American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 383 The angry alcoholic famous doctor and the fearful bald doctor!


The bald old man paused and sipped his wine as if nothing had happened. He changed the subject without asking Dr. House what happened.

"Can you solve every case?"


Detective Amy Santiago was more straightforward and shook her head.

"I have solved 26 cases in a row."

The annoyed detective did not answer directly, but raised his eyebrows proudly.


Just when a triumphant smile appeared on the corner of the bald old man's mouth, Chuck's straightforward answer sounded, making him choke again on his words.

He now vaguely understood why Dr. House, the doctor next door who was known for his vicious tongue and bad temper, was worse off than dead.

The fear of being sent to forced detoxification is only a small part of the reason.

It was probably more because he had to face the difficult detective in front of him.

"Every piece?"

The bald old man, Dr. Edward Oster, looked at Chuck with suspicion. He quickly moved his eyes away from Chuck and looked at the two police detectives beside him in disbelief.

"Every single one!"

Detective Amy Santiago nodded with admiration.

"It's just a little more than me."

Detective Shenfan muttered unconvincedly: "My consecutive case solving statistics are the highest in our bureau. Did I say anything?"

"Come on, you didn't even win against me!"

Detective Amy Santiago gave him a disgusted look.

"Well, treating a patient is not the same as being a detective."

The bald old man Dr. Edward Oster took a deep sip of the whiskey in his glass. Only then did he suppress the annoyance in his heart and change his previous attitude of "treating patients just like detectives." This closer relationship made Chuck and the others feel like they were involved. .

"If a patient comes to see you with a headache, does she have subarachnoid hemorrhage? A small intracranial aneurysm? Or a retro-orbital tumor? Or just an ordinary headache? Do you give her aspirin? Or do you give her an intracranial surgery?"

"That depends on the situation."

Chuck spoke again. As soon as he opened his mouth, he described various diagnoses of various situations in a very professional and precise manner. The bald old man was dumbfounded. After a while, he said in disbelief: "Didn't I hear that you have a doctorate in mathematics? How come you still know about medicine?" ?”

"As a detective, if you don't know observation, reasoning, medicine, physics, common sense, and stability, you are a mediocre person!"

Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan shouted in unison.


The bald old man had a question mark on his face.

"This is Chuck's take on detectives!"

Detective Amy Santiago said excitedly.

"To be more precise, this is the understanding of the detective."

After the detective Shenfan blurted out, he felt a little uncomfortable and complained: "Other than the detective, which detective can do this? Are they all mediocre?"

"That's why he's the detective!"

Detective Amy Santiago laughed: "So Chuck knows that medicine is normal."

"This is not just saying a few simple medical common senses and claiming to know medicine!"

The bald old man, Dr. Edward Oster, stared blankly for a long time with disdain in his eyes.

"You can try."

Detective Shenfan encouraged.

The bald old man Dr. Edward Oster really tried, but no matter whether he used profound medical theories or the most detailed first-line clinical experience, he couldn't stump Chuck at all. Only then did Chuck ask, "Why do you think Dr. House died?" In the torture of his soul, he was so dumbfounded that even the whiskey in his glass no longer smelled good.


He now fully understands how a proud and weird person like Dr. House is worse off than dead.

This kind of profession that I have been proud of all my life can't suppress a detective who treats their profession as common sense and casually learns it. The more proud a person is, the deeper the blow will be.

This is simply the greatest denial of one’s own existence!

If the other party keeps reminding me of this fact, life would be worse than death!

"So while he's here, don't even think about using medical terms that we don't understand to frustrate us!"

The annoyed detective told the key, and he didn't want to see Chuck show off, so he changed the subject and said: "Tell us carefully, what is going on in this case? Again, don't talk about the funerals you often attend. speech! We have to listen to what others say!”

“…I saw that woman in the emergency room on my rounds.”

The bald old man Dr. Edward Oster put down his glass of wine and said with an ugly face: "The doctors and nurses who treated her are very capable!"


The detective detective sarcastically said: "The interns, residents, and attending doctors, all three types of diagnosis, are indeed very capable! Then the patient Susan died! Are you sure that the competence you doctors say is not very capable?" Do you want the damn patient to die?"


