American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 387 When Wangcai meets Xiaoqiang, there is no worst, only worse!


Mrs. Wardricky, her youngest daughter Lucy, and a strong and sturdy man were by their side, comforting them softly.

"Detective Chuck!"

The youngest daughter Lucy must have been paying attention to the door. When she saw Detective Shenfan coming with Chuck and Detective Amy Santiago, she screamed out immediately.

"Let me introduce, this is Mrs. Wardrickey, and her little daughter Lucy. This is Max Weston, Mr. Wardrickey's comrade in arms and today's colleague and good friend."

Detective Shenfan introduced both parties: "As for this, Detective Chuck, everyone knows it, so I don't need to introduce him anymore."

"Detective Chuck, you must help us find my father!"

The youngest daughter Lucy said hopefully.

"not interested."

Chuck shook his head: "I took this case because of the death of your sister Susan, not to help you find your father!"

He has no interest at all in the return of the God of War to the city.

Especially the return of the American God of War to New York!

"I know, but my sister's affairs can be investigated at any time, but my father..."

The youngest daughter Lucy said anxiously.

"In your eyes, your sister's death is not as important as your father's disappearance?"

Chuck interrupted.

"I did not mean that."

The youngest daughter Lucy quickly shook her head.

"Let's talk about the progress of Susan's case first."

Detective Amy Santiago had heard Chuck talk about the theory that "dead people have no human rights" and knew that Chuck was a little disgusted with Susan's family for proving this in disguise, so she quickly reminded him to change the subject.

"Have you made any progress in your investigation?"

Max, the retired soldier who accompanied him, was very surprised.

He is very aware of the NYPD's efficiency in handling cases.

As long as it is not one of our own, that is, the policeman is killed, otherwise it is all business.

Not to mention progress the next day, even if you start a few weeks later, and then tell him that everything is normal and you are overthinking, he is not surprised at all.

But the surprise quickly disappeared from Detective Amy Santiago's extremely solemn expression, and he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart.

Not to mention him, even Mrs. Wardricky, who had been mourning, looked over with sad and frightened eyes.

"...You must be mentally prepared."

Detective Amy Santiago opened her mouth. There was no way to say it directly, so she said this sentence first.


It's okay not to say it, but as soon as Mrs. Wardricky said it, she covered her mouth and exclaimed, tears pouring out uncontrollably.

"Say it quickly!"

The detective reminded me.

"All right."

Detective Amy Santiago glanced at Chuck and saw that he had no intention of speaking for her. She could only report the latest investigation results to the family as a detective. After she finished speaking briefly, the entire office fell silent.

Even Mrs. Wardrickey, who was weeping, stopped crying.

Because she had already rolled her eyes and fainted.

Her friend Max, a retired soldier, rushed to give her first aid and then helped her out, not letting her hear any more of this.

"So my dad completely broke down because he heard that Susan was murdered and her organ transplant donation card was forged?"

The younger daughter Lucy was much stronger, but still murmured.

"It's a PTSD attack."

Detective Amy Santiago couldn't bear it, so she tried to persuade him, and then smiled bitterly.

A moment ago, because of Chuck's psychological analysis, she despised PTSD!

But now, looking at the reaction of the deceased's family, she understood why the term PTSD was coined.

Without PTSD, a general symptom that can explain everything perfunctorily, how can they explain to the world what happened to these retired soldiers?

Why are retired soldiers from other countries basically serving a lifetime of honor? When they talk about their fighting experiences in defending their homeland, they proudly tell future generations about it.

When it comes to our own American soldiers, they come back from the army suffering from PTSD. They are all nervous and incompatible with society.

Even their family members have become estranged, and there is an irreversible distance. Their love and patience cannot wake them up at all. Each of them keeps silent about what is wrong with them, runs away from home at every turn, and even voluntarily becomes a homeless man without a home. No return.

My family took me to see a psychiatrist, and they asked me that it was PTSD, a very normal sequelae of battlefield traumatic stress!

Because they can't tell what they went through!

The harm of this gap is very terrible.

