American TV series Detective's Daily Life

Chapter 401 Monica’s baseball challenge, the female thief’s hell joke


Little Sheldon's screams still echoed, but the person in the video had long since disappeared.

The three of Chuck were not surprised at all. They all knew that the other party could not control his bladder again, so he screamed and went to the bathroom to try to regain control of his bladder.

"Is the train accident rate really that high?"

Peggy asked with a smile.

"That's how high freight trains are."

Chuck nodded.

"Ha ha."

Peggy had an expression on her face that I knew was like this, and she was so happy.

"You two do the same, why are you trying to scare him?"

Monica complained speechlessly: "If he wants to take the train, let him take it. It scares the child. It's so pitiful. He originally liked trains the most. In the future, not only will the greatest fun be gone, but also maybe It’s the biggest nightmare, and it’s probably going to be a train accident tonight.”

"I've given you advance warning."

Chuck said bluntly: "He asked for it."

Although passenger trains in the United States are not as weird as freight trains, there are still accidents. Little Sheldon is an important yin and yang point for Chuck to obtain assets, and Chuck does not allow him to do such dangerous things.

Unless he follows.

In this way, even if the car does overturn or various accidents occur, he will still have enough ability to bring little Sheldon out safely.

It is obvious that little Sheldon cannot feel this kind of concern, and even if you tell him, he will not appreciate it at all.

"Peggy, something happened again at the university."

Monica had no choice but to ignore poor little Sheldon and said to Peggy: "Chuck is here to investigate the case. Why does it feel like the university is getting more and more chaotic now? Fortunately, you are not like us At that time..."

After saying this, she noticed that both Chuck and Peggy were looking at her. She quickly stopped and said with a smile: "I mean like Rachel, when she and Peggy were the same age, they wanted to go to the seniors' homes all day long. I went to various parties on the university campus, and it didn't feel so chaotic at that time. Otherwise, if you were like this, I would definitely go crazy and die."

"That's it Missy."

Peggy said with a smile: "I told my family that I was going to spend the night at my best friend's house. My best friend told her parents that I was going to spend the night at Missy's house. In fact, the party we went to together was a party organized by a college fraternity."


Monica exclaimed: "Who told you? You must not imitate her!"

"Alcohol damages my nerves and lowers my IQ."

Peggy raised her eyebrows and said: "And those idiots who only know how to drink and giggle, do you think I will talk to them?"

"That's true!"

Monica breathed a sigh of relief.

Young Sheldon and Peggy are only a few months apart, so Young Sheldon's twin sister Missy is only a few months older than Peggy.

But Missy went to a party on a college campus, and although she was shocked, she didn't feel too nervous.

This was due to the fact that they were not that close, and also because she had met Missy and could tell at a glance that Missy was still a child. Even if she went to a college fraternity party, she would not dare to take the initiative unless all those people were drunk and passed out. To mess with Missy.

That's a real crime!

But Peggy was different.

Although she is still a few months younger than Missy, she has developed earlier and has become a bit like a girl. She puts on a little heavy makeup and shows off her college student card at night. Others can really think of her as a girl. For college students.

If Peggy had that idea, there would be plenty of people willing to take her away.

As an acting guardian, after almost a year of getting along day and night, she already had the feeling of a real guardian, and she couldn't bear the possibility of this imagination.

"What have you been busy with lately?"

When Monica went out to take out the trash, Peggy looked at Chuck: "I rarely come to Mona anymore. Is there a new experimental subject?"


Chuck raised his decorative glasses and didn't hide anything: "Keep an eye on little Sheldon for me, especially if it's a death-defying thing like taking a train, you must inform me in advance!"

"You value Sheldon very much."

Peggy's eyes narrowed: "It feels like you value me more than you value me!"

"You are different."

Chuck said bluntly: "You are wise, he is rude."

"My IQ is 187!"

Little Sheldon, who had regained control of his bladder, came over. When he heard this, he couldn't help but put away his mask of pain because his favorite train was completely destroyed by Chuck, and shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Who isn't!"

Peggy glanced at him with a smile: "Who here is lower than 187?"


Little Sheldon looked at the little devil Peggy, and then at the big devil Chuck, the mask of pain on his face became more and more obvious.

"How was my fight?"

Peggy ignored him and just looked at Chuck expectantly.

