American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 386 The heart of Tao is broken, infinitely terrifying!

"I really didn't receive any money from the medical consortium!"

The head nurse Jackie tried to explain: "I am the only one who provides them with money (to buy medicine), how can they give it to me? You have to believe me! I am not that kind of person!"

Detective Amy Santiago looked at Chuck with disbelief.

Chuck didn't answer and just drove.

"If there is a movie and TV series with me as the protagonist, it will indeed have a bad impact, but I am really a good person."

Jackie, the head nurse, stressed.

"Just because you are a good person, you are even more heinous!"

Chuck said calmly.


Jackie, the head nurse, couldn't believe it.

Not to mention her, even Detective Amy Santiago, who had always admired Chuck, had some incredible eyes, full of doubts and confusion.

"think carefully!"

Chuck reminded: “If just ordinary people or bad people do this, then the people who see it will have a much worse sense of empathy and will be somewhat wary psychologically. Knowing that it is not a good thing to do, most people will be discouraged.

But it’s you who did this, a good person in everyone’s eyes, including your own!

There may be people who are born bad, but most people still want to be good people.

In this case, if they see a good person like you taking drugs and maintaining a balance between work and life after taking drugs, do you think they will follow suit?

Even criminals may use you to induce others to take drugs.

Of course, a more capable calf-selling group will certainly be able to create commercials based on you.

This is too bare-bones.

A more powerful pharmaceutical group can use you as a prototype to create an independent woman who looks attractive, and cover up the strong motivation of selling drugs to persuade more people to take drugs in the plot, quietly distorting the story from generation to generation. Three views of people.

In the end, the general environment completely collapses, and even people who were not bewitched by your influence at the beginning will be passively involved and have to start taking drugs for the sake of the common good.

Say it yourself, in this situation, are you a good person or a bad person? "


Jackie, the head nurse, was speechless.

She didn't want to admit that she had such great influence, but she now fully understood the harm that Chuck mentioned.

"I'm not a good person!"

The head nurse Jackie changed her words: "I'm just a good nurse... okay! I'm not even a good nurse, that's okay? I probably won't be a nurse in the future, right? So let's not treat me as a nurse now, right?" The influence has been infinitely magnified, let’s get back to business, okay? I really don’t have any responsibility for Susan’s death!”

"You didn't report it!"

Chuck deadpanned.


Detective Amy Santiago also suppressed the shock provoked by Chuck and asked, "Don't you have children at home who need your care?"

"Of course I do!"

The head nurse Jackie stared and said, "I have two daughters, how old are they! Why do you say that?"


Detective Amy Santiago said a little embarrassed: "It's true... When I asked resident doctor Laura and attending doctor Reese just now, one of them has a wife and children who need to immigrate to the United States, and the other is a single mother who needs more free time. Come take care of the children, and now you do the same..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly remembered what Chuck said before, 'Other people's children were just killed, but their children lacked parent-child time and better living conditions.' The embarrassment and embarrassment she felt just now disappeared instantly.

You have children at home, but you still don’t treat yourself as such, and take the initiative to report this kind of sinful activity that kills people. It is not only shameless, but also stupid!

You don’t really think that the police are just a decoration and don’t investigate or can’t find out!

Arrived at the police station.

Detective Amy Santiago took the initiative to take the head nurse Jackie to the confession room to record a statement.

After she came out, she said to Chuck: "She is quite cooperative. She does not seem to be guilty of much crime. She will probably be acquitted. And to be honest, she doesn't seem to be a bad person. Otherwise, she will learn from that bad person in the future." Doctor Si, will you help her go to your rehabilitation center and force her to detoxify from addiction for six months?"


Chuck shook his head.


Detective Amy Santiago was surprised: "Dr. House also takes drugs. He is also a doctor, and a very charming one. If a movie or TV series is made based on him, the impact will be even worse. Can you accept that?" Why can't he accept Jackie?"

"Because House is not an ordinary person!"

