American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 400 Little Sheldon screams: No! You returned my favorite train!

"I have a question. If it was really for the $5 million bonus, why didn't you take these guinea pigs away after killing someone?"

Detective Amy Santiago wondered.

"Come on! How many guinea pigs do you need!"

Detective Shenfan complained: "Although this is a university with no walls and anyone can enter, it would be too eye-catching to pack up all these guinea pigs and transport them away."

"More importantly, it will arouse the suspicion of the police."

Chuck nodded: "Even if you don't know about the Galahad Award at the beginning, you can still find yourself by following the clues of the guinea pig.

Therefore, the best way is to blame the God of War, kill Dr. Noah Fogel and Elijah Robinson, who are closest to success among the people and are likely to receive a 5 million bonus immediately, copy their research results, and accelerate own research progress. "

"There shouldn't be many of these participants, right?"

Detective Amy Santiago frowned and said, "Wouldn't it be easier for them to be detected if they do this?"

"It's more difficult to find out whether being shot eight times in the back was a suicide or a murder, right?"

Chuck said bluntly.


Detective Amy Santiago was speechless.

"Santiago, what Chuck means is that you are already a qualified detective."

Detective Shenfan smiled and said: "What seems to us to be simple cases are mostly unsolved cases for ordinary police detectives. In addition, there is the level of blaming God of War on them, so it is unlikely that they can be traced. That’s why they dare to be so arrogant!”

"is that so?"

After being stunned for a moment, Detective Amy Santiago looked at Chuck with infinite joy, looking forward to Chuck's answer.

"That's right."

Chuck nodded.

For ordinary police detectives, this case is probably just another accident that the animal protection organization likes to hear about, and they don't want to think too much about it.

Who doesn’t want to mess around?

According to their thinking, it is best to have them all be suicides and accidents. Just think about it, only one person is killed by a bullet every year, and the crime rate is the lowest in the world.

Or simply be an anarchist, where taxes are collected, money is distributed, and no work is done.

That's the most moisturizing.

The murderer took advantage of the uproar over the case of Dr. Edward Auster and framed the God of War, whose whereabouts are still unknown, and created a seemingly unexpected incident. This is enough for the NYPD to look up to!

What kind of bike do you want?


Detective Amy Santiago is that happy.

"Let the people in the evidence storage room pay attention tonight. If we can catch the person who stole these mice, we can learn more about the Galahad Prize researchers more quickly from the thieves."

Chuck reminded.

"Will someone really come here to steal these evidences?"

Detective Amy Santiago was surprised: "Are scientists so wild?"

"In their eyes, what a scholar does is not stealing."

Chuck pointed out the commonality of some scholars at home and abroad: "They just don't want Dr. Noah Fogel's research efforts to be in vain."

"How shameless!"

Detective Amy Santiago complained: "I'm just going to be there tonight to see who comes over."

Ordinary evidence is placed inside the police station. Without the brains and actions of Bai and the others in the American TV series Breaking Bad, and the crazy courage of the family heroes in The Fast and the Furious, they would not dare to raise it. The police station’s thoughts on stealing evidence.

But this time is special.

The evidence is not a dead thing, but a living thing, so it will not be placed in the police station, but will be placed in a pet shop that cooperates with the police. The security force is relatively weak, unless these biologists are as cowardly as Little Sheldon and the others. , otherwise there must be someone who wants to give it a try.

"I'll accompany you!"

The annoyed detective blurted out.

"Bring some dog food over there."

Chuck said bluntly: "It's a pet shop there. There must be many single dogs. They can't feed them enough with just this little dog food."

Detective Amy Santiago and Detective Shenfan looked at each other and quickly moved away.

When I left the Columbia campus, I was stopped by someone.

"Chuck, why are you here?"

Monica exclaimed in surprise.

"Come here for a case."

Chuck said something and looked at her: "Did you bring your gun?"

"Bring it!"

Monica quickly unzipped her handbag, revealing a delicate and compact lady's pistol, and raised the corners of her mouth: "Don't worry, I always have it with me."

"That's not true, is it?"

Detective Amy Santiago looked stunned.

“Is this being Texan?”

Detective Shenfan teased.