"Very good! Come on!"

Chuck looked at Little Sheldon, but his consciousness was looking at the system, and he said sincerely.

Fight against Little Sheldon, and if Little Sheldon reacts unpleasantly, he will be rewarded with double yin and yang points.

When others criticize Little Sheldon, Little Sheldon reacts unpleasantly, and associates this criticism with Chuck and feels that it is related to Chuck. The system also has double rewards of yin and yang points.

The effect of Peggy's confrontation with Little Sheldon is second only to Chuck's personal confrontation.


Little Sheldon looked at the big and small devils with grief and anger.

"Go to work!"

Peggy said something and hung up the video on her own initiative, then smiled at Chuck and said, "Pay more attention to Mona when you have time. You also know her situation. You haven't been looking for her much recently. She can't be seen from the outside. What, but the sleepwalking got worse at night.”

Seeing Chuck looking at her, she smiled and said, "I know it was me, but the starting point was not for you."

"I see."

Chuck glanced at Monica, who was working there and exuding a happy atmosphere, and nodded to indicate that he had taken note of it.

Monica was unable to keep up with the progress of Chuck's scientific experiments. Peggy took the initiative and secretly hypnotized Monica. Although it allowed Chuck to conduct the control group experiment, it also left Monica with the root of her illness.

Last time Jane was almost frightened to death by her sleepwalking state.

Especially when she just encountered a case in which an Eskimo sister killed her best friend afterwards, the feeling of fear was so strong that Jane deliberately avoided Monica and would rather choose to be a classmate with the new Texas girl Lisa, not wanting to open her eyes and see Monica stood in front of her stupidly.

Although Monica's brain deliberately downplayed these memories in order to protect itself, the negative emotions of being treated in this way remained to some extent.

As soon as Chuck was busy, she had more free time, which inevitably made her whole subconscious anxious, and this unconscious sleepwalking state became more and more uncontrollable.

"what do you know?"

When Monica walked in, she heard Chuck say this and immediately asked with a smile.

"Chuck said he would come to your game."

Peggy laughed.


Monica said in surprise: "Did you follow what he said?"

After saying this, she looked at Chuck: "Actually, it's just an ordinary amateur baseball game. If you're busy, you don't have to come here specially."

"Mona, that's not what you told me before."

Peggy broke the ground and said: "Isn't this a battle of honor? Are you gritting your teeth and saying that you must convince the other party?"

"I was exaggerating before."

Monica said sheepishly: "Sil and I are just having a discussion, it's not that exaggerated."

"Isn't it an exaggeration to invite all your friends to join you, find three new friends you don't know well to help out, form a team of nine, and force them to train every day?"

Peggy said amusedly.


Chuck looked at Monica.

"A golfing friend I just met."

Monica explained helplessly: "She is a baseball player and has a bad temper, so I thought about competing with her."

"Then let's have a good discussion!"

Chuck already had a picture in his mind, nodded and said, "I will go and see it then."

With Monica's MAX competitive character, she must have met Hill, who had a bad temper. The two had a quarrel, and then Monica, who only played rugby in her spare time, gave up her advantage and had to learn to play baseball again. To defeat the opponent.


Monica was excited.

She didn't mention letting Chuck join her team, because everyone knew the strength of Detective Chuck, and it was impossible for the other party to let him play.

Even if you succeed in motivating the general with words and win afterwards, the other party will still have strange words to say, so the joy of victory will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, Monica would rather choose to lead a group of scumbags and challenge these veterans as beginners, and make the other party convinced of their defeat.

She had already informed all her friends who could be informed, and was waiting to cheer her up when the time came to witness her victory. She just saw that Chuck was busy and did not bother him for such a small matter.

Of course, there was another person who she didn't notify, but who called her uninvited and said that she would definitely go to cheer for her cousin, and kept encouraging her not to give up her advantage to learn and play baseball, but to Let Hill play women's rugby with her.

All-female lineup!

Regular rugby uniform!

He is willing to subsidize the money for these team uniforms even though he is selling everything!

That’s right!

This person is her little cousin Howard who was completely led astray by her elder brother.

As for why he is so positive?

Just look at the uniforms worn by the US women's rugby team.

Even if Howard is killed, she won't dress like that!

That night.

Chuck chose to stay.