Chuck explained: "He is a genius with various quirks. Even if a movie or TV series is made based on him, ordinary people will subconsciously know that they are not the kind of person Dr. House is after watching it, and they will not have the same sense of empathy as ordinary people like Jackie." Payton is so strong! And the most important thing is that his ending is not good."


Detective Amy Santiago twitched her lips.


It was also mentioned that Dr. House was worse off than dead!

As for being so exaggerated!

From now on, she would like to see what makes Dr. House so miserable that he would rather die than live!

"So what do you think Jackie should do?"

Detective Amy Santiago wondered.

"Put him in jail and get a harsh sentence!"

Chuck said bluntly.

"That's not true, is it?"

Detective Amy Santiago couldn't bear it: "And it's really not that bad?"

"You said Susan Wardricky's family doesn't believe Susan is an organ transplant donor?"

Chuck said suddenly.


Detective Amy Santiago nodded: "Mrs. Wardrickey was too sad, so she didn't say much. Mainly because Susan's sister Lucy didn't believe it and was very determined. Why did she talk about this?"

"Do you think Lucy's words are credible?"

Chuck didn't answer the question.

"It should be credible."

Detective Amy Santiago thought for a while and said thoughtfully: "If you are a parent, maybe because of the generation gap with your children, you don't know what young people think, but my sister Lucy and my sister Susan are about the same age. Logically speaking, they are not We can talk about anything, even if it’s a matter of personality or tendency, I won’t make a mistake.”

"you are right."

Chuck added: “In recent years, organ transplant donation has been described as an absolute good deed. This trend continues to spread to the world of young people, and voluntarily becoming an organ transplant donor is a cool, trendy and trendy thing to some extent. She is caring and can advocate her own things. If Susan really does it, she may hide it from her parents, but she will never hide it from her friends and her sister Lucy who is the same age!"

"What do you suspect?"

Detective Amy Santiago suddenly shuddered.

Chuck turned his attention to Jackie, the head nurse, who was sitting uneasily in the interrogation room, and said expressionlessly: "Tell me!"


Detective Amy Santiago followed Chuck's gaze and looked over, more and more confirming her fleeting guess. Her eyes widened, unwilling to accept this guess.

It is terrible enough that a young girl who had just some minor problems and could be cured by buying some medicine went to the hospital and was treated to death by an alcoholic famous doctor and a drug-addicted nurse, and then the truth was covered up afterwards.

But Chuck now hints to her that this is not the end. Even the body of Susan, who died innocently and tragically, has been targeted and volunteered to become an organ transplant donor. This can no longer be described as horrific.

"When did Mr. Wardricky go completely crazy?"

Chuck reminded.

"I heard that I knew my daughter was dead..."

Detective Amy Santiago said something subconsciously, then stopped there and said in a trembling voice: "No, according to the medical staff and guards at the scene afterwards, it is more accurate to say that Mr. Wardricki was working under the supervision of nurse Jackie. I was completely excited when I handed over the organ transplant donation card and said that Susan was an organ transplant donor..."

"Just ask and you'll find out."

Chuck pushed the door open and walked in, and asked Jackie, the head nurse who looked up, "Where is Susan Wardricky's organ transplant donation card?"

Detective Amy Santiago, who followed in, stared at the head nurse Jackie's eyes. When she saw Chuck's words, the head nurse Jackie's pupils shrank and her eyes were frightened. She didn't need Chuck to tell the answer, she knew it. The terrible thing turned out to be true.

"Have you received any money from the medical consortium?"

Chuck asked again.

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

The head nurse Jackie was extremely nervous: "Susan's organ transplant donation card is in the hospital, and again, I have never accepted any money from any medical consortium! Damn it! Why do you always say this!"

"Because what you did is really like receiving money."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "But now it seems that you have just been bewitched and distorted your values. You are the type who brings your own dry food! It is even more pathetic!"

"You are a nurse. You are supposed to save patients. However, not only did you fail to report the doctors' evil deeds, you even thought about Susan's body afterwards."

Detective Amy Santiago asked unacceptably: "Are you still a human?"

"Of course I'm a human! And a good one!"