"There are 127 regular gun stores in the 5 boroughs of New York!"

Chuck said expressionlessly: "There are countless unlicensed guns in private. Monica is just a true New Yorker, not Texas at all."


Monica also knows Detective Shenfan and the others, and they are considered friends. She doesn't mind telling them more: "Chuck said New York is not suitable for raising big guys, otherwise he would definitely give it to me. I also think a pistol is practical and good-looking."

"Remember, when you need to use a gun, shoot decisively and kill the opponent first before talking about anything else."

Chuck warned.

"...Isn't that the case?"

Detective Shenfan complained.

They are the police, is it really okay to say this in front of them?

"Ok, I know."

Monica nodded and said that she had always remembered: "The United States only protects the human rights of the living, not the dead. When encountering an enemy, empty the magazine first. There is always a way to deal with the aftermath."


Detective Shenfan and Detective Amy Santiago were completely speechless.

That's the truth, but when it comes from a beautiful citizen like Monica, it feels so weird!

“Is college safe?”

Facing the weird looks from the two NYPD, Chuck asked bluntly.

"It's pretty safe."

Detective Amy Santiago smiled bitterly when she thought about the biologist who had just been eaten by so many white mice.

"The homeless people sitting there on the street can be targeted from behind with guns and shot in the head."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "In this kind of security situation, the university doesn't even have a wall. Anyone can come in directly. There are almost no surveillance cameras. The probability of being found out if you kill someone is so low. Walking in this kind of environment On the campus of one of the world's most famous universities, is there a better choice than carrying a gun with you, practicing American Iaijutsu, and being ready to empty the magazine at any time?"

"You are indeed the light of Texas! You are full of martial virtue!"

Detective Shenfan complained: "We pretend we didn't hear these words."

"You have misunderstood."

Monica zipped up the handbag again, and then explained with a smile: "Chuck is just teasing you. He asked me to practice the gun and carry it with me without forgetting it. That's not what he said at all."

"Then what did he say?"

Detective Amy Santiago wondered.

"The most important thing is not to protect yourself, but to protect the children."

Monica said seriously: "Ordinary shootings are no longer enough to move anyone. Only mass shootings of more than ten people occasionally make news. The environment is so bad and a large number of children gather on campus. Safety is the top priority. Heavy.

For example, I am Peggy's acting guardian.

If a gangster entered the school with a gun and committed a mass shooting, wouldn't I be able to kill the gangster immediately and save the lives of the children, including Peggy, as I am good at marksmanship and carry a gun with me?

I was a little repelled at first.

But when I thought about saving innocent lives and children at a critical moment, I figured it out.

As for the trouble of carrying a gun.

In fact, I have long been used to it, and I can handle bigger guns. "


Detective Amy Santiago opened her mouth. She always felt that Monica's topic was a bit crooked.

"We have something else to do, let's go first."

"Excuse me, farewell!"

The annoyed detective also winked and left.

"Did something happen again on the Columbia University campus?"

Monica watched them leave, frowning, and pulled Chuck inside: "Let's go meet Peggy first."

Chuck was fine for the time being, so he followed.

"I disagree!"

As soon as I entered Peggy's apartment, I heard Peggy's laughter and a cry of grief and anger: "Why don't you agree?"

"Peggy, look who's here?"

Monica held Chuck's hand and walked in, laughing loudly.

"Chuck, you're here."

Peggy turned around and saw that it was Chuck. Her eyes lit up and she said with a smile: "It just so happens that the website project cannot be completed ahead of schedule, but Sheldon wants to take the train and go out for fun. You said that as the only person in charge you designated, I should Shouldn’t I agree to his unreasonable request?”

"It shouldn't be!"

Chuck said to little Sheldon on the other end of the video: "Even if Peggy agrees, I don't agree!"


Little Sheldon mustered up the courage to shout out: "You are exploiting child labor!"

"It's not illegal!"

Chuck said bluntly: "Who told you to go on TV and say that you love the United States when you were in Texas? In the United States, child labor is not illegal no matter how you use it! Are you surprised or surprised?"

"Okay, stop teasing him."

