie knew their purpose. While pouring wine, he greeted the three of them: "In fact, the detective in Conan Doyle's novel is based on Dr. Joseph Bell."

In this comprehensive world of American dramas, England has the curly-haired Sherlock, but there is no Sherlock Holmes.

"If Dr. House hears this, he will definitely say that he is the original."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"Do you know Dr. House? How is he doing?"

The bald old man said casually.

"He was forced to detox for six months!"

Chuck looked at the bald old man who kept drinking and said bluntly: "Life is worse than death now!"

The bald old man paused while drinking: "..."

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