He is not the kind of person who talks all the talk. Since he said he would support Monica, he would cheer her up with practical actions.

The next day.

As soon as I got to work, the annoying police detective called me: "Haha, Chuck, come here quickly, we caught a stupid thief last night! Are all female biologists so funny?"

"Tell me the situation first!"

Chuck reminded.

"Chuck, we listened to you yesterday and laid an ambush near the guinea pig evidence at night. Late at night, we actually saw a car approaching."

Detective Amy Santiago grabbed the phone and introduced: "I stopped near the pet store. After waiting for a while, a sneaky figure got out of the car. He was wearing a hoodie and could only be seen to be a woman. .

Then we saw her open the trunk, take out a package from inside, hide in the corner, and take out a lighter. We were all shocked at the time and thought it was a terrorist attack. We quickly wanted to get out of the car and draw our guns, ready to rush down, but unfortunately it was already too late. late. "

"Bang! Bang bang! Bang bang bang!"

Detective Shenfan smiled and simulated: "The tongues of flames shot straight into the sky at that time, it was so gorgeous!"

"It turns out she wasn't setting off dynamite, but lighting fireworks."

Detective Amy Santiago was dumbfounded: "Do you know why she did this?"

"Tune the tiger away from the mountain."

Chuck shook his head and said: "It's a pity that this method is too stupid. Don't say that the security guards inside have been reminded in advance. Even if they are not reminded, when they hear such a sound, their first reaction will definitely be to lock the door directly. They will not do it at all." Go out and see what’s going on so she can take advantage of it.”

"Haha! You're right!"

Detective Shenfan laughed: "The security guard reacted much faster than us and immediately closed the door and locked it. When we rushed over to take her down, we discovered that there was an accident when this funny female biologist actually lit a fire.

There was something wrong with the fuse of the fireworks I bought, so I had to tear them apart and light the shorter fuse in the first section. As a result, I even burned my hands.

We arrested her and had to take her to the hospital for treatment first. Only then did we realize that she was really smart and planned to use fireworks to lure out the security guards, and then take the opportunity to go in and steal the guinea pig. "

"Chuck, guess why she has such funny ideas?"

The annoyed detective saw that Chuck was calm on the other end of the phone, with no surprises or laughter, and felt a little unhappy.

"She has most likely been to the other side of the ocean."

Chuck said seriously.

"Holy shit!"

Detective Shenfan screamed in shock: "How did you guess that?"

When he knew the reason at the time, he was stunned. He didn't expect it to be the reason at all. He didn't expect that Chuck would report it in one breath.

"The average American would not use this method when they want to divert a tiger away from the mountain."

Chuck explained: “Only if you have been to the other side of the ocean, lived on the other side of the ocean, and participated in the New Year, can you have this kind of thinking that is very different from the average American.

Otherwise, she should have thought that when the fireworks went off, what was waiting for her was not the security guard coming out to watch the fireworks, but the security guard lowering the welded iron door.

Fortunately this was New York and she only hurt her hand.

In Chicago, the results would be completely different. "

"How to say?"

Detective Amy Santiago wondered.

“In New York and Chinatown, we’re not too unfamiliar with fireworks and stuff like that.”

Chuck said expressionlessly: "If you let it go, let it go, but if you are in Chicago and there is a Chicago Typewriter, you can set off fireworks on other people's property and be heard as the sound of the Chicago Typewriter. It will cause a gang war at any time."

She who set off fireworks might have died from a stray bullet.

Of course, it is more likely that she did not have time to reach this point after returning to China. On the first night after returning to China, she heard the sound of a typewriter in Chicago. She did not adjust to the jet lag and thought she was on the other side of the ocean. Set off fireworks, come out quickly to watch, and then there will be no more. "


Detective Amy Santiago's mouth twitched.

What kind of hellish joke is this!

But if you think about it carefully, why do you think the logic is self-consistent?

According to the arrested female biologist, she did go to the other side of the ocean for academic exchanges. At the beginning of the Chinese New Year, the sound of fireworks exploding all over the city almost scared her to death.

After I got used to it, I happily went out to watch the gorgeous fireworks blooming everywhere.

After watching too much, she didn't know why she thought of using fireworks to scare the tiger away from the mountain, but she forgot that this was not the other side of the ocean.

No one will come out to watch the fireworks.

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