Monica saw the corners of little Sheldon's mouth twitching and the corners of his eyes twitching, so she quickly smoothed things over: "Sheldon, why are you suddenly going to take the train, and where are you going?"


At the other end of the video, Little Sheldon's expression that was about to collapse temporarily stopped, but his eyes were blank when Monica asked this question.

"You don't know where you're going to take the train and why?"

Monica said in surprise.

"I just want to take the train and escape from all this!"

Little Sheldon was so aggrieved that even under the gaze of the big and small devils, he still screamed loudly like a volcano erupting.

That’s right!

He really has no destination, he just wants to get on his favorite little train and escape from the control of the big and small devils. Even if he cannot escape forever, at least it can temporarily soothe his soul.

After the big devil Chuck appointed the little devil Peggy to take charge of their research funding website project instead of Professor Alicia Harper, any of his suggestions could no longer be passed as they had been by constantly annoying Professor Alicia Harper. .

Everything must be carried out according to Peggy's wishes.

Only execute, do not accept rebuttal.

He felt like he was living like little Howard who was devoted to engineering.

Live like Howard Wolowitz! ! !

This is simply the biggest insult to his super genius IQ! ! !

So even though many of Peggy's suggestions did seem more feasible and the website project was progressing quickly and well, he was not at all as happy as when he first came up with the idea.


The word happy is too extravagant.

He didn't deserve it at all.

All he had was endless depression and torture.

It's a pity that the way he can influence others relies entirely on others to pity him and then compromise with him. When it comes to people like Peggy who don't pity him at all and compromise with him, he has nothing to do.

But no one said a word for him.

His little friend Leonard, and the little Howard whom he despises so much, no matter what the little devil makes is a perverse decision, he will always stand firmly on the devil's side.

Days like this really made him collapse.

Since he was unable to change the living environment according to his own wishes and could not adapt to this living environment, he dreamed more than once that he would get on his most beloved train and leave this hell on earth, away from these two big and small devils.

He has no destination.

He didn't need a destination, as long as the train started on time, he felt he could stay on it for the rest of his life.

"I disagree!"

The thing that scared little Sheldon the most happened. The big devil Chuck's voice sounded, and like the little devil Peggy, he vetoed his request.


Little Sheldon is a bit broken.

Even if he still can't leave in the end...but he must have an explanation!

"Because you don't know how often train accidents happen in the United States."

Chuck looked at him.

"I like trains the most. How could I not know the accident rate of trains?"

Young Sheldon retorted: "Maybe it's a little higher than an airplane, but the survival rate is completely unmatched by an airplane accident."

"You know that's just the official promotional number."

Chuck shook his head and said: "It's not real data! Are you sure you want to know the real data?"

"I advise you not to listen."

Peggy said with a smile: "Otherwise, your favorite train that can soothe your soul may leave you forever."

"I do not believe!"

Little Sheldon's eyes were a little hesitant, but after being looked at by Peggy's malicious eyes and facing the gaze of the big devil Chuck, he mustered up the courage and chose to believe in himself.


Chuck nodded: "Since you want to know, let me tell you that there are more than three accidents on American trains every day on average. Do you still want to take the train?"

"You said three times a month, right?"

Little Sheldon felt that he heard wrongly: "And it's a truck, right?"

"You heard that right."

Chuck said expressionlessly: "There are more than three accidents every day, and more than a thousand accidents a year. I can give you a folk statistical chart, using red dots to represent train accidents. Calculated in one year, the entire map of the United States is It was already covered with dense red dots.

If the years were added up, all train lines in the United States would be red.

You think that when taking a train, you arrive on time and safety comes first.

But the reality is that trains are never so punctual and may be hit by a hurried train at any time. Behind the train are all kinds of dangerous chemicals.

Safety is only ranked fourth in the train industry’s priority list.

Are you sure you want to take the train to escape from here? "


Little Sheldon looked into Chuck's eyes, trying to see traces of lies, but unfortunately, he couldn't see it at all, so in the end he let out the most heart-rending scream.

His favorite train!

It’s just gone!

Big Devil Chuck!

Why do you have to stare at me?

At this moment, his screams broke through the sky and penetrated time and space. As the sound echoed, it was as if there were several versions of himself in parallel time and space screaming with him.


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