In the classic American TV series Breaking Bad, the harmless middle-aged white male chemistry teacher Lao Bai transforms into the calf-making and selling boss Heisenberg because he was diagnosed with cancer when he reached middle age.

The family has a teenage son who has mild cerebral palsy and needs to use crutches and is still in high school. His wife is still pregnant with another son, and the house loan at home has not been paid off.

As the breadwinner of the family, he needs to leave a sum of money for his wife and children to support them in paying off their mortgage so that their two children can go to college in the future.

What a great and upright family man, turned into a Hollywood blockbuster. For this reason, countless fans will cheer loudly even if it destroys the world, let alone just peddling calf.

But the reason why classics are classics is that they are close enough to magical reality.

Lao Bai worked hard to make money and didn't dare to let his family know. For this reason, he often left early and came back late. Many times he couldn't explain it at all.

The pregnant wife began to have doubts. Although she later used excuses such as cancer and mid-life crisis to excuse him, the pregnant wife still suspected that he was cheating on him outside.

In the end, when he couldn't hide it anymore, Lao Bai explained everything. He really did everything for this family, for his wife and children!

But the result was that his wife kicked him out of the house immediately and cut off the relationship. In order to make Lao Bai give up, she directly hooked up with her boss. After she had an affair with Lao Bai, she told Lao Bai immediately.

In the American society that is gradually decriminalizing sex, this kind of estrangement is not much different from cheating. If you really think about it, with Franklin, who is full of green, it is easier to choose to forgive than to forgive cheating.

I didn’t notice that Lao Bai’s wife was upright in words and deeds. She was so adamant in the beginning that she didn’t want the bad money, but in the end she still used the money Lao Bai earned through hard work to subsidize her lover’s boss.

The harm of family separation is evident.

The story behind PTSD is much more serious than cheating on a kid.

Once they tell about the anti-human things they have done abroad, as a human being, when hearing these things, besides disgust, anger, and fear, can there be love?

A family man can tolerate everything, but he must first be a person!

Is it still an individual who commits those acts against humanity?

Even they themselves knew it wasn't the case, otherwise they wouldn't be as nervous as if they were being haunted by an innocent ghost.

So they really don't dare to say it, and then the estrangement will naturally not be eliminated at all.

Even if the psychiatrist knew, he couldn't tell or dare to tell.

So at this time, the name of a disease that is like snake oil is extremely important.

Little Howard, who loved alien robots some time ago, called him an expert.

How glaring it would be if no one wrote a hospital code for his situation and directly described his condition loudly and objectively!

That is to say, that middle-aged black aunt nurse who has received professional training is well-informed and accustomed to it. Otherwise, how would ordinary people have the courage to describe little Howard's condition?

There are only codes that are exactly the same as other normal diseases, hidden in the names of these codes, which means hello to everyone.

"Did you think of something?"

Chuck ignored Amy Santiago Detective Mingwu's lament about why PTSD was invented, and looked at his youngest daughter Lucy who had a thoughtful expression and asked.


The youngest daughter Lucy quickly shook her head and looked away, not daring to look at Chuck.

"This is your sister, your father."

Chuck looked at her expressionlessly: "If their grievances cannot be appealed and their whereabouts cannot be found as soon as possible because you concealed some important information, it is your responsibility!"

"Lucy, if you know something, you must tell it."

Detective Amy Santiago walked over, half hugged the hesitant Lucy, and encouraged: "This is very important! Especially to your family!"

"I had a fight with my dad not long ago..."

The youngest daughter Lucy is just a girl after all. How can she withstand such questioning? She can no longer hold it in, her eyes are worried and remorseful.

"Why are you arguing?"

Chuck asked.

"A few months ago, my best friend Jenna told me that her uncle could pay hundreds of dollars each time he bought blood."

The youngest daughter Lucy said: "It sounds a bit unreliable, but that is my best friend. She said that her uncle knew what he was doing and ensured safety and reliability. I believed my best friend and thought it would be no big deal to try it once. She herself Also sold.

So I went with her and donated once, and I really got so much money. For us, this is a lot of pocket money.