The bald old man Dr. Edward Oster said angrily: "This is a hospital! I am Dr. Edward Oster! Show some respect!"

"Respect for what?"

Chuck said bluntly: "Your name? Or your drinking capacity?"


The bald old man Dr. Edward Oster, who was originally angry, instantly regained his composure under Chuck's gaze. He did not look at Chuck, but just looked at Detective Amy Santiago and the two of them, and said in a dull voice.

"Look, people want to believe that medicine is a science, and medicine is a science, but all doctors know that sometimes it's like buying a lottery ticket."

After saying this, he couldn't help but let out the frustration in his heart: "Don't tell me, buying lottery tickets can guarantee you will win?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Chuck from the corner of his eye.


The troubled detective suddenly burst into laughter.

"why are you laughing?"

The bald old man, Dr. Edward Oster, had a straight face.

"He was laughing because you were right!"

Detective Amy Santiago couldn't help but laugh: "Others can't do this, but Chuck can! With his ability to always win the lottery, he was invited by the American Lottery Association as a senior consultant who only takes money and does not need to do anything!"

"I have nothing to say!"

The bald old man, Dr. Edward Oster, suddenly stood up from his seat in the office. His body even swayed dizzily. He didn't know whether he had drunk too much or was angry. He ordered him to be kicked out with a livid face.

"I still have patients, that's the end of the conversation!"

"Okay, don't get excited."

Detective Shenfan also stood up, spreading his hands to show that he meant no harm, but he did not forget to tease: "You definitely don't want to faint and be sent to your emergency room~"

After saying this, Detective Amy Santiago, who felt that he had gone too far, hurriedly pushed out of the office, but soon he poked his head in again and stabbed him: "After all, you are not Dr. House who is worse than death, you are Dr. House." Bar?"


A wine glass flew over and hit the wall hard, breaking to pieces on the floor. This was accompanied by the angry roar of the bald old man Dr. Edward Auster: "Get out of here!!!"

Outside the office.

"Are all doctors' tempers like this?"

Detective Shenfan shrugged and said, "God cannot be blasphemed?"

"In your face, yes!"

Detective Amy Santiago complained: "Even I want to throw something at you!"

"Smash me?"

The annoyed detective didn't accept it: "Why do I feel like he was trying to hit Chuck! I just took the blame for Chuck!"

"To a certain extent, yes! A weak person only dares to find someone even weaker to get angry at!"

Chuck said straightforwardly and left the office of the chief of surgery.

"Where are we going now?"

Detective Amy Santiago quickly followed up and asked.

"Get Susan Wardricky's medical records!"

Chuck said.

"The medical records are all written by doctors. Can you tell anything?"

Detective Shenfan also came over and said suspiciously.

"Doctors are human beings and they make mistakes, especially when they are involved in a murder case and they make even more mistakes when they are nervous."

Chuck reminded.

The three went to find the nurse and successfully obtained the medical records of the deceased Susan.

"Hey! There's something altered here!"

Detective Amy Santiago pointed to the medical record and asked in surprise: "Can the medical record be altered like this?"

"Of course not!"

Chuck shook his head: "If you make a mistake in the medical record, you need to cross it out and sign your name next to it to ensure that everything in the patient's treatment process is traceable. Everything must be marked! Using correction fluid to correct it is a Class E felony!"

"I think we've got the handle!"

Detective Shenfan reached for the medical record and shook it.

"Finally someone is talking!"

Detective Amy Santiago also breathed a sigh of relief.

What the police are best at is putting pressure on criminals, but that is for ordinary people, like these who are famous, have status, and of course the most important thing is that they have money and can afford a barrister. In turn, they complain or even accuse their doctors. One set is not suitable.

However, their director also asked them to obtain the most solid evidence before granting them the right to apply further pressure.

That would be even more constraining.

Now that I have this handle, I can at least open one person's mouth first, and then pry open everyone's mouths step by step to find out the truth.

"What does this say?"

The annoyed detective took the redacted medical record and looked at it from various angles, trying to understand the contents. However, not to mention the completely unintelligible medical abbreviations and even the doctor's flying handwriting, he couldn't figure it out at all.

"Should I take it to the forensic doctor and ask?"

"What's the trouble then?"