The head nurse Jackie couldn't stand it anymore. Her original fear of being exposed was suppressed by her temper and dissatisfaction stimulated by the drugs. She shouted loudly: "Susan is dead. She should die even if she doesn't deserve it. This is something we can't change." Things, the only thing we can do is to make her death more valuable! I believe that even if she knows, she will support me in doing this!"

"Are you Susan?"

Chuck said calmly: "She is still her family, what right do you have to represent her? As for what is more valuable? No! Just what you did is completely heinous!"

"Why am I so sinful?"

The head nurse Jackie said unconvinced: "Do you know how many patients in urgent need of organ transplantation can be saved by Susan's various organs?"

"No more than ten!"

Chuck said bluntly: "But do you know how many people have been inhumanely tortured after you did this? Thousands of people! This does not include the donations that could have been received but were not given after this incident. Innocent patients!”

"what are you talking about?"

Jackie, the head nurse, looked at Chuck with incomprehensible eyes.

"Let's take your drug use as an example. Maybe you didn't charge for it, but simply wanted to make Susan's death more valuable."

Chuck explained: “But your behavior is essentially giving organ transplant donations, especially illegal organ transplant donations, a halo of good people doing good deeds, and helping them whitewash crimes against humanity.

When everyone thinks that this is not a big deal, but is a good thing to some extent, secretly, many innocent people are voluntarily killed, and then they have an organ transplant donation card on their body, and the whole person is divided and traded to the maximum extent. Lost.

This is a more ruthless and cruel act against humanity than the black slaves of the past.

This is just domestic, and a little respectability is still important.

Also consider whether family members will cause trouble.

As a nurse, you should know how many patients need to wait in line for organ transplants. In order to survive, do they care where the organs come from?

If illegal organ transplants in China, which are secretive and covert, with ‘voluntary’ organ transplant donation cards, are not enough, then we can only pay attention abroad.

Start a war, send more people to the battlefield, and harvest the organs of those killed or injured soldiers and civilians nearby.

After all, according to your theory, if you can't change reality, you can only maximize your profits and not waste it!

But it is your behavior that drives those bloodthirsty and profit-seeking capital to actively provoke and launch battlefields to create the reality that is most conducive to their harvest.

Tell yourself, are you guilty of a heinous crime? "


The head nurse, Jackie, was stunned for a long time before letting out a heartbreaking cry.

She once said to herself, "Believe me, this is not a good thing, but it is the most valuable thing." She once said to herself, "Believe me, this is not a good thing, but it is the most valuable thing." Completely broken.

"What are you talking about?"

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Detective Shenfeng came in: "Are you done? Mrs. Wardricky and Lucy and the others are here, but they still can't find Mr. Wardrickey. Lucy and the others strongly asked God to investigate. gram!"

"Mr. Wardrickey..."

Even though Detective Amy Santiago was mentally prepared, she still found that her thoughts were too superficial when Chuck said, "I will accompany you to deal with your emotional distress and help you resolve the hardships in your life."

It turns out that the truth is ten thousand times more terrifying than she thought!

So much so that she was in a trance. When she heard her partner talking about Mr. Wardricky, she suddenly woke up and murmured: "He is a special soldier and has been on the battlefield. Does he know this..."

"How do you think he got PTSD?"

Chuck said calmly: "Who among decent people gets PTSD?"


Detective Amy Santiago was speechless and completely understood how Mr. Wardricki could suddenly act like that.

Anyone who knows about such cruel and anti-human things will feel disgust, anger and fear. Those who have personally experienced it or participated in it can easily develop PTSD.

Those who don’t suffer from PTSD are probably anti-human beings.

And if you get PTSD from participating in this, after returning to China, you will find that your biological daughter, who was fine at first, not only died the next moment, but also seemed to have become a link in the chain, the most pitiful link. Any father who loves his daughter must be crazy!

After all, supporting people like Mr. Wardrickey only suffers from PTSD. A large part of the emotional support that keeps him from going completely crazy is his family.

He is a family man, so everything he does is understandable.

But now it is obvious that the family man, the last fig leaf, is not only gone, but also stimulates him even more. How can he not go crazy!

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