And I met her uncle Elijah and talked with him during the blood donation process, and I learned that he purchased these to resell to the elderly.

According to him, those elderly people inject young people's blood to make themselves younger. "


Detective Amy Santiago was completely dumbfounded. She originally thought that after the Susan tragedy, nothing could shock her, but she obviously overestimated herself.

"Buying young people's blood injections to stay young? Is it true that there are vampires in our world like in movies and TV shows?"

"There are no vampires, at least there are no discoveries in this regard right now."

Chuck said calmly: "As for people who inject young people's blood to stay young, they are no different from vampires, except that they can't stay young, and it's more about psychological comfort."

"you know?"

Detective Amy Santiago looked at Chuck's calm eyes and said in disbelief: "Does this really exist?"

"Not only does it exist, it also exudes twisted vitality."

Chuck said expressionlessly.

"Did the Food and Drug Administration approve it? Did the Ministry of Health agree?"

Detective Amy Santiago demanded.

"of course not."

Chuck said bluntly: "The criminal law is full of the most profitable businesses. The more prohibited something is by the law, the higher the profits, and the more twisted and flourishing it is secretly, just like smuggling."

"Then your father found out you were selling blood and had a big fight with you?"

After Detective Amy Santiago was speechless, she looked at Lucy who stopped talking.


Lucy smiled bitterly and said: "My father is a special forces soldier and has very strong investigative skills. I used the money I earned from selling blood to buy what I wanted. When he saw it, he asked me about it. I couldn't hide it, so I told him. , he was very angry, and I was so scared at the time that I promised him not to do it again."

"Yet you went to sell blood again."

Chuck hit the nail on the head.


Lucy was silent for a moment, trying hard to explain: "I really didn't mean to make him angry, but I think it's nothing, and it can even be regarded as a kind act for the elderly who want to regain their youth.

And I heard from Jenna’s uncle Elijah that he only has very few customers who are willing to sell blood, so he can only serve those scattered customers on a small scale.

When he collects enough customers to have a stable supply every day, he will cooperate with the Galahad Institute! "

She became a little excited when she said this: "This is a non-profit organization dedicated to researching immortality..."

"Do you still believe in eternal life?"

Detective Amy Santiago was dumbfounded by the girl's deception.

"I do not believe."

Lucy explained: "But in the process of researching immortality, technology and medicine will inevitably make great progress, which is good for all of us. One day in the future, immortality or great progress in science and technology and medicine will really be achieved. Those of us who sell it will The blood bearer also has a share of credit, and these are not the things that moved me the most. Do you know what moved me the most and made me not listen to my father’s words and sell blood again?”


Detective Amy Santiago asked subconsciously.

"Your father works at the Galahad Institute!"

Chuck gave the answer directly.


Lucy nodded: "He works as a security guard in the institute, and Uncle Max is also there. Since they are willing to work there, why can't I participate?"

"Yeah, why not?"

Chuck said seriously.

"You think so too."

Lucy thought that Chuck agreed with her and was very happy: "I said that my father is very capable of investigating. He soon found out about me selling blood again, and we had a big quarrel with him again. That time, he was in a bad mood. I'm even more excited than the first time. I feel a little scared when I think about it now..."

"It's so miserable..."

Detective Amy Santiago looked at the girl Lucy who didn't understand why her father stopped her, and a thousand words turned into one sentence.

"Compared with whom?"

Chuck looked over expressionlessly.


Detective Amy Santiago was speechless for a moment.

In her eyes, the father of the deceased Susan was really miserable. First, his youngest daughter sold blood, but he refused to listen and sold her blood again and again.

Then it was discovered that the eldest daughter was taking drugs, and she was taken to the hospital after feeling unwell. It was nothing serious, but not only was she killed, but her organ transplant donation card was also forged. How could this be possible for a retired soldier who only has two daughters and also suffers from PTSD? Bear all this?

But when Chuck asked me this question, I remembered that the reason why this retired soldier suffered from PTSD was because he had committed many crimes against humanity in foreign countries that could not be told to others.

For those lives that were mutilated by him, the soldier's experience didn't seem so miserable.

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