Detective Amy Santiago rolled her eyes at him and looked at Chuck with a smile: "Chuck, what is the alteration on this?"

"The correction fluid says paracetamol, a common painkiller, and the correction fluid says meperidine, an anesthetic!"

Chuck explained.

"One is a painkiller and the other is an anesthetic. There's a big difference, right?"

Detective Amy Santiago muttered.

"Then it depends on who is right!"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "For patients who need treatment, yes! But for those poisonous and rotten people, there is no essential difference between the two."

"Who altered this?"

The annoyed detective asked: "The signature is ER. Does it mean emergency room? All treatment processes on the medical record should be traceable. Shouldn't the name of the doctor who handled it be signed?"

"ER is the abbreviation for doctor!"

Chuck said.

"how do you know?"

Detective Shenfan was unconvinced and said, "He can alter the medical records, so why can't he use the ER in the emergency room to replace his name?"

"This is not important!"

Chuck said calmly: "Because I know who he is!"

"who is it?"

Detective Amy Santiago wondered.

"Look at the signature. It's the same person who wrote meperidine and paracetamol."

Chuck explained: "Look at the letter C in paracetamol, British italic, which was very popular in the colonies."

"That attending doctor!"

Detective Amy Santiago blurts out, "He's Indian!"

"Is reading handwriting a part of common sense? Or is it adding another line to your long list of introductions about not being a mediocre detective? You don't understand handwriting?"

Detective Shenfan complained.

"common sense!"

Chuck looked at him expressionlessly.


The annoyed detective was speechless.

What a piece of common sense!

This knowledge, which required specialized graphologists, is now common knowledge among detectives.

After asking the nurse, the three quickly found the bald Indian doctor.

"I was so tired!"

After listening to the annoying police detective's questioning, the balding Indian-origin doctor in charge explained with a slightly changed expression: "I just came out of the oncology ward and wrote meperidine without thinking much about it, but I gave her paracetamol."

"Then why the alteration?"

Detective Amy Santiago questioned: "Don't try to lie to us. We know that medical records cannot be altered casually. If something is wrong, you can only underline it to indicate the situation!"

"If you want to prescribe anesthetics, you need to fill out another form. I didn't have time at the time..."

The Indian attending doctor tried to explain with uncertain eyes.

"So you still gave meperidine!"

Chuck said the important point with a deadpan expression.

"……I don't!"

The bald Indian-origin doctor was stunned for a moment, then turned pale and denied it.


Detective Amy Santiago also reacted and stared at the bald Indian doctor with sharp eyes: "Listen to what you said! If it was just a simple typo, what you gave Susan was really just paracetamol, an analgesic. As for medicine, why did you mention that you didn’t have time to fill out another form? Only if Susan was given the anesthetic meperidine, you would have to change it in such an illegal manner afterwards!"

"Dr. Reitz, you just admitted that you altered the medical records. This is a Class E felony!"

Detective Shenfeng pressed.

"You should know that an autopsy can reveal whether Susan had paracetamol or meperidine in her system, right?"

Chuck reminded him expressionlessly.

"Listen, people here look at me and see an Indian or a Pakistani, and they can't even tell the difference."

The bald Indian-origin doctor in charge was anxious: "He is a third-rate doctor anyway. Just ask him, I have to do twice as well as anyone else to make them feel that I am as capable as them. In order to stay, I will do anything." No mistakes can be made, every minute must be perfect, my wife and children are all in the United States..."

"I don't want to go back, there are too many people there~"

Chuck interrupted, expressionlessly imitating the words and tone used by Rajesh in the American TV series The Big Bang Theory to belittle and ridicule his motherland. He said to the bald Indian doctor who was robbed of his line: "Don't worry, you can do it even if you want to go back." No, you are welcome in American prisons!"

"believe him!"

Detective Amy Santiago looked sympathetically at the bald Indian doctor with fear in his eyes: "Only your wife and children will go back!"

"Then they will be other people's wives and children."

Detective Shenfan said funnyly: "If you stay in jail for such a long time, I'm afraid she won't be able to wait for you for that long and she will definitely remarry."

"Don't worry, it's not certain who will remarry first."

Chuck said seriously.

Indian bald doctor: